Pokémon: The Battle Ranch Chronicles

Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Fire Challenge

As the second week of Charles' visit to Battle Ranch slowly drew to a close, there was a collective sense of relief among those involved. No unexpected disasters had occurred, and everything had run smoothly. The following week, Charles would accompany his parents abroad before returning to the Ranch for one more week. On this particular afternoon, David Lindenberg had taken Charles to the fire cave to meet some of the Ranch's Fire-type Pokémon. Meanwhile, in a remote eastern part of the Bohemian Kingdom, Margrave Vladislav, Charles' father and heir apparent to the throne, was preparing for an important meeting in his private office.

The office was a room steeped in history, lined with artifacts from around the world. Portraits of previous monarchs adorned the walls, their regal expressions seeming to watch over every visitor who entered. A large map of the kingdom hung behind his polished wooden desk, while the faint scent of leather and old parchment filled the air. The Margrave, a tall, imposing man with sharp features, dressed in a pristine military uniform, stood by the window, hands clasped behind his back, staring out at the distant horizon.

"My Lord, you have a visitor," his secretary's voice crackled through the intercom.

"Send him in," Vladislav replied, his voice calm yet authoritative.

Moments later, there was a firm knock at the door, and Baron Dvořák entered the room. The Baron, a seasoned man with graying hair at his temples and a stern, no-nonsense demeanor, took a quick survey of the office before stepping forward. His posture was formal, his steps measured, and his gaze unwavering.

"Your Serene Highness," Baron Dvořák greeted in the proper way, bowing his head with respect.

"Baron," margrave nodded, striding over to offer his hand for a firm shake. "Please, sit."

The Baron lowered himself into one of the plush armchairs, its leather creaking under his weight. Vladislav, however, remained standing, continuing to gaze out of the window, his figure silhouetted against the afternoon light.

"So," Vladislav began, his tone neutral but edged with curiosity, "how is my son?"

Baron Dvořák cleared his throat, folding his hands on his lap. "My Lord, his second week at the Battle Ranch is nearly complete. He will join you abroad with your lady wife next week and return to the Ranch afterward, as planned."

"And?" Vladislav prompted, still looking out of the window. "How is it going? Speak plainly."

Dvořák shifted slightly in his seat. "His Highness is learning the intricacies of Pokémon—understanding their behavior, abilities, and potential. To my surprise, he has grown quite close to David Lindenberg, and, if I may be candid, I suspect he will strongly encourage you to invite him to court or even present him to His Majesty."

Vladislav turned, his brow furrowing. "David Lindenberg? Why does Charles hold him in such high regard? What can Lindenberg teach him that our royal guards cannot?"

"Your guards, while competent and loyal, are trained to follow orders without question. They are disciplined, precise, and silent. But Mr. Lindenberg... he is different. He engages your son, shares knowledge freely, and perhaps that is what Prince Charles finds appealing—a teacher who offers guidance without the weight of formality."

The Margrave paced the room slowly, his boots echoing against the wooden floor. "Formalities you say..." Vladislav began, his voice growing softer, "my father is becoming increasingly preoccupied with formalities. And with other ceremonial duties. He expects Charles to follow suit—to make speeches, attend cultural events, and fulfill royal obligations. But that is not enough as far as I am concerned. My son needs to learn how to lead, to command, and to understand the strength of our beautiful country and most importantly, to understand the people. Maybe person who does not care about formalities could be a good influence on my son."

Turning sharply to face the Baron, Vladislav asked, "What do you think of the Battle Ranch? Do you believe it serves a purpose?"

Dvořák nodded. "The Battle Ranch is... an impressive facility, my Lord. I had my doubts, but they have exceeded expectations. To explain plainly, there were terroristic attacks, and while two of your guards were killed during one of them, the Lindenbergs survived a similar attack with no casualties. They are capable—far more so than I initially assumed."

"Remind me of their situation," Vladislav said, his expression hardening with focus.

"The patriarch, Joseph Lindenberg, aspired to become a Frontier Brain but was thwarted by his family's financial troubles—mainly due to Count Radim von Lindenberg's overwhelming debts. The League imposed conditions on their Frontier operations, so he cannot use his old team. They are too powerful, speaking plainly. But Joseph continues to train a new team to fulfill this dream. His son, David, returned from the League to take on the temporary role of Frontier Brain and now mentors your son."

