Chapter 1: My minecraft world ...
"Hugh… ugh, this headache is going to kill me!"
Grabbing my head with both hands, my fingers run through my hair, they are rougher than I remember.
I don't pay much attention to it and try to open my eyes, but the light is still too bright. I can only wave my hands in front of my face, as if trying to push it away.
"I should never, never have gone drinking with my colleagues… and definitely not in that quantity…
Damn it, I'm not even used to this… What an idiot!"
"Urgh." With a titanic effort, I force myself up, slowly coming back to my senses as the thick fog clouding my thoughts starts to lift.
Taking a deep breath of fresh air, a scent of grass, aged wood, and that distinct coolness of oak forests tickles my nose.
This smell… It reminds me of hiking through the woods with my grandfather when I was younger… The good old days.
"Hmm, wait… A forest? Wait wait wait what the hell am I doing in a forest ??"
As I open my eyes fully and try to stand, my balance falters, and I stumble.
"Ouch… uh, actually, I didn't feel anything… Strange."
Getting up again, my eyes adjust to my surroundings. The forest before me looks… unusual.
Massive trees, which seem to be oaks, stretch out endlessly. Grass and flowers of all colors cover the ground.
My attention is drawn to a noise behind a tree. A group of sheep, peacefully grazing.
Weird… Sheep, a forest, trees way bigger than normal, if this is a prank, I have to say, it's a pretty elaborate one. Am I in a MrBeast video or somethin ?
Suddenly, something else catches my attention. Something that changes everything.
"No way…" I murmur, my hands trembling slightly.
Down at the edge of my vision, I see a familiar HUD.
Sucking in a sharp breath, only one word comes to mind: Minecraft.
"What the hell is going on?!"
Looking around once more, I suddenly notice something else, my hands… my body.
"I'm way bigger than before… I must be at least two meters tall… What is happening to me…?"
I try touching the HUD, and the slots shift in response. I even notice my hunger bar slowly decreasing.
Approaching a tree, I observe it closely. If I've somehow materialized inside a Minecraft world, I should probably start by chopping some wood.
As I focus on a part of the tree, a highlight appears around the block, just like in the game.
"Mmmh… This really is like Minecraft… but I don't understand how I got here… Am I dead or something? Did I just end up here? Either way, I've got nothing to lose. And if this really is a Minecraft world… That's actually pretty cool.
It means I can do anything. Build anything. Live freely… But it also means there are monsters. And real danger."
Shaking off my thoughts, I punch the tree.
Feeling no real pain, I strike again.
Before my eyes, the block starts to crack.
I keep going until it finally breaks, dropping as an item on the ground.
Staring at it, my suspicions are confirmed, I really am inside a Minecraft world.
"Alright… There's no way this is just a prank at this point, haha…" I let out a small laugh, trying to ease the tension, before picking up the block. It instantly appears in my inventory bar, even though my hands are empty.
Curious, I imagine holding the block, and just like that, it materializes in my hands.
"This… is actually pretty cool, I have to admit. Hehe."
At that word, my HUD changes, revealing an inventory screen in front of me.
I see my character model… and it's exactly like my Minecraft skin, Urek Mazino, from Tower of God.
"Damn… If this is my appearance, I have to say, that's pretty badass."
Looking through the classic Minecraft inventory, I notice a book in the upper-left corner.
Equipping it, I read the title: [My Minecraft World]
[This book contains all information regarding your Minecraft world.]
Flipping to the first page, I carefully read the text:
*[Welcome to your personal Minecraft world.
This world is in vanilla mode, set to Hard difficulty. Mods can be added later at a price.
To craft a mod: 9 World Essences in a Universal Crafting Table.
Universal Crafting Table recipe: A normal crafting table surrounded by gold blocks.
World Essence recipe: 8 Quartz Crystals in a circle with 1 Gold Ingot in the center, crafted in the Universal Crafting Table.
To choose a mod, the World Essences must be charged based on the selected mod.
To charge a World Essence, trade or acquire elements from other worlds. This process is calculated and automated through the Exchanger.
Exchanger recipe: A Dispenser surrounded by 4 empty World Essences.
To access another world, you need a portal similar in size to a Nether portal, made of Universal Blocks. Use a Flint and Steel to activate it.
