My Hero Academia: Restless Gambler

Chapter 46: Chapter 44: Gambler Ball Run

Next Up: Highschool DxD: Crawling x Chaos

~Mirko / Rumi Usagiyama~

Mirko watched intently as the boy finally revealed his quirk, turning into some monstrous chimaera covered in metallic chitin with some weird fucked up looking eyes. While it looked damn cool it didn't really sell the usual hero vibe people tended to aim for.

She raised an eyebrow. He was good, she meant good. He was managing his undoubtedly heavy mass with such speed yet he didn't even nudge anyone else, it was almost too graceful for his form.

Still, seeing his almost dragon-like appearance and his transformation ability she couldn't help but nudge Ryuko next to her with her elbow. Her friend turned to her with an annoyed expression.

"What is it Mirko?" Mirko grinned, unnerving her friend.

"Hey Ryukyu, when did ya give birth? How could you do that without telling me?" Ryuko furrowed her brows at her.

"Mirko what are you even talking about?" Mirko shrugged and took a bite out of her carrot.

"I mean, come on, long dirty blonde hair, yellow eyes, dragon-like transformation quirk? When were you thinking about introducing your secret lovechild? Who's the father? I want all the deets!" Her friend blushed and elbowed her side while Mirko couldn't back her laughter and nearly doubled over.

"Rumi! What the hell are you saying!? That's not funny! And what do you mean child!? At least say brother or something, do I look enough to have a kid that size for hell's sake!?" Mirko bit back a snicker, she really made it too easy.

"Hmm? I dont know, I think I can see some wrinkles around the edges?" Ryuko looked about ready to strike her, but before the issue could escalate they were interrupted.

"Now now girls, settle down, you are missing the show." Both Mirko and her friend turned their heads to see a well-dressed mouse-bear principal of UA approaching them with a calm expression and holding a mug of coffee.

"Isn't that Nezu-sensei? Why did you decide to come here? You've never attended the first year's festival before." She asked with curiosity, it was commonly known that Nezu would almost always only attend the 4th years' event only due to how busy he was most of the time.

The diminutive principal shrugged and casually sat next to them. Even Mirko held massive respect for the principal, after all, the man was one of the pillars of the entire hero community, especially in Japan and he helped her when she was still in high school.

"Well, I thought the first years this year were very entertaining, especially class 1-A so I made some time." Mirko nodded and both she and Ryuko turned back to watch the race along with the principal just in to see Hakari move like an actual beast.

He didn't even hesitate as he ripped through the robots like an oversized battering ram with claws, his claws were the size of the average man's torso and tore through the faux villains like they were made of paper. But even as he fought he paid special attention to make sure the two girls on his back weren't hurt or in the line of fire. And he only used his ability to breathe freezing fire from his mouth sparingly to not hit anyone.

Almost like a pro.

"Now that you mention it... I do see the resemblance between our abilities minus the breath. He certainly uses his transformation very well but there are some areas he is lacking in. He is too cautious and does not utilize his size very well, he is also clearly uncomfortable with his size." Ryuko put a hand on her mouth as her eyes narrowed, she showed why he was a top ranker with her analyses.

Mirko just let her talk since she was the expert on those matters and Mirko herself didn't know heads or tails about how a transformed person should fight other than her bouts with Ryuko.

"Yes, that is to be expected, he only awakened that quirk recently after all, I am quite proud that he is able to use it to this extent already." Mirko nodded absentmindedly before realizing what the principal just said.

"Wait wait, Nezu-sensei, what do you mean by awakening it recently? That doesn't make sense." Those weren't the moves of someone who only awakened their quirks recently. "What is his quirk anyway? This feels too mysterious." Nezu turned to her and quirked a smile.

"I meant what I said, Hakari-kun's quirk is a rather special one. It's called One and All, according to him, it's a quirk that makes him develop new random quirks over time. While he can't use them all at once it seems like is rapidly improving the limit. In fact! If I am correct his current form should be a mix between Dinasour Transformation, Exoskeleton and Vision Boost." Rumi saw her friend go wide-eyed and she understood.

That sounded ridiculous, people did not have multiple quirks, sure, they had quirks that functioned like they were two separate ones but never multiple ones. His quirk was one of a kind.

Of course, it wasn't as impressive for Mirko, for her, taking one quirk and focusing on improving it would always trump over using a dozen quirks half assedly. She had seen too many boast about their flashy quirks before getting their faces kicked in.

Still, that sounded like one damn cool quirk. Now she was even more interested in the boy, and she could see her friend was too.

"Damn, that sounds pretty strong! Hey, principal, now you've got me curious, just how many does he have already?" Ryuko sighed and shook her head but also agreed with her.

"For god's sake Mirko, have some more tact. But yes, how many does he have Nezu-sensei? If that isn't rude to ask of course." Nezu just laughed at them and swirled the coffee in his mug.

"Yes, it is quite amazing isn't it?" To Mirko's ears that sounded almost like a father boasting about their child for some reason. "Now let's see if I remember it all correctly?" That got Mirko to anticipate a little, Nezu definitely knew something with how he was teasing them.

"Let's see, it was quite a lot." Ryuko sputtered while Mirko's grin widened. "Regeneration, momentum, micro hydrokinesis, freezing flames, emergency exit, geyser, chlorophyll, apport, EMP, danger sense, gravity amplification, exoskeleton, short-range teleportation, vision boost, offence and defence form and dinosaur transformation are the ones I can list off the top of my head. Though he tends to favour the melee category heavily."

"That's... a lot."

"That sounds like an interesting set, but can he back that up?" The abilities certainly sounded impressive but unless the one using them was impressive they weren't worth much. Now she really wanted to see him use it more.

The principal laughed cryptically as always.

"I think he will surprise you Usagiyama-san."

"He better."


~Kotaro Hakari~

"You know! For a future hero, you are really unstable!" My beastly voice could barely be made out through the sound of repeated detonations.

"Shut the fuck up and just die you overgrown lizard!!!"


I jumped to the side to narrowly avoid the blast sent by an absolutely raging Bakugou doing her absolute best to chase after me, I had no idea how she was able to both chase after me and blast me while still maintaining balance. Flying with explosions couldn't possibly be easy.

"Hey! Watch it! I got passengers here!" She scowled even more, somehow, I have never seen someone with a more expressive frown.

crack crack crack!

Sparks cracked in her hand violently.

"They chose the wrong ride then! DIE!" She aimed her hand at me but I had just about enough of letting her run wild. I opened my mouth and blew a great bellow of flostflare toward her at the same time she unleashed yet another explosion.


"Grah! Fuck!"

We both experienced the same force from the attack but I was a 100 times Bakugou's weight and quadrupedal while she was in the air, leading to her getting blasted away, I took the opportunity to dash away from her.

"Geez, I really just can't understand her problem, thanks for helping though Hakari-kun, I thought we were toast there." Toru sighed on my back while Jiro chimed in with a more stressed-out tone.

"You don't say? Ugh, it feels like my ears are bleeding. Thanks for the save Hakari-kun." Jiro tapped on my back while I still ran, we had just passed the rope section which I skipped over by hopping between