Chapter 41: Friendly Business
Ryoshi found himself interrupted from his quiet tea time by Fuyu's enthusiastic call.
"Ryoshiiiiiiiii!" Fuyu's voice rang out.
Startled, Ryoshi hurriedly exited the building, only to collide with a figure towering above him. It was Yoshiko, the encounter sending a jolt of surprise through Ryoshi.
"AAAH IT'S YOU!" Ryoshi exclaimed, taken aback by Yoshiko's sudden appearance.
Fuyu, misunderstanding the situation, offered to intervene. "Oh, I thought he was a friend... is he not a friend... should I take care of him???" he queried, ready to step in if needed.
Ryoshi assured Fuyu that there was no need for intervention. "No no no... Yoshiko, why are you here? How the hell did you even get here?" he asked, bewildered.
Yoshiko explained his unexpected arrival. "Last night I woke up in a bush in this area, so I walked in a straight path forward and came here," he recounted.
Ryoshi was incredulous. "How did you know I was here?" he asked.
Yoshiko gestured towards Fuyu. "I ran into this guy and—" he began, before being interrupted by Fuyu.
"I said, my student Ryoshi is sleeping in here," Fuyu clarified.
Yoshiko continued, undeterred. "Yea, and I remembered your name so I asked to see you," he explained to Ryoshi.
Ryoshi, still somewhat perplexed by the encounter, decided to go along with Yoshiko's proposal. "Well because you so generously asked, I'll go with you," he conceded.
With Fuyu bidding him farewell, Ryoshi and Yoshiko ventured into the forest, embarking on an unexpected journey to a nearby renowned bar where tea, coffee, and other beverages awaited them.
Two hours had elapsed since Yoshiko and Ryoshi embarked on their journey, their destination a modest bar nestled within the labyrinthine streets of the city. As they approached the entrance, exhaustion etched across Ryoshi's features, he voiced his longing for respite.
"Ah, here we are," Yoshiko remarked, his tone tinged with relief.
Ryoshi, weariness evident in his voice, pleaded, "I want to sit down! We've been walking for literally two hours."
Yoshiko, ever pragmatic, suggested, "You can lay out on the ground, nothing is stopping you from doing so."
Considering briefly, Ryoshi countered, "Naah, I can walk in there and sit in a booth or something... maybe get some water."
"Okay, good," Yoshiko replied, agreeing to his request.
With a gentle push, Yoshiko swung open the weathered door, revealing the dimly lit interior of the bar. However, what greeted their eyes was far from the welcoming sight they had anticipated. The once lively establishment lay in ruins, with shattered remnants of furniture and the lifeless forms of patrons scattered across the floor.
Yoshiko's breath caught in his throat as he took in the grim scene. "What the-"
Suddenly, two figures emerged from the shadows, their presence unsettling amidst the chaos. One towered over them, clad in a black kimono with a striking blindfold that spanned shades of grey and purple. The other, shorter in stature, donned a white kimono and sported a vibrant pink blindfold, their purple locks adding an air of mystery.
The shorter figure addressed them with a sense of recognition. "Hey look, he's here! and he brought a friend."
Ryoshi, perplexed, questioned, "Who, me?"
"No, him! The holder of the..." the shorter figure trailed off ominously.
"Demon," the taller figure finished, his voice devoid of emotion.
Ryoshi's suspicions were confirmed as he pieced together their identities. "Hey... aren't you guys a part of that cult?"
"Yeah, we are. My name is Ijoto!" the shorter figure announced proudly.
"And my name is Sonora," added the taller figure.
Ryoshi's warning was abruptly halted as searing pain erupted in his chest, the force knocking the breath from his lungs. "What the-"
Before he could react, he felt a chilling presence behind him. Turning slowly, his eyes widened in horror as he beheld Ijoto, weapon in hand, his intentions clear.
At that moment, Ryoshi knew their encounter with the cult had taken a perilous turn. "Yoshiko, run for it-" he gasped, his words stifled by the sudden strike.
