Negative Point

Chapter 32: Caught

In the quiet expanse of the valley, the group found themselves at a loss.

"So, is this the place?" Ryoshi inquired, scanning the surroundings.

"Probably..." Fuyu responded, his uncertainty evident.

"Where is the arena? Where are the people?" Toruri voiced his confusion.

"It's been years since I've gone to the place, so I forgot where the island is. But that's why we have this thing!!!" Fuyu exclaimed, reaching behind his back and producing John.

"Hi kids," John greeted with a hint of exasperation.

"It's monkey!!!" Toruri exclaimed teasingly.

"Stop calling me that!" John retorted with annoyance.

"Ok monkey," Toruri teased further.

"John, how do we get to the island?" Fuyu inquired, ignoring the banter.

"You have to fly up," John explained matter-of-factly.

"Ok, can you guys fly?" Fuyu turned to the group.

"I can," Toruri affirmed confidently.

"I can't fly, but I can use my light travel," Kuroshi offered.

"What about you, Ryoshi?" Fuyu questioned, turning to Ryoshi.

"I have a horse," Ryoshi declared proudly, summoning his ice horse.

"Well... that's not so useful when you have to FLY," Fuyu remarked dryly.

"I'M TRYING MY BEST HERE," Ryoshi defended himself.

"Couldn't you just use your matter magic to jump up?" Kuroshi suggested.

"How high is the place up again?" Ryoshi inquired.

"Above the clouds," Fuyu responded.

"Yeah, I thought so... I'm not that skilled at matter magic yet," Ryoshi admitted sheepishly.

"I could fly you up," Toruri offered, but his enthusiasm was short-lived. "But I'm kind of tired."

"Then don't mention it!" Ryoshi retorted with a hint of irritation.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in Ryoshi's mind.


Ryoshi startled, looking around before recognizing the voice.

AH WHAT, oh Itsunoko...

I have a new skill to give you...

Is it going to help me get up there?

Yes, it will...

Ok, tell me about it!

The new skill is called-

"Surriku No Ha Skill 3: Ice Pegasus!" Ryoshi exclaimed, interrupting Itsunoko's explanation.

"Pegasus???" Toruri exclaimed in surprise.

"Uh- YEAH I COULD DO THAT THE ENTIRE TIME," Ryoshi declared, trying to cover up his sudden revelation.

"Well, that problem was solved. So... how about heading to the island," Fuyu suggested, eager to move forward.

"Ok-" Ryoshi began, but Fuyu interrupted him.

"Bye," Fuyu said abruptly before disappearing, leaving the others bewildered in his wake.

Ryoshi's incredulous exclamation echoed through the valley. "DID HE JUST LEAVE US!?"

Without waiting for an answer, Kuroshi sprang into action. "Yume No Ju skill 1: Light Dash!" she announced, shooting a bullet of light into the air that she swiftly transformed into.

"Kuroshi!" Toruri called out, his urgency evident as he and Ryoshi hastened to follow her lead.

Meanwhile, John, feeling abandoned, decided to take matters into his own hands. "They left poor old me down here... TIME TO USE THE TRUE POWER OF MY TOY FORM," he muttered to himself before activating his abilities.

"Mana Weight," John commanded, twisting his left leg and enlarging his left foot like a squeezed balloon. "Mana Release Technique: Bottle Rocket!" he declared, unleashing a blast of mana from his foot that propelled him into the air.

As John soared upwards, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia. "Ok, now I can... NOW I CAN FALL," he exclaimed with a mixture of exhilaration and trepidation as he plummeted downward.

Just before impact, Fuyu appeared out of nowhere, catching John and safely transporting him onto the sky island.

"Fuyu... you saved me! I wasn't going to die though, I can't feel pain," John remarked with a hint of gratitude.

"I understand that you are in a much weaker form, so I did you a deed and got you up here," Fuyu explained calmly.

"I used to be able to get up here in seconds. You saving me reminds me of a time," John reminisced wistfully.

"What time?" Fuyu inquired, intrigued by John's sudden introspection.

In a flashback to Fuyu's childhood:

A young Fuyu, with normal silver eyes, walked along a dirt path at night, accompanied by an even younger companion with caramel eyes and short blue hair.

"Fuyu, where are we going?" the companion asked, trailing behind.

"I found this weird-looking tree near the old well," Fuyu explained.

"Why do I have to go with you?" the companion questioned.

"Becaaaaauuuuse, it's cooool," Fuyu insisted.

