Chapter 151: Chapter 14
Kirkeøy Continent, Wotan
Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth
May 12th 3050
Patricia Ainsworth had handed over Oston to the LIC side of FCIS, specifically to Loki agents. There was wary respect between the two groups, now under one umbrella organization. Oston would not be in for a pleasant time. She knew that torture was possibly one of the tactics they would use, but certainly not the only one. One of their favored tactics was questioning under a memory blocker. They would ask questions, steer the conversation, and look for ways to phrase things to get the subject to speak. When it failed, they would simply try again in a few hours, the prisoner never knowing he had already gone through the same thing. They asked the same set of questions but would detour once they reached the uncooperative stage, trying a different approach.
She didn't envy the man's fate, but she also couldn't find any pity in her heart for him. He had invaded her nation and tried to kill her charge. She had wondered if Katherine would object to him being handed off; Ainsworth feared she would try to do something foolish, like letting him become a Warrior again.
I needn't have worried; she held their culture and mindset in contempt. Her view was that the Clan invasion was an existential threat, and without more knowledge of the enemy, we would be fighting blind.
Today, she would once again be using the Elemental armor. It was a marvel of technology, and she enjoyed being within its confines. With it, she could lift 500 kilograms over her head, and the immense pressure of the claw on one side of the suit could rip off armored plating from 'Mechs. She could run faster and jump twice as high, even before using the suit's jump jets.
She also knew that her vitals were connected to the suit, allowing it to administer clotting agents and pain relievers when it detected wounds. This particular suit had a laser attachment, while some of the others had machine guns instead. The SRM launcher was not currently attached, and only a few suits still had working ones.
Ainsworth would be testing the suit's jump capabilities as well as conducting target practice. She moved with fluidity, and aside from a tree branch collapsing under her total weight, there were no issues.
Now the question is… do I push to accompany Ice into battle? The rule for FCIS protective details covering MechWarrior VIPs is that we don't have a place on that kind of battlefield. We watch for physical threats in the 99% of their lives when they aren't in 'Mechs. But should that change? We aren't nearly as fast as 'Mechs moving at full speed, so we could get left behind, but the desire to protect her 100% of the time compels me to join her on the battlefield.
With the casualties Leftenant Rogers had suffered, they had enough Elemental suits for thirteen soldiers to be fully effective, not counting the SRM launchers. Gustav would probably decline a suit since he couldn't use one while fulfilling his role as Overwatch.
"My team will take this one and two more to arm all of us, except for Gustav, which will leave ten for Rogers' group. Since they handle more of the perimeter defense, they could make good use of them."
Her accuracy with the arm laser needed improvement, but that would come with time. When not on active duty protecting Katherine, she would practice with the suit. As she acknowledged that to herself, she realized she had made her decision. She would push to be present on the battlefield with Katherine, serving as another layer of defense against threats to the princess's life.
I will always do my duty, but this one is different. In her, I can see the strength of the Fox made manifest. I will die before I let her fall.
Kirkeøy Continent, Wotan
Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth
June 1st 3050
I was appreciative of what my great-aunt was doing, but I was also frustrated. Her announcement of my promotion made it clear she was playing games, likely out of frustration with Morgan Hasek-Davion encroaching on her domain. The merging of the two militaries had led to some… odd changes in the rank structure. The rank of Hauptmann-Kommandant had been removed, which had displeased some in the Lyran State Command. This little tit-for-tat between Nondi and Morgan was something I had no desire to get caught up in.
On the plus side, I was getting even more than I had hoped for. I'd be receiving thirty-six new Spitfire Cannons for myself and would be responsible for training with the other thirty-six. I would also be getting six aerospace fighters, an additional JumpShip, and extra DropShips assigned to my unit. On top of that, I'd have the authority to promote one of my Hauptmanns to Kommandant. It was too early for Christmas!