Ijoto let out a mischievous giggle, "Tehe."
Sonora's voice boomed with determination, "COMING IN!!!"
Reacting swiftly, Ijoto leaped out of harm's way just as Sonora's powerful blow connected with Ryoshi's abdomen, sending him hurtling through the air.
"Ryoshi-" Yoshiko's cry of concern was abruptly cut short as Sonora's attention shifted towards him.
"And I'll have to kill you," Sonora declared with chilling resolve.
In one fluid motion, Sonora unleashed a devastating punch, propelling Yoshiko into a nearby broken table.
"May I do the honors?" Ijoto inquired eagerly.
"Sure!" Sonora replied, granting permission without hesitation.
With a gleeful exclamation, Ijoto leaped towards Yoshiko, his blade poised for the final strike.
"WeeeHeee!!!" Ijoto's voice rang out as he swung his sword downward, aiming for Yoshiko's defenseless form.
However, his attack was thwarted as Ryoshi, despite his injuries, intercepted the blow with his own weapon.
"You're still alive??" Ijoto exclaimed in disbelief.
"I've survived worse," Ryoshi retorted defiantly.
"Okay, then you wouldn't mind if I did this," Ijoto countered, vanishing and reappearing behind Ryoshi in a blur of motion.
"What!?" Ryoshi exclaimed in shock as Ijoto's blade sliced across his chest, crimson blood spilling from the wound.
"Just to make sure he dies, use your kagho!" Sonora commanded.
"Oki!" Ijoto responded obediently.
With a swift motion, Ijoto tore off his blindfold, revealing his empty, hollow eyes.
"Kagho," Ijoto intoned, his voice taking on an eerie resonance.
In an instant, his eyes transformed, doubling into four purple, glowing orbs, brimming with malevolent power.
"Okay, here you go!" Ijoto exclaimed with a sinister grin.
Ryoshi felt the searing pain once more as Ijoto's blade sliced across his chest, reopening the wound inflicted moments ago. With a gasp, Ryoshi collapsed to the ground, his lifeblood staining the floor beneath him.
"Alright, now that we've taken care of him, we can finally move onto the main attraction," Sonora declared triumphantly.
As Ryoshi struggled to maintain consciousness, his thoughts filled with frustration. Dammit...
But before Sonora could act further, confusion clouded his expression. "Wait, where'd he go!?"
"UP TOP COMING FROM THE HEIGHTS OF THE BLOOD SEA HIMSELF!!!" a transformed Yoshiko's voice boomed from above.
In a dramatic entrance, Yoshiko descended from the ceiling, crashing onto Sonora with formidable force, pinning him to the ground.
"DEATH ISN'T VIOLENCE, IT'S JUST THE WAY OF THE NEST!!!" Yoshiko proclaimed with fervor.
Sonora, bewildered by Yoshiko's cryptic words, struggled beneath his weight.
"What are you talking about?" Sonora managed to inquire before Yoshiko lifted him overhead and hurled him outside of the bar.
"Sonora!" Ijoto called out in alarm.
"MAGICAL WEAPON FUTSU NO TE!!!" Yoshiko summoned his weapon, swinging it down at Ijoto. With quick reflexes, Ijoto blocked the swing with his saber but was sent flying out of the building in the process.
"I'LL BREAK YOU ALL!!!" Yoshiko roared with unbridled fury.
Observing the chaos unfolding before him, Ryoshi could only muse, He's doing it again...
"This guy is strong, Sonora! Should we try?" Ijoto questioned, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
"If you want to," Sonora replied, his expression determined.
"PERISH!!!" Yoshiko unleashed a potent display of wrath magic, forming a red ball of energy in his palm.
"Ah, so he knows wrath magic," Sonora remarked with a hint of admiration.
"Sonora, what's wrath magic?" Ijoto inquired, intrigued by the concept.
