Reborn as an undead lord

Chapter 81: Day 46 the vampire elders

They got to the Eclipse Hollow it was 17:00 they got to the gate and Delilah when to the front and told the gate keepers that they where an envoy from the kingdom of freedom here to see the elders council. Yes we where told about your arrival there a gentleman waiting for your arrival he will guide you to the castle of the elders council.

Once in the gate there an older gentleman waiting for them hello to the envoy of the kingdom of freedom I am Magnus I will take you to the elders council. As he walk with the envoy they are some beautiful bicorns yes they are my king love bicorns for there strength and beauty. Most royal families choose unicorns,pegasus, or pure breed horses. That very usually my king is a very usually. Once they got to the castle the carriage stop and all of a sudden 10 danmed soldiers in there finest appear and line up at the carriage the one riding shotgun got down and help the lady's out of the carriage. Then when Colt got out the danmed soldiers stand at attention. And filed in behind Colt they walk into the the old throne room they where met by the 5 clan elders. The oldest one welcome them I am Vlad I am the oldest of the elders. I welcome the representatives of the kingdom of freedom. Everyone bow but Colt it good to see you in good health count Vlad. Princess Ambrosia it is good to see you to it been 200 years here have you been I was betrayed and trapped in a dungeon I was found by humans. But that did not know was a princess then my king bought me and make me his concubine. Are you planning to become our queen no I will not I am the concubine to my king and that all. And this human is your king he not that powerful. One of the other counts we could just kill him and make princess Ambrosia our new queen are you stupid Lazarus? He have 5 succubus sevants and the princess can you not sense the power coming off of Ambrosia. He is suppressing is power is he trying to fool us no Vlad answered there no fluctuation in his power that means he must always suppress his power. Count I am here on your request I am not here prove or disprove my power. You are right king Colt there alot happened in this kingdom revolts, questioning it the line of succession, terrorists attacks, disputes about territory, and other kingdom trying to cause chaos in our kingdom. Tomorrow all the duke's and count will be having a meeting I would like you to be there king Colt and princess Ambrosia. Count Vlad I am not going to become queen or leave king Colts side do you understand me. Princess Ambrosia you are the next in line for the throne. I did a bloodbond with king Colt I am his sevant and is my master. Count Vlad just look at her were you force to no grandfather it was my decision. Are you truly happy yes very well. I think that is enough for now everyone agrees. King Colt would you be willing to join me for dinner Vlad ask. Colt look at Ambrosia she knoted yes count Vlad I would be honored. Colt and party follow Vlad out of the throne room to the dining hall. So king Colt tell me about your kingdom it still small 6 villages, one town, one city with a harbor and then the capital city. And about 25,000 people. What race is you kingdom. There no race all races are welcome and are equal. Do you kingdom have any specialty for exporting we have copper, silver, gold, iron, opal, and mithril mines. Your kingdom is very luck most kingdoms do not have all of that even the realm do not have all of that. After dinner Colt and party was shown to the guest quarters they where giving after getting settled in Ambrosia ask Colt if he wants to go to the city and look around.

