Negative Point

Chapter 118: Fifteen

Guricumi's massive fists continued to slam down, creating waves of destruction around Uila and Holoi as they dodged with precision. The giant sea creature let out a deep rumbling laugh. "You guys are so fast."

Uila, growing frustrated, called out, "SOME EXTRA BACKUP WOULD BE NICE!!!"

Hoku, standing a bit off to the side, grinned and said, "Maybe this is my chance to use the strongest technique known to this world."

Uila, barely managing to avoid another crushing fist, glanced back. "U–WHAT?!"

Hoku smirked dramatically. "The technique that makes the ocean wet."

Uila blinked in utter confusion. "WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!"

Hoku puffed out his chest proudly. "Stick around and see, my friend! This technique causes tsunamis, it shifts tides, and it controls the ocean better than the moon!"

Uila, dodging again, shouted, "DOES IT ACTUALLY DO THAT?!"

"Tch," Hoku spat, starting to spin. "It's about time I showed you the true power of a starfish!!!" His spinning became so fast that he ignited, flames swirling around his body despite being underwater.

Uila, in disbelief, cheered, "HE'S DOING IT!!!"

Guricumi, momentarily distracted, stared at the blazing Hoku. "It's fire!"

Hoku spun forward with blinding speed. "Burning Star Attack!!!"

However, with a casual swat of one tentacle, Guricumi knocked Hoku away, sending him crashing into the ocean floor. Blood leaked from Hoku's mouth as he lay there, dazed and dizzy.

"LIEUTENANT!!!" Uila shouted in horror.

With rage in his eyes, Uila charged up electricity in his body. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!!! CONTROLLED... SHOCK!!!" A beam of thunder shot from Uila's body, striking Guricumi and electrocuting him.

Guricumi screamed, "GAAAAAAH!!!"

Uila, panting, pointed at him. "YOU'RE NOT SURVIVING THAT ATTACK!!! YOU'RE NOW CALAMARI!!!"

Despite being charred, Guricumi groaned and slowly recovered, still standing tall. "That really hurted!! I'll eat you alive, eel!!!" He sent all fifteen of his massive tentacles flying toward Uila.

Holoi, acting quickly, swam in front of Uila. "Air Magic: Air Shield!" A barrier of condensed air formed between them, blocking the tentacles and creating shockwaves through the water.

Holoi then swam above the shield. "Air Magic: Air Slash!" Using his manta ray wings, he unleashed a powerful slice of water that severed ten of Guricumi's tentacles in an instant.

Guricumi winced. "Ow, that hurts too!" Despite the pain, his massive form remained relentless.

Guricumi quickly regenerated his tentacles, his voice rumbling with anger. "You guys asked for it!" He spat out a thick cloud of ink, which spread and formed a dark barrier around the group, making visibility nearly impossible.

Uila, panicked, yelled, "HIS REGENERATION IS TOO FAST!!"

As the ink swirled around them, Hoku glanced at October, who was standing motionless inside his bubble. "What is this?" Hoku muttered. "I know he's a robot, but he looks like he can help." Swimming up to October, Hoku tapped on his metallic body.

"Bot boy! Do you have any underwater functions?" Hoku asked, half desperate.

October's eyes flickered. "Loading data... Affirmative."

Hoku sighed in relief. "Then use it!"

October's voice became more robotic, "Command: Received. Activating: Submarine Form."

With mechanical precision, October's body began to shift and morph. His exterior became sleek and dark blue, wings and underwater boosters emerged, and his entire frame looked built for high-speed underwater combat.

Hoku's jaw dropped. "Why didn't we use this guy before… I command you to join our fight!"

October's eyes lit up as he replied, "Access granted. Activating: L A S E R E Y E S." Beams of intense white light shot from October's eyes, striking Guricumi and causing a violent explosion on impact.

October's boosters flared. "Boosters: TURBO MODE ON," he announced, and with a burst of speed, he rocketed through the water toward Guricumi.

"Activating: Iron Gauntlets," October stated as his fists became encased in iron. "Initiating: T R I P L E L A Y E R." His fists were encased in two more layers of metal, becoming massive, dense weapons.

"Activating: Heat Fist," October's fists glowed bright red, heating up to the point of steaming through the water. With tremendous force, October punched Guricumi square in the chest, sending him flying backward with a pained roar.

"GAAAAH!!!" Guricumi screamed, his body crashing into the ocean floor, creating a large cloud of sand and debris.

Uila, wide-eyed with excitement, cheered, "THAT WAS A GOOD HIT!!!"

Holoi swam up beside Uila. "It's our job to finish him off," he said with determination. Together, they prepared for the final strike against the wounded sea monster.

Uila struggled to stand, electricity crackling around his body. "RIGHT!!!" he shouted as he charged up another round of energy. Holoi, meanwhile, focused his air magic, placing his hands together and channeling a gust of wind between them.

