Prius Scribere Loqui (HP)

Chapter 12: One and one (updated)

Chapter one and one

I ask for comments


Adrian found himself seated in the corner of the ship, the floor beneath him tilting at an odd angle. To his right sat Randyl and Kevin, their expressions mirroring his anticipation.

"We should not have left her alone. This journey is going to be a long one. Why didn't we just take a portkey?" Randyl muttered.

Adrian glanced at the ship's surroundings, devoid of the luxuries befitting their status.

"Perhaps because this journey is more than just about speed and safety," Kevin mused aloud.

 Adrian nodded in agreement. "It's not safe. Portkey is fast, portkey is safe and portkey is magical, but it is only safe when the visitor is a guest and not someone looking forward to killing someone in the said magical country."

It was a political blunder, the Mendaxes were overhauled as traitors in the American continent, and the crimes they had allegedly committed included tampering, obstructing and threatening people close to the election process.

It's a delicate situation," He continued, detailing the accusations levelled against the Mendax family by the MACUSA, painting a picture of political upheaval and betrayal. "One that requires us to tread carefully."

And it was a crime of their stature one which was exactly something someone would expect the Mendaxes to commit themselves to.

It was no secret that the Mendaxes were not politically oriented. They were all for brawn, always getting what they wanted depending upon their magical prowess instead of political one.

Elizabeth had been one of a kind, a genius for politics, both in MACUSA and European one.

And now with her death, Mendaxes were back at something they were strong at.

Kevin looks outside through the glass window, landing in sight to his south. They were nearing the continent.

One might ask why MACUSA? The Mendaxes traced their origin to the British magical world. They should not be accountable to a foreign government.

The answer was simple. Only a fool who aims at greatness would isolate himself in one place (literally all of the magical nobility except Mendaxes.) because, for excellence in magic, one needed to roam around and gather magical knowledge from different places around the world.

Mendaxes had their connections all over Europe, expanding beyond the Middle East, to the Land of the Rising Sun.

As for the Americas, the Mendaxes were the founding members of the magical government of the Americas.

Of the 14 founding members of the MACUSA, two traced themselves back to Mendaxes and Potters. (potter one is canon).

So, Mendaxes expanded their influence and business on the American continent, effectively considered to be of dual nationality, which would have been pointed out and called out if not for their sheer infamy.

And now the same had been called to answer for their supposed crimes.

But the Mendaxes were not here to answer. They were here for answers.


"Longbottom manor." 

The floo fire blazed green as Leta disappeared from the floo fireplace, shrouded momentarily in flames before stepping out of the Longbottoms' fireplace.

The Longbottom family, were once nobles of Wizard Kings' courts, the Pendragon's court. The founding member had been one fat woman, hence the name self-explanatory, but the longbottoms made their name one made for courtly laughs into one demanding respect.

They were true Gryffindors, even before the Gryffindor word had a meaning in itself.

Despite that, they shared a similar origin to the Malfoys, traitors to their kings. Unlike the Malfoys, the Longbottoms wore the badge of a traitor with pride, even telling the children of their household what they did, how they did it, and why the time came to that. (plot point to remember)

Leta was greeted by an elderly woman with a grim expression, Dowager Longbottom, widow of the late Frank Longbottom nee Lestrange Sr.

"Lady Longbottom," Leta greeted her.

It was not unheard of marriage and heirship where the primogeniture was ignored, but when a whole generation comprised of noble Ladies and no Lords, noble houses had to compromise

Standing beside Dowager Longbottom were Frank Longbottom, a decorated Senior Auror, and Alice Longbottom, holding a small child.

"Lady Mendax," Frank acknowledged with a nod.

The atmosphere was tense, the silence broken only by the soft cries of the child.

"We have much to discuss," Leta began.

"We do" A curt reply came from Frank, overstepping his bounds in front of Lady of the house.

"Tea?" Alice asks.

"No thanks, we want to be on our way after the business is done. It's tense time as it is."

"We understand."

"Our first order of business," Leta motioned for Winflick to produce the documents. "concerns the Lestrange claim from your father's side. You and your descendants will renounce any claim to the Lestrange name."

Frank's expression darkened at the demand. "And what of my son's inheritance?"

Even if the Longbottoms did not associate themselves with the Lestranges anymore, he was set to inherit a huge amount from such a wealthy claim.

"I won't, you will, by forfeiting his life and yours. We are here not to negotiate anything heir Longbottom, just to inform we are destroying our enemies. Should you want to become one, you are more than welcome." She turns to Augusta.

Frank looked at his mother, slightly angered, but he was not an idiot. 

"Let me put my name on it," he said resignedly.

The papers were signed, and the business continued.


I ask for Power Stones




For Got/ASoIaF/HoTD fans. I found this fic on ao3 which made me hate how much I love it. High Tide (A Coryls Velaryon SI) you don't need to watch House of the Dragon for it, just got would suffice, as the story differs to the point it remains as an original plot rather than an extension of the canon. 400k+ words, a must-read. This is not a promotion, it's just the work is unbeatable. It starts like a typical medieval work, mc bringing modern tech. compass and chess etc. but this is different, those works just make MC develop, in this one, those works remain insignificant and are shadowed by the real plot. Just look it out.




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