"Ok Fuyu, I trust you," the companion relented.

"Yoraki, it's right here!" Fuyu exclaimed excitedly, pointing towards a black tree with glowing purple leaves. "It's weird how long this thing has stayed unnoticed."

"Ok, is that all?" Yoraki inquired.

"Yep! Do you want to touch it?" Fuyu suggested.

"It might be poisonous," Yoraki hesitated.

"Don't wussy out, be brave and try it," Fuyu encouraged.

"Fine, I'll touch it with you," Yoraki agreed reluctantly.

As they approached the tree, a mysterious figure suddenly grabbed them and whisked them away to safety, just a few meters away from the tree's reach.

Fuyu's curiosity piqued as the mysterious newcomer intervened. "Who-"

Interrupting Fuyu's query, the newcomer interjected, "Hey kids, could you... not touch that tree. People in the village have been going missing around this very obviously abnormal tree."

Fuyu, slightly taken aback, responded, "Aw, we were just touching it."

The newcomer continued, "Most of the people who went missing were lumberjacks; they probably were trying to cut down that tree."

Fuyu challenged the assumption, "How could you assume that it was this tree specifically?"

The newcomer stumbled for words momentarily before asserting, "Well- I- I- I- WELL, COME LOOK AT IT, IT'S LIKE THE MOST SUSPECT TREE HERE!"

Fuyu, unimpressed, retorted, "Hey, don't yell at me."

"Just stay away from the tree, kido," the newcomer cautioned.

Fuyu pressed further, "Who are you to tell me? Who are you?"

"I'm your local new Purotekuta, John Madison," the newcomer introduced himself.

"Oh! You're one of those N.P.D.O guys. I've always thought of becoming one," Fuyu remarked.

John prodded, "But how far will you go? You must have determination to be one."

Fuyu pondered his response, "Really?"

"Nah, but I do, and oh boy doesn't determination feel cool!!!" John enthused.

Fuyu expressed his agreement, "Awesome."

Suddenly realizing the time, John took charge, "Wait, it's late at night. I need to get you guys back home to safety."

Fuyu protested, "Wait, mister... don't do that."

Ignoring Fuyu's objection, John swiftly transported them inside their house.

"How do you know where we live?" Fuyu questioned.

"It's a part of this original technique I made, called mana release," John explained.

"Mana release?" Fuyu inquired, intrigued.

John elaborated, "It's based on using your own mana to perform abilities; you can also use other people's mana as well. Once I touched you, I used the mana in your mind to read your memories and found out where you lived."

Fuyu expressed his discomfort, "I don't like that."

"You shouldn't. Besides that, I need to get going. Bye," John bid farewell before disappearing.

Yoraki lay in his bed, eyes heavy with exhaustion as the night enveloped the world outside. "Fuyu... Maybe we should sleep," he suggested, voice soft against the backdrop of darkness.

Fuyu, his words slurred with weariness or perhaps a hint of mischief, responded, "Yeah, we should sleep... SOICANWAKEUPEARLYANDSTALKHIM."

Yoraki's brow furrowed in confusion. "What?"

"Nothing. Night," Fuyu dismissed, darting away into the shadows.

A sigh escaped Yoraki's lips as he watched his brother vanish into the night, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

The next day dawned with a chorus of birdsong, the soft light of morning filtering through the curtains of Yoraki's room. Yet, his slumber was abruptly interrupted by the jarring sound of a door slamming shut.

"What was that?" Yoraki muttered to himself, blinking away the remnants of sleep. Pushing himself up from the comfort of his bed, he ventured out into the house, his steps quickening as he noticed the front door gaping wide open.

"Fuyu, the door is open!... Fuyu?" he called out, his voice tinged with growing concern.

Racing to Fuyu's room, Yoraki found it empty, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. "Don't tell me that he's..."

Meanwhile, hidden behind a boulder, Fuyu observed John with a mix of curiosity and bemusement. The older man sat upon a weathered bench, engrossed in the pages of a newspaper.

"What is he doing..." Fuyu murmured to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. "Wait, is he reading the newspaper? My dad reads the newspaper and he's lame."

Suddenly, John's voice cut through the air, startling Fuyu from his hiding place. "I hear you, Fuyu. Come out from behind that boulder."

Reluctantly, Fuyu emerged, offering a hesitant greeting. "Hi..."

John regarded him with a mixture of amusement and concern. "Fuyu, what are you doing?"