Vladislav raised an eyebrow. "And this David Lindenberg? You believe he would be suitable to join the court to teach my son further?"

Dvořák hesitated. "I doubt it, my Lord. He has a family—a young son, and his wife is expecting another child. They are deeply attached to their home at the Ranch."

"What do we know of his wife?"

"She is a junior professor at the local laboratory and oversees the assignment of Pokémon to new trainers in their district. They seem... content with the life there. It is unlikely they would relocate to Pragengrad."

After Margrave inquired more about David and his family, his thoughts returned to the assassination attempts, the events still shrouded in ambiguity.

"Baron, I'm still perplexed by how commoners managed to survive an attack that claimed the lives of my father's elite guards. Do we have more details about those two incidents?"

Baron Dvořák shifted slightly in his chair, prepared to stand and explain, but Margrave stopped him with a firm gesture, indicating he should remain seated.

"Yes, my Lord." Dvořák leaned back into the chair, collecting his thoughts. "The first attempt involved a single assassin, targeting David Lindenberg specifically. He was aided by... others from the Ranch. The second attempt was more organized—three assassins teleported onto the Ranch's grounds, but their presence triggered the defenses of the Pokémon stationed there. The guards were able to locate their position swiftly and moved to engage."

"How many guards?" Margrave asked, his tone sharp.

"Ten. Ten guards against three assassins," Dvořák confirmed.

"What happened?" Vladislav's voice took on an edge of impatience.

"The guards encircled the assassins and demanded their surrender. However, the assassins summoned a group of Lunatones and launched a coordinated attack. One of the assassins ordered the Lunatones to flank, sending them overhead and behind the guards. The guards, focused on the frontal assault, failed to detect the maneuver until it was too late. Two guards were killed instantly, and three more remain in critical condition."

Margrave's frown deepened. "So ten of our best-trained men, equipped with their Pokémon, were bested by this flanking attack?"

"Yes, my Lord." Dvořák hesitated before adding, "But the assassins were highly skilled in controlling their Lunatones, capitalizing on the confusion and exploiting weaknesses."

Vladislav began pacing, his boots tapping against the polished floor. Baron Dvořák knew better than to interrupt—margrave often thought best while moving.

"Compare our guards to David Lindenberg. Who's stronger?" Vladislav asked abruptly.

"The guards," Dvořák answered without hesitation. "By far."

"Are you sure?" Vladislav challenged. "Who verified the strength of Lindenberg's Pokémon?"

"I did, personally, my Lord," Dvořák replied. "David Lindenberg's Pokémon are competent, but they do not compare to the strength of your royal guards yet. His father Joseph is perhaps on par, but even he lacks certain advantages—such as a Dragon-type in his team."

"Then how did David survive his encounter?" Vladislav stopped pacing, turning to face Dvořák directly. "Was the first assassin weaker than those who attacked our men?"

"If I may offer my theory, my Lord," Dvořák began carefully, "I have studied the reports thoroughly. It seems that whenever the assassin targeted David or his brother-in-law directly, their Pokémon consistently placed themselves between the attack and their trainers—aiming to protect them. Some Pokémon even acted without command in this incident. I had this theory corroborated by a few spies I discreetly placed on the Ranch grounds.

On the other hand, the royal guards trained their Pokémon to obey every command to the letter. But they suppress the unique bond with their trainers to be able to save them from such attacks."

The Margrave's expression tightened as he resumed his pacing, absorbing the information.

"Anything else worth noting?" Vladislav asked after a moment of silence.

"One small detail that might intrigue you, my Lord. Over the weekend, the Lindenbergs hosted a festival in honor of your son's visit. As part of the festivities, they requested permission to present some of the guards' Dragon-type Pokémon to the public. The captain of your guards consulted me, and I approved the request."

"This isn't unusual," Vladislav commented, his brow furrowing slightly. "Why bring it up?"

"I'm getting to that, my Lord." Dvořák leaned forward. "The captain reported a rather peculiar reaction from the guards' Pokémon after interacting with David's young son."

Margrave Vladislav raised an eyebrow. "Peculiar? How so?"

