Chapter 124: The Blue flame
Bob began to explain. "His name is Dj, but he's better known as the Night Dj of Jancito City. He's been a legend around here for quite some time."
Lina continued, "Dj hails from the southern part of Jancito, where Bob and I are from. He used to be a real ladies' man, and his charm was legendary. But recently, things took a turn for the worse."
Bob nodded grimly. "Dj received training as a Sword God in the East, and he became incredibly skilled. However, he's turned to a life of crime, and now everyone's after him. There's a huge bounty on his head."
Becky listened intently. "So, he's up here in the North now?"
Bob and Lina both nodded. "We heard rumors that he might be hiding," Lina confirmed. "That's why we came to investigate. But he moves around frequently."
The snowstorm outside the cabin intensified. Becky and Sybil began to feel the true chill of the cold environment. Their well-made but not entirely cold-resistant clothing was ill-equipped to handle the harsh conditions. They huddled together in an attempt to stay warm while shivering.
Bob, noticing their discomfort, realized that something needed to be done. "Damn…Well I can’t just kick out a couple of young ladies in the storm when ya barely got anything covering your skins. You two stay here and keep warm. I'm going to make a dash to the store up east and get you some proper clothes for this environment."
Becky and Sybil exchanged a grateful look but hesitated. They wanted to go themselves, but their chattering teeth and shivering bodies told a different story.
Bob put on his coat and prepared to brave the snowstorm. "Don't worry. I'll be back in a few hours with warm clothes. Just stay by the fire and keep safe."
With that, Bob stepped out into the blustering snowstorm, leaving Becky and Sybil in the warmth of the cabin.
The two moved to the living room by the cabin fire. Lina gestured for them to sit down and get comfortable.
"So, since it looks like you'll be here for a little while," Lina began, "how about you tell me a bit about yourselves? You might be new, but I see you have weapons. What kind of mages are you?”
Becky was the first to speak. "Well, I'm all about smashing stuff!" she exclaimed. "I've got this awesome custom-made hammer that my 'doc' created for me. It's like, my thing."
Sybil, on the other hand, had a more reserved demeanor but chimed in as well. "I have a sword," she said softly. "Also made by our 'doc.' I'm more into the swordplay and martial arts stuff."
Lina raised an eyebrow. "Custom-made weapons, huh? Your 'doc' must be quite the talented individual. What kind of magic do you specialize in, then?"
Becky grinned and flexed her muscles. "I'm all about brute force. My magic enhances my strength, and I can deliver some pretty devastating blows with my hammer!"
Sybil nodded in agreement. "I focus on wind speed and precision. My swordplay is all about finesse and agility."
"Custom-made weapons and a focus on physical combat and precision," Lina mused. "Impressive choices. It sounds like you both have a clear direction in your training."
Becky scratched the back of her head. "Yeah, but haven't quite gotten to the advanced magic stuff yet. Our 'doc' has been teaching us the basics, helping us get better control over our abilities."
Sybil nodded. "That's right. We're still learning, but we're eager to improve and master more advanced techniques."
Lina smiled. "That's a good attitude to have.”
Hours passed. Becky, Sybil, and Lina shared some stories and experiences, growing more comfortable with each other.
Becky leaned forward, continuing a story she had been telling. “And then, Sybil’s hair turned on fire!”
Sybil shot Becky a pleading look with her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Becky don’—"
Lina chuckled softly, "Oh, don't worry, Sybil. We've all had our fair share of mishaps in training."
Becky grinned, "Yeah, but Sybil's hair was like a little bonfire! We had to dunk her head in a water barrel to put it out!"
Sybil sunk lower in her seat, trying to hide her face. "Please, Becky... I don’t wanna think about that again…"
Lina turned serious after the end of the story. ”Alright, jokes aside. Where exactly did you two come from? You mentioned being cast out by your mage community, but it is rather suspicious. Which part of Jancito are you from? "
"Promise you won't kick us out if I tell you," Becky said, her brow furrowed with concern.
Lina nodded reassuringly. "I promise, Becky. You can trust me."
Becky sighed. "We're not from around here, not really. We come from a different island, far from Jancito City. There's this mystic forest there, but... things went wrong."
Sybil's eyes were filled with worry as she continued, "Our headmaster, she was draining the forest of its magic. She had plans, big plans to come here and... Rule the world with magic."
Lina's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but she remained silent, urging them to continue.
Becky took a deep breath. "She controlled most of her students using her own mind magic. It was... it was awful. But we, along with some others, we fought back."
Sybil nodded. "Yeah, we fought back. It was dangerous, but we had to stop her. The headmaster... she was powerful."
Becky looked down for a moment, collecting her thoughts. "It was thanks to the 'Doc' and her technology that we managed to defeat her. If it weren't for her devices, I don't know if I'd be alive right now."
"I can't even begin to imagine what you two went through," Lina said, "It's truly incredible that you managed to escape that nightmare and find someone like the Doc who could help you."
Becky smiled. "Yeah, we were lucky to have found the Doc. And not just for the weapons. It was like finding a family, you know?"
Sybil nodded in agreement.
"It sounds like you've all been through a lot together," Lina remarked.
"And now, well….you've found a new home here in Jancito City. I’ll let you stay here. If there's anything you need or if you ever want to talk more, you can come to me.”
Becky blinked. Sybil, too, looked shocked.