"I just wanted to... read the newspaper, but I don't have a newspaper and I don't know how to read," Fuyu admitted sheepishly.

"Okay, I'll read mine to you," John offered kindly.

"Okay..." Fuyu replied, settling onto the ground in front of John, his curiosity piqued.

For the next seven minutes, John read aloud from the newspaper, filling the air with the rustle of paper and the cadence of his voice.

"And that's it," John concluded, folding the newspaper and setting it aside.

Fuyu pondered silently, finding unexpected fascination in the mundane words that had filled the air moments before.

"Anything you want to say?" John inquired, his gaze fixed on Fuyu.

Fuyu hesitated before speaking. "Yep. Why are you glowing?"

John's face lit up with a radiant smile, his eyes gleaming with a newfound intensity.

"It's the aura of determination!" John declared proudly.

Fuyu's confusion deepened. "What?"

With an air of solemnity, John revealed the source of his luminescence. "This entire time, I've been sitting on very sharp twigs! I'VE PUSHED MYSELF TO SIT HERE LONGER JUST TO READ TO YOU. MY DETERMINATION HAS MANIFESTED INTO A WHOLE NEW FORM!!!"

Fuyu's eyes widened in awe as he absorbed John's proclamation.

"Whoa," Fuyu breathed, utterly captivated by the older man's enthusiasm.

John's smile widened as he reminisced about his idols of yesteryear. "Just like all my past idols. Gash Light, Daizen Diamond, and my favorite, Kiji Furamingo."

"Aren't those all superstars from a thousand years ago?" Fuyu interjected, a note of incredulity in his voice.

"Yeah," John confirmed with a nod.

"How old are you?" Fuyu asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Nine hundred and forty-five," John replied matter-of-factly.

Fuyu's eyes widened in realization. "You're... old."

John nodded, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Yes, I am."

Fuyu's brow furrowed in curiosity. "Also, didn't Kiji Furamingo theorize that there was a planet named Mars that would invade our planet one day?"

"Yes, and I completely believe it," John affirmed with unwavering conviction.

"Why?" Fuyu pressed, skepticism coloring his tone.

"Because he's always right!" John exclaimed with fervor.

"And to think I thought you were smart," Fuyu teased, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Who said I was smart?" John retorted with a chuckle.

"I totally didn't," Fuyu quipped back.

"Okay! Well, right now I shockingly have no missions, so do you want to learn something cool?" John proposed, excitement evident in his voice.

"Sure, why not," Fuyu agreed, his interest piqued.

"Okay, allow me to just..." Before Fuyu could react, John grabbed him and transported him to the top of a towering mountain.

"How are you teleporting me???" Fuyu exclaimed, his eyes wide with astonishment.

"Teleporting? No, that's just how fast I can move," John explained nonchalantly.

"Ooooh, cool! Wait, where are we?" Fuyu asked, taking in their surroundings.

"This is the tallest mountain in the world, standing at 87,087 feet," John informed him.

"Whoa, that's high," Fuyu remarked, feeling a thrill of excitement coursing through him.

"Now watch!" With a confident leap, John launched himself off the mountain and floated effortlessly in the air.

"Doesn't this look cool?" John called out from his aerial perch.

"Yes! Are you flying?" Fuyu asked, his eyes sparkling with wonder.

"Close to it. It's actually me combining my mana release techniques with air magic. I'm fusing my mana with air, making it so I, and only I, can stand on air," John explained with pride.

"You made me think that I could fly," Fuyu exclaimed with a mixture of awe and amusement.

"Oh, you can, but this is closer to it. So, do you want to learn this?" John offered, extending the invitation.

"No, I'll pass," Fuyu replied, shaking his head with a grin.

Five minutes later, outside of Fuyu's house, John stood before him, preparing to depart on his missions.

"So, kid, I've got a few missions I have to do. Probably won't be able to talk to you for another day or so. But you might catch me on my break the next morning," John explained, his tone tinged with a hint of regret.

"Okay," Fuyu replied, a sense of understanding coloring his response.

"Bye, Fuyu," John bid farewell.

"Bye," Fuyu echoed, watching as John disappeared from sight.

As Fuyu pondered the encounter, a question nagged at his mind. "Wait, how does he know my name? I never told him."

For four months straight, every day began with Fuyu rising early in the morning to engage in conversation with John until...

Fuyu and John sat at a table, sharing a moment of camaraderie as they indulged in cookies.