"According to the trainers, their Pokémon—normally composed, disciplined creatures—became unusually animated after encountering the boy. They exhibited excitement, enthusiasm, almost as if they were... energized by his presence. It's highly unusual for Pokémon of that caliber to behave in such a way, especially among guards. The old Mr. Lindenberg had indicated to me earlier that there is some genetics in their family, but he'd given me no hard proof."

The Margrave allowed himself a small chuckle. "Ah, Baron, always chasing hard evidence for everything. Can't you indulge in a little mysticism now and then?"

"My Lord," Dvořák said, his tone unflinching, "I rose to this position because I rely on facts and critical analysis, not fanciful notions."

Vladislav smirked but then shifted the conversation. "Do you know what I studied in my youth, Baron?"

Dvořák was momentarily caught off guard by the change of topic but recovered quickly. "You trained as an army officer, my Lord."

"Indeed," Vladislav said, his voice softening. "To become a successful commander, I immersed myself in the ancient strategies of war. But as I studied our kingdom's military history, I discovered something fascinating—several members of the Lindenberg family have displayed an exceptional affinity with Pokémon. And not just the male line. For example Matthew Maxa, a hero from old war over one hudred years ago, had grandmother from Lindenberg family. There's a legacy in their bloodline, Baron. A predisposition, if you will."

Dvořák's expression remained stoic. "That is new information to me, my Lord."

"How old is David Lindenberg's son?" Vladislav inquired.

"Six years old, my Lord. He's just begun his schooling."

"So," Vladislav continued, his gaze sharpening, "we have an exceptional trainer in David, who has captured my son's admiration, and a young boy who seems to possess an uncanny connection with Pokémon. I ask you again, Baron—should we invite the family to Pragengrad?"

"I wouldn't recommend it, my lord. The court demands strict rules to follow and the Lindenbergs are rather... unwinded."

The Margrave sighed. "Pity. It would have been interesting to bring new blood into High Castle. But let us wait. If nothing unusual occurs during the rest of Charles' stay, we may consider the invitation. But we will leave this in your capable hands, Baron."

Dvořák inclined his head. "As you say, my lord."

Vladislav walked toward his desk, placing his hands on the surface and leaning slightly. "And my son? Is he... happy?"

Baron Dvořák paused, choosing his words carefully. "It is not for me to assume the prince's emotions, my Lord. He appears to be enjoying himself, but I would not presume to say more."

A small, amused smile flickered across the Margrave's face. "Relax, I am just testing you, Dvořák. I spoke with Charles earlier today. His view of David Lindenberg aligns with what you've just told me. I know he's at the age where he may rebel, but I wanted your professional assessment of the Ranch and its people."

Dvořák only nodded his head and stay quiet.

Vladislav's eyes narrowed slightly as he asked, "You refer to David as 'Mr. Lindenberg.' Shouldn't you use the title 'Count von Lindenberg'?"

"The title, my Lord, belongs to the senior branch of the Lindenberg family. Lindenbergs of Battle Ranch are a junior one, and thus, they hold no such title."

"I see," Vladislav mused, tapping his fingers on the desk. "They've managed the Ranch for generations, have they not?"

"Indeed, my Lord. Several generations."


"As far as I'm concerned, yes."

"Perhaps such loyalty and service merit some form of recognition," Vladislav said thoughtfully. "Would you support an elevation in their status, Baron?"

"If there are no failures concerning the prince's visit, I would agree, my Lord."

Vladislav nodded, satisfied. "Very well. I shall speak with the king after Charles' visit is concluded. You are dismissed, Baron."

Dvořák rose, bowing deeply before backing out of the room. As the door closed behind him, Margrave Vladislav turned once more to the window, his thoughts drifting to memories of his own youth—days when duty was not yet a heavy burden, and the weight of the crown still seemed far off.

While Baron Dvořák was deep in discussion with Margrave Vladislav, young Prince Charles was engrossed in learning about the fiery depths of Battle Ranch's Fire Cave. David Lindenberg's voice echoed through the tunnels as he guided the prince along the edges of bubbling lava pools, where streams of heat rippled through the air. Charles listened intently as David pointed toward a cluster of Crocalor, each half-submerged in the molten rock, basking peacefully.

"These Crocalor and Fuecoco are starters, native to the Paldea region," David explained. "My grandfather, Tomas, brought them here decades ago. We've nurtured them, and they've adapted to this environment better than we could've imagined. Now, they're thriving, and their numbers are slowly growing."

