Chapter 8: Chapter 6: Divination
After a few seconds of silences where I stewed in the dramatic defeat, I mechanically put all my cards back into the deck before using Paper Strengthening to reseal the box and setting it aside before sighing and saying, "One starter deck like you just used is usually 1,500 ryo but because of the Grand Opening discount and you winning your first duel, I'll sell it to you for 500 if you promise to tell some of your friends. Or you can forgo the discount entirely and come back tomorrow for a bit of divination."
"Divination?" Yugi questions.
"What, you think all these spirits are here for nothing? Some are looking for partners and others are just bored. Sadly, I need a few more to actually start but I should be able to summon them tonight and have things ready by tomorrow."
"Some are looking for partners?"
I nod, remembering some esoteric Yu-Gi-Oh anime knowledge and some bullshitting, "Spirits are created by the emotions leftover from a soul as it moves on to the pure lands, something the ancients called the Ba. As such, if they ever want to experience life and move on they need to find the perfect partner to live along side. When they have found peace, they can move on by giving their partner their true name. Once the true name is spoken by the living, the spirit's energy is controlled by the speaker and can be dissipated or absorbed to allow the spirit to pass on. Spirits can also be forcefully exorcised by a skilled sorcerer or holder of a Millennium item but that will merely send them back to the Shadow Realm."
"Woah! What can spirits do when they have a partner?"
"If summoned like they have now, they can only be used as a conduit for some basic spells or as a lucky charm in duels. If they find the perfect partner however," I take a dramatic pause, "I have no idea." Yugi does a spit take before exclaiming, "What do you mean you don't know? Aren't you some kind of mystic or something?"
"Naw, I just got lucky with some ancient texts and decided to use it as inspiration for a card game. Hell, I wouldn't even be able to summon spirits if not for this little artifact around my neck," I flick my Millennium Necklace and let it catch the light of a spirit's glow. "So what will it be, a discount or some vague flashy divination from an amateur mage?"
"Can I still get the Grand Opening discount if I bring some friends over?"
"Sure," I hold out my hand for a handshake, "Got 1,000 ryo on you or do you want me to reserve it for you?"
Yugi shakes my hand and hands me ten 100 ryo coins before leaving with his deck box. I look at the sunset and decide to close up shop before starting the process of paper-making so I can finish it in the morning. A few hours later and I'm set use the Financial Overview to set aside 500 ryo for expenses including taxes, leaving 500 ryo in profit that I can use for spirits or other purchases. Deciding to add some more spirits to keep up my bullshitting, I buy a Gen 1 pack.
Mystical Moon [COMMON]
Electro-Whip [COMMON]
Trial of Nightmare [COMMON]
Turtle Tiger [COMMON]
Dark Energy [COMMON]
Fireyarou [COMMON]
Hinotama [COMMON]
Two-Pronged Attack [UNCOMMON]
Darkfire Dragon [UNCOMMON]
Red Eyes Black Dragon [Rare+]
I close the menu, slowly calming myself down as I stare at the spirit the size of my head that is Red Eyes Black Dragon. "I guess I know who's coming tomorrow," I chuckle as the Red Eyes in front of me snorts dismissively and goes to lay on the shop's counter. I slap my cheeks to focus myself as I claim the Millennium Technique: Card Divination and nearly fall backwards at the overwhelming information I just received.
The overall information is lackluster, mostly on how spirits are formed and destroyed(I was more right than I thought I was), the runes and formation needed to make the divination circle, and the amount of spell/ trap spirits needed, that being 3 commons of one type or an uncommon. Overall, I have enough spirits to do 3 divinations with 2 common spell spirits and one common trap spirit left over along with the information that the main purposes of spell and trap spirits are for action spells and counter-spells respectively with divination evidently being categorized as both. Deciding that I have had enough for today I make sure everything is closed up and go to bed, after finally remembering to put the Blue Eyes starter deck back on the shelf.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________A/n: I'm planning to use card divination to introduce some character specific cards that not everyone can get, specifically I already have two custom cards that I want to give Yugi along with an actual card, Millennium Shield, the custom cards being Millennium Soul and Millennium Puzzle all of which will be in this paragraph's comments.
Also I want you guys to understand my surprise when YGOPRODECK pack simulator gave me Red Eyes Black Dragon on the first pack. I was originally going to just rig it to give Yugi the Dark Magician spirit and maybe introduce a more specialized spirit summoning mechanic or something but my luck has not failed me yet.