Universal Block recipe: 8 empty World Essences in a circle with 1 Diamond in the center, crafted in the Universal Crafting Table.
The connected world will either be random or one you've already visited. Each portal links to a unique world, meaning you need a separate portal for each.
To select a specific world, a charged World Essence is required.
Once in another world, you can summon the portal back to you at any time, even if it's been destroyed, so you can never be trapped.]*
"Uh… wow. Just wow. So I can visit other worlds… just like that, by crafting a portal? Well, I'm definitely gonna need a ton of gold, that's for sure," I murmur, deep in thought.
Flipping to the next page, I read more:
*[Currently, your Minecraft world consists of a main planet as your starting point, along with a sun and a moon. Additional planets can be added and explored using mods.
World size: The planet is 100 kilometers in diameter, meaning 1,000 blocks equal 1 kilometer.
To expand your world, use the Universal Crafting Table with the same recipe as mods, but select 'Expand Planet Size.'
Enjoy your game.]*
"…Okay. Well, I'm definitely not going to get bored here. Guess I should start gathering resources then."
Turning toward the forest, I smirk slightly before beginning my intense farming session.
Okay, I might have gone a bit overboard and didn't optimize everything… I'd probably get scolded on a multiplayer server.
In my inventory, I now have a wooden axe (which I quickly crafted using a crafting table) and a stack and half of oak logs.
I should have grabbed some cobblestone first to speed things up but whatever, it's done now.
Looking up at the sky, I see the sun starting to set. I quickly build myself a small wooden shelter.
I've discovered that construction is just as easy as in the game, you simply place the blocks where you want them. Super convenient.
I finish it off with a door.
And there! My first house, haha! Well… more like a cube, but I don't feel like wasting resources on stairs.
Once my makeshift shelter was finished, I sat down for a moment to think.
"Alright, now that I have wood and a shelter, I'm going to need stone…"
I glanced around. Through the massive oak trunks forest, I tried to spot a cave. In the distance, I noticed a mountain range. I hadn't really paid attention to it earlier, I had been too focused on building my cabin as quickly as possible.
Knowing that night was approaching and wanting to avoid running into creepers, skeletons, or worse… endermen, I decided to mine in a staircase pattern since I couldn't find a cave nearby.
Taking out my wooden pickaxe, I began to dig.
Without hesitation, I raised my pickaxe and struck the ground once, then again and again until I reached stone.
As I struck the stone, I felt a slight vibration in my hand, but nothing painful. I kept going, and after a few more swings, the block cracked before breaking apart, revealing a cobblestone drop.
I froze for a moment, staring at the stone on the ground.
"This isn't even exhausting… it's like I have unlimited stamina! Of course, I might get mentally tired, but honestly, I've never felt this good…"
Yeah… maybe talking out loud like this was weird, but I wasn't even sure if anyone could hear me. Villagers? If they were like in the original game, I was probably going to be very lonely…
I clenched and unclenched my fist before gripping my pickaxe again and continuing my staircase.
Wasting no more time, I got to work. After a few minutes, I had gathered enough cobblestone to upgrade my equipment. I returned to my crafting table and immediately made a stone pickaxe, a hatchet, and a sword.
I held up the blade, spinning it slightly in the air.
"Much better. A stone blade should do the trick for now, well I hope so"
As I put my tools away, a deep, guttural groan echoed behind me.
I froze.
Slowly, I turned my head.
A zombie.
It staggered between the trees, moving with a slow, uneven gait toward me. Its greenish skin was marked with dark cracks, and its dull eyes stared at me without the slightest hint of intelligence.
Instinctively, I raised my sword and took a defensive stance.
The zombie let out a louder groan and suddenly picked up speed.
Without thinking, I struck.
My sword came down on it with surprising force, far beyond what I had expected. The impact was so powerful that the creature was thrown backward, tripping over a rock he fell to the ground.
I blinked.
"Wait… I did that? Focus, I still need to be careful, this is still dangerous."
The zombie struggled to its feet, moving toward me once more, but I didn't give it the chance. This time, I lunged forward, delivering a second strike, then a third, and finally a final blow.
The monster shattered into a burst of dark particles, leaving behind only a piece of rotten flesh and a small orb of experience.
I stood there, my sword still raised. My breathing was steady, my heartbeat calm.