"Air Magic… Slash Stream!" Holoi fired a powerful stream of air filled with razor-sharp slashes toward Guricumi.

Uila followed immediately. "CONTROLLED SHOCK!!!" he yelled, releasing a beam of electricity that merged with Holoi's attack, electrifying the slashing stream. The combined attack hit Guricumi head-on, electrocuting and slicing him at the same time.

"AAAAAH!!!" Guricumi screamed in agony, writhing as the attack tore into his massive form.

October, unfazed, continued his assault. "Activating: Torpedoes." From his back, multiple torpedoes fired, all homing in on Guricumi. Upon impact, they exploded in quick succession.

Guricumi grunted. "Hey!-" But before he could react further, October shifted again.

"Activating: W I P E O U T C A N N O N," October intoned. His mouth opened like a hatch, revealing a massive cannon ball, which quickly charged with blue energy. With a deafening boom, the cannon ball launched, slamming into Guricumi with an explosion so powerful it created a tidal wave above the ocean, clearing away the ink barrier that surrounded the battlefield.

Hoku blinked, stunned by the sheer destruction. "This robot knows a lot about overkill!"

As the dust and water settled, the group could make out Guricumi's still-standing figure, battered but defiant. "You guys do too much!" he snarled, though his voice wavered from the pain.

Uila gasped in disbelief. "HE IS STILL ALIVE?!"

With a furious swipe, Guricumi lashed out with one of his tentacles, slamming Uila and Holoi into the ocean floor with a brutal crash.

"I'll break you like a toy, J-002!!!" Guricumi roared, wrapping another tentacle around October and squeezing tightly, threatening to crush the robotic hero.

Uila, struggling to rise, shouted, "HANG IN THERE!!!"

Suddenly, a flash of movement cut through the water. With a rapid spin, Hoku sliced through Guricumi's tentacle, freeing October.

"Gotcha!" Hoku grinned as he landed back on the ocean floor.

Guricumi, his severed tentacle wriggling, looked outraged. "No fair!" he protested, his voice filled with frustration as his regeneration began to slow. The fight was finally turning against him.

Toruri and Kaiju Man dashed through the submerged city of Atlantis, moving with supernatural speed, unaffected by the water around them. Their chi flowed through their bodies, allowing them to navigate the bustling streets effortlessly, weaving between civilians and vehicles as if they were running through air. The Atlantean metropolis teemed with life, a glowing spectacle beneath the ocean, but their focus was singular: escape.

"The water gate is this way! Just straight ahead!" Toruri shouted, his eyes locked on the path ahead, his voice carrying through the thick water without resistance.

Kaiju Man, his imposing figure towering in black armor, shot him a glance. "And why exactly are we running?"

Toruri didn't slow down. "Long story short, there's a lot more happening than just this future invasion. I'm also in the middle of a war with M.A.G.I.C."

Kaiju Man's metallic voice rumbled in confusion. "Why are you spelling magic?"

"It's a weird army of even weirder people," Toruri explained between breaths, his frustration evident. "I haven't fought a lot of them, but stopping them is my mission. The sooner I get off this island, the sooner I can get back to the fight."

Kaiju Man grunted in understanding. "So we're both fighting wars of our own. I wonder what would happen if they crossed paths."

As they sprinted out of the heart of the city, the towering Atlantean structures gave way to open spaces. The vibrant, busy streets faded behind them, and the surroundings grew more desolate.

Toruri's tone turned dark. "Probably the death of millions."

Kaiju Man chuckled grimly, his deep voice resonating like a distant storm. "Well, it'll be an honor to fight alongside you, son of god."

"When you say it like that—" Toruri's reply cut off as they both skidded to a stop. His eyes widened in disbelief as they found themselves standing in front of the unmistakable neon sign of Josh's Grill

"Shit," Toruri muttered, his voice flat with irritation.

Kaiju Man stared at him, the weight of the situation crashing down like a tidal wave. "Were you even looking at the map?"

Toruri grimaced, rubbing the back of his head. "I got distracted!"

"How did we manage to circle back here?" Kaiju Man's exasperation was palpable through his armor.

Toruri thrust the map at him in frustration. "You take the map."

Without hesitation, Kaiju Man snatched it from Toruri's hands, but before they could figure out their next move, something else caught their attention.

A large figure loomed in the distance, moving toward them with deliberate strides. As the shape came into focus, it revealed itself to be an Atlantean shark-man, his pale white skin glistening in the water. Across his massive chest, the word "M.A.G.I.C" was tattooed in bold letters.

"I've been looking for ya!" the shark-man called out, his deep voice carrying a mix of menace and arrogance.

Toruri's eyes narrowed. "And there's one of those M.A.G.I.C guys."