"Um... thank you, Lina," Becky said softly. “But what about Bob?”
Bob finally returned to the cabin at that exact moment, carrying bags of warm clothes and supplies. He greeted Becky, Sybil, and Lina with a smile.
"Hey there, everyone," Bob said cheerfully, setting down the bags. He then turned to Lina and leaned in for a gentle kiss.
Lina smiled back at Bob.
"I bumped into my brother, Alden, at the clothing store," he explained. "Haven't seen him in a while, and it was quite the reunion. He was with two little girls who was looking for their little sister. He's always out there helping someone."
Becky lifted an eyebrow curiously, "Your brother was with two little children? What's the story there?"
Bob chuckled, “Ah, those two… Well," Bob began, "the first one is Roselle. She's a sweet girl, always with a ponytail in her hair. Her eyes are as innocent as they come, and she's got this aura of curiosity about her."
"And then there's Risebelle," Bob continued. "She's had blue hair. She's a bit more reserved, and you can sense a hint of protectiveness in her gaze. It's clear she cares deeply for Roselle."
Becky and Sybil exchanged astonished glances. They couldn't believe their ears. Sybil's eyes widened, and she leaned in closer to Bob. "Did you say Roselle and Risebelle? Are you sure those are their names?"
Bob nodded with a puzzled look. "Yeah, that's what they told me. Why, do you know them?"
Becky and Sybil both spoke in unison with awe. "They're our friends!"
Bob's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Your friends? Well, isn't that quite the coincidence! I had no idea."
Lina joined the conversation with a warm smile. "It seems like fate brought us together in this cabin tonight. What are the odds of that happening?"
Becky laughed.
Lina turned to Bob with a gentle smile. "Bob, why don't we let them stay here tonight? It's storming heavily outside, and they clearly need a place to rest. Plus, it would be a good opportunity to reunite them with their friends, Roselle and Risebelle."
Bob hesitated, crossing his arms. "I don't know, Lina. We've already done a lot for them today. They can head to the magical academy. We can't just take in every stranger that comes knocking."
Lina shook her head softly. "I understand, but something tells me we should help them reunite with their friends. It feels like the right thing to do."
Bob shook his head, his tone firm. "I don't like freeloaders, Lina."
Becky raised an eyebrow. "Well, if that's how it's gonna be," she began while approaching the door, "then we'll just go. We don't need that kind of attitude. Cmon Sybil. "
Before they could make a move, Lina interrupted, pleading. "Please, Bob. They're stranded in a storm, and they're far from home. Let's offer them this kindness."
Bob sighed heavily, hesitating for a moment. Lina leaned in close to him and whispered something in his ear. A blush crept up Bob's cheeks.
Becky and Sybil exchanged curious glances, but Bob straightened up and smiled warmly at them. "Alright, alright," he relented, "you two can stay tonight. But just for tonight, alright? Tomorrow, we'll figure out what's next."
"Thank you, Bob,” Becky said with a grin.
Sybil nodded gratefully after taking a sigh of relif. "Yes, thank you."
Lina beamed at them, pleased with the outcome. "Good. Now, let's get you settled in."
Night fell and the cozy cabin became bathed in the soft glow. The group gathered around the dinner table. Becky and Sybil were now in warmer but slightly oversized clothes.
Becky spoke with a hint of annoyance. “I appreciate the clothes and all, but they're a bit big on us. Kinda why we like to pick out our outfits ourselves, you know?"
Bob chuckled. "Well, sometimes in life, you have to make do with what you've got. Besides, it's better to stay warm in clothes that are a bit too big than to freeze out there."
Lina chimed in with a shrug. "Exactly. It's the practicality that counts."
Lina served the delicious-smelling food she had prepared. The enticing aroma filled the cabin.
"Wow, this smells really good,” Sybil said.
Becky, however, wasted no time and immediately wolfed down her plate.
Sybil, noticing Becky's speed, chuckled, "Becky, slow down! You're going to choke if you eat that fast."
But Becky was undeterred, finishing her plate in record time and looking around for more. She grinned and asked, "Can I have seconds, please?"
Sybil sighed, shaking her head in amusement. Lina handed Becky her second helping of food.
Becky and Sybil settled in for the night after dinner. Although there were multiple guest bedrooms available, Becky had insisted on staying in the same room as Sybil.
While preparing to sleep, Becky began to grin.
"Hey, Sybil, you know, if you get scared during the night, you can always snuggle up to me. I'll protect you from all the spooky cabin ghosts."
"Becky, I think I can handle myself just fine, thank you. Besides, I don't want you to lose any sleep because of me,” Sybil said with a small smile.
"You know, Sybil, they say this cabin is haunted by the Ghost of All Magic. Legend has it that it's a garbanzo-sized spirit that likes to spook on unsuspecting guests."
Sybil gave Becky an unamused look, "Becky, I just want to sleep. No more ghost stories, please."
Becky pouted for a moment, but she quickly laid back down beside Sybil. With a sigh, she said, "Alright, no more ghost stories. Let's get some rest."
In the quiet of their shared room, a few moments of silence passed before Becky asked,
"Do you think we'll encounter Dj while we're here?"
Sybil turned to look at her friend, "Anything's possible. We're in a new place, and we've already run into Bob and Lina. Who knows what other surprises this town might have in store for us?"