"John, use that move that you used on those bad guys a few days ago again," Fuyu requested, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"What do you want me to use it on?" John inquired, a playful smile tugging at his lips.

"This cookie," Fuyu declared, picking up a treat with a grin.

John's eyes widened in disbelief. "WHAT? I CAN'T DO THAT!"

"Yes, you can!" Fuyu insisted, his voice filled with encouragement and a touch of excitement.

"Okay, fine! Mana Release Technique: Steifes Nachbild," John relented, though his tone betrayed a hint of reluctance.

But their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a booming voice.


John turned, startled. "Huh, what? Who's yelling at me?"

An N.P.O.D guard approached, urgency etched on his face. "Sorry, sir, I was told to tell you to head back to headquarters."

"Okay, bye Fuyu, I'll talk to you tomorrow. You can head home and keep the rest of these cookies," John called out, his words rushed as he prepared to depart.

"Okay, bye John!" Fuyu waved, watching as John disappeared from sight.

"Huh. WAIT, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CARRY ALL OF THESE COOKIES!?" Fuyu exclaimed, a sudden realization dawning upon him.

The next day, Fuyu found himself sitting on a bench, patiently awaiting John's arrival.

"Where is he? I've been waiting for him for hours," Fuyu muttered to himself, growing increasingly impatient.

Suddenly, a man wearing a blindfold took a seat beside him.

"So, you're waiting for him," the Blindfold Man remarked cryptically.

"Who?" Fuyu inquired, turning to face the stranger.

"John Madison, the new spring season. Read up," the Blindfold Man replied, tossing a newspaper in Fuyu's direction.

Catching the paper, Fuyu began to read the headline:

"The New Spring Season Is Here! Majority Hates Him"

As he delved into the article, shock washed over him.

"Recently, our former and most beloved spring season, Imaninu Nisaru (Geiru as most call her), was murdered in cold blood by the Purotekuta, John Madison..."

The words on the page painted a grim picture of betrayal and violence, detailing John's alleged role in the death of the beloved spring season.

Fuyu's heart sank as he read on, absorbing the magnitude of the situation unfolding before him.

Fuyu's hands trembled as he read the chilling words printed on the page before him. The details of Imaninu Nisaru's tragic demise sent a shiver down his spine, the image of her lifeless form cradled in John Madison's arms burned into his mind.

"John Madison... a murderer?" Fuyu whispered, his voice barely audible over the din of the street.

The article painted a grim picture of the events that had transpired, describing the heinous act with a starkness that left no room for doubt. John's smiling confession, the gruesome manner in which he had taken Imaninu's life, it all seemed surreal, like a nightmare unfolding before Fuyu's eyes.

And yet, according to N.P.O.D rules, John was now the new spring season, a fact that sent shockwaves through the Negative Point community. The overwhelming majority of Imaninu's followers vehemently opposed this decision, calling for John's expulsion from the Negative Point and the erasure of his memories.

Fuyu's mind reeled as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. Death threats, vandalism, the destruction of John's home – all of it had occurred in the span of a single night, leaving a trail of chaos and uncertainty in its wake.

As he continued to read, Fuyu's gaze fell upon John's defiant words, spoken in the face of mounting backlash and hostility. "They come to hate me, they strive to hate me, and will love to hate me, but over time, they will grow to love, come to love me, and hate to love me."

The words hung heavy in the air, a defiant proclamation of John's unwavering resolve in the face of adversity. And yet, beneath the bravado, Fuyu sensed a vulnerability, a flicker of doubt that lingered beneath the surface.

As he folded the newspaper and tucked it under his arm, Fuyu couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at his gut. The events unfolding in the Negative Point were far from over, and he feared that the worst was yet to come.

Fuyu's heart pounded in his chest as he watched the chaotic scene unfold before him, the sounds of anger and violence echoing in his ears.

"John..." Fuyu called out, his voice barely above a whisper amidst the turmoil.

"He's not the same, you know," the Blindfold Man interjected, his tone grave.

Fuyu's eyes widened in disbelief. "He would never. Who are you?"

The Blindfold Man regarded him with a sense of solemnity. "I might as well tell you my name. We might meet again later in the future... My name is... Subiru Oshinku."

"Subiru... I'll make sure to remember your name," Fuyu replied, a sense of determination coloring his words.

"Great. I'll see you later," Subiru stated, before disappearing into the darkness without so much as a goodbye.

