Chapter 7: Rough and Tough
A yelp of pain filled the air as an escrima stick slapped hard into the meat of Izuku's thigh, making him lunge forward while his tormentor simply skipped back and to the left, delivering a double stick strike right to his bottom which echoed off the walls from the force in the swing. He shouted in pain and frustration as he reached out to grab the minx which had been tormenting him, lashing out every which way to land a blow while his torso was scattered with deep, purple bruises that hurt right down to the bone.
He was actually trying to hurt her at this point, manners be damned, if only to get her to stop hitting him. She wasn't slowing down and every attack was masterfully done, moving faster then he could track, sometimes she'd dart out of his field of view and hit from behind or rush up from under him. The girl managed to pin him a total of four times and she had complete control despite the size and weight difference between them.
She'd squirm and move, putting weight on exactly where it needed to be to leave him vulnerable and unable to retaliate until he eventually bucked her off with sheer brute force. They had been at this for two hours straight and the girl had barely broken a sweat, in fact she seemed to enjoy it...really enjoy it.
"Come on Greenie, you can't hit me standing over there~"
Her voice was like that of a giddy child playing with some lost puppy, complete with the sing-song tone that bordered on a high pitched "baby talk", which absolutely infuriated him to no end and she fucking knew it.
He huffed and puffed in an attempt to catch his breath, his endurance was fine, but he wasn't at all used to such explosive movement that had him shifting every which way in order to just try and hit his target. The escrima sticks in his hands felt like lead, his fingers barely able to keep them upright while he kept her directly in his view, not taking his eyes off her for a second since he knew that would just result in another blindsided attack.
"W-Why don't you come closer and find out?"
He said almost as a slur.
She grinned mischievously at him, much like a cat who cornered a mouse which was made more literal due to the fangs poking through the spreading part of her lips. Expertly she twirled one of the sticks in her hand, the weapon making a 360 degree rotation effortlessly as she caught it in midair. The sudden motion of which made him flinch. The woman who had invited him into her home twice now gestured to his neck as if to tear it out.
"Ah, you getting all tuckered out over there? You just a big dopey manbaby, ain't ya? Why don't I just lift up my shirt and let ya suckle at my tits for a while?"
Mockingly she put the finger to her chin as if to ponder something before tossing one of the implements into the air and catching it.
"Oh right because you don't get to walk away from a fight without either winning or dying."
Slowly she approached him, a slight sway which bobbed left and right following into her hips as he immediately began to circle in the opposite direction to keep as much distance between them as possible. Still she smiled with all of the mirth of a sadistic teacher with both of the sticks extended at her sides.
"All you need to do is just tap me once with one of your rods and then we can call it a day. So far I've hit you... 238 times already and you've hit me a big, whole-"
She made an oval shape with her middle finger and thumb while holding on to the blunt weapon.
"-zero times in two hours."
A click of the tongue happened next as the former criminal gave a somewhat kinder smile, one that after such long abuse almost made Izuku drop his guard when she spoke.
"However your footwork is getting better and you're actually learning some striking combos which are better than you first were, so kudos to you there Greenie."
Izuku couldn't help the chuckle that erupted from his mouth at the compliment while the two of them continued to skirt each other like sharks.
"T-Thanks, do I get a reward for being such a good boy?"
Himiko put a finger to her chin once more, this time in a more meaningful manner before she turned her head and made direct eye contact with him.
"You wanna suck on my tits?"
Blush instantly crawled up the entirety of his face as his mind tried to comprehend what he was just offered, causing him to stumble back into a table.
She lunged forward the instant his guard was down and made a blow directed right at his eyes which Izuku quickly raised up his laggy arms in an attempt to block, only to pause when the tip of the other stick tapped gently, with no force at all practically, on his windpipe.
Looking directly down he could see her golden eyes staring up at him, assured in the indisputable fact that his wellbeing was utterly in her control, granting her all of the power in this situation.
"Make sure you don't get distracted by stuff like that, because that's a good way to lose your life. So make sure you're thinking with this head-"
She tapped him lightly on the skull.
"- and not this head."
With a quick push of her hand, she slipped past the line of his belt and stuck her palm inside his pants, grabbing his balls and squeezing ever so softly while pressing the weapon deeper to his windpipe, making him wince in pain and shock.
"Because the next gal you run into might just decide to take it with her, capiche?"
There was a slight twist below his belt which sent the point well beyond home and had him nodding like he was about to perish, hoping against all hope that this would not become a live demonstration of such a thing. She grinned evilly at him, enjoying every moment of power this gave and watched the squirming expressions on his face yet that soon faded when there came a look she knew too well.