Prince Charles, ever curious, asked, "Do they evolve further? Like other starter Pokémon?"

David chuckled. "Oh yes. Their final form is Skeledirge, a Fire and Ghost type. But don't expect to see one easily. They often sink entirely into the lava and hide. With their Ghost abilities, they can phase through solid objects, so they could be anywhere, even blending into the cave's shadows."

As David spoke, Captain Zeman, the prince's guard commander, noticed one of his soldiers acting strangely. The young man kept fidgeting, repeatedly touching the Pokéballs on his belt.

"Private Novak," the captain said sharply, "is there a problem?"

The soldier stood at attention but looked uneasy. "Sir, my Pokémon… they're restless in this heat. They're trying to get out."

Captain Zeman raised an eyebrow, then walked over to the prince and David. "Your Highness, Mr. Lindenberg, may I speak?"

Charles nodded, allowing the captain to explain the situation. David smiled kindly. "No problem at all. Go ahead and let them out. Just make sure they don't stir up any trouble."

With David's permission, the soldier quickly released two Pokémon. As the bright flashes subsided, a majestic Turtonator and a rare Heatran, both Fire-types, materialized before the group.

"Impressive!" David exclaimed, staring wide-eyed at the Heatran. "How did you catch this one?"

Private Novak hesitated, glancing at Captain Zeman for approval before speaking. "It was during a mission to a remote volcanic mountain, sir. We encountered a family of Heatran, and this one followed us. After a bit of a struggle, I managed to capture it."

"An entire family of Heatran…" David mused. "I'd ask where this mountain is, but I'm guessing that's classified."

The soldier gave a sheepish grin. "Yes, sir."

David laughed, nodding in understanding. "I figured. But this cave, it's something too, right? This environment was created by the Pokémon themselves over centuries."

The soldier, still admiring the cave's structure, was incredulous. "But how? The geological maps show no magma flow in this area."

"You're right," David replied. "There weren't any natural magma cracks here. But over time, the presence of strong Fire-types shaped this place. This cave has been around for over two hundred years. My grandfather once told me he even spotted Entei here while exploring."

"Entei!?" Both the soldier and Prince Charles gasped in unison.

David nodded, his voice filled with nostalgia. "Yes. Though I've been coming here for years, I've never been that lucky."

"Sir," the soldier asked, a bit bolder now, "is it allowed to catch any Pokémon here?"

David paused thoughtfully. "It depends. Many of the Pokémon here belong to trainers or are rare species protected by law. You'd need permission from the head of the ranch to catch them. However, more common Pokémon catching could be approved by me, though…" he added with a grin, "I got scolded by my father when I caught a Rolycoly here years ago."

Prince Charles, ever inquisitive, tilted his head. "What's a Rolycoly?"

"Ah, it's a rock-type from the Galar region," David explained. "It evolves into a Fire-type and thrives in places rich with coal. Perfect for an environment like this."

As David finished speaking, both the Pokémon and humans seemed to settle into the natural rhythm of the cave. The Turtonator and Heatran had nestled themselves comfortably in a lava pool, the glow of the molten rock illuminating their tough scales. In this intense, otherworldly landscape, Charles couldn't help but feel a deeper appreciation for the world of Pokémon.

As David led the group deeper into the heart of the Fire Cave, the air grew thicker with heat, and the rocky walls pulsed with a fiery glow from the molten pools. The guards, though trained for difficult conditions, were visibly sweating as they followed closely behind David and Prince Charles, wary of the fiery environment and the Pokémon it harbored.

They soon approached a cluster of Magmar, who, upon spotting the intruders, quickly gathered in a defensive formation, protecting a few small Magby. The air between them shimmered with heat, and tension crackled like fire waiting to ignite.

"Careful," David warned, his voice low and steady. "Magmars are easy to provoke, and there's likely a Magmortar nearby. We definitely don't want to wake it up."

The group moved cautiously, every step measured. Prince Charles, eyes wide with curiosity, turned to David. "How do you know your way around this place so well?"

David shrugged, a casual smile on his face despite the intensity of their surroundings. "You'd know it just as well if you'd spent as much time here as I have. This place was my playground growing up."

Their quiet progress was suddenly interrupted by one of the guards. "What's that over there?" he asked, pointing to a large figure slowly emerging from a lava pool. At first, only its massive shell was visible, crusted with cooling magma and gleaming in the dim light.

