Naruto: As Rasa

Chapter 4: Rise of the Pokémon Economy

Chapter Title: Rise of the Pokémon Economy

Sunagakure, Year 26, July 17.

Master Shaku, sporting deep dark circles from sleepless nights spent poring over the Pokémon Dex, and young Rasa were preparing to head into the habitat zone for a capture mission. Over the past few days, while Shaku managed daytime official duties, he had devoted countless nights to studying the immense, intricate data—types, attributes, species, abilities, levels… so much so that it took him two grueling nights to barely finish.

"Rasa, what kinds of Pokémon are in this habitat?" Shaku asked as he briskly carried Rasa on his back toward Moses Habitat.

"Master, Moses Habitat is the very first habitat established in the Pokémon Realm, and thanks to my connections, it's been set up right here in the Land of Wind," Rasa explained, his head peeking out as he spoke. "Since our land lies in the desert, only Rock- and Ground-type Pokémon can thrive here. That's why every Pokémon in Moses Habitat is either Rock or Ground type."

"Moses Habitat is a medium-sized zone, and its strongest resident is a Fire-type—one that we call Camerupt," Rasa continued confidently. "Wild Camerupt need constant feeding, so they naturally gather near oases. You've seen the Dex entries on Camerupt, haven't you?"

Shaku nodded slowly. "Yes, you mentioned them before. You even suggested capturing the entire clan—Camerupt can both aid in battle and serve as reliable mounts."

"Exactly! But these Camerupt must be managed properly," Rasa insisted. "They should be community-owned rather than assigned to one ninja. We need a sustainable plan that lets them reproduce and generate more Pokémon Eggs. Once their numbers are sufficient, we can distribute them to those in need."

On the map, Moses Habitat showed an oasis harboring a small clan of Camerupt—only 36 in all. Rasa proposed that the village adopt communal ownership for them.

"That sounds feasible," Shaku agreed. "Thirty-six isn't too many for the village to support."

"And, Master," Rasa continued eagerly, "we could even set up a Fire Pokémon Desert Shipping Company. Camerupt would protect merchants and transport cargo along our harsh desert routes. With many residents now preferring to take missions in Konoha, our village's income is dwindling. By increasing Camerupt numbers, travel to Sunagakure will be easier. We could set up more mission reception points in other cities and reclaim our share of assignments."

Shaku's eyes sparkled with approval as he ruffled Rasa's hair. "Excellent idea, Rasa. Capture every Camerupt we can—but remember, they must be managed sustainably."

As they trekked deeper into Moses Habitat, Rasa's attention was caught by a small, animated rock Pokémon floating nearby.

"Master, do you see that little rock Pokémon over there?" Rasa asked.

Shaku squinted. "Is that Geodude?"

"Yes," Rasa replied with a grin. "Geodude evolves into Graveler, and then—via a trade evolution—into Golem. We're near the edge of the habitat; if we head about 10 kilometers northwest, we'll reach Moses Oasis."

They pressed on, and soon the oasis teemed with Pokémon. In one secluded glen, Rasa noticed a pair of Pokémon lost in a tender embrace—Nidorino and Nidorina, so absorbed in each other that they barely noticed the approaching ninjas. Notably, Nidorina boasted a 2 IV.

"Master, please knock Nidorina out," Rasa instructed. With a swift, precise strike from Shaku, Nidorina was rendered unconscious, and Rasa easily captured her in a Poké Ball. Nidorino, shocked by the disappearance of its mate, hesitated before charging at Shaku in anger.

Thud! Nidorino crashed into Shaku, only to be sent flying.

Thud! Again it charged, only to be repelled.

After several such attempts, a dejected Nidorino finally slumped, tears glistening in its eyes. Gathering its courage, it slowly approached Rasa with a pleading look—as if asking, "Will you take me in?"

Rasa's heart softened. "Alright, come with us," he murmured, capturing Nidorino as well. He considered this a bonus acquisition—a "buy one, get one free" deal to be assigned to a capable trainer later.

Continuing their journey through the oasis, they passed unique flora and fruits—the natural sustenance of the habitat. Rasa did not disturb these, knowing they were vital to the ecosystem. After about two hours of trekking, they reached the eastern edge where the lush oasis met the unforgiving desert. There, before them, appeared a trio: two Camerupt and one clumsily endearing "Dumb Camerupt"—a family unit clearly adapted to their environment.

The male Camerupt, a robust specimen, was an elite wild Pokémon at level 67 with an IV of 2. Its moves included Roar, Flame Burst, Charge, Stomp, Burn Out, Amnesia, Earth Power, and Earthquake—formidable for a desert beast. The female, at level 49 with Special Elite potential but a 0 IV, lagged behind slightly. Yet it was the "Dumb Camerupt" that captured Rasa's imagination—a spark of raw potential that could be nurtured into greatness.

