Chapter 35: A bargain between pals
With three badges in my grasp we got to the minihotel above the city's pokemon center to get our stuff packed.
"Come on Zorua stop running!" Chloe tried to calm down my pokemon. They were full of energy even the Charmeleon was happily running about.
I laughed to myself seeing her struggle.
"They're your pokemon you know…shouldn't you be more responsible??" Chloe asked concerned.
"Relax, it's not like they're using moves or anythin-" I was interrupted by the sound of Charmeleon's metal claw breaking the wall.
"Oh would you look at the time- Time to go guys!" I packed my stuff quickly and started to leave with Chloe and my pokemon running close behind me.
"Hope you enjoyed your stay-" Nurse Joy tried to speak to us but we didn't stay to listen to her.
We stopped running when we were a good distance away from the pokemon center we had our bags packed to the brim and were out of breath.
"You….are SO irresponsible!"
I rubbed my head in embarrassment, chuckling softly to myself petting Zorua and my other pokemon.
"You need to let loose sometimes-" I said returning everyone except Zorua.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Chloe sounded insulted but I just got up and kept on walking ahead. I was not falling into one of those traps.
"Hey! I'm talking to you- Hold on!"
"So hold on, I missed all that in one meeting?" Surge was in the pokemon fanclub talking over drinks with Erika who was drinking herbal tea instead.
"Yes indeed." She nodded
"There's a new team on the loose an-"
Surge sighs interrupting her in the middle of her sentence and takes another shot.
"I knew that much, I wanted the details… what's this about the team rocket coming back?"
Erika smiled slightly and nodded again.
"On what Lance told us they seem to be trying their luck in Unova."
"Unova?.. What are they doing all the way over there?" Team rockets don't normally move to different regions especially if it's across sea at least that's what we knew until now.
"Apparently they're trying to summon Zekrom to use at their side." Erika explains taking a sip of her herbal tea.
"That's impossible-" Surge took another shot before continuing.
"Don't they need to be someone with a noble heart or some shit?"
Erika nodded.
"Only time will tell."
The room grew silent for a second before she finally spoke again.
"And before i continue Lt.Surge i don't think it's wise to be drinking whilst discussing confidential matters-"
"Quit your bitching and just continue already." Lt. Surge took another shot.
"We sent Blue on the mission to Unova…but he needs two other trainers. If you have any recommendations I suggest you report them as soon as possible, we only have three days before he leaves."
Erika informed.
Surge looked shocked.
"Something wrong Lieutenant?"
"I wish you had told me this earlier!" Surge said, rubbing his forehead.
"You have someone?" Erika looked interested to see this person Surge picked out himself.
"I do." Surge leaned back with his arms folded.
"He shows the fastest improvement of any ten year old I've met so far and he got some very rare pokemon."
Erika looked a bit disappointed by what Lt.Surge was saying.
"With all due respect…Lieutenant, I don't think sending in a ten year old would be wise-"
"Give him two days." Lt. Surge interrupted her.
She looked at him shocked.
"Give him two days….i wont tell him about this bet and if he beats your gym in two recommend him personally to blue."
"Are you insane-....what if that poor child gets hurt out there. Would you take any responsibility??" Erika seemed openly concerned about this topic.
"Maybe I am or maybe I'm not but if you don't take the deal I'll recommend him myself and he would be scouted anyway." He went to take another drink but Erika put her hand over his stopping him from lifting the cup.
"Fine…" She finally said getting up to leave.
Surge scoffed as she left, taking another shot.
"I wish you luck …challenger."
"Another adventure, another cave! I'm sick and tired of caves!" I complained as I hiked through the trails of Rock tunnel.
"This is the second cave you've been in-" Chloe said.
"That's already too much!"
Zorua climbed through the trails with ease as we struggled constantly having to stop to catch our breath.
"Damn..i didn't know i was this out of shape-" i muttered to myself as i stopped for the 100th time.
"same -" Chloe agreed with me.
Zorua kept on running ahead and we struggled to keep up with her.
"Zorua don't go too far again ok?" I called out to her but it seemed like she didn't hear me.
"I told you-" Chloe muttered.
"I have amazing control over my pokemon- This proves nothing!" I said climbing ahead.
Chloe sighed as she follows.