We can let me get charged and then we can go. Ambrosia charge from a gown to a gothic steampunk dress with thigh high black boots. Colt charge into a nice pair of black pants,black shirt and black boots. Colt and Ambrosia walk though the city looking at every then they found a street auction of slaves all females. Colt was surprised they all look healthy. Colt do not let the way they look fool you they may look healthy but they are suffering. Why ask Colt because they are use as food vampires buy them to suck their blood. Most vampire will use female slaves as food and sex slaves. And the male slaves for physical labor. Some vampire will drink every drop out of a female killing her it a painful and slow way to go. And others will make the bite hurt as much as possible. So that why when you do it it does not hurt. Yes there ways to do it that does not hurt and ways it is extremely painful. As they are at the auction a beautiful young girl was bought out Ambrosia ask Colt buy her she is a half breed she a rare find. Colt won the auction 10 gold coins after the auction was over Ambrosia use her power to summon a familiar to take the new slave back to there room. They continue to look though the market Colt notice there was some food stall that said vampire only he ask Ambrosia because they use blood in there cooking. There was a fight up ahead and a vampire was beating a young girl up. Colt got in the middle when he heard the young girl say sir not master. The vampire was going to slap her hard when Colt intervene. That not how any man should handled hisself. Who are you I just a man that do not like when people pick on the weak. So you are not her master and etherth are you it is sounds so you should not be hitting her. She nothing but livestock the vampire shouts. Where I am from attacking someone else livestock and injuring it is punishable by death. Do you know who I am a little boy that do not know how to control hisself. He elongated the nails on his hands and trying attacking Colt. Colt step aside grab the vampire by the back of the head and slammed him down to the ground. And have him pin when the city guard got there. When the captain of the guard seen who cause all the trouble he knew it was going to be trouble until he seen Ambrosia. As soon as he look at Ambrosia he dropped to a knee princess Ambrosia. She look at him Benjamin it is good to see you again. She look at Colt she noticed that Colt was cut she ran over to him my love your face it just a nick. That not the issue here your blood is the issue she luck the blood off of Colt and it healed. Captain Benjamin with your sword removed this boys hands before he dies. Before he dies does that means yes my love have poison blood. Stit then Benjamin cut both hands off the boy he screaming out loud. Princess Ambrosia his father is a count let his father know that he attack a king of a different kingdom that has poison blood and that he is lucky my love do not like killing the weak. I will inform his father have a good evening princess. Colt and Ambrosia left and continued looking around there was a wine shop there was alot of fine wine Colt bought 30 bottles for about 100 gold coins. Then Colt and Ambrosia when to a slave trader there was alot of female slaves one in particular caught Colts eye she looked like a harpy. She have the body of a human but on her arms she have feathered wings attached. A sales man came up she is a rare find she is a canary demi-human. They are very rare and they have beautiful voices she is one platinum coin. A platinum coin I never heard of one they are very valuable a platinum coin is equivalent to 100,000 gold coins. Colt and Ambrosia left the slave trader Ambrosia do you want to go for a fly. What are you planning so I am thinking to fly east about one hour and when we are outside the vampire kingdom territory I will use a teleport crystal and place a teleport gate. And you will get the 100,000 gold coins yes how did I know let's go. Once they here outside the vampire kingdom territory Colt use a teleport crystal and make a gate.

Then Colt when though it and went to the treasury and took 200,000 gold coins out. And when back to Ambrosia you ready yea let's go. Colt and Ambrosia flew back to Eclipse Hollow. Once back Colt when back to the slave trader Ambrosia yes my love dhampirs they have to be bonded to a high ranking vampire or they will go mad is that correct my love and they are always female yes my love. Colt was met by a different sales man can I help you sir yes I would like to look at your dhampirs. Right this way we currently have 5 they are all 18 years old they never have a master yet but they have be raised to be excellent sevants. How much 2,000 gold coins and do you still have the canary demi-human? Yes will you take 100,000 gold coins instead of a platinum coin. Yes sir we will gladly do that good I will take her too. Is there anything else. Yes Ambrosia say do you have any familiars like cat, bat,rat, dog,or owl yes many they are a silver coin apiece. Ambrosia do you have any no how many can you have 250,000 small 50,000 medium,and 5,000 large. Do you have any owlbears, Almiraj, cranium rats,or pseudodragons? Yes the Almiraj and cranium rats are 50 silver coins and the owlbears and pseudodragons are 1 gold coin. We will take 2,500 pseudodragons ,2,500 owlbears, 25,000almiraj, 25,000 cranium rats, 50,000 bats, 50,000 rats , 50,000 cats,50,000 dogs,and 50,000 owls.So for everything it will be 117,750 gold coins. After paying and Ambrosia got all her familiars then the dhampirs and the canary demi-human. Came over the dhampirs did not have anything restraints on but the canary demi-human have a gag,her hands cuffed behind her back and shackles on her feet. After they leave Colt when to the canary demi-human and ungag her what your name it is Sofia. Sofia I am going to leave you ungag and I an going to remove your shackles and you are going to behave yes master. They continue to the castle once in there chamber Colt put a slave collar on Sofia then he uncuffed her so now what master it is simple you will sing Colt answer. Is that all you want from me yes. Ambrosia I am going to bed once you get your dhampirs

situated come to bed okay I will.

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