Not a summoner

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

It was almost midnight,and Sam hadn't returned home. At first they thought he might be upset about what happened at the ceremony. But it was way past bedtime and he should be home at that time.

At the cramped apartment that was designed to have only two rooms, a kitchen the size of a toilet, dinning room which they barely use and a reserved room which serves as their sitting room.

Ezra, Sam's father sat on one of the worn sofas in the sitting room. One could tell from his expression that he was thinking hard.He was the only one seated in the sitting room, which was quiet.His companion was a bottle held in his left hand and served as a companion to him, and occasionally breaks the silence from his resounded gulps.

His eyes were dead, as his stared at the far end of the room.He recounted events of what happened earlier. Sam failed to make a contract.He had high hopes for his boy but never the less the situation turned out to be the same. The same with all his family, including him. He wondered what he did wrong in his past life? Why did it have to be him? Was he cursed?

He could still remember vividly like it was yesterday, the time of his ceremony. He was just like Sam, he did well in his academics hoping to do well. Everyone thought highly of him. But when he failed , he was rejected and discarded like trash.

They must have done the same thing to Sam. Sam's school had told him the amount needed to pay for the demptore. The amount was huge to him. The school had demanded a compensation of 200,000 quills. Where was he going to get that kind of money. His menial job as a construction worker only provides him a thousand quills per month.

If he had a contracted beast he would have signed up as an adventurer and headed for a registered plane to hunt beasts. Guess Sam had to drop out of the school, that was the alternative he had. Wait a minute...Sam absorbed the soul energy inside? Was that even possible?

At the thought of Sam he let out a sigh.He checked the time, a few minutes past twelve. There was a probability his son had eloped somewhere to get away from him. He wouldn't blame Sam, he had been a horrible father. His elder daughter reminded him of his past self,when she failed her own.

"Damn it!"He threw the bottle at the wall to let out his anger.

Morning came by fast signalling the start of a new day. That morning had been busy every other day. Sam woke up at the graveyard feeling sore all over his body like he had run a marathon. He was still in his school attire. His once neat uniform was now covered in sweat and dirt.

Sam rubbed his back, trying to recollect what happened. He stood up abruptly and checked the ground he laid on. The markings he placed on the ground had disappeared without a trace. Strange, does that mean it worked. Had he successfully contracted a beast?

He scratched his head that was itchy, he was surprised that he grabbed a handful of hair on his head. Then he realized, his hair hand grown longer than before and fell on his shoulders. He didn't notice it at first because he was deeply engrossed over what happened the previous night.

Sam slapped his forehead in shock, then he noticed something. His face was a lot smoother than before smooth than a baby's skin. Well he should get back home, before some passes by. It was still very early so he doubt that anyone would be here early that morning.

Sam was getting a lot of stares on his way home. Most people would show signs of wonder and envy. Some men showed contempt and jealous while a few ladies blushed and waved shyly at him despite his dirty clothes.

Sam didn't mind , those were the least of his worries he had to know what happened to him. But he was attracting too much attention to himself. He needed to lay low, he had no idea on how to approach his family with his new look. But first he had to get off the street.

"Taxi!" He waved at an incoming vehicle. The vehicle passed him which resonated curses from Sam's mouth.

He stood by the side of the road and waited. A few minutes later, another taxi was sighted. Sam flagged the taxi down hoping for it to stop. Thankfully, it stopped.

He opened the back seat and hopped in. "Where to?". the driver asked almost instantly as he entered.

"Driver, I am in a hurry could you.....Never mind" There was another lady in the back seat. Her beauty outshined Sofie from Sam's perspective. She changed her tone when she saw Sam.

"trane street." Sam said to the driver. He almost thought he saw the driver roll his eyes but he discarded it. It couldn't be helped. Trane street was not worth visiting. It was a rural area populated mostly by street boys and the taxi driver had the impression of him.

Sam turned to the long silver and blued eyes girl beside him. "Am sorry for the inconvenience, I was in a hurry."

"Sure, no problem it's okay, since we're almost headed in the same direction." She said, her eyes kept on Sam.

Same direction? Sam thought, she didn't look like someone he knew that was from trane street. Moreover her dressing and outfit spoke of her affluence even though what she wore was regarded as simple. But Sam's eyes, didn't fail to notice the quality of her dress. It was a high tier. Though fabric, it could act as an armor without restricting the wearer's movement.

Only politicians, generals and nobles had access to these. That's when it clicked Sam. The taxi driver, will have to pass Sam's street and head for the Urban region of the city of Litzen.

"You have quite a taste in your hairstyle" said her as if trying to stir up a conversation.

Sam took his mind off her background and met her gaze.

"My hair?"

"Yes, I am quite curious, is your hair dyed on original. But it has to be dyed right?"

Dyed? Had Sam failed to notice his change his hair other than the length?

Trying to avoid the question he said. "You said were headed to trane street but you don't look like someone whose from there" Sam said tactically avoiding her question.

"oh that's clever of you."

Clever? it was pretty obvious.

"My place is from thrush district." She said.

Sam wasn't surprised, thrush district was a populated area and was the exact opposite of trane street.

Thrush district showed the affluence and beauty of Litzen city, while trane reflected the dirty and inappropriate side of it.

"My name's Lisa Smith" she extended her hand for a handshake while smile "I would like to know yours"

"Sam" He replied not bothered to take her hand. He showed her the dirty on his palm. "Sorry I can't get you dirty"

Lisa laughed at Sam's words, he acted in between mature and childish which amused. He was more than a pretty face.

"You are funny indeed" she said as she retracted her hand "for this little entertainment, allow me to pay for your fee."

It was as if lady luck was on his side. He had little change with him. Well that saved him some snacks at least.

"Thanks for your generosity" he wasn't going to reject an enticing offer.

"you're welcome..."

"You've arrived boy" The driver cut in and stopped the vehicle. It was Sam's que to get out.

"Thanks" he said not sure who he said it to. He opened the back seat to leave but was stopped by Lisa.

"Hey wait, here's my business card, so you can contact me"

Sam merely nodded and took the card before aligning from the car.

That morning had been really strange for Sam, what happened to his appearance all of a sudden. He noticed the red cheeks on Lisa face when she handed him the card. She was older than him if not older than his elder sister. His appearance had changed and he wasn't sure if it was a good thing. He made a mental note to cut his hair. His hair could be the reason for his change of appearance. Lisa did make mention of his hair color. She said something like he dyed his hair.

His hair had been pitch black since he was little, he would have to check his body if there were any signs of markings that showed if he had been contracted.

It didn't take long for Sam to get home. He walked by past a store close to his house. As he passed, his reflection showed on stores window. Sam stopped to check, he hung his mouth open in surprise.

His hair, or what was on his head hair strands of multiple colors which made Lisa believe he had dyed his hair. His hair color reminded him of the multiple layers of soul energy inside the demptore he absorbed.

Coupled with the fact that his hair color had changed, his face almost look different from before. He looked like he had gone through a plastic surgery. His face looked beautiful than handsome.

Sam couldn't recognize himself, he doubt his family would. After checking his appearance that left him in shock. He knocked on the door of his house.

No one answered the first knock which made the second one grow louder.

"Am coming" His elder sister's voice Ann was heard. With a click the door was opened.

"Hi sis" Sam said greet, trying to figure what her reaction would be.

"Umm, Do I know you?"

Well Sam had a lot of explanations to do

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