Once a mobster, now Masachika Kuze

Chapter 104: Can you pretend to be my boyfriend?

The group descended the building to a black car, discreet enough not to attract attention, but clearly reinforced for safety.

Gojo got into the front seat, while Riko and Geto settled in the back seat. Ryan casually walked to the driver's door, but Kuroi quickly stepped forward, blocking his way with a firm look.

"Stay in the back, I—"

Ryan didn't hesitate. His gaze turned cold and expressionless as his voice sounded low, yet loaded with intensity:

"I drive."

Kuroi raised an eyebrow, incredulous.

"You don't even have the ag—"

Ryan tilted his head slightly, his gaze plunging into the shadows of his own countenance.

"I... drive."

There was a brief silence. Kuroi felt an involuntary chill as he stared into those dark eyes, as if for a moment he had glimpsed something he shouldn't have.

"I hope you really know how to drive..." he murmured, giving in to the oppressive atmosphere.

Without saying anything else, Ryan got into the car, adjusted the seat and fastened his seatbelt. As he started the engine, he casually asked:

"What's the address of the school?"

After a few seconds of hesitation, Kuroi typed the location into the GPS. With a soft rumble of the engine, the car began to move through the streets of Tokyo.

The journey went smoothly, marked only by a few jokes between Ryan and Gojo. Riko, in turn, didn't miss the opportunity to continue teasing the punch Gojo had taken earlier.

The traffic was slow, and when the car stopped at a signal that would take a while to open, Ryan's cell phone vibrated in his overcoat pocket.

He picked it up unhurriedly, reading the name on the screen in a low voice:


Letting out a carefree sigh, he completely ignored the passengers around him and answered the call with a relaxed tone:

"Good morning, Alya! I thought you wouldn't call so early. I was going to stay curled up under the covers after what we did last night..."

The effect was immediate.

Gojo, who was leaning against the car door, let his arm slide down and turned to Ryan, his eyes wide with pure surprise. Geto adjusted his bangs, casting a sideways glance with a slightly suspicious expression. Riko, on the other hand, gave an indignant squeal.


On the other side of the line, Alya choked on her own words before replying in a nervous and embarrassed tone:

"W-what?! You saying that makes it sound like it was something much worse than... a kiss! ON THE CHEEK!"

Unfortunately for Alya, Ryan's cell phone was not on speakerphone. But the damage was already done.

Ryan smiled wryly, appreciating the effect of his words.

"Oh, it was you who turned so red that you looked like a tomato. It was your sister who had to take some initiative to break the silence..."

The whole car plunged into a sepulchral silence.

Riko kept staring at Ryan, her mind trying to process the information. Geto blinked a few times, analyzing the situation cautiously.

Gojo, in turn, raised an eyebrow and smiled maliciously, staring at Ryan with a suggestive look.

Alya, on the other side of the line, replied in an even sharper tone, her voice betraying her embarrassment:

"I-I only called you to ask why you didn't tell me you got home!"

Ryan kept the smile on his face as he replied, his tone becoming slightly softer:

"Sorry... Did I leave you worried?"

There was a brief silence on the other side of the line.

Ryan's carefree and slightly gentle attitude was enough to draw a slight blush from Riko's face, who quickly looked away to the window.

"This guy..." she thought, pressing her lips into a thin line.

Gojo, on the other hand, kept smiling, clearly amused by the situation.

Alya replied on the other side of the line, her voice taking on a soft and hesitant tone, almost as if she were testing the words before saying them:

"Hm... As... Compensation... I want to talk to you after class..."

Ryan tilted his head slightly, pondering for a moment before replying naturally:

"Well, today, unfortunately, I won't go to school... But... Nothing stops me from seeing you after class. After all, I promised to be your vice president, didn't I?"

Beside him, Gojo, always ready for a tease, murmured in a voice full of sarcasm:

"Oh... You're so cute."

The playful smile on his face made the provocation even more evident.

Ryan cast a sideways glance at him, but before he could retort, Alya, who apparently had heard, intervened on the other side of the line, her voice slightly embarrassed:

"I-Is there someone with you?"

