Naruto: Maelstrom Of The Uzumaki

Chapter 139: Chapter 138: The Fortified Sand Ninja Village!

Uzumaki Raiden led his team towards the Sand Ninja Village in the Land of Wind. Along the way, they encountered various battles, but the enemies they faced were relatively average in strength and were dealt with smoothly without much effort.

However, sudden encounters often leave little time for preparation. Although the Sand Ninja forces were dealt with, a few teams managed to relay information about their enemies back to the Sand Ninja Village.

On the second day of their march, the frontline commander Mitokadu Homura delivered new instructions.

In a forest within the Land of Rivers, Uzumaki Raiden and his team were resting when a ninja hawk descended swiftly from the sky. Raiden, noticing the sound, raised his arm to let the bird land.

"Raiden, what information is it?" Uchiha Fugaku, sitting next to Raiden, asked curiously as Raiden retrieved a message from the hawk's leg.

"Just as I expected. Elder Homura rejected my proposal and ordered us to patrol the Land of Rivers. We're not allowed to cross into the Land of Wind," Raiden replied.

"He also forwarded the information I sent to Konoha, so it should have reached them by now."

Raiden handed the note to Fugaku, who frowned as he read it. "So, are we just supposed to patrol here in the Land of Rivers?" Fugaku asked. "I think your plan to infiltrate Sand Ninja Village is brilliant. With you leading us, it could be accomplished. Disrupting the Sand Ninja from within would cause chaos and weaken their efforts in the Land of Rivers. Why wasn't this plan approved?"

"Risk," Raiden replied. "Elder Homura likely thinks my presence is too valuable to risk."

Raiden was the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, Konoha's ultimate trump card. Sending Raiden to the battlefield was already a controversial decision influenced by the Third Hokage. However, sending him deep into enemy territory in the Land of Wind was not a risk Homura was willing to take. Raiden's talent was undeniable, and it was only a matter of time before he gained full control over the Nine-Tails' power. Protecting him was paramount.

"In that case, are we retreating?" Fugaku asked, his expression darkening slightly.

"No. We'll move forward," Raiden said firmly. "I won't let this opportunity slip by, even if it means disobeying orders. But Fugaku, if you don't want to continue, you can lead the team back."

Raiden's tone was resolute. He worried about the safety of his team more than his own. If necessary, he could retreat to Mount Myoboku, but his team wouldn't have the same options.

"No. I'll stay with you. Let Hizashi lead the others back. The Uchiha clan doesn't back down easily!" Fugaku replied with determination. His excitement and resolve were evident, stirring the others awake.

"What's going on?" asked Might Duy, still groggy from a lack of rest.

"Elder Homura ordered us to retreat and patrol the Land of Rivers, but Raiden has decided to press on towards the Land of Wind to infiltrate Sand Ninja Village," Fugaku explained, sharing the information.

"I follow Raiden's orders. You knew that when I joined this team," Duy replied without hesitation. "Since you've decided, why ask me?"

Duy's decisiveness reassured Raiden. "Following me could mean death," Raiden warned. "Once we enter the Land of Wind, I can't guarantee your safety."

"Captain Raiden, we don't need protection. We can handle ourselves," Hyuga Hizashi replied firmly.

"In that case, let's move forward," Raiden said, his resolve unshaken.

Three days later, they reached the border of the Land of Rivers, where the lush forests gave way to endless yellow sands. The harsh desert environment forced them to halt and set up camp for the night.

"Traveling through the desert at night is too dangerous. We'll rest here and continue at dawn," Raiden instructed, setting up a defensive barrier.

By early morning, they resumed their journey. The trek across the desert was arduous, rapidly depleting their supplies. Fortunately, Raiden's team was well-prepared, and their exceptional sensory abilities ensured they stayed on course.

Five days after entering the Land of Wind, they arrived at a narrow passage leading to Sand Ninja Village. From a sand dune beyond the passage, they observed the heavily fortified area. Hizashi used his Byakugan to assess the situation.

"How is it?" Raiden asked.

"The defense is tight, with dozens of ninjas and several strong chakra signatures. Silent infiltration is impossible," Hizashi reported.

"I expected as much," Raiden replied. "During the early stages of war, Sand Ninja Village wouldn't leave its base undefended."

"Then what now? Do we just give up?" Fugaku asked, his frustration evident.

"Of course not. I have a plan. Stay here and wait for my signal," Raiden said, creating a shadow clone. The clone grabbed Raiden's ankle, spun him around, and launched him high into the air.

"Boom!" The clone dispersed as Raiden soared into the sky. Fugaku raised an eyebrow at the unconventional tactic but quickly refocused on leading the others closer to the passage.

(End of this chapter)

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