His fear had overtaken him, meaning he wasn't going to fight for at least another couple of hours until it faded. Disappointed by the end of her fun, she let go knowing that this was all her fault for pushing a bit too hard. As such she allowed her hand to travel slowly up and out so he could hopefully enjoy the sensation as recompense for her ruining their game.
Yet to the man's credit he still found the courage to speak which was admirable for someone like him.
"P-Please don't say that was my reward."
Annoyance burned ripe her eyes, causing him to flinch a bit and put a hand over his groin instinctively. She extended a hand over his scalp, brushing aside a few locks of green curly hair while a mild guilt played out in her soul. Briefly she cocked her head to the side, causing him to parrot the action in order to keep track of her eyes like one would a dangerous animal. There came a slight pop from her lips as she regarded him.
"You still wanna suck on my tits?"
He flinched backwards at this, getting his back against the wall while she was less than a foot away from him.
"I, what!? No! I just wanna sit down and take a break!"
She raised an eyebrow at him, doing her best poker face like it was the most normal and serious thing ever said in her life.
"So you don't want to feel me up? I'm ugly, is that it? Is that what you're trying to tell me right now?"
Had it not been for the two painful hours of conditioning he underwent, he most certainly would have moved his line of sight anywhere else in the room, especially seeing as how she scrunched up her eyebrows and put both of her hands on her hips. Rapidly he began to move his hands in front of his face in an attempt to somehow dissuade the allegations.
"No, no that's not what I'm saying at all! It's just that we just met and I'm not really sure if I'm ready to do something like that just yet and my body is aching all over the place and I kind of just want to sit down so-"
She stepped even closer to him, to the point where their noses were practically touching and he froze completely when there came a mechanical click from her right hand, exposing a lockback stiletto style switchblade that had been taken from her pocket, the blade resting right on his upper right forearm while she gripped the left tightly with the demeanor of an affronted tiger.
"It's rude to insult a lady's features, don't you think?"
Not having any other options his mind was ordered to say the only thing he could think of.
"D-Do you want do that?"
She looked at him feigning surprise in an attempt at a comical expression.
"What? Oh hell no, I only suggested it because I figured that would make you calm down a bit more since you seem to be so jumpy for some reason."
He summoned out a small smile in light of the current situation.
"That may be due to the knife set against my artery, don't you think?"
She looked down at the blade and shrugged, withdrawing the weapon and closing it before back in her pocket. Without a sound made she walked over to her sofa and cast a lazy glance at him. Not really seeing much of a choice since he had a good idea that this woman could bring him back here if he ran, Izuku settled into the opposing loveseat and made a vain attempt to lay down completely.
"Where in the hell do you even find that many blades?"
She studied him laid out as he was and found herself feeling a little bit better about her situation in life.
"The internet mainly, you can buy them unsharpened as collectors items and I always make sure to use alternative means of currency and have them shipped to a PO Box. Just a hobby I have to spend some of my earnings on."
Turning over to stare up at the ceiling he allowed himself a growl of mild satisfaction when his back popped.
"All right now answer me this, do you always try to tear people's balls off when you only know them for only a week and a half or am I just special like that?"
She smirked at the comment, tossing the closed switchblade at him.
"Nope, you're a special case that requires a lot of extra treatment so I feel the need to be a lot more hands-on since your life is going to be on the line. Besides, I know for a fact that's the first time anybody's been down there so stop complaining."
He scoffed at her, holding the rectangular weapon in his hand to keep his eyes occupied.
"I didn't ask you to, so why don't you just knock it off?"
The smirk only grew.
"I'm pretty sure that's a crime to be honest."
Shaking her head, she stood up and pointed to the bathroom.
"I'll go run you a bath, that should really help take the edge off for a while until you manage to get some sleep and trust me those are going to hurt for a couple days."
He scrunched his brows at the blonde in both suspicion and confusion.
"Why a bath? Don't you have a shower head in your bathroom?"
Now Himiko raised an eyebrow at him in earnest without a hint of sass and more matching confusion.
"You don't take baths?"
"No, I take showers like a regular adult."
They held each other's gaze for a few seconds before the woman spoke up.
"You're kind of weird, you know that?"
"So says the girl who kept trying to twist my nuts off."
She waved a condescending index finger his way.
"Hey, I was just trying to prove a point there that could very well save your life one day. If anything you should be grateful for that, since its a lesson no one else will probably teach you."
"Are you praising your own weird-ass teaching methods or are you insulting my dating history?"
She mused on the question for a bit until she finally found the answer.
"Yes, yes I am."
An eye-roll was thrown her way as he tried to maneuver himself to the bathroom while ignoring the pain.