Ryan shrugged, his reply coming out indifferent, as if the presence of the others was really not relevant:

"Well... There is, but relax, it's not that important."

"What do you mean we're not important?!" Geto exclaimed in a feigned indignant tone, crossing his arms in the back seat.

On the other side of the line, Alya hesitated for a moment, her voice coming out lower, as if she were afraid of bothering:

"W-well... Then we can talk after class, right?"

Ryan smiled slightly, keeping the carefree tone:

"Deal. See you later."

On the other side of the line, Alya let out an adorable "Uwu!" before hanging up, clearly happy with the answer.

It was enough for Gojo to finally drop his joke, his voice full of exaggerated dramatization:

"Man! I think we have the last romantic alive right here!"

Riko, who until then had been watching in silence, leaned slightly forward, resting her hand on the back of Ryan's seat, curiosity evident in her expression.

"I-Is she your girlfriend?"

Ryan turned his head slightly, casting an intrigued look at her before replying with a suggestive smile:

"Why the question? Is it something that interests you?"

Riko's eyes widened before she threw herself back in the seat, crossing her arms and looking away to the window, her face flushed.

"N-No! Of course not! Humpft!"

Gojo, laughing discreetly in the front seat, leaned back lazily before warning:

"Wake up, the signal opened."

Ryan accelerated the car, a wry smile appearing on his face as he casually murmured:

"Have you ever stopped to think how comical it is that we're riding in a car?"

Geto let out a restrained laugh, shaking his head.

"It really has a comic tone..."

After a few minutes, they finally arrived at the school. Ryan analyzed the detailed architecture of the building and the uniforms of the students passing by, immediately noticing the religious atmosphere impregnated in the place.

As soon as the car stopped, Gojo got out first, stretching with a theatrical exaggeration before announcing:

"Geto and I are going to take a tour around the perimeter. Quick thing, just to check. Are you coming, Ryan?"

Ryan pondered for a moment, but before he could answer, he felt a slight tug on his overcoat.

He raised an eyebrow and looked down, finding Riko with an expression that mixed hesitation and determination.

He said nothing, just watched her, noticing that she wanted to tell him something.

Letting out a small sigh, he replied calmly:

"You guys are strong, aren't you? You can do this without me..."

Gojo shrugged, accepting the answer without questioning, and followed Geto, leaving Ryan, Kuroi and Riko behind.

The girl hesitated for a moment, as if gathering courage to speak. When she finally broke the silence, her voice came out low, loaded with a slight embarrassment:

"You know... I want to ask you a little thing, but..."

She looked away at Kuroi, who was staring at her with a sharp look, clearly suspicious.

Riko smiled wryly before tilting her head slightly and saying with a playful but determined tone:

"If you'll excuse me, Kuroi."

Kuroi pressed her lips together, letting out a small sigh before giving in.

"I hope it's nothing absurd..."

She made a formal bow and stepped away, leaving the two alone.

As soon as they were alone, Riko completely changed her posture. Her voice became lively, but still carried a touch of shyness as she called for him:


He crossed his arms, maintaining a neutral expression, but clearly waiting for what was to come.

Riko took a deep breath before blurting out:

"Can you pretend to be my boyfriend in this time I have left before assimilation?"

The silence that followed was almost palpable.

Ryan stood motionless for a full moment, his eyes analyzing the girl in front of him as if to make sure he had heard correctly.

Finally, he arched an eyebrow and murmured, without haste:

"You're kind of crazy, aren't you?"

Riko lowered her shoulders a little, her tone becoming more hesitant.

"So... You can't?"

Ryan closed his eyes for a moment, taking a hand to his chin as he considered.

"I haven't denied anything yet."

Riko's eyes sparkled instantly, her smile growing in expectation.

Ryan took that moment to observe her better. Until then, he had taken Riko as a joke, as if she were just a noisy and stubborn child. But now, looking closely at her illuminated expression...

"This girl..."

His eyes briefly wandered over her face, over the sincere joy stamped there.

"Has such a cheerful and beautiful expression..."


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