Naruto, The Perfect Shinobi

Chapter 18: CH.17 Life as a Genin

Here you go, a new chapter hope you all enjoy.

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Time skip; Two months later; in the Hokage's office;

Naruto stood quietly with a blank face near the corner of the office as he looked at the scene unfolding in front of him. 

The Sandaime and his mother are in the middle of an argument about giving him his first C-rank mission. 

His mother was 'by chance' passing by the Hokage office when she heard the Sandaime offer Naruto his first mission outside the village.

She was adamant that He was still young and it was too early for Naruto to take a mission outside the village. While his Sensei argued back that He is more that ready for the mission, Saying that Naruto has already done the minimum number of D-rank missions required long ago and there was no genin or chunin that could defeat him in the village. The Sandaime also said that if he only gave Naruto more D-rank missions it will be an insult to Naruto's abilities and would be viewed as incompetent by other shinobi.

Normally, a genin team, consisting of a jonin sensei and three genin, need to finish at least 25 D-rank missions before getting their first C-rank mission. Some teams may even get their C-rank mission after doing only 15 D-ranks but they needed permission from the Hokage.

Naruto already did 48 D-rank missions which is way more that what Hiruzen intended to give him. Tsunade is always against giving Naruto any higher missions, which Hiruzen understood at the beginning, but he now reached his limit.

Naruto had to agree with his old Sensei on that. Even though he loves his mum to death and would do anything to please her, Her overprotectiveness towards him has become a bit suffocating. Especially, with him trapped in a village whose major populace still hate and fear his guts. His passive skill that makes him feel emotions makes him painfully aware of that. Although it does bother him much anymore, still the constant exposure made him want to leave this place for a bit. 

He also hates D-rank missions. Never in all his life would he have thought that D-rank missions are just another name for chores that people are too lazy to complete themselves and just pay genin to do it. He first thought that being a ninja is a serious profession, so imagine how he felt when he saw what these so called 'missions' are. They range from shopping runs and baby sitting to walking dogs, mowing grass and many others.

His Sensei laughed when he saw Naruto's face when he received his first D-rank mission from him. 

Naruto made sure to get back at Hiruzen by setting a small smoke bomb in his smoking pipe as a revenge prank. As a result, Naruto got an intense training session while hearing his sensei rant about his ruined pipe and Hokage robes. Naruto took the punishment like a champ with a satisfied smile on his face. 

He pranked the Hokage and he didn't regret it one bit.

The D-rank missions didn't go smoothly in the beginning. Most people who issued these missions refused to have Naruto do them when he was the one to accepted their missions as almost all who issue D-rank missions are regular civilians whom fear or hate him. After several rejections, Hiruzen permitted Naruto to use the Transformation Jutsu to complete those missions.

Watching the still going argument between his mother and sensei, Naruto looked back on how his life as a ninja has been for the past two months.

Beside the horrible D-rank missions, there was nothing new in his life other than continuous increase in his training level. He already has the Sandaime Hokage as his Jonin-sensei and sometimes other jonin would teach him something on Hiruzen's orders.

In Taijutsu, When ever he feels that his own physical training became easier, the level on his resistance and gravity seals increase gradually each time his body adapted to the old setting. Naruto trains and spar using taijutsu with his mother and sensei. But the most intense and productive taijutsu training sessions is the ones he has with Guy.

Guy says it to get his first youthful student ready for what he is going to teach him later him later on.

As for ninjutsu, His sensei is proficient in all five main natural attributes of Chakra. So, His elemental training went along very well, especially when his numerous shadow clones help him. For jutsu, Naruto has the biggest collection of them in the Senju clan compound full of proven and experimental jutsu.

In those two month, he used his shadow clones to learn and master each jutsu he got his hands on one by one. He didn't even see more than a quarter of what the library has to offer, but he wasn't in a hurry. He had a lot of time to learn and he always mastered a jutsu, 'by decreasing its required hand seal to 2,3 or even1 while retaining the jutsu's describe power or even increasing it', before moving on to the next one.

Most notable jutsu he learned in this period were the Rasengan and Chidori.

