Project Mage

Chapter 127: Following Kintovar

The group gathered in Alden's cabin the next morning. Sally, Alden's 7-year-old daughter, sat in his lap, clutching a stuffed animal while listening to the group.

Alden cleared his throat and began. "We're facing a challenging situation, everyone," he started, gesturing towards the tracking device placed on the table. "Kintovar is out there somewhere, and it seems she was using this device to track certain people, including us. But beyond that, none of us have the tech skills required to unlock it."

He continued, "Our plan is to unlock the device to gain information about her whereabouts and her intentions. However, the technology is beyond our expertise. The only person we know who might be able to decipher it in North Jancito is my Brother Bob's girlfriend, Lina."

Becky and Sybil, who were familiar with Bob's cabin, nodded in agreement. Alden's gaze shifted to them. "Becky, Sybil, you know where Bob lives. I know my brother likes to skip town chasing after that bounty. We need to check and see if they're still in their Cabin in the upper North."

Sally, who had been listening intently got up and tugged on her father's shirt. "Can I come too, Daddy?"

Alden gently ruffled Sally's hair. "No, sweetheart," he said softly. "This isn't a fun trip. It's business."

Sally's brow furrowed. She tried to comprehend the word "business." "But I want to see Uncle Bob," she protested while clutching her stuffed animal tighter.

Alden smiled. "I know, Sally. But it's not safe right now. I promise, once everything settles down, we'll visit Uncle Bob. For now, I need you to stay here and help take care of the cabin. Can you do that for me?"

Sally pouted but nodded reluctantly. "Okay, Daddy. But you have to promise to come back soon."

"I promise," Alden said, hugging her tightly. "We'll be back before you know it."

With the plan set, Becky and Sybil exchanged determined glances. They had a mission: to find Bob and Lina, and hopefully, with Lina's expertise, unlock the tracking device to locate Kintovar.

The group arrived at Bob's cabin. It was at the outskirts of North Jancito. Becky, Sybil, and Alden approached the cabin with their footsteps crunching on the gravel path. Alden knocked on the door, and they waited anxiously for a response.

After a moment, the door creaked open, revealing a disheveled and slightly surprised Bob. He blinked at the group until he came acros Alden. His face was slightly happy but also curious..

"Alden? What are you doing all the way out here?" Bob asked while stepping aside to let them in.

‘Why did I rush here without even considering how Bob would react?’ Alden thought. ‘This isn't just about me and my concerns; it affects him too. I need to be careful with what I say next and approach this delicately.’

Taking a deep breath, Alden knew he needed to find the right words to explain their presence.

He hesitated for a moment before speaking while remaining in the doorway. "Bob, I'm sorry to bring this up, but it's about Kintovar," he began.

Bob's reaction was immediate. He shook his head vigorously and a troubled look appeared in his eyes. He stammered, "N-no, Alden, I... I don't want any part in this. Whatever it is, no no no. Count me out!"

Alden tried to reassure him. "Bob, I know it's hard to believe, but this isn't the same Kintovar we know. This is someone different, and we need to find her to understand what's going on," he explained. "Please, we need your help."

Bob looked torn for a moment. Finally, he let out a sigh of resignation and nodded. "Alright, Alden, I'll help you brother. What do you need?"

Becky stepped forward, "Bob, call your girlfriend Lina! She's got a knack for tech stuff, right?"

Bob nodded, and said” I will call her right away.”

However, before Bob could respond or make the call shouted loudly, "Lina! Get out here, now!"

Sybil, supried by Becky's sudden outburst, tried to intervene.

"Becky, maybe we should be a bit more polite," she whispered, but her words were drowned out by Becky's continued calling for Lina.

The door to Bob's cabin swung open wider, revealing Lina standing there with a towel wrapped around her body and another around her hair. She exuded an air of confidence and sass despite the interruption, raising an eyebrow at the group gathered before her.

"It's the brats from the city," she remarked with a hint of annoyance. "You could've had some manners and waited a minute. I was in the shower, for crying out loud!"

Sybil shifted uncomfortably, shooting a disapproving glance at Becky. "Sorry bout that, Lina," Becky said. She scratched the back of her head. "We're in a bit of a rush, and we need your help with something urgent."

Lina sighed and brought a hand up to her chin." What's so urgent that it couldn't wait until after I finish my shower?"

Becky wasted no time. She swiped the device from Alden's hands and presented it to Lina. The sassy tech whiz raised an eyebrow.

"Ooo What's this?" Lina asked with intrigue.

"We need you to take a look at it, Lina. It's really important."

Lina grinned mischievously, “Well now, if you want my expertise, it's gonna cost ya... one million dollars!"

Stone-faced expressions swept through the group, but Becky's jaw dropped to the floor. "WE GOTTA PAY?!"

Lina chuckled. "Hey, that's the price for interrupting my beauty bath.”

Sybil shot Becky a pointed look, silently conveying her disapproval. Becky, realizing her blunder, hastily defended herself. "I..I said I was sorry Sybil! Ya heard me!"

Lina laughed, waving a hand dismissively. "Relax, kiddo. I'm just messing with ya," she reassured them, stepping back into the cabin. "Let me go put on some clothes. It's chilly out here without 'em."

With a playful wink, Lina disappeared into another room.

Bob nodded with a fond smile. "Lina's got quite the sense of humor," he admitted. "And don't worry, I'll help her out too. We make a good team."