"I am… much stronger than I expected…"
The realization left a strange taste in my mouth. I knew I was in a world with different rules, but that fight had been almost too easy.
Absentmindedly, I picked up the zombie flesh and stored it in my inventory.
Night fell quickly. I returned to my shelter and closed the door behind me. Outside, unsettling noises echoed, groans, bones clattering together…
I sighed and sat down in a corner.
That's when I noticed my hunger bar.
It had dropped. Not by much, but enough for me to feel a slight weakness.
I had nothing to eat… except the zombie flesh.
I stared at it for a moment before grimacing.
"Yeah, no… let's not do that."
I decided to wait until morning. I was tired, and while I was excited and could have kept mining indoors… I needed to make sense of my situation… of everything that was happening to me and what it all meant.
Taking my cap in my hands, the one from my Mazino skin, I looked at it, feeling a bit lost in thought. Then, I focused on my inventory for a moment, reflecting on what all of this meant. This world… this strength… the possibilities.
A small smirk formed on my lips.
"This world might be more dangerous than I expected… but it's also full of opportunities."
The night had only just begun.
The next morning, as I opened the door, I was greeted by the acrid smell of burning flesh.
In front of me, a few still-smoking zombies collapsed into ashes under the last rays of the rising sun. Further away, in the shade of a tree, a skeleton stood motionless, its pale skull turned in my direction.
I frowned.
"That one's going to be a problem. He won't burn in the shade of that tree…"
I tightened my grip on my stone sword and advanced cautiously.
As soon as I got closer, the skeleton reacted. With a sharp, mechanical motion, it drew its bow and fired with impressive speed.
I barely had time to react before a sharp pain shot through my left shoulder. Gritting my teeth, I staggered back slightly from the impact.
"Argh… that really hurts! Damn bastard!"
But I didn't retreat further. Taking a deep breath, I dashed forward. A second arrow whizzed past, grazing my side, but this time I was ready. I leaped and, with a powerful strike, brought my sword down on the skeleton.
The impact was brutal. The bony archer was thrown against the tree. It tried to lift its bow, but I didn't give it a chance. A second hit, then a third, and finally, it crumbled into a shower of bone fragments and arrows.
I stood there for a few seconds, breathing heavily, staring at the spot where it had been. The lingering scent of burnt flesh still hung in the air.
"Okay… that wasn't as easy as the zombie."
I glanced down at my shoulder. The arrow was lodged deep, but not enough to stop me from moving. Grimacing, I yanked it out in one swift motion, leaving behind an unpleasant sensation. Fortunately, my body seemed to recover faster than normal.
I had lost a heart and a half from that arrow. I needed to be much more careful and upgrade my gear as soon as possible.
I picked up what the skeleton had left behind, one bone and two arrows.
After that encounter, I decided not to waste any more time. My goal for the day was clear : explore the area, gather food supplies, and find a cave if possible.
I started wandering through the forest, carefully observing my surroundings. Before long, I spotted a group of chickens pecking at the ground nearby.
I approached silently, then, without hesitation, struck with my sword. A small puff of feathers erupted as a piece of raw chicken and a feather dropped onto the ground.
I finished off the group, gathering a few more pieces of meat, feathers, and two eggs. I wondered if I could cook food in a way other than the game's basic mechanics…
Continuing my exploration, I soon stumbled upon a herd of cows grazing in a clearing. They looked at me blankly. I had never been the type to kill animals with my own hands, but here, I had no choice.
… A moment later, I had several raw steaks and a few pieces of leather in my inventory.
Hunger was starting to weigh on me, so I decided to cook my meat.
I returned to my base and, using the cobblestone I had gathered the day before, crafted a furnace and placed it in front of me.
"Now, for some charcoal…"
Not having found any natural coal yet, I decided to make some by burning wood. I placed a log at the top of the furnace and used another as fuel. A few seconds later, a piece of charcoal appeared.
I used it to cook my meat. The smell of grilled steak quickly filled the air, and I wasted no time taking a bite.
"Oh?" Surprised, I took another bite. "Wow… this is actually really good… the game's system works well. Maybe I could sell meat if I make a farm later."
With food in reserve and a minimum of equipment, it was time for the next step, finding a cave.
I looked off in a random direction, holding cobblestone blocks to mark my path.
With my sword in hand, I set off, ready to face whatever else this world had in store for me.