Kaiju Man's eyes, hidden behind his helmet, flicked toward his companion. "Do you need help?"

Toruri shook his head, a smirk forming on his lips. "Not at all. I already see a few ways to take this guy down."

Hecate, the small fly buzzing around Kaiju Man's head, chimed in, her voice sharp and quick. "Yeah, Kaiju, we can't waste any time. Zeus could show up at any moment!"

Kaiju Man nodded in agreement. "You're right, Hecate. Every second spent here is a second lost preparing for Zeus."

The shark-man, oblivious to their private conversation, grew impatient. "Do you guys hear me?!"

Toruri's aura flared suddenly, radiating energy through the water, casting faint ripples around him. "I'll catch up with you both at the water gate."

The shark-man puffed out his chest, closing his eyes with exaggerated drama. "I will now introduce myself! I am Q-001, Nui!!!"

Kaiju Man didn't even flinch. "Good luck, Toruri." Without sparing another glance, he turned and sprinted away, the map clutched tightly in his hand as his black armor shimmered in the faint light of Atlantis.

As soon as Kaiju Man disappeared from view, Toruri wasted no time. In one swift motion, he dashed forward, his fist rocketing into Nui's face with brutal force. The impact sent a shockwave rippling through the water. Nui staggered backward, his nose instantly gushing blood.

"What happened?!" Nui cried out, his voice laced with confusion as he clutched his face in disbelief.

Toruri stood tall, his eyes narrowing as his mind echoed one thought: Is this guy an actual dumbass?

Nui's voice boomed through the underwater street, his sharp teeth bared in a furious snarl. "That really fucking hurt!"

Toruri cocked his head with mock surprise, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Nooo way, really?" The taunt hung in the water, its weight pressing against Nui's pride.

The shark-man's eyes flared with anger. "Don't get too over your head!" Nui lunged forward, his massive claw swiping through the water with terrifying speed. Yet, Toruri moved with practiced ease, sidestepping every attack like it was child's play. In a smooth counter, he slammed his foot into Nui's stomach, the force of the kick making the great white stumble backward.

Nui gritted his teeth, frustration bubbling up. "Dammit, he knows how to fight!"

Toruri smirked, his eyes gleaming with confidence. "Having a tough time, big guy?"

Nui growled, inhaling sharply through his bloodied nose. His eyes turned a dangerous shade of red as he spat, "I'll eat you like a fish!" Without warning, Nui thrust his head forward, ramming it into Toruri's midsection with enough force to make Toruri momentarily lose his breath.

"What the hell?" Toruri coughed out, more confused than hurt.

"Bastard!" Nui barked, following up with another vicious swipe of his claw. Toruri deftly dodged, but the force behind Nui's attack sent a powerful current through the water, blowing sand and debris from the ocean floor in a wide arc behind them.

Toruri's thoughts raced as he regained his stance. He did that with no chi at all? No fair, he's got a built-in elemental fist!

With newfound urgency, Toruri lunged at Nui, his own claws gleaming under the shimmering light of Atlantis. His first strike landed cleanly, slashing across Nui's chest and leaving a jagged wound. But the shark-man was relentless. He roared through the pain and hurled a punch at Toruri, who quickly flipped backward, narrowly avoiding the hit. In a seamless motion, Toruri counterattacked, his claws slicing across Nui's arms in two quick slashes.

Nui growled in pain, the cuts leaking dark blood into the water, but he refused to back down. His muscular frame coiled like a spring before he launched into a brutal barrage of punches. Each strike was ferocious, but Toruri's agility allowed him to dodge every blow. Not only that—he danced around the attacks with such finesse that he ended up perched on Nui's massive arm, looking down at his opponent with disdain.

"Enhancement Magic!!" Toruri called out, his voice rising in intensity. His leg glowed with azure energy, the magical aura crackling through the water, completely engulfing his limb.

What did Shuno say about this again? Toruri's mind wandered briefly, the memory of his training surfacing as the blue glow grew brighter.

Flashback – Three months ago

Toruri stood on the deck of their ship, which was sailing smoothly thanks to October's enhancements. The water shimmered around them under the light of the sun, and the air was thick with the smell of salt.

Shuno leaned against the ship's railing, watching Toruri carefully. "A month ago, I felt a strong burst of enhancement magic coming from you…"

Toruri shrugged, looking out at the ocean. "Oh, you felt that?"

Kinrui chimed in, shaking his head in disbelief. "I saw that."

Toruri smirked. "That's how I smacked October into submission. Enhancement magic!" His fist ignited with azure energy, the burst of magical force pushing the water away from his hand in small ripples.

Shuno crossed his arms, his expression more serious than usual. "Advanced enhancement magic… I never knew you used it to that extent."

Toruri's smile didn't fade. "Yeah, it's literally so reliable."

