Pokémon: Chronicles of Freedom

Chapter 417: Chapter 416: Planning

Cain then summoned Torchic, Poliwag, and Aron.

During this period, Cain has focused on helping them develop a solid foundation. For example, Torchic and Poliwag's bodies are somewhat weak, and Cain hopes to first strengthen their physical condition before starting more intense training.

As for Aron, while its body has been well-trained, after prolonged feeding and battles, it has developed some invisible injuries.

Cain has prohibited it from participating in battles or intense exercise for now, as it needs to heal these hidden wounds. Otherwise, it could develop chronic issues that would be difficult to resolve.

With the addition of special Pokéblocks containing geocentric cleansing milk, Aron can recover more quickly and enhance its talent in rock-type moves.

Torchic's condition is slowly stabilizing, and the data provided by the system shows that its potential fluctuations are balancing out.

However, with the intake of Cain's customized Pokéblocks, these fluctuations are slowly increasing. Once they stabilize completely, it's highly likely that Torchic will reach a deep blue quality.

As for Poliwag, its extended confinement in the Hunter Association caused its body to use energy only to maintain daily functions, hindering its growth.

Thus, it is the most behind in development among the three Pokémon.

However, being a pure water-type Pokémon, it has outstanding talent in that type.

"For now, the task for the three of you is to strengthen your bodies and recover from any internal or external injuries from the past. Otherwise, your future growth might be affected," Cain said, gently patting the heads of the three Pokémon.

Compared to Poliwag's damp head and Aron's metallic one, Torchic's soft head was the most pleasant to touch.

Previously, Cain enjoyed patting Slowpoke's head, but now that it has evolved into Slowking, Torchic has taken its place.

Cain will likely keep patting Torchic's head until it evolves into Blaziken.

Fortunately, Torchic doesn't seem to mind; in fact, it appears to enjoy it, sometimes responding by happily rubbing against Cain.

The three little ones were sent to bed early. Since they are still in their growth stage, they need plenty of sleep and proper nutrition. For now, battles are left to the older Pokémon.

Both Murkrow and Slowpoke have successfully evolved, and Cain's team has gained significant strength since participating in the final trial.

Additionally, Slowking's level has reached 37. It only needs to gain three more levels to achieve the advanced trainer rank.

When that happens, with Slowking as the core, Cain's chances of establishing his water-type gym will significantly increase.

In Cain's future plans, Sneasel, Haunter, and Skorupi will be his priority for training.

Once Steven obtains the Razor Claw, Cain can evolve Sneasel. Although Sneasel was once the most promising Pokémon in Cain's team, it has now been surpassed by Honchkrow and Slowking.

Cain has also planned the development of Skorupi's poison-type moves, which has been more straightforward than with Haunter. Cain provided Skorupi with a venom sac from a quasi-elite-level Arbok.

With Haunter's assistance, Skorupi can slowly consume the venom from the sac.

Compared to the poisonous gas Haunter used before, the venom from Arbok's sac is much richer in energy. Immediately after consuming it, Skorupi leveled up, reaching level 26.

Skorupi's level is increasing rapidly and will soon catch up with the other Pokémon on the team.

Additionally, thanks to its constant consumption of calcium supplements, Skorupi has grown to 1.2 meters, making it a true giant compared to normal Skorupi, which typically measure about 80 cm.

Although some time has passed since Skorupi was born and its bones are stabilizing, the effects of calcium pills will become less noticeable in the future.

Even so, a 1.2-meter Skorupi is almost the size of a normal Drapion. When it evolves, it's sure to be an extraordinary Drapion.

With the Sniper ability, Skorupi will be a key member of Cain's team.

Among Cain's five main battling Pokémon, Honchkrow serves as support and a hunter, Slowking as a long-range artillery tower, Haunter specializes in control and attrition, Sneasel is agile and offensive, and Skorupi, upon evolving into Drapion, will be the main defensive and frontline attacker.

Its growth is crucial.

Otherwise, Cain's Pokémon would have to rely more on guerrilla tactics, as they did when facing Steven's Metang.

But if Skorupi grows and evolves before Aron is ready, it will be the first Pokémon to take on defensive and direct offensive roles.

Cain has always considered Skorupi one of his first Pokémon capable of defining a battle.

When it evolves into Drapion, it will automatically learn three biting moves, allowing it to effectively combat a variety of Pokémon types.

Once its poison-type move development is complete, Skorupi will enter a phase of rapid leveling.

Of course, alongside its growth, Sneasel and Haunter will also undergo intensive training.

Honchkrow and Slowking, on the other hand, will focus on acclimating to their evolved forms. Having evolved, both have seen a level increase, so in the short term, they will concentrate on consolidating that growth.

Once Cain has properly trained these five Pokémon, he can begin working on his second lineup.

Cain has one Pokémon at the forefront of his mind: Larvitar.

Umbra has already agreed to provide Cain with three evolution elixirs. However, since Cain has just arrived in Hoenn and is busy organizing his base, the exchange will have to wait a bit.

At the same time, Cain plans to exchange the remaining resources from Team Rocket for useful supplies.

This way, the development of Team Heaven won't be hindered by minor setbacks.

Cain quickly outlined the tasks he needs to complete in the future.

First, he will travel to Verdanturf Town and upgrade his hunter rank to four stars. Then, he will establish his own hunting team and integrate Karen as a team member.

Second, he will assign some members to Karen to capture Pokémon. They don't need to generate much income initially, but they should at least learn how to do so.

Third, Cain will consult with his mentor, Matsuda Takashi, about founding the gym. If any costs need to be paid, Cain can prepare in advance.

Once he gets approval to open the gym, he can plan a series of activities, including creating a Pokémon Center, developing commerce in Leafy Town, expanding Team Heaven, and even restructuring the town's black market.

Once the black market is established, Team Heaven can balance income and expenses.

This will allow Cain to stop spending his own money, and Team Heaven can operate fully, helping Cain obtain more resources for his growth.

Although many of these tasks can be delegated, Cain considers the most important thing to be strengthening his power.

It's likely that once the gym is approved, Cain will depart again in search of new experiences.

(End of Chapter)

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