Reborn As Naruto's Refrigerator

Chapter 9: First Contact

Naruto has been progressing quite well lately. He's been off training with Jiraiya-sensei, working on controlling his chakra and perfecting his Rasengan. I've been watching from a distance while I do my own intel on this supposed threat called "The Akatsuki."

These bad guys seem to be the bigger issue here, so I haven't had time to pinpoint Sasuke's whereabouts. I've stationed myself in a vacant field near the Leaf Village. I've been sitting here under this tree, pretending to be a piece of junk for months now, only sneaking out when the coast is absolutely clear.

I haven't had a call from that voice that was speaking to me back in Naruto's house. I really hope I wasn't hallucinating. Even so, it's motivated me to become much stronger, and that can only be a good thing!

Lately, I've been sneaking in and out of the Leaf Village with some food from the local markets. I make sure to take the oldest stuff and leave the fresh food for the people here. I can't physically consume anything, but the scent and taste I experience from keeping food inside my body is one of my last true connections to my past life.

I've been feeding this squirrel who's been sniffing around the area the past few days. He seems to like the food I bring, so I try to use that to justify my obvious criminal activity.

"Hey, buddy!" I said, opening my door to offer him a meal.

This is the closest I'll get to a real connection because I'm definitely not counting that creepy guy I met at the Valley of the End. I can still feel his or… its… presence, like I'm constantly being watched. It's made sleeping incredibly difficult, but I feel an obligation to stay out of the village and keep watching from this tree. There aren't many jonin around here, and perhaps they're abstaining from the area because this field is so open that nobody would dare to cross it in an attempt to sneak in. However, I know what I saw that night. That guy, that creature, I don't know what it was, but it could slip its body into the ground and disappear in an instant. That's why I'm staying here, it feels like a blindspot and I won't let this Akatsuki group get a chance to take advantage of it.

"Ah… I do love this cool breeze and the shade from the tree." I exclaimed, stretching my arms out (figuratively) and yawning (also figuratively), "This life ain't half-bad. I could get used to this. Just me, a tree, and this silly little squirrel."

"Who you callin' 'silly,' punk?" the squirrel suddenly yelled.

"Wha-... Did that…?"

"Yea, yea, I did just speak! Now what's with the name calling?!"

"Wait, wait, wait, you can hear me?!"

"Of course I can, we animals operate differently. Nature energy guides us and we can communicate with the world in ways humans can't."

"Hmm, that makes sense. I've been experiencing something similar, and it's safe to say I'm not a human, at least not in this world."

The squirrel pulled out a scroll and grabbed one of my cords, using it to inscribe "Appliance-chan" onto the unravelled sheet.

"Appliance?! Not even Refrigerator?! Better yet, can I just have a real name?!"

"Listen, kid. I got things to do. The boss wants me back in time for the new recruit. Some nutjob from the Hidden Grass Village thinks he has what it takes to become a Squirrel Sage."

"A Squirrel… Sage?"

"Just concentrate your chakra on this scroll if you need anything, it'll signal me and I can reverse-summon you to my base or transport myself to your location. Gotta go! Thanks for the food!"


The squirrel disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

I'd say I was shocked, but honestly, this might have been one of the more normal things to have happened to me since I woke up in this universe.

Still, it's quite interesting to see the extent of the ecosystem in this world. I had known of Naruto's toad summonings, and just the other week in the village, I heard Sakura discussing something about slugs in Shikkotsu Forest with Lady Tsunade. There are so many mysteries I have yet to uncover. I wonder if I'll get to see them all… how long does a refrigerator live? What's the depreciation like on my model? I should be fine as long as I keep honing my chakra and this other special power I have inside me.

Later that day, I snuck back into the village for a brief moment to get some more food, in hopes of seeing my squirrel friend again the next morning. I wonder if squirrels like ramen?

"Gah! Another week, another pointless reconnaissance mission," a voice said in the distance, "and I can't stand that guy they paired me up with!"

I tried to hide myself but I forgot I was a refrigerator. I just gotta lay low and pretend to be junk. It's never let me down, the age-old tactic: Play dead.

A mysterious individual in a cloak walked by and gave me an odd glance. I couldn't see much, just the moonlight glaring off his slicked back hair and the giant weapon on his back. I hadn't seen anything like it before. But, to be fair, I hadn't seen much of anything else before in my past life.

"What's this?" he said, licking his lips.

Blood was running down the side of mouth as he spoke. What was this guy? A vampire? Do they have those in this universe too? I can't even see his eyes, just that creepy smile. Just play dead, play dead, play dead. Just a boring old refrigerator, nothing suspicious.

"I'm no sensory-type ninja, but something about this giant household appliance seems pretty powerful." he muttered in an inquiring tone, "Could this be a sign from you, Lord?"

Oh, come on! I'm a refrigerator! Is Naruto the only person on this planet with a refrigerator?!

"Whatever the case…urgh…" he stabbed himself, "the leader's going to want to see this, and I'd might as well bring something back after ditching my partner ."

I felt an unbelievably strong presence emitting from his body. He pulled out his weapon and, in one strike, I was completely immobilized. I thought I was supposed to be powerful. Am I still useless towards humans? Am I still just a bystander in this world?

In seconds, I began to lose consciousness. It was as if I was bleeding out. I have to use that… scroll. I… have to… call… for… h…

When I had finally woken up, I was suspended in the air. The area, which was adorned with stone pillars and ancient sigil-like markings, seemed to be some sort of temple—or the ruins of one. Dark shadowy figures circled my body, each sitting atop one of the stone structures. With my chakra slowly depleting, I had never felt so weak in my life. This was worse than nausea or dehydration. I could sense the life leaving my body. Barely able to make out the surrounding environment as my vision continued to blur, I took one last glimpse before losing consciousness once more.

A towering sculpture stood before me, bearing the shape of a giant humanoid creature. Mummified features made up its appearance with shackles on its wrists and ankles. The supposed leader of the group in my midst spoke. A deep, commanding voice…

"The extraction will take a considerable amount of days. However, this newfound energy will expedite our plans. Soon, we shall bring forth justice in this failing world and usher in a new era of true peace. For that… is the ultimate goal of the Akatsuki."

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