Hauptmann Fischer had my additional artillery officers from the Icar Armored Brigade. Now, we just needed to wait for the artillery pieces to arrive, which would take a while and was the fly in my ointment. Based on my conversations with Oston and what I had observed, I didn't think the Clans would be slow in their conquest. I hoped Wotan wouldn't be targeted next, but it was a very real possibility. In the interim, even without their equipment being here, they could still be cross-trained on the Spitfire Cannons we still had left.
However, Sven had done more than just bring the artillery officers on board – nearly 90% of the tank and support crews wanted to join as well. I now had nearly an entire additional battalion of armor wishing to join my command. A Hauptmann-Kommandant wasn't supposed to command a regiment!
If I overstacked my companies and assigned five per battalion, could I get away with just two battalions and avoid having a regimental commander looking over my shoulder? My TOE was going to look ridiculous, and the amount of supplies I could requisition was based on my command size – just like my budget… Ugh. More headaches!
I was seventeen. It was one thing to be a Kommandant, but quite another to be a Leftenant-General.
Why the hell did they even do away with the Colonel and Leftenant Colonel ranks again? Honestly, Morgan had only just taken over as Marshal of the Armies. With Nondi making her play, maybe I could talk to him about adjusting the rank structure to something more rational. But even then, being seventeen and a Colonel was just as ridiculous. I'm sure no one in the AFFC wanted to see that.
My worries about my unit structure were quickly forgotten as enemy JumpShips arrived in-system. Leftenant General Cabrillo had not taken my advice and did not respond to the batchall in the Clan fashion. Based on the number of DropShips, we were looking at a significantly larger force than what had attacked Icar.
My soldiers were already up and preparing as soon as word was announced. I had my own unit, which wasn't at full strength – just over two companies of the 12th Regiment, most of which were repaired – and a battalion of armor. The Wotan Tamar March Militia had an infantry regiment and an armored battalion stationed on Kirkeøy as well. While on the main continent and centered around the capital, they had a 'Mech regiment, a vehicle regiment, four additional infantry regiments, and their Aerospace assets.
As the highest-ranking 'Mech commander, the defense would fall to me; however, it looked as though I would be evacuated. I was in communication with the Leftenant General, who advised me that a Union and a Leopard would be escorted to my position to pick me up.
"Sir, that won't be enough to take all my units. I brought DropShips with me, and…"
"Hauptmann-Kommandant, I will need those assets to help defend this world. Everything you can fit on those two DropShips; you can take with you."
"But sir…"
"I do not have time; they will be there within five hours."
The capital city of Borealtown had the only spaceport on the planet. My DropShips had unloaded my units here on Kirkeøy, but they had then gone to the other continent to refuel and perform regular maintenance.
Like on Icar, the enemy – identified this time as Jade Falcons – had appeared at the Pirate Point and were coming in hot. The DropShips sent to pick me up would have gotten here in time… had they not been destroyed by enemy aerospace fighters an hour out from the 'Mech repair facility.
Damn you Being X!
Sensors were relaying information on what was dropping on this continent: two Overlord-class DropShips, though they massed larger than standard Overlords.
If a normal Overlord can carry thirty-six – let's call it forty – I could be looking at eighty 'Mechs or 'Mech equivalents. That would smash us like a bug. We have a defensive position and are dug in with artillery, but their 'Mechs are just too fast, too armored, too heat-efficient, and too strong. And they have aerospace support.
Cabrillo was back on the line. "Princess, I don't think we can afford to send another DropShip until battle has joined and their aerospace fighters are distracted. Try to slow down the enemy and retreat if you have to. I will not have you fall on this world."
"Sir, I'm going to attempt to contact the enemy commander when they enter the field. If I can narrow the amount of force used, I believe I can win. If nothing else, it will buy us some time."
"Fine, try to slow them down with negotiations, but do not risk yourself. I have orders from High Command that this world's top priority is to keep you safe."
Normally, this would be music to my ears, but I couldn't trust anyone else to fight this battle—if I could get the limited battle I desired.
"Understood. Good luck out there."
The communication link cut off, and I hoped that what Oston had shared with me would help. It was our only hope.
