Percy Jackson and the Art of Gacha

Chapter 44: Time Skip 2/2

I did several pranks, some involving the creative use of my skills.

For one such prank I had to prepare a piece of paper, cover it in runes and cast a spell on it that would make anything written on it appear as if it was written by an authority figure of the person holding it. To make the letter more believable I made it appear through Layer Travel, which looked incredibly similar to shadow travel. The letter, meant for Alecto, contained the following message:

From: Hades, Lord of the Underworld

To: Alecto, the Fury


during your absence due to the mission I have given you, I have taken the time to review the effectiveness of the punishments I had left you in charge of. I have seen some inprovement in the viciousness of your punishments but I have noticed that they are missing the irony. For example Dick Sniff, a mortal that had been running from Thanatos. You have given him the punishment of having his guts ripped out, tied to a noose and then having him hung by them. The viciousness is there but not the irony. I have taken the liberty to change his punishment. He will be forced to run for eternity and his guts will be tied around his legs so that every step will hurt him. As I am aware of your current position, that being a teacher at Yancy Academy, I order you to practice the irony of your punishments on the people there. As there are children however, I order you to keep that viciousness to an educational level.

Did that sound like a prank? Not to a lot of people, but considering that most troublemakers in school had at some point stopped doing their homework and began copying of others she soon lost a lot of the good reputation she had somehow gained.

Students that copied the homework of others suddenly had double the homework and the students that regularly did their homework didn't have to do those anymore. They were still free to do them, though.

Another prank I did on Alecto was one of my own creation. Every day, shortly before she would wake up, I would sneak into her office, scent Suppression at full power (couldn't risk her realizing that it was me doing this) and slipped sand into her sheets along with some feathers.

Why? I wanted her to start doubting her own existence or atleast make her wonder what was happening at night while she slept. It was to rob her of her sleep.

Now Chiron on the other hand, ooh how much fun I had pranking him.

I had subscribed him for a magazine on horse-racing and I would make that magazine appear in his room everytime a new issue was released. And everytime he tried to throw it away, It would return to his bedside table. If you couldn't guess, I would curse each and every magazine I gave him.

Another prank I did on him was to enchant his coffee mug to change the taste of his coffee to hey at irregular intervals. For a time he hadn't noticed this as the enchantment hadn't activated yet but a few days ago, during Latin class it had.

I had gotten a small notification when it did so I used an illusion to hide as I stopped working on an exercise he had given. I stared at him, ready to notice even the most minute changes in his face and I was rewarded for it.

Chiron had picked up his mug and during a long sip of it his face, usually stern during class, had taken on a nostalgic smile. Then slowly realization dawned on him. His eyes grew wide, for a second he seemed to choke on his coffee and then the most impressive spit take in history happend. I was giggling for hours.

The best part was that I had all of this on video, recorded on a hell phone that Lucifer Morningstar had given me to stay in contact with him and to maybe, befriend his daughter.

I didn't wait long before I send it to them. The responses I got were confused at first but then I had told them who the paralyzed man in the wheelchair actually was. They, especially Lucifer, laughted their asses of once they knew. Especially Lucifer as he had apparently met the Centaur before. He said this was "Perfect Blackmail Material". Needless to say the video was immediately saved in all of our devices so that it wouldn't be lost if I had to delete it at some point.

On the matters of hell, I had grown closer to both and Charlie and I had already spoken with each other over video call. We had decided that I would visit them at the beginning of September and would stay with her in that hotel of hers until the end of said month. I would send a shadow puppet to school in my stead to make this possible.

More things had happend during this time.

The creatures of the forgotten lake had chosen their representatives. For the Hellfin it was Teeth, the shark I had named during my first stint in the lake.

The Deep Scales, giant crocodiles, had chosen a female with the name of Fangs.

The whale like animals, they were called Titanic Behemoths, had chosen a male member by the name or Deep Blue.

The small fish had banded together as a community and named a big manta as their representative. His name was Flow.

There were more races like the eels and smaller sharks but they had either merged their parties with those of other representatives or had chosen to simply don't have one. The only other race that had decided to be named as a representative was the kelpie I had rescued. He went by the name of Ocean Scale.

But not only the water animals had banded together. The demons, forest animals and even the Chimera had done so as well.

For the demons there were two representatives, not because of races but because of gender as the few male demons didn't want to be on an disadvantage or be overlooked when it came to decisions regarding them. Syliva, previously known as "the busty demon" and Damian, the one I had used the wound transfer on, had been chosen.

The forest animals had split between canine, feline and the mixed faction. Their representatives, Argent (A gigantic hellhound/demonic wolf), Aura (A big Hellcat/Dream Wanderer) and Boris (A giant demonic bear, they had decided to call their race as Hellmounts) had been chosen.

During all this time, as the months had passed, I had trained my alchemy class, made new alloys, created new things and prepared for what was going to come soon. Another thing I had been made aware of, just days before the visit to the museum, was that the system would go offline after the quest to update itself.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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