Chapter 24: I get bear hugged into submission
"So… a new brother?" Alexander asked Percy.
The sea son snapped back, "he is not my brother!"
"Hey, I'm not judging! I wish I had a brother… I am the only son of Boreas in the entirety of camp. I think I have some immortal half siblings but that's it, it gets lonely sometimes…", he said with sincerity. Percy's eyes scanned his face looking for any kind of deception, finding none and letting out a sigh.
"Everyone treats him like a monster and talks like I am not better like the monster they make him out to be", Percy looked down, his fists balled.
"What is he really like?", he asked. Percy seemed to know the cyclops rather well, though he didn't know the entire backstory.
"He is… soft. He is excitable like a little kid and- well I suppose he is a little kid after all… he is sensitive and rather… simple"
"So he is basically a 7 feet toddler?"
"Yeah, exactly", Percy nodded.
"How did you meet?"
"My new school, it took him on as a charity case, he and I were in the same class and we became friends… he lives in a cardboard box"
Alexander thought it over. What he had seen of Tyson matched what Percy was describing, clumsy, big and soft.
"I have to go now, Clarisse put me on border patrol", Percy said after a quick minute of silence. That's right, despite what Tantalus had told them, they still kept the border patrol running. They couldn't just leave it unattended. The younger campers could be killed if something snuck in.
The next day, Percy walked into the arena, seeing Wulfgang fight with Alexander.
Wulfgang parried a big swing before retaliating with a side slash, which the son of winter side stepped. Alexander stopped another slash and positioned his weight so that Wulfgang's blade fell to the ground, "you lose"
"Yeah, yeah, rub it in", Wulfgang picked up his sword, ready to continue but Alexander had already turned to Percy, "hey Perc' wanna spar a bit?"
"Hell yeah", he uncapped his pen, which grew into a bronze sword, riptide.
"Woah, I wish I had a transforming weapon like that", Wulfgang's eyes were wide. All he had was a standard issue celestial bronze sword which was well balanced, yes but not all that great compared to Percy or Alexander's blades.
The two powerhouses stood in front of each other and Alexander observed Percy.
Perseus Jackson
Race: Demigod
Titles: Son of the sea; Child of prophecy
Strength: S+
Constitution: S
Mind: D
Dexterity: B+
Swordsmanship: S(Hit 'em with the pointy end)
Archery: F-(ready, set aim!)
Greek mind: C(Allows the user to read ancient greek, but making all other languages look like gibberish, effectively causing Dyslexia)
Battle instincts: C(Your mind is always in battle mode, effectively causing ADHD)
Math: F rank(plus, minus, divide, multiply)
English: B(your mother tongue)
Hydromancy: S+(As a son of the sea, water bends to your will)
Water breathing: C(Grants you the ability to breathe water and survive water pressure)
Earthshaking: A(As the son of the earthshaker, you can shake the earth beneath your feet)
Atmokinesis: A+(Create storms as the son of the stormbringer)
Okay, they both had the same skill level at swordsmanship but Alexander had a trump card, which he had cultivated over the last few months. He had bought that skill from the shop and used it regularly to fight Wulfgang, raising it ranks over and over again to ridiculous levels.
Power boost: B(raises strength and constitution in a pinch to S+ rank for one minute)
It was only one minute, unlike the five which Wulfgang could keep his' up to now but two minutes was often enough to beat an opponent. Whether it would be enough to beat Percy was another question but he was willing to try. He raised his sword and lunged, activating power boost. Power flowed through his veins and he felt invigorated. Percy blocked his first swing, though he was surprised by how much force was behind that swing, "you haven't been slacking off I see", he grinned madly as he struck at his legs, leaving a shallow cut. In retaliation, he slashed at his chest, slicing through his camp shirt.
"Don't hurt Percy!" Two meaty arms came from behind him, pinning Alexander in place. The force with which they held him was superhuman and he could feel his body straining under the pressure, only his enhanced constitution prevented him from taking any damage.
"Tyson, let him go!" Percy looked annoyed, letting his blade sink to the floor.
"But he hurt Percy!", Tyson's voice quivered, tears started forming in his eye. Alexander wondered whether he would die here? Before he had the opportunity to save his friend… Tyson kept squeezing and now, he started taking damage as the buff stopped.
"We were sparring! In a spar you are supposed to hurt each other, it wasn't a life or death fight!"
"But… but…", he squirmed under Percy's glare and eventually, he let Alexander go, falling to the ground, coughing.
"You- you are pretty strong", he groaned, sitting on the ground.
"I am Sorry", Tyson patted him gently on the back, "Will make you something as apology"
He B lined directly to the forges. Beckendorf, the African American Hephaestus head counselor had been teaching the young cyclops how to craft things, he was a Natural.
"That 'big softy' has quite the strength", Alexander coughed up, "but he has a good heart, you are right, he is no monster. He rushed straight into danger when he thought you were being attacked"
"Yeah… I guess that was very brave of him…", Percy trailed, "you want to continue our fight?"
"No, I think Wulfgang here would like to fight you though, y'know, to test his skill against a big three kid?"
"Can I really?" Wulfgang looked like an overexcited puppy who had just been given a treat.
"Yeah, sure"