Why had they sent so much to this world? The March Militia represented a stronger force than what was on Icar, but not by that much. From the battle reports on other worlds, they hadn't used nearly as much when fighting full-blown RCTs! This must be the work of Being X.
Kirkeøy Continent, Wotan
Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth
June 2nd 3050
Star Colonel Diane Anu was surprised to receive a communication from the enemy commander regarding the facility she had been assigned to capture.
"I am Hauptmann-Kommandant Katherine Steiner-Davion. My commanding officer has refused the batchall for this world. However, I would be honored to accept a batchall for this 'Mech facility, the surrounding industries, and the entirety of this continent. It would be wasteful to risk damaging what you have come to claim."
Interesting. She knows of our ways.
Star Captain Nedra spoke in their command channel, "This is the daughter of the ruler of the Lyran Commonwealth. This is one of the prime targets. If we can take her alive, it will bring us much honor after the Falcon Guards failed to capture her brother."
Diane looked forward to the honor of a proper fight – not that they expected to get one – but the chance now existed.
"Very well, I am Star Colonel Diane Anu, proud commander of the 5th Battle Cluster. I am Jade Falcon and claim this continent for my own. What forces do you dare defend it with?"
"Thank you, Star Colonel. My answer depends, for my forces are still in disrepair. I would prefer to defend with a small force of BattleMechs only, as I have learned that your people find artillery shameful. I have eight BattleMechs repaired and battle-ready, weighing a total of 375 tons together. If you would consent to having a smaller-scale conflict, this will guarantee the infrastructure we are fighting for will be undamaged."
Amused, Diane considered the request. Her warriors would be upset at not being able to fight this day, but the call to honorable combat compelled her to accept.
"I will agree to use an appropriate force and not the full might of my Cluster."
"Excellent, and as this is a Trial of Possession, I would demand something of equal value for my victory. For if I were to lose, you would have this continent nearly completely unscathed. My own soldiers will lay down their arms and may claim their 'Mechs, armored vehicles, and support equipment as Isorla."
Curious but on guard, Diane mulled it over. "What are you requesting as your prize?"
"Three things, Star Colonel. Considering the 'Mechs, armored vehicles, and artillery you would claim as your prize, I would expect equal value. I am led to believe every 'Mech of yours is equal to two of mine in battle, and that you rate armored vehicles at half that. Based on that ratio, I would like at least two companies of frontline 'Mechs or five Stars' worth. You may substitute one Star of 'Mechs for Elemental suits."
Diane scoffed, but the enemy commander continued.
"The second thing that I would ask is that, in exchange for the 'Mech repair facility you might win, I and all the units who serve or are allied with me on this world be allowed to leave without interference within a week's time at our discretion. I wish to be honest with you, Star Colonel; I do not believe my commanding officer can beat your forces at the capital."
"And finally, I would request ten of the Tech Caste who currently work on the 'Mechs I intend to win be given to me as bondsmen. This is in exchange for the industry in the surrounding area that will not be damaged thanks to our smaller battle. What say you, Star Colonel?"
"Your requests border on insulting. You are ignorant, but at least you are trying to be better than others of your ilk." Her tone was condescending, but she also spoke the truth. The Inner Sphere barbarians attempting to follow the Honor Road was worthy.
"It is my understanding that the batchall process is a matter of negotiation, quiaff?"
Shock struck her. "Aff," came her immediate, almost instinctual response.
"Then what is your counteroffer? I am reasonable. If you win, you have the whole of my command and have taken territory that has value for your continued conquest. This facility will be damaged or destroyed in a conventional battle. Artillery will shamefully rain down on your heads, and while you may still prove victorious, there will be losses, and that abhorrent waste should be beneath the both of us."
That was true; the Clans hated waste. And the thought of a warrior dying to shells fired from kilometers away twisted her stomach.
"You may have one 'Mech, one of our Tech Caste, and I will allow any of your eight participants in the Trial of Possession safe passage, should you win."