"Whatever Stabby McGee, I'll just shower in peace and then I'll see if I can keep dealing with you."
Himiko cackled at the jab, but said nothing as Izuku slipped into the restroom. A solid ten minutes later he emerged in the same short sleeve shirt and gym shorts he wore when he arrived, smelling far better than before. Her eyes followed him as he returned to the loveseat, feeling clearly more at ease.
Without a word Himiko stood up from the sofa, marched over to his spot and sat down next to him. Wrapping both arms around him and holding him tight. He, naturally, was very perturbed by this.
She looked up at him but said nothing, making him even more upset.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
Her right hand moved quickly, pinching the sides of his face in such a way as not to grab the muscles that would cause undue pain when she made him look her in the eye.
"Getting some free serotonin and oxytocin. I haven't been able to even hug somebody in five years and I know for a fact your dopy head hasn't either so shut the fuck up and hold me or get the fuck on."
Izuku thought to rebuke the statement, but to her credit, she was right….and it did feel rather nice. Begrudgingly he returned the hold, wrapping his arms around her while feeling the cold melt away as they inched a bit closer. Enough so that he could put his head on her shoulder as both caressed each other's backs in a strange mutual need for comfort. He could hear her heartbeat in the silence of the room and she could hear him.
Slowly Izuku shut his eyes and rocked backwards, landing on the cushions with her on top. It was nice, so nice in fact that he wanted to fall asleep and he felt his will to stay conscious begin to fade under the strain of the fatigue combined with the pleasant sensation of being held. Briefly he opened his eyes to check on the girl who, to his surprise, nodding off already with both her feline like eyes dripping shut and the rub on his back slowing down. Fuck it, he decided. Wasn't like it would inconvenience her at all.
Thus he shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep with this strange, barely known girl in his arms, feeling more relaxed then he could recall.
Everywhere around him smelt of chalk, body odor and nitroglycerin. Instantly he knew where he was and his heart was in throat.
"Oh god, please no."
He whimpered as quietly as he could, putting his head on his desk and not daring to look up. Then there came a kick to the side of the small table and a voice he knew would haunt him forever.
"Well, well, shitty Deku's still here, can you believe that?"
Kacchan said in his most condescending voice well the sounds of his lackeys laughing at his question echoed in Izuku's ears.
"Nope, can't believe it myself I thought he'd die out by now like all those other quirkless freaks."
The long fingered one said judging by the voice.
"Don't look up or it'll get worse, don't look up or it'll get worse, don't look up or it'll get worse, don't look-"
A punch slammed hard in the back of his head, not enough to daze him, but enough to hurt badly.
"Oi, Deku don't you hear us fucking talking to you ya fucking shit?"
Another punch was thrown to his side now, making him wince.
"Answer us when we ask, you rude fucker."
He breathed deeply, trying to keep it together.
"This has already happened, it's just a dream, it's not real, you can wake up."
It repeated itself in his head again and again but he knew how it would end, because it always ended the same way.
"Fucking say something already you cunt, what you too good to talk to me now?"
Izuku felt every muscle in his body tense at that. Why did he have to keep reliving this? It wasn't fair.
A palm was placed on his back, not as a slap or pat. It was almost gentle with how smooth it glided into place. He could already feel tears start to form.
Kacchan snickered maliciously and as he did so the palm of that hand began to warm up.
"Maybe this'll get you talking again Deku."
It wasn't fast or outwardly destructive like an explosion, it was silent and relatively slow as the heat began to burn to the cloth of his uniform and onto the skin of his back, essentially acting as a brand burned white hot which made the pain grow and grow and grow until he couldn't take it anymore and shot straight up out of his chair screaming with tears in his eyes.
Izuku felt his eyes pop open with a weight on his chest. Right, the girl was here, he was in her apartment to train. The room was dark and the time told of hours passed, likely going into the late night. Instantly the scar on his back began to ache and itch, but dare not disturb it for fear of making it worse. The green of his eyes were suddenly zeroed in on something he failed to first notice in the gloom.
Two slightly glowing orbs of yellow stared back at him, passively observing his being while a hand touched his shoulder. The sensation of rhythmic breathing made him calmer and in the void he heard her soft, angelic tone.
"You okay?"
It sounded so honest and bare compared to everything else he heard in life that he put a hand to her back and began to stroke. If only to ease himself rather than her.
"Yeah, I just had a bad dream."
Himiko didn't say anything to that, she instead reached over to a stray lock of his hair and began to fiddle with it while he continued rubbing her back. The two of them silently shared in the relief of knowing for once in their miserable lives, there was someone else in the darkness who wasn't going to hurt them.