Shuno raised an eyebrow. "Do you even know what enhancement magic does?"

"It makes me really strong," Toruri said confidently, but Shuno's gaze didn't soften.

"Not wrong," Shuno corrected, "but not exactly right. Anything in the enhancement aura is boosted a hundred times over. On paper, it sounds unbeatable, but it doesn't account for the fact that whatever's in that aura is also working a hundred times harder than the rest of your body."

Kinrui nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's a must-have for soldiers since they can boost their magic's power with it. But it's dangerous."

Shuno continued, his voice grave. "Many people have died trying to use full-body enhancement magic. Sure, it makes your body a hundred times stronger, but it doesn't affect your energy reserves or mana. You're burning through everything fast while overworking your body at a ridiculous rate. The moment you stop, you feel all the damage you've done to yourself."

Toruri grimaced, the weight of Shuno's words sinking in. "Yeah, I found that out when I fought some beast-taming girl. Not the best experience."

Shuno nodded. "But you survived. And that made you stronger. Mastering enhancement magic is no joke. It means you've become proficient in wielding it and applying it strategically to your techniques."

The memory of Shuno's words about enhancement magic still rang in Toruri's mind as he contemplated its complex nature. "How does this thing even function?" Toruri muttered to himself, almost rhetorically. "Do you just use it enough, and it just so happens to become advanced at some random time?"

The voice of his mentor, Shuno, responded in his mind, clear as day. "No, it's when you use it to the point where your mana and body synchronize, and it becomes part of your natural bodily functions."

Toruri scrunched his nose. "That sounds gross."

"It's not gross, it's impressive," Shuno had corrected him. "You're so in tune with the concept of enhancement magic that your body treats it as casually as breathing. Your magic literally infuses itself into your flesh!"

"You sound so... impressed?" Toruri had raised an eyebrow at that. 

"I never quite saw you, or any of the Season Children, as prodigies," Shuno had admitted, a rare compliment. 

"I take offense," Toruri had responded with mock indignation.

"I knew you guys were strong, but your learning ability is on a whole other level." 

"So, you're saying I can beat Fuyu now?" Toruri had teased.

"Not a chance," Shuno's voice had deadpanned. "But you're getting somewhere. In the future, you'll be really strong. Advanced enhancement magic gives you a 500 times multiplier, lowers the amount of mana you use, causes less strain, and adds the bonus of using your own magic power behind it."

The flashback faded from Toruri's mind as the present battle came crashing back into focus. 500 times damage, he thought as he readied himself for the next strike. 

With a swift, fluid motion, Toruri's leg crackled with energy, and he unleashed a devastating kick squarely into Nui's face. The entire world around them briefly turned blue from the impact, as though time itself had bent to the sheer force of the strike. Nui's enormous body rocketed backward, tumbling through the water like a wrecking ball before crashing violently into the distant seabed.

Nui's dazed voice echoed through the water, disbelief tinged with a hint of awe. "He's a strong kicker!!"

But there was no time for recovery. The air around Nui suddenly shimmered as a flurry of fireballs hurtled toward him, each blazing with intense heat despite the water surrounding them.

Nui's eyes widened in shock. "Fire underwater?! How?!"

Toruri grinned, a realization dawning in his mind. Chi works on magic. Noted.

Nui's instincts kicked in as he swam rapidly out of the fireballs' trajectory, just narrowly dodging the blazing barrage. "This guy's a cheater!" he cursed under his breath, the frustration clear in his voice.

Before Nui could recover, Toruri lunged at him with explosive force, closing the distance in an instant. His fists blurred as he delivered a series of rapid punches to Nui's face, each strike resonating with the power of his enhancement magic.

Nui growled through gritted teeth, his massive frame barely budging under the relentless assault. "Now... you've... DONE IT!!!" The shark-man roared, finally standing his ground and tanking a punch without so much as flinching. 

Toruri blinked in surprise. "Uh oh—" he muttered, realizing too late that Nui had braced himself for a counterattack.

In a brutal display of strength, Nui grabbed Toruri's arm and twisted it around with a sickening crack. 

"DAAAH—!" Toruri cried out in pain as his arm contorted unnaturally.

"You had that coming!!!" Nui snarled, satisfaction clear in his voice as he tossed Toruri aside like a ragdoll. Toruri hit the ground hard, the impact sending ripples through the seabed as he landed on his back.

"I would... hate you right now... if I didn't have this niche regeneration," Toruri groaned, his body already working to heal the damage. His twisted arm snapped back into place with an unsettling pop, the pain quickly fading.

Slowly, Toruri got to his feet, shaking off the last remnants of discomfort. Geez, I'm a better fighter, but this guy is just pure unadulterated muscle and a severe lack of IQ, he thought, his mind racing as he prepared for the next round.


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