Silence from the other end of the line. "You will have to do better than that, Star Colonel. I am giving you the opportunity to fight a full and proper batchall-based Trial of Possession with an Inner Sphere unit. This may be the very first of its kind; perhaps this historic occasion may be worthy enough to be given lines in the Remembrance."
How does she know about that?
"How do you know about the Remembrance?"
"Agree to my terms and I will tell you immediately," she replied.
That was tempting.
"No, for one, I cannot grant passage to those fighting at the capital. That is not under my purview; only this continent is. For two, you ask for far too much. I will be willing to grant you one Star of 'Mechs and one Tech and allow the defenders of this continent to leave should you win."
More silence. Diane wondered if she was speaking it over with someone else. Based on the ComStar report, she was very young for her command. Like a freshly made warrior who won their Trial of Position by slaying three foes, only the Spheroids did not have proper trials, so it was not the same.
"It is my understanding that you will bid for the right to fight this Trial after I have sent over the information on who will be defending. My final bid in this negotiation, Star Colonel Diane Anu: give me a pristine copy of each 'Mech you use in the battle and five additional Elemental suits. Provide me two members of your Tech Caste as bondmen, one of which must be an experienced and skilled one. I will consent to only having those defenders on this continent be given safe passage, but I must insist on the use of any and all DropShips that are currently at the spaceport to be used as my transport. In exchange, I will reveal the source of my information, and I will fight honorably under the rules of Zellbrigen. We will not focus our fire on one target; instead, it will be a proper series of one-on-one duels. Any extra combatants will wait their turn. Here, I am sending you my unit information now. What say you?"
Nedra laughed. "She bargains well. We should accept and put the cutdown at no less than four points to ensure success."
Diane hesitated. This was within her rights as a Star Colonel and trusted member of the Galaxy. Losing was such a far-fetched possibility, there seemed little reason not to accept. She read through the data.
Not as complete as what we use in the Clans, but there is interesting information. Half her pilots are recently made warriors with only one lost battle to their name. She included her class ranking, but this information means nothing to me. The other, more seasoned warriors have few battles in their record – mostly just fights against pirates and bandits, tasks unworthy of frontline warriors. Katherine wishes to fight in the Trial herself; I will honor this, but I will make sure this battle is won.
"Agreed, Katherine Steiner-Davion. I will send you the history of the unit you will fight once we have concluded the bidding. Where will the battle take place?"
"Ten kilometers to the north. I will set out once I have your participants' information. As for how I know about your ways? Do you think my father does not have an intelligence apparatus that has infiltrated ComStar? Between our infiltrators and the capture of warriors from other Clans, we have learned much of your people. I leave you to your bidding. Bargained well and done."
"Bargained well and done," came her automatic reply.
If she lost here this would be a horrendous blow.
I can take no chances.
"There will be no bidding. I intend to take my Command Star and deal with this personally," she told her Cluster.
"Neg!" Star Captain Nedra objected. "You would deny us the chance for honor, and you would deny yourself the same. The most elite Star in the Cluster against this rabble? Every member of this Clan is better than two of theirs. By weight or numbers, you are making a mockery of this!"
Diane grew angry over those words. "Do you want to meet in the Circle of Equals over this, Star Captain? Her capture was made a priority by the Khan himself. Letting so many of them flee will disgrace me. I refuse to put my position at risk because a too-bold bid leads us to failure."
Diane knew Nedra would back down. The leader of Trinary Alpha was good, but not as good as she was.
"I have made my objection known. When you handily obliterate these Spheroids, I doubt there will be any lines in the Remembrance over this massacre," Nedra replied sullenly.
Kirkeøy Continent, Wotan
Tamar March, Lyran Commonwealth
June 2nd 3050
It was a testament to my relationship with Patricia that she didn't try to dissuade me from taking part in the battle. I knew she would have preferred that I sit it out and let other MechWarriors handle it, but this was too critical.
Careful thought had gone into choosing who would fight alongside me. I would be piloting the Gargoyle, and its weaponry was impressive. Two Extended Range PPCs were backed by a large pulse laser. All three weapons had incredible long-range punch and were terrifyingly powerful. Leftenant Roth would be piloting the other salvaged 'Mech, the Timber Wolf. Both machines would allow us to fight on even footing with our opponents.