"It's a very potent type of magic that grows in power the more the user is angered," Sonora explained.
"Could I learn it?" Ijoto wondered aloud.
"It's extremely difficult for a human to master," Sonora cautioned, "Our bodies aren't built for it."
With a crushing force, Yoshiko unleashed the energy, triggering a massive explosion that obliterated the building, erased all traces of the bodies within, launched Ryoshi into a nearby boulder, and set the surrounding area ablaze.
Ryoshi's thoughts simmered with frustration as he lay sprawled on the ground, his gaze fixed on Yoshiko. Dammit Yoshiko...
"WHERE ARE THE MICE AT!?" Yoshiko's voice shattered the tense silence.
"Right here!" Sonora responded eagerly, charging towards Yoshiko with fists poised for attack.
Yoshiko, however, proved to be a formidable opponent, effortlessly blocking Sonora's punch with a single hand.
"HERE'S ONE FOR THE BIRDS OF THE BED!" Yoshiko bellowed, charging wrath magic into his other fist before delivering a powerful blow to Sonora.
The impact left Sonora reeling, his thoughts echoing with surprise. That actually... hurted...
Yoshiko followed up with a swift kick, sending Sonora hurtling into Ryoshi, shattering the boulder and leaving them both sprawled on the ground.
"Nice kick!" Ijoto complimented, his voice filled with admiration.
With a blur of motion, Ijoto vanished and reappeared behind Yoshiko, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision, leaving Yoshiko with multiple wounds covering his body.
"THE PAIN!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE... come back," Yoshiko cried out, reverting to his normal form and collapsing to the ground.
"Alright! Time to die," Ijoto declared, placing the tip of his sword menacingly against Yoshiko's chest.
"Nice... nice knowing you Ryoshi," Yoshiko murmured weakly.
"Oh right, you're here, I'll make sure to kill you!" Sonora added with a malicious grin.
But before Ijoto could carry out his threat, a gunshot rang out, causing him to stagger backward and fall to the ground.
Ryoshi's mind whirled with confusion and a glimmer of hope as he heard a familiar name echo in the chaos. Kuroshi?
"Ijoto!" Sonora's urgent cry snapped Ryoshi back to the present moment.
Suddenly, a small figure clad in a grey robe and wielding two pistols leaped in front of Ijoto, his gaze unwavering as he aimed one of his guns at the cultist.
"Hold still, kid," the small person commanded with authority.
"Ow! That hurted!!!" Ijoto winced in pain, clutching at the spot where the bullet had struck.
"That wasn't a lethal bullet. It could have killed you. That was a bullet straight to the head," the small person clarified coldly.
"Hey, you!" Sonora's voice rang out, drawing the attention of the small figure.
"Hm?" The small person turned, his gaze meeting Sonora's intense stare as the cultist gripped Ryoshi's head threateningly.
"I'll crush his head if you don't leave that child alone," Sonora threatened, his voice dripping with malice.
The small person's expression remained stoic as he introduced himself, "Ah, that kid is from Negative Point. Ryoshi Taisaku, let me introduce myself. My name is Judin Dok. I'm a member of the hitman team, and I'm a Goblin. I was sent by Fuyu to ensure your safety."
"F-Fuyu?" Ijoto stammered, his voice trembling with uncertainty.
"IJOTO!-" Sonora's anger flared at the mention of Fuyu, but before he could retaliate, he was interrupted by a sudden attack from behind.
"Venom Blow!" A mysterious figure clad in black, with dark hair, yellow eyes, and a backpack, jabbed Sonora in the back with hands coated in poison.
"Why you-" Sonora began, but before he could finish, he was swiftly kicked in the face, sending him hurtling several meters away from his assailant.
"Don't worry, we're saving you guys," a mysterious voice declared, cutting through the tension.
"Thank you..." Ryoshi expressed his gratitude, his voice laced with relief.