Minato gave Naruto the training method for the rasengan long ago, but he also told Naruto to not start training on it until he became a genin. 

Naruto mastered the rasengan in four days as he already had it's two requirements, which are; to have good chakra control and a relatively big chakra pool.

Naruto is a certified medical ninja so chakra control is never a problem, as for Chakra capacity. There is no need to say how vast Naruto's chakra capacity is.

The Rasengan has three steps to master, two of which Naruto finished on the first day which are increasing the power of chakra and control over its rotation. The last step is to mix the first two together at the same time which took him three days to get down fully and make the rasengan appear instantaneously when ever he wanted.

You should have seen Tsunade's face when Naruto showed her a complete rasengan in the palm of his hand. When she heard how long it took him to master, she was shocked at first but then her mouth broke into a proud and smug smile. She can't wait to rub it in Jiraiya's face when she told him.

(Author's note: 'Minato took 3 years to develop the rasengan while Jiraiya took months to learn it.')

Naruto know from his father's notes that the Rasengan is an incomplete jutsu and that he planned to add elemental chakra to but died before ever trying. Naruto plans to do what his father couldn't finish but in the future, as the Rasengan is an A-rank jutsu already. Any addition of elements to it will raise it to a S-rank jutsu which Naruto feels that it woyldn't be safe right now. Learning an existing S-rank jutsu and developing a new one is totally different, As developing a new one is always dangerous and unpredictable. 

Also his mum would kill him if he did anything that he knew it may harm him.

As for Chidori, He learned it from his father's description and details of it. Even though Kakashi was the one who invented it, He relied heavily on his sensei's, Minato's, rasengan for inspiration. So it was easy for Minato to know how it works and it's hand seals from watching Kakashi train and use it a couple of times.

Naruto learned the Chidori because he surprisingly couldn't find any high rank lightning jutsu in Konoha or In the senju compound that isn't experimental or theoretical. All he could find are D-rank and C-rank jutsu, that if you increased their chakra input it may enter B-rank, and nothing more.

And for the life of him, Naruto couldn't figure out at all how could Kakashi call the Chidori an 'assassination jutsu'. Although the jutsu is in the pinnacle of shape transformation and lightning chakra, It can't be classified as an assassination jutsu. The jutsu produces a very loud noise that sounds like a hawk's screech or thousands of birds chirping, which explains the name, when activated making it a flashy finishing move at best as a ninja can never be stealthy while using this jutsu.

But as the only high rank lighting jutsu that Naruto has, he has to live with it. He already has some ideas on how to make variants of the Chidori while also thinking of how to make a silent version of it. Maybe then he will ask Kakashi for permission to use the chidori if he exchanged it for a variant or two. only time will tell.

In kenjutsu, Naruto continues to improve his techniques and make new ones. He also started training on adding wind and lightning chakra separately to his blade to increase his over all lethality with his katana. He even thinks about training by adding fire chakra but he needed to improve his control over fire chakra if he wants to use it in a blade as fire is known for its chaotic nature and difficulty in control.

For Genjutsu, He continued to learn new ones and refine is old ones. one that stood out was his new genjutsu that he learned recently called 'bringer of darkness' which was created by his great-granduncle. The genjutsu affects the senses, especially the eye sight as it causes its victims' vision to fall in darkness while slightly impairing the others senses too. This genjustu is very strong and hard to dispel.

Even an Uchiha with an active fully mature sharingan will have some difficulty dealing with it as if Tobirama made this genjutsu to deal with them specifically due to the genjutsu being more effective on individuals who rely heavily on their eyesight.

In fuinjutsu, He finally achieved his break through into the world of Uzumaki seal masters. Although he still is a very new master of seals who needs a few more years to become a true master, he was very happy with his accomplishment as it helped him to start his process to study and hopefully master his deceased father's bride and joy of all his jutsu, The Hiraishin 'the flying thunder god'.

Finally Medical Ninjutsu, Naruto has already started to study the most advanced sectors of medicene which makes him a very knowlegble medic with only his mother, Shizune and some veteran medics being better that him but he is quickly catching up.