When considering my strategy, Leftenant LeBeau would be piloting his Wolfhound. The two other pilots best suited for this fight were Hauptmann Able Daniels from the 12th Star Guards, piloting a Shadow Hawk, and Leftenant Hope Rivera, also from the same regiment. They piloted the heaviest fully functional mediums left in the Star Guards. I was hopeful that if the enemy used a full Star, they would be in lighter 'Mechs. Given Oston's statements on how the Clans believed they were literally twice as good as us, I gave it good odds we would only face 200 tons or less.
Based on that ratio, I didn't add more medium 'Mechs to my force but instead selected additional light 'Mechs. Leftenant Roth's Wolfhound, borrowed by one of our better pilots, along with a Commando and a Stinger. If we faced five 'Mechs, the three lightest pilots would hold back until one of my own went down. I suspected that was most likely to happen with our mercenary allies, as they hadn't been trained by me, and the Centurion and Shadow Hawk were far inferior to Clan-designed 'Mechs. When one fell, we would send in the Wolfhound, then the Commando, and finally the Stinger.
Hopefully, I can deal with my foe before anyone on my side goes down. If my tonnage estimates are correct, I should be able to defeat a 50-ton or 40-ton 'Mech without much trouble. If they decide to go heavier, fielding something like two 80-ton 'Mechs and a 40-ton one, we'll have five alternates, but they will give Aiko and me some trouble.
"Remember, people, under no circumstances are you to fire on anyone you aren't dueling. Hail the enemy 'Mech in descending order of tonnage. If things get heated, remember that you can eject – it doesn't mean we'll lose. I want all of you alive by the end of this!"
"Yes, Kommandant!"
A private comm came in from Aiko.
"That goes for you too, Katherine."
"Of course," I replied.
The world was rather arid and just a bit under standard Earth—Terra—gravity. It was also slightly warmer, but the continent we were on had a more temperate climate. The terrain I had selected lay in a valley amid otherwise rocky surroundings. Grass grew here, and the idyllic valley would almost certainly be transformed by the time we were done with it.
I had been keeping track of the broader battle, and it was not looking good. The amount of Aerospace support the enemy had was troubling – it dwarfed what the Wotan TMM had on hand. The number of 'Mechs they had dropped on the main continent was staggering. Nearly two regiments of 'Mechs was overkill. Had there been no bidding at all?
The remnants of the 12th Star Guards' 1st and 2nd regiments were conducting a series of harassment efforts that slowed the enemy, but I couldn't see it amounting to much. Their inexorable advance on Borealtown would be completed in short order.
As we neared the site of our Trial of Possession battle, I spotted a DropShip approaching, and a nervous tickle crept into my mind. What if Oston had been feeding us a load of crap? What if they were about to disgorge an entire company of 'Mechs from that vessel?
I breathed a sigh of relief as five 'Mechs stepped out, their pilots soon opening their cockpits and disembarking with the aid of ladders. Then five more emerged, and I carefully counted their number and size.
Damn, this is not a two-on-one fight. According to the onboard computer's information, we're facing a full Star, not half our tonnage. I do appreciate that their onboard computer system lets me see Clan designations for each 'Mech, along with their standard loadouts.
I did some quick math: 70-tons for the Summoner, 65-tons for the Hellbringer, 45-tons for the Ice Ferret, and 30-tons each for the Kit Foxes. My original plan had me facing off against the Summoner, whom I out-massed by ten tons. Aiko had a similar advantage, but her movement would be impaired due to our only partially successful regrafting of an alternative set of legs.
My real worries were for the other fights. The Ice Ferret weighed less but probably had more firepower, armor, and speed than the Shadow Hawk. The Kit Fox might make for an even fight against the Centurion, but I doubted it. I trusted Gregory against the other Kit Fox. The enemy light 'Mech would have higher levels of tech, but Gregory had five tons over it, and I had personally trained him. The ratio was more 3-2 than 2-1. Would the ratio have been lower if I hadn't bargained so hard? This was something to think about for future battles – if I had future battles.