"Oh yeah, my name is Shuno Zeru," the voice continued before its owner vanished from sight.
"Where'd he go?" Sonora exclaimed, his confusion evident.
"Venom Blows," Shuno announced, his voice now coming from an unseen location.
Cloaking his hand in poison, Shuno launched a rapid barrage of jabs at Sonora, who grunted in frustration.
"Damn you-" Sonora began, but before he could retaliate, Shuno deftly dodged his strikes. Suddenly, a massive purple tail emerged from Shuno's backpack, wrapping around Sonora and immobilizing him.
"What!? What are you!?" Sonora demanded, struggling against the unexpected restraint.
"I'm a Hachto, a lizard one to be more specific. Us lizard Hachto's are born with multiple abilities, such as claws, invisibility, and god-like poison magic," Shuno explained calmly.
"You're strong! You're holding me with just your tail!!!" Sonora grunted, impressed by Shuno's strength.
"If it wasn't for this suit, I'd be darn crushing your bones. I do love this human disguise though," Shuno remarked casually.
Meanwhile, Judin took aim at Ijoto, shooting a bullet that wrapped the cultist in a rope of magic.
"What are you going to do to me?" Ijoto demanded, his voice tinged with fear.
"Turn you in. If we were told to kill you, this would have been over before you guys had even reached the bar," Judin explained matter-of-factly.
"Oh really?" Sonora interjected skeptically.
"Shuno, bring him here," Judin ordered.
"Hm hm," Shuno responded before Sonora managed to break free from his tail's grasp.
"Injection!" Shuno's voice rang out as his claws popped out, gleaming purple. With precision, he stabbed Sonora with all ten of his fingers.
"What the-" Sonora's protest was cut short as his skin began to turn a sickly shade of purple.
"Let's not get too ahead of ourselves," Shuno cautioned, his tone calm despite the chaos around them. "One drop from this venom can knock out just about anyone. But the amount I've injected into you will put you in a deep sleep."
With a heavy thud, Sonora collapsed to the ground, unconscious.
"Goodnight, Sleeping Beauty," Shuno quipped before delivering a swift kick, sending Sonora's body crashing into Ijoto's, further entangling them in the magical rope.
"Mission complete! Ryoshi Taisaku, you're safe now... Taisaku?" Shuno's voice faltered as he turned his attention to Ryoshi, only to find him lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth.
"We have a lot of things to carry, Judin..." Shuno remarked, his voice tinged with weariness.
"Mm," Judin grunted in agreement.
"Nom!" a mysterious voice exclaimed suddenly.
"Who was that?" Shuno questioned, scanning the area.
Before anyone could respond, a figure with a long tongue, pink hair, and wearing a grey blindfold emerged. The individual, shirtless except for a golden chain around their neck, was licking the magical rope created by Judin.
"Freeze!" Judin commanded, pointing both of his guns at the intruder.
"Ah. NOM!" the person declared, promptly devouring the rope and summoning a portal.
"I'll blast you to bits," Judin threatened, firing multiple shots from his gun. However, the bullets passed right through the figure, leaving behind a trail of pink glitter.
"Is he a..." Judin began, his voice trailing off in confusion.
"Genie? Aha, yeah. I'm the genie Itazura," the figure introduced himself with a mischievous grin.
"Damn, we can't do anything here..." Shuno muttered in frustration.
"You can do something if I give you the time to do it. But I'm not gonna do that," Itazura retorted cheekily.
"Hey, Itazura!!!" Ijoto called out.
"Hello, little Ijoto, we're going home now," Itazura announced, lifting Sonora and disappearing into the portal along with Ijoto.
"Well, at least we don't have to deal with a bunch of them destroying Negative Point to save their friends," Shuno remarked, a hint of relief in his voice.
"I guess you're right. Let's get going. Pick up Taisaku, I'll pick up the demon," Judin suggested.
"Yeah, okay," Shuno agreed, as they began to make preparations to leave the scene behind.