Chapter 82: I Could've Sworn That Was It...
The next thing I knew, I was dragged over to Oled's workshop.
"Here we are, boy!" [Oled]
He placed me down softly. After giving me another scan with his eyes, he started grinning ear to ear.
"Just wait 'till those old farts hear of this." [Oled]
"Um… What's happening?" [Solace]
Oled took a look at Solace and pointed downwards.
"Stay here. I'll be right back." [Oled]
Heading in the back of his workshop, I simply stood there with a puzzled look on my face.
("Should I just leave?") [Solace]
With nothing much to do, I took a look around the workshop.
("Hm… This place is pretty fantasy-like.") [Solace]
Crates with materials that I have never seen, hammers, anvils, a… furnace? I couldn't really tell since I've never seen one before, but I was making a guess since it was a hole with fire in it.
("Woah! Very fantasy-like!") [Solace]
I saw a wall covered in weapons. Swords, maces, hammers, shields, and more. It was the epitome of a man's dream. I reached out to grab one of them, but Oled yelled at me.
"Hey! No touching!" [Oled]
Here came the dwarf. He waddled out with a strange hammer in hand. It was shaped somewhat like a large tooth, with a few golden rings wrapped around it.
"Can't I hold it for just a second?" [Solace]
"No! That is unfinished work! I don't want yer Spal-gaggin' hands ruining it!" [Oled]
"...Spal-gaggin'?" [Solace]
Oled moved over to the materials crate and pulled out some kind of rock looking thing. He then proceeded to rub his hammer with it like it was a whetstone.
"What's with the hammer?" [Solace]
"I'm polishing it!" [Oled]
"...You're not going to hit me with that, are you?" [Solace]
Oled froze.
"So? Is there a problem with me doing that?" [Oled]
"There is! I don't want to be hit!" [Solace]
"What?!" [Oled]
Pointing his hammer at me, he waved a fist.
"I'll have you know I'm perfecting you!" [Oled]
"X to doubt." [Solace]
"...Huh?" [Oled]
I hit him with a term used in my previous world, leaving him completely speechless.
"Doesn't matter. I'm going to make you into my masterpiece! Now, take off yer clothes." [Oled]
"...Yeah, no." [Solace]
I'm just going to say, I felt like a kid going to a church. A church with a… really really weird priest. Only a few people will get that though.
"C'mere!" [Oled]
"No!" [Solace]
Oled chased me with his hammer raised high. Luckily, I was faster since he had shorter legs.
"Wait!" [Oled]
I could see him running out of breath quickly. He didn't have much stamina for running, but I could say he was damn strong.
"I'll wait if you wait!" [Solace]
"Deal!" [Oled]
We both stopped running.
("...I can't believe that worked.") [Solace]
I stood there, staring at Oled wheezing as he tried to regain his breath.
"Mind explaining about the masterpiece part? Otherwise I'll think of you as an insane serial killer." [Solace]
Slowly regaining his breath, Oled fixed his posture.
"First of all, I don't know what a serial killer is. Second, yer a living weapon. Third, yer incomplete. That's why I'm gonna fix ya up myself." [Oled]
"...Elaborate on me being a living weapon." [Solace]
Oled raised a hand.
"I have a skill called |Weapon Handling|. It allows me to see a weapon's attributes and skills. When I punched ya, I made enough contact to see yer status." [Oled]
"Oh. Wait, how much did you see?!" [Solace]
"Yer level and a few skills. I have to say, ya had too many for me to read." [Oled]
"Okay… So let me get this straight. You want me to let you hit me with a hammer, so you can make me into a perfect weapon?" [Solace]
Oled nodded his head.
"What's in it for you?" [Solace]
"Nothing much…" [Oled]
He averted his gaze.
"Nah, you definitely have something." [Solace]
Oled started whistling.
"I'm not letting you near me with that hammer if you don't tell me." [Solace]
"Agh! Damn it! Fine! I want to show those old fogeys that I made a living weapon too!" [Oled]
"Too? Also, who are these… "Old fogeys"?" [Solace]
"None a' yer business." [Oled]
I ran through all the fantasy stories in my mind to come to a conclusion of what was happening.
"Ah. I see. So you're talking about the dwarf elders that had the accomplishment of making living weapons. In which case, you also want to be seen at the same level, correct?" [Solace]
Oled gave me an astonished look.
"I… can't even tell you how wrong ya even are…" [Oled]
And now that is in my dark history.