As the creature fully surfaced, its body became clear—an enormous Magcargo. It let out a low, guttural rumble that echoed through the cave, its molten body bubbling with energy.

David's face immediately tensed. "Back up, slowly," he ordered, his eyes fixed on the Magcargo. "It's agitated. We don't want to provoke it."

The guards, well-trained but uneasy in this unfamiliar environment, instinctively reached for their Pokéballs. But David raised a hand, signaling them to wait.

"Hold on," he said quietly. "Let's not escalate things."

As they cautiously retreated, the eerie silence of the cave was shattered by a sharp hiss from the shadows. The sound was low and threatening, like a predator warning its prey.

"Stop," David whispered. Everyone froze. Emerging from the darkness on the opposite side of the cavern was a pack of Torracats, their sleek black and red fur gleaming in the firelight. They advanced on the Magcargo, hissing and circling it like a coordinated hunting pack.

"Are those Litten?" one of the guards whispered, squinting into the shadows.

"No," David murmured, his eyes scanning the feline creatures. "Torracat. And they're hungry."

The Magcargo, sensing the threat, responded with a low groan. Its shell began to glow with a fierce, rock-type energy, preparing a Rock Blast. The Torracats darted back, their sharp claws scraping the ground, but one of them leapt forward with surprising speed, its paw cloaked in shadow. It slashed at the Magcargo with Shadow Claw, but the fire-snail countered with a furious blast of rocks, sending the Torracat flying into the cave wall.

Before the Magcargo could regain its composure, three more Torracats sprang into action. Two of them struck with Shadow Claw, while the third used Fake Out, darting in so fast it seemed to teleport. It struck the Magcargo with a sharp blow, disorienting it and sending it crashing into the cave wall. The pack wasted no time—pouncing on the stunned Magcargo in a flurry of claws and fangs.

The cave filled with the sound of screeches and hisses as the Torracats tore into the Magcargo, their frenzied movements casting wild shadows on the walls. Within moments, the cavern fell eerily silent as the pack finished their brutal assault. The Torracats began hungrily feeding on the fallen Magcargo, their sharp teeth tearing through its rocky shell.

David, eyes sharp and voice calm, motioned for the group to retreat. "Let's go. Slowly. We don't want to attract their attention."

But as they backed away, Prince Charles froze. "Wait," he whispered, his voice tense. Two of the Torracats had stopped feeding and were now eyeing the humans, their yellow eyes glowing with hunger and curiosity. They began to approach, their muscles tensing as if ready to pounce.

"Will they attack?" the captain asked, gripping his Pokéball tightly.

David shook his head, his hand moving towards his own belt. "Let me handle it."

In two swift motions, he released his Pokémon. In a flash of light, a massive three-headed Houndemon and a towering Coalossal appeared between the humans and the Torracats. The Houndemon growled, its three heads snarling in unison, while the Coalossal stood tall and intimidating, its body crackling with heat and coals burning brightly atop its back.


Level: 65 to 66

Name: Fluffy

Gender: Female

Type: Dark / Fire

Affinity: Dark (Full), Fire (Full), Poison (Advanced)

Moves: Nasty Plot (59 to 61), Thunder Fang (58), Poison Fang (59 to 62), Leer (59), Howl (63 to 64), Bite (64), Incinerate (62), Foul Play (56), Flamethrower (64), Taunt (53), Inferno (55), Toxic (63), Tri-Attack (45 to 48), Mud Shot (62), Protect (60), Energy Ball (55), Snarl (59), Flame Charge (62), Psychic Fangs (60), Dark Pulse (64), Shadow Ball (63), Sludge Wave (60 to 61), Hyper Beam (53 to 55), Throat Chop (56)


Flash Fire – If hit by Fire-type move, Houndemon absorbs the flames and use them to power up its own Fire-type moves

Unnerve – Unnerves opposing Pokémon and makes them unable to eat berries

Weak to: Fighting, Rock, (Water, Ground)

Immune: Psychic, Fire (Flash Fire ability)

Resistant to: Ghost, Steel, Grass, Ice, Dark

Weakness removed: Water, Ground



Level: 51

Name: Hefaiston

Gender: Male

Type: Fire / Rock

Affinity: Fire (Full), Rock (Full)