What is different is that he has now became a certified part-time medic in the Konoha hospital after becoming a genin. He started to get more hands on experience that was not permissible to him before becoming a ninja. He is now allowed to attend surgeries to observe and to help at times. He was also was able to start taking care of some patients on his own.

He had the chance to see the miracle of birth a couple of time, but he had also seen Death. It even hit harder when he saw patients, that he helped the other medics wit, die. He knows that it isn't his fault, but to see a person you helped to take care of die still hurts. 

Working in the hospital made him think of ways to help more. He got some ideas put they need more studying and consulting his mother.

"Enough, Tsunade" said Hiruzen in a slightly raised voice making Naruto break his line of thoughts at look at the arguing pair.

"Naruto is getting a C-rank mission and that is it." said Hiruzen with finality before continuing: "I know you are extremely worried about him but you should believe in him. He is a very strong young man." he finished softly.

Tsunade looked down as her shoulders shook slightly before saying in a low emotional tone with silent tears flowing down from her eyes : "C-ranks can always go south, Sensei. He is the last of my family. My precious and only son. If something happens to him, I ..." she didn't finish, but the massage was received.

Naruto looked at his mother with a look filled with love, sadness and understanding. He knows how hard his mother's life was and how many people she lost. He can't imagine what would happen to her if something happen to him.

Hiruzen sighed before saying: " I know what you feel, Tsunade. I am a parent too. But can't you see that what you are doing is a bit extreme, Tsunade? Naruto is absolutely ready to take B-rank mission maybe even A-rank. He is the most brilliant young man I have ever seen, More than you, your two teammates or Minato ever been at his age." Hiruzen emphasize before continuing: "Even eternal Genin take higher level missions, Tsunade. You are going to severely affect Naruto's social life and career if this continues. Do you want that? Do you want to see Naruto be seen as failure of a shinobi and Heir because you are so overprotective of him that you wouldn't allow to take mission Higher than D-rank?"

Tsunade shook her head slightly but stayed quiet.

Hiruzen sighed before saying softly: "I will assign Naruto an almost safety guarantied and easy C-rank mission so it can soothe your heart. A simple escourt mission to the fire capital, The safest route in the land of fire. do you agree?" to which he received a small nod from Tsunade.

"This is the last time I do this, Tsunade. The next time I will give Naruto missions according to his rank and level like my other shinobi. Is that understood?" said Hiruzen is a slightly stern tone.

"Yes, Sensei." replied Tsunade in a forced tone before striding towards the door and opening before leaving and slamming the door behind her.

Before Naruto could follow his mother, Hiruzen called him: "come here Naruto."

Naruto received two scrolls as he stood in front of Hiruzen.

"The first scroll has details of your escort mission read it carefully and be at the village gate at eight in the morning tomorrow. you will make a team with two chunin to finish this mission. Is that understood?" said Hiruzen

"Yes, Saru-sensei" replied Naruto.

" The other scroll contains a massage I want you to deliver it my son Asuma in the fire capital. Any details you want will be in the scroll" said Hiruzen only to receive a raised eyebrow from Naruto.

"No it isn't urgent so I didn't use my monkey summons. And It is an extra C-rank mission so you can have two put on your record at the same time." Hiruzen answered the unsaid question to which Naruto nodded.

"You are dismissed Naruto. And please comfort your mother. I know she wouldn't want to see me again for some time." said Hiruzen with a sigh

"I was going to do it with out you even saying, Sensei. Now if you excuse me." said Naruto before leaving the office to catch up to his mother.

After abit of Naruto leaving, Hiruzen took out his new pipe from his robes and lit it.

He took a deep breath from his pipe before letting it out and saying with a tired sight: "Sweet Kami. I knew long ago that Tsunade is emotional and stuburn. But I never thought it will reach this degree."

He kept smoking quielyt in his office trying to relax from the confrontation with Tsunade.

At least the subject was finally done with.

End the Chapter. 

'100 power stones if you want an additional chapter with next week's release.'


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

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