Rasa's strategic mind raced. His earlier cautious approach had shifted radically with these discoveries. Where he once planned to wait patiently until his first captures matured and Master Shaku saw the Pokémon's value, now he saw an immediate opportunity. The arrival of these Pokémon signaled the dawn of a full-fledged Pokémon economy. By popularizing Pokémon immediately, he could generate enormous wealth, convert that wealth into Poké Coins, and in turn accelerate his own power. In short, the sooner Pokémon spread throughout Sunagakure, the sooner he would become unstoppable.

Back at the village later that day, Rasa returned to his room with his unruly trio. Logging into the system, he purchased a bucket of Moo Moo Fresh Milk—enough for ten meals for a hatchling—and a set of Pokémon Breeding Guides. After these transactions, his balance stood at 8,068 Poké Coins.

He carefully divided the milk into three bottles and distributed them among his little charges according to his meticulously planned schedule: three meals a day plus an extra bottle at night. Larvitar, ever the glutton, surprised him by unscrewing the bottle's cap with its tiny paws and gulping down the entire contents in one go. "Larvitar—another bottle!" it chirped, shoving the nearly empty bottle toward Rasa. Shuckle and Geodude—later renamed Roggenrola—had only taken modest sips. Rasa refilled another bottle for Larvitar, but within seconds, Larvitar grabbed the entire milk bucket and, in a comical frenzy, dashed to its edge—plunging headfirst so that half its body was submerged while its stubby legs flailed helplessly. Rasa quickly rescued it, and though covered in milk, Larvitar snuggled against him as if apologizing. In the end, the entire bucket was consumed, leaving Larvitar's belly round and full—a sight that both amused and astonished Rasa. How can a hatchling drink that much? he wondered.

After a warm bath, Rasa carefully cleaned his three Pokémon and then retired for the night. On his futon, Shuckle—quiet and reserved—tucked itself safely into its shell, Roggenrola sat with dignified composure, and mischievous Larvitar clung to Rasa's chest as he drifted off to sleep.

Early the next morning, as Rasa sat at the breakfast table, he noticed Master Shaku's dark circles—a sure sign of another sleepless night spent studying the Dex. Meanwhile, the trio ate their morning meal with varying enthusiasm: Larvitar devoured its food with gusto, while Shuckle and Roggenrola maintained a measured pace.

After breakfast, Rasa gathered his Pokémon and set off to pick up Karura, whose home lay conveniently between his and the Ninja Academy. Accompanying them was Soya, a year older and the son of the respected So clan leader, Soyu. Though Soya should have been in the second grade, his father arranged for him to study abroad for a year—ensuring he and Rasa became classmates and forming a tight-knit team that Rasa envisioned would one day be his own ninja squad.

Later that day, Rasa presented his grand vision to Master Shaku. "Master, I'm absolutely certain—the inherent talent of our Pokémon far exceeds that of their peers. The Pokémon Realm is vast, housing hundreds of spirit-beast tribes, including those capable of reaching Shadow-tier and even beyond. In truth, the Pokémon Realm isn't merely a sanctuary—it's an entire world exclusively for Pokémon. It has been sealed for millennia, leaving only faint whispers in ancient records. Today, I stand as the sole contract-holder of that realm."

Shaku listened intently. "So you're saying that in time, these Pokémon will mature into true Shadow-tier warriors—and that other ninjas might also form contracts with them?"

"Exactly, Master. Although I'm currently the only one who can freely enter the Pokémon Realm, that won't remain the case. To form a contract, a medium is needed—a Pokémon Ball. These Balls, crafted from materials unique to the Pokémon Realm, will be my legacy to Sunagakure. They will unlock Pokémon power for our village, making us unbeatable."

Shaku's eyes shone with a mix of excitement and cautious approval. "So, a ninja must first obtain a Pokémon Ball from you to contract a Pokémon?"

"Precisely! That's why Sunagakure will be the first to harness this power. I currently have 50 Pokémon Balls available for the village, and we must build a comprehensive Pokémon industry—a dedicated Pokémon Store to supply food, medicine, and training methods. This is our pathway to prosperity."

Moved by Rasa's determination, Shaku nodded. "Very well, Rasa. I see your vision—if it can strengthen Sunagakure, then I'll support you. I'll even lead an expedition to capture the strongest Pokémon from the western wilds. Let's stage a public challenge so that everyone can witness the power of Pokémon."

Rasa, beaming with pride, leaped into Shaku's arms. "Master, I promise—once we show the world what Pokémon can do, our future will be assured!" Though only six, Rasa's resolve was unyielding.

Later that day, after personally delivering dinner to ensure Master Shaku never missed a meal, Rasa returned to his room with his Pokémon. He handed Shaku 50 Pokémon Balls and a temporary Pokédex, explaining their use before retiring for the night. In that moment, Rasa's plan was clear: by popularizing Pokémon now, he would pave the way for a thriving Pokémon economy in Sunagakure—a strategy to secure both his own power and our village's dominance.

As Rasa lay in bed that night, he reflected on his transformation from cautious progress to bold, audacious ambition. With every passing day, as he nurtured his Pokémon and expanded his influence, the dream of a thriving "Pokémon Economy" drew ever nearer—a dream that would soon revolutionize not only Sunagakure but the entire shinobi world.

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