Moves: Flame Charge (51), Flamethrower (50), Smack Down (46), Tar Shot (44), Ancient Power (50), Rock Polish (43), Stealth Rock (40), Heat Crash (42), Stone Edge (48), Dig (41), Iron Head (43), Power Gem (46), Solar Beam (39), Scald (36), Protect (33), Endure (30), Scorching Sand (30)


Flame Body – Burns the foe on contact

Steam Engine – Boosts Coalossal's speed if hit by Fire- or Water-type move

Weak to: Fighting, Ground (double), Rock, Water (double)

Resistant to: Normal, Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire (double), Ice, Fairy

"Fluffy, Hef," David commanded, "keep those Torracats at bay."

The Torracats stopped in their tracks, eyes narrowing as they sized up the two powerful Pokémon. Houndemon began charging up a Tri-Attack, its three heads glowing with fire, ice, and lightning. Meanwhile, Coalossal prepared its signature move, Tar Shot, heating up the ground beneath its massive feet.

The tension was thick, but David held up a hand. "Wait. Don't attack yet." He glanced at Prince Charles, who was watching with wide eyes. "Let's try to appease them."

"How?" Charles asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"They're fire-types, and they're hungry," David explained. "We'll offer them coal. It usually works."

"And where do we get coal?" Charles asked, puzzled.

David grinned, pointing to Coalossal. "From Hef, of course."

The massive Coalossal grunted in annoyance, but after a slight shake, a pile of hot coals tumbled from its back, clattering to the ground. The Torracats, drawn by the scent and warmth, immediately shifted their attention from the humans to the fresh coal. They cautiously approached the pile, sniffing at it before hungrily beginning to chew.

As the Torracats busied themselves with the coal, David signaled the group to back away further. Once they were a safe distance, he turned to the prince with a triumphant grin. "See? No need for a fight."

The guards exhaled in relief, clearly glad to have avoided a dangerous confrontation. Only Coalossal seemed a bit miffed, grumbling as it watched the Torracats devour its precious coal.

"Good job, Hef," David patted the Coalossal, who huffed in irritation but allowed it. "You'll get more coal later."

As the group made their way toward the exit of the cave, David's two Pokémon—Houndemon and Coalossal—remained outside their Pokéballs, walking alongside their trainer. The dim light from the lava pools flickered off their forms, casting long, imposing shadows against the jagged walls of the Fire Cave.

Private Novak, seeing that they were nearing the exit, turned to recall his Heatran and Turtonator, when Prince Charles suddenly broke the silence.

"Which one is stronger?" Charles asked, his voice filled with curiosity, his eyes darting between David's Pokémon and Novak's legendary Heatran and the draconic Turtonator.

David and the captain of the guards exchanged cautious glances, their faces betraying their hesitation. The prince's question was innocent enough, but the potential consequences of a battle here, in this volatile environment, were not to be taken lightly.

The captain cleared his throat, speaking first. "It's hard to say, Your Highness. Each Pokémon has its own strengths and advantages."

"It's not that hard," Charles replied, with a glint of challenge in his eye. "Why don't you have a quick match? Just to see who's better."

David shifted uncomfortably. He wasn't opposed to battling, but the Fire Cave was no ordinary battleground—it was unpredictable, filled with wild Pokémon and dangerous terrain. Even a controlled fight could trigger a chain reaction they wouldn't want to deal with.

The captain of the guards quickly stepped in, his tone firm. "Your Highness, the protocol forbids us from engaging in battles unless your safety is at risk. It's too risky, especially here in the cave."

Charles crossed his arms, clearly unimpressed by the excuse. "Oh, come on! It doesn't have to be a full battle. Just a few moves—no one has to faint. We'll see who has the edge."

David hesitated, glancing at the captain. The temptation was there. He had always heard stories about the power of the royal guards' Pokémon, and now, seeing Novak's legendary Heatran, he couldn't help but wonder how his own team would measure up. It was a rare opportunity.

The captain seemed to sense David's growing curiosity. He sighed, his brow furrowed. "Mr. Lindenberg needs his Pokémon at full strength, Your Highness, in case there's another unexpected attack on the Ranch. And besides, the match could upset the wild Pokémon in the area."

Charles was undeterred. "A short, controlled battle won't cause that much trouble. We're almost at the exit, and I'm sure you've fought in tougher places than this."