My comms chirped, and a connection was made with my opponent.
"I congratulate you on your cleverness. Using our own 'Mechs will give you needed strength. It will not help in the end. It is not just our technology that allows us to surpass you. I hope you survive this battle, Katherine, for you will make for a clever bondswoman."
I hated having to fight. I truly hated it; war was such a monstrous waste of human resources. Despite my unequivocal contempt for it, I couldn't help but grin as adrenaline flowed through my body. A giddy surge of excitement that made my hands twitch with eagerness was just my desire to see a well-laid plan executed.
Davion Heavy Guards HQ, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
June 2nd 3050
Wendy and Kai had been married earlier in the year, and it had been the happiest day of her life. Some had suggested they wait until they were older, but Wendy knew what she wanted. It was Kai—sweet, humble, and brilliant Kai. His fears were still there, but she had steadily chipped away at them. She had been so proud when he had asked Marshal Adelmana, the commander of the Davion Heavy Guards, to pilot his father's 'Mech. He had been declined, but he had been bold in the asking and had accepted it. He was in the Davion Heavy Guards, and he would pilot his brand-new Caesar next to her own.
She and Kai were some of the very best marksmen in a 'Mech in the whole regiment. The powerful Gauss Rifle and ER PPC gave the Caesar an incredible punch at range. The four medium pulse lasers were there for when the enemy got close. She loved her new 'Mech, though Kai had said their mutual friend, Princess Katherine, had sniffed her nose at the choice of medium pulse lasers by the designers.
Kai had been pinged to take a message and he returned to the room looking grim.
"Is everything ok?"
"My father informed me that Golandrinas and Derf were hit. Based on their analysis of the invader's movement, they will almost certainly be striking Wotan. When he sent an Alpha Priority message to warn the commander there, there was no response, and it's been over six hours. It can only mean the Clans are attacking, and Katherine is on that world."
Wendy's heart went out to her husband. Kai had a good relationship with his family and, of course, with her, but he had few close friends. Victor and Katherine were it. Though a few members of the Heavy Guards were warming up to him, it wasn't anything like with Victor and Katherine.
She hugged him; his compact and lean muscles could be felt under his casual wear. His own embrace was tighter than normal, and they held the position for a long time.
"I feel guilty that I'm not out there with them. Victor and Katherine are fighting the deadliest of opponents, and I am here, safe and sound."
"That is just the luck of the draw. No one knew the Lyran Commonwealth would be attacked this way. Didn't you tell me that Victor was angry for a week over being deployed so far from any likely trouble?"
A ghost of a smile appeared on his face. "Yes, he needed an outlet, and his message to me shared just how frustrated he was with his parents over it."
She nodded and gave him a kiss. "Katherine survived them once, and now she's prepared. You know how dangerous a prepared Katherine is, right?"
Kai's head bobbed in agreement. "She's formidable, I'll give you that. Both are, but she's going up against foes with vastly superior technology. Nothing bothers my father; he's a rock! And yet I can feel the stress radiate from him, and I've seen the bags under his eyes. This is something different."
Wendy didn't have the words to ease his worries, so she chose a path that she bet her former roommate would approve of.
"It sounds like our previous best won't be enough. Is that what I am hearing you say, Kai?"
"I don't want to be defeatist, but yes."
"Well, then the solution is to get better. Get your father to give you detailed specs of the enemy 'Mechs and let's get some of the simulator programmers to outfit these Clan 'Mechs. We can take turns being them versus our Caesar. If your father is right about the threat they are, we will one day need to fight them. Either at Victor and Katherine's side, or to avenge them. Either way, we have a duty to improve."
Kai's head shot up. "You're right. Here I am moping when I should be preparing."
They embraced again, and Wendy felt that familiar comforting warmth in her heart radiate outward. Her husband needed someone to help him channel his thoughts and concerns productively. She was more than happy to help him do that and find his peace.