After changing into warm clothes, Lina examined the tracking device meticulously. Her fingers navigated along its intricate design. Bob peered over her shoulder, offering his insights and thoughts to her. After a few hours of intense scrutiny, they gathered with the group to deliver their findings.

"So, here's the deal," Lina began. "This tracking device is no ordinary piece of tech. It's not just infused with technology; it's also interwoven with magic, and not just any magic, but magic resistance."

The group exchanged worried glances. Becky let out a long sigh, "So, it's practically indestructible and locked up tighter than a vault? Great."

Lina smiled." Well, not quite," she said, pausing for dramatic effect. "You see, the magic resistance isn't perfect. It's designed to resist scanning and hacking, but it does have a weakness."

Alden nodded, understanding the challenge ahead. "Do we have anyone who fits that description?"

The group leaned in, hanging on Lina's every word. “This device has two main recognition methods: voice recognition and facial recognition," she continued. "So, in theory, if we can get Kintovar to stand in front of it, it might recognize her and unlock. We just need to find her, or... we need someone that looks like her.”

Roselle's face displayed concern “That does sound difficult," she admitted. "Kintovar looks very different from anyone we've seen in North Jancito so far."

Risebelle chimed in. "Yeah, and finding someone with her appearance will be impossible."

Lina smiled and raised a finger. "Actually, there is a way. Someone with transformation magic could pull it off. However, people who can transform are quite rare, and most of them tend to use their abilities for less-than-legal activities. They've got a bad reputation."

Alden's brow furrowed with concern. "So, how do we find someone who can do this and would be willing to help us?"

Lina's eyes sparkled. “Well, isn't it lucky for you all that I happen to know a girl with transformation magic?"

Becky raised an eyebrow. "You do? Well, that's awfully convenient."

"And she's not like the others. She's got a heart of gold and would help us out in a heartbeat. The catch is, she's not exactly easy to find."

Becky raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "And where can we find this girl with the magical makeover skills?"

Lina's gaze turned thoughtful. "She frequents a hidden spot in the city, a sort of underground gathering place for those with unique abilities that are not a part of the regular affinity cycle. It's not widely known, but I can take you there. “

Lina's tone grew serious. "Listen, when you head down there, be prepared to fight. It's not a safe place, not by a long shot. There are monsters down there, people who will do anything to cause trouble. Some do it for the thrill, and others are beyond saving."

Becky grinned. “Oh a fight? Hell yeah! My hammer's ready to smash!" She gestured with her hands, mimicking the act of swinging a mighty weapon. Sybil nodded in agreement,

Lina led the group through the busy streets of North Jancito, winding through the city's labyrinthine alleys until they reached a nondescript building. It was an unremarkable facade, blending into the urban landscape. Lina paused at the entrance while looking around in both directions.

“Alright gang, this is it. Once we head down these stairs, be prepared. Things can get... intense."

The group exchanged determined glances. Each of their members made their own preparations for the battle yet to come. With a collective nod, they descended the staircase.

When the group descended the final steps, they were hit by a surreal and eerie sight that felt like they had entered another world entirely. The underground space was bathed in an unsettling ambiance—a dark, foreboding scenery illuminated by erratic bursts of purple lightning that crackled across the sky-like ceiling. Shadows danced ominously. Along the walls were where grotesque and surreal silhouettes formed in flashes.

Strange beings with features that seemed part-monster and part-human, roamed the area. Their appearances were unsettling. Some had sharp claws, twisted horns, and other unnatural physiques. Some were engaged in various regular day activities, while others simply meandered about.

Lina, lowered herself to a whisper."These are the inhabitants of the underground, the outcasts of society," she whispered. "They're known as 'Hybrids,' individuals born with both human and magical creature traits. Some were once human but transformed through dark magic, while others are born this way. They're a diverse bunch, but they all share one thing in common: they're seen as abominations by the regular world."

Risebelle furrowed her brow, taking in the bizarre scene around them. She then turned to Lina with a puzzled look. “In the mystical forest we came from, there were creatures, but they weren’t magical creatures like these," she remarked. "And we haven't seen any of these magical creatures in North Jancito either. What's the deal with these... hybrids? "

Lina nodded while keeping an eye on their surroundings. She leaned in closer to Risebelle to explain.

"That's because the entire city of Jancito is protected by a barrier," she whispered. "The barrier keeps out magical creatures. You see, magical creatures can be quite merciless and cause significant damage to the city's environment. That's why they're not allowed inside."

"The entrance we used is a secret route known only to a few magical creatures who still retain some semblance of humanity," Lina whispered. "Most hybrids here have human origins or were transformed in ways that allow them to bypass the city's protective barrier. Without that, the barrier would detect their nature and expel them immediately."

Sybil, glanced nervously at the hybrids passing by. "How do they manage to live down here? It seems... hostile."

Lina nodded. "It's not an easy life for them. Many find refuge in the underground because they have nowhere else to go. They form communities, trade goods, and sometimes get into conflicts that can turn violent."

While venturing deeper, the group was suddenly confronted by a menacing group of individuals. These men, clad in tattered clothing and adorned with twisted tattoos let off an aura of malevolence around themselves. They blocked the path forward. Their faces contorted into wicked grins.

The leader of this menacing group, an overweight man with a maliciousness in his eyes, stepped forward. He sneered at the newcomers.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" he taunted with a tongue sticking out of his mouth. "Looks like we've got some fresh meat in our territory."

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