David finally spoke up, unable to suppress his curiosity. "A quick friendly match could be interesting, captain. I'll admit, I'm curious to see how my team fares against a Heatran."

The captain hesitated, clearly weighing the risks. He glanced at Novak, who seemed eager to accept the challenge. After a long pause, he relented with a warning. "Two minutes. No longer. And no scanning. Also make no unnecessary risks—this is just a friendly match."

David nodded in agreement, a grin spreading across his face. "Understood."

Novak's face lit up, his posture straightening with excitement. "Yes, sir! I accept the challenge."

"Very well," David said, glancing around the cave. "Let's move back to the large chamber near the entrance. There's more space there, and it should be safer—fewer wild Pokémon and stable ground."

The group began to make their way toward the entrance, the tension in the air thickening with anticipation. Charles walked at the center of the group, clearly excited by the prospect of a battle. His guards surrounded him protectively, their eyes scanning the cave for any potential dangers, though it was clear even they were curious to see the match unfold.

As they walked, David's Pokémon—Hef the Coalossal and Fluffy the Houndemon—kept a watchful eye on Novak's fiery duo. Heatran, with its legendary status, was an intimidating presence, and Turtonator, the fire-dragonic turtle, radiated a quiet power that couldn't be ignored.

David, deep in thought, considered which of his Pokémon to use. Fluffy was more powerful and experienced, but she had been in several battles recently. Hef, on the other hand, hadn't seen action for a while and was eager for a challenge. The rock-type Pokémon had the advantage of size and bulk, but his Rock typing made him vulnerable to Heatran's Steel attacks.

Novak's Pokémon, sensing the impending fight, began to growl lowly. Heatran's fiery eyes glinted in the dim light, and Turtonator's sharp claws scraped the ground as it paced with anticipation.

"Private Novak, control your Pokémon," the captain warned. "If they get out of hand, I'll have you recall them immediately."

"Yes, sir," Novak replied, though it was clear his Pokémon were raring to go. The energy in the cave was infectious—every Pokémon present seemed to be on edge, eager to test their strength.

Finally, they arrived at the large, open chamber near the entrance of the Fire Cave. The wide space offered plenty of room for the battle, with fewer obstacles and less risk of wild Pokémon interference. The chamber's walls were smooth, and the lava pools were far enough away to minimize danger.

David and Novak took their positions on opposite sides of the room. The rest of the guards moved to form a protective semicircle around Prince Charles, their eyes alert and focused. Charles, however, could barely contain his excitement, watching intently as the two trainers prepared for battle.

The captain stepped forward, taking his place as the referee. "Remember, this is a friendly match. Two minutes—no longer. I'll call time when it's up."

David gave one final nod to his Coalossal. "Hefaiston, give it all you've got!"

The massive Pokémon rumbled forward, its rocky form towering over the chamber. The heat from its coal-covered body radiated through the space, creating an aura of intimidation. Fluffy growled in annoyance as she was not chosen to fight, but she stayed at David's side to watch the battle. When David scratched her ears, she happily barked.

Novak grinned as he prepared to unleash his own legendary. "Heatran, I choose you!"

Heatran stepped forward, its fiery body gleaming with molten energy. The legendary Pokémon let out a low, metallic growl as it faced off against Coalossal, the air between them thick with tension.

For a brief moment, the two Pokémon stood still, sizing each other up. The cavern was silent, the only sound the crackling of embers and the faint echo of lava bubbling in the distance.

"Let the battle begin!" the captain called, signaling the start of the match.

Heatran made the first move. With a loud roar, it stomped its feet and fired a Magma Storm toward Hefaiston. The swirling vortex of molten rock and fire tore through the air, crashing toward Coalossal with incredible speed.

"Hef, brace yourself! Tar Shot!" David ordered.

Hef stood its ground, its rocky exterior absorbing the initial impact of the Magma Storm. As it did, the Coalossal launched a thick, tar-like substance from the burning coals on its back. The sticky tar splattered across Heatran, reducing its speed and coating it in a viscous, flammable layer.

Heatran roared in frustration, trying to shake off the tar. Novak's eyes flashed with determination. "Heatran, use Earth Power!"