"You didn't even let me say bye," Fuyu muttered to himself, a sense of frustration creeping into his voice.

Nine hours later, as the night descended upon the Negative Point, Fuyu found himself standing among a crowd of people on the side of a road, their eyes fixed on the looming black building before them.

"John," Fuyu whispered, his voice filled with apprehension.

"The ceremony will start now!" the announcer's voice boomed, sending a ripple of anticipation through the crowd.

As John and his guards emerged from the building, a wave of hostility washed over the assembled throng. Booing and jeering filled the air, accompanied by the ominous sound of rocks and rotten vegetables pelting against the walls.

"John!" Fuyu called out desperately, his gaze fixed on his friend's emotionless face.

Amidst the chaos, a random voice from the crowd shouted, "I'll kill you!"

Before Fuyu could react, a group of armed individuals charged towards John, prompting the guards to intervene with shouts and raised weapons.

A violent skirmish ensued, with guards and attackers locked in a frenzied battle for control. The crowd surged forward, their anger fueling the chaos as the conflict escalated into a full-blown riot.

"John!" Fuyu cried out, his voice drowned out by the cacophony of screams and clashes.

With determination coursing through his veins, Fuyu sprinted towards John, his eyes fixed on his friend amidst the chaos.

"SILENCE!!!" a commanding voice boomed over the tumult, bringing a sudden stillness to the chaotic scene.

All at once, the attackers fell into a deep slumber, their forms crumpling to the ground as if pulled into the embrace of a dream.

"I'm disappointed in you all," the voice continued, its tone filled with authority. "Just deal with the fact that a season has died and move on with it."

"Where did that voice come from?" Fuyu wondered aloud, his eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of its source.

"Move out!" a guard ordered, breaking the momentary silence as they escorted John to safety, leaving Fuyu to ponder the events that had just unfolded.

"Where did he go?" Fuyu questioned aloud, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"ALL OF YOU, GO HOME AT ONCE," Rai's booming voice commanded, cutting through the air with authority.

Fuyu hesitated, his attention drawn to a trail of blood that glistened faintly in the dim light.

"Hm..." Fuyu murmured, his curiosity piqued.

Following the crimson path, Fuyu found himself navigating through a tight alleyway, the walls pressing in around him like silent sentinels.

"Is this where they went?" Fuyu wondered aloud, his steps quickening as he pressed forward.

Emerging from the alleyway, Fuyu's gaze fell upon John, seated on a wooden crate with an unnerving sense of calm. The guards watched him intently, their eyes trained on Fuyu as he approached.

"John..." Fuyu called out, his voice laced with uncertainty.

As he drew nearer, Fuyu couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. John's emotionless expression sent a chill down his spine, a stark contrast to the trail of blood that led to a guard with a bleeding leg.

"John?" Fuyu questioned, his voice trembling with apprehension.

John's grin sent a shiver down Fuyu's spine, his laughter ringing out with a chilling edge.

"Hahaha, that was such a good blood rush," John declared, his words dripping with an unsettling enthusiasm.

"What?" Fuyu stammered, his mind reeling from the sudden shift in demeanor.

"If they wanted me to be the villain, why not act like the villain," John explained, his tone casual despite the gravity of his words.

"Why did you kill the spring season?" Fuyu demanded, his voice trembling with a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

"I can't tell you why, but it was for a good reason," John replied cryptically, his gaze unwavering.

"John, I am so confused..." Fuyu trailed off, his thoughts spinning as he struggled to make sense of the enigma before him.

The scene unfolded like a distant memory, a fleeting glimpse into a time long past.

"What- HEY!" John exclaimed, his voice filled with mock indignation.

"I stopped the flow of my mana. No more mind reading for you, mister," Fuyu retorted, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Awww, I thought that you wouldn't notice," John lamented, a playful smile tugging at his lips.

"I noticed the second you brought up the tree," Fuyu replied, a hint of amusement coloring his tone.

"Really? Why did you let me talk for this long?" John inquired, genuine curiosity in his voice.

"Because! Those were some good memories. Also, we've been in the air for a long time," Fuyu explained, a sense of nostalgia washing over him.

"Wait, how?" John questioned, his eyes widening with astonishment.

"Mana release??? I can do it now," Fuyu boasted, a sense of pride evident in his voice.

"Oh my... FUYU, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU," John exclaimed, genuine warmth in his words.

"Ah yes, anyways- where are my students?" Fuyu interjected, his thoughts shifting to the task at hand.

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