Chapter 2: Academy Life
The sun slowly goes down the horizon. The evening hue sets on the academy training ground in light red theme. I stay lying down on the ground facing the sky. Taking a break from the workout or the teacher would like to call it a physical conditioning routine. We were told that It is mandatory to reach a certain level of fitness to unlock ones chakra. It turns out that many students from the civilian background, myself included have not reached the necessary threshold to open up the chakra in our body. So we have been tasked with the grueling exercise routine for 2 months to reach that benchmark. And today is the last day before the teachers help us unlock our chakra.
All the students except the clan kids started linning up in que. I stood somewhere in the middle, little bit exicted for what's to come. On the east side of the training ground, I can see the clan kids looking at us as if we were some kind of zoo animals. The contemptuous look on their faces is hard to go unnotice.
'Come on man, is it really necessary to show your superiority over such stupid reason?'
They have no regards for people older than them. In fact it gives them more reason to be boastful. The clan kids are mostly if not all 5 years old and the rest like me are age 6. We were not given any information on chakra or the criteria of unlocking chakra so it's not something we could do anything about it.
"Next Shinji"
Thats my homeroom teacher toru sensei. A young man around 5 10 in mid 20s. I went up to him feeling a little nervous.
"Sit down crossleg and relax"
I did as I was told and he continued, "close your eyes and keep your breathing steady. When I send my chakra inside your body, you will feel something, I want you to remember that sensation and follow my chakra"
I felt it. The ticklish warm sensation on my back. It slowly travels all around the body in smooth flow. It starts with the back and goes down and reaches the perineum and flows up to the point below the navel and goes further up between the navel and the heart and keeps rising. Next it reached the heart and the throat and nose and the top of my head. After that it starts to go back down reaching all the points and finally settled on my navel area.
"It's done. You can open your eyes now"
I stood up and moved away for the next person to come up.
"Next yagami"
I went to the back of the line. Remembering the sensation I just felt, I can only say that it was amazing. It's hard to come to terms with the fact that chakra is not some intangible power that the people of this world believes in. It is actually real and can feel it right away. Living the majority of my life on a reality based on science had me skeptical at first.
" pumpkin. Now do you see my greatness"
A tap on my shoulder shook me out of my reverie. I looked over to see a smug face of a midget.
"Huh.. Brown midget. I thought you went home"
The kid is a year younger than me and I have been very strict with my diet. After all I have growing to do. I am a head taller than all my age and our age difference doesn't help the kid.
Asuma scowl his face "teme. Do you wana fight?"
"I wonder how kurenai would say if I tell her that the regular stinks in our class is from a certain midget"
As soon as i finish my sentence, he starts turning his head in all direction in panic. He almost looks like a monkey in a circus. Finding no one around us heard what I just said he felt relief.
He hurriedly grabbed my shirt collar with contorted face, big eyes, big mouth "Fucker.. It wasn't me"
Hm? I thought I saw smeagol
"I never said it was you A-S-U-M-A. Or are you saying u r a midget?"
Of course it wasn't him because of me trying to outgrew everybody, iv been eating more than I should, causing me upset stomach which resulted me in releasing the nutrient rich gas to share with everyone in the classroom. Sharing is caring afterall. When the smell started to rise I was the first one to cover my nose and gave the most exaggerated stink eye in his direction. From that day onwards everybody assumed it was him. Even the teacher couldn't scold the son of the village leader for a fart.
"Argh! When the taijutsu lesson starts next month, I'll beat you to the bulb" He turns around and stomps away.
Oh yea i have been taking pleasure giving him trouble whenever I get the chance. Why? Because its fun.
Other reason? You may ask
Well because the clan are vicious bullies to the orphans. From day one, the clan kids have been tormenting the poor orphans and the civillian. Honestly i could care less if they are bullying me, as long as they do not get too violent and leave a permanent damage to me.
The problem is that the orphan don't have a choice in quiting the acadamy. They could only stay in the orphanage until the age of 12 and they have to move out and live by themself. Basically they are being kicked out. Fiding a job at such a young age is a difficult endeavor. The orphanage is already overcrowded resulting from the war. Their only option left is to become a ninja sponsored by the village. On top of that they are not provided the learning curve like the clan kids. Better genetics, earlier education and such. To make it even worse the teachers are moving at the pace of the clan kids not caring anything for the rest. Combining with the constant bully and the threat making them introverted in nature. They are gonna die out there on the first day of becoming a ninja.
What a shitshow.