Novak's voice cut through the air, no longer hesitant or subservient. He was calm and commanding now, his posture stiff and eyes sharp—he was no longer just a quiet guard, but a top trainer. Heatran slammed its massive foot into the ground, causing the earth beneath Coalossal to tremble. Cracks formed in the ground as glowing veins of energy erupted toward Hef, threatening to send the Coalossal tumbling.

David watched with growing concern. Heatran was stronger—far stronger than he'd anticipated. The difference in power was clear from the start. Novak wasn't just an ordinary soldier; his calm, decisive commands revealed his expertise. David realized this wasn't going to be a simple match.

"Stone Edge, now!" David shouted.

Hef roared in defiance and summoned jagged pillars of stone from the ground. The sharp rocks intercepted the Earth Power, shattering on impact and sending debris flying through the air. Some of the sharp stones grazed Heatran, causing it to stagger slightly.

"Another Stone Edge!"

This time Novak was ready. "Heatran, dodge and use Earth Power!"

The legendary Pokémon nimbly sidestepped the Stone Edge attack with surprising agility for its size. Heatran then retaliated, slamming its fiery body into the ground. The earth beneath Coalossal trembled violently as fissures opened, releasing a burst of energy that struck the giant rock Pokémon. Hef let out a low roar of pain as the ground beneath it erupted, nearly toppling the massive creature.

David's heart sank. Coalossal was struggling. The Earth Power had hit hard, exploiting its weakness to Ground-type moves. Hef's movements were slowing, its towering form now visibly trembling from the onslaught.

"One minute remaining!" the captain called out, his voice cutting through the noise.

Novak, sensing the urgency, made his next call. "Heatran, Flash Cannon!"

Heatran opened its maw, charging up a beam of brilliant steel energy. The blinding light filled the chamber as it prepared to unleash the attack.

David, not missing a beat, issued his counter-command. "Hef, protect yourself! Heat Crash!"

Coalossal surged forward, its massive body enveloped in flames as it launched itself toward Heatran. The two Pokémon collided with a deafening crash, fire and steel clashing in a brilliant explosion of energy. Heatran's Flash Cannon struck Coalossal, but the momentum of Hefaiston's Heat Crash pushed the legendary Pokémon back.

Both Pokémon were locked in a fierce exchange of power. Heatran's fiery presence clashed with Hef's raw strength, and the cavern echoed with the sounds of their attacks. The guards and Prince Charles watched in awe as the two titans battled for dominance.

The battle was fierce, but just as it seemed like the two Pokémon were preparing for another exchange, the captain raised his hand. "Time's up!"

Both Pokémon paused, breathing heavily but still standing. The cavern fell silent, the only sound the crackling of embers and the faint echoes of the battle that had just ended.

David let out a sigh of relief. Coalossal, barely standing, gave a weary groan but managed to keep itself upright, though its body was trembling from the strain of the battle. Despite the struggle, Hef had endured until the very end, and for that, David felt a swell of pride.

The captain approached, his expression neutral but his eyes betraying a hint of approval. "Well done, both of you. The match is over."

David looked across the battlefield at Novak, who had returned to his calm, stoic demeanor, though there was a gleam of respect in his eyes. David realized then that he had faced an excellent trainer, one whose true strength was masked by his role as a royal guard. Novak wasn't just following orders—he was a skilled battler, someone who could rival some of the best trainers David had ever seen.

Novak gave a small nod. "You have a strong Coalossal, Mr. Lindenberg. I would have enjoyed seeing how this match would have played out."

Before David could answer, Fluffy howled loudly in her three voices announcing her determination that she would be able to defeat Heatran. David smiled wearily, recalling his exhausted Coallosal and patting one of Houndemon's howling heads. "Fluffy, quiet! Thank you, sir. Heatran is an incredible opponent. And thank you, Your Highness, for the proposal of battle!"

Prince Charles, who had been watching the entire match with wide-eyed excitement, clapped his hands together. "That was amazing! I knew it would be close! You both fought brilliantly."

The guards relaxed their stances as the tension in the room dissipated, and the cave's natural quiet began to return. Despite the match being over, the intensity lingered in the air, a testament to the power of the Pokémon who had just fought.

David glanced back at Novak, still feeling the adrenaline from the battle. He had learned something important today—both about his own strength and the strength of those around him. And though Coalossal had been pushed to its limits, David knew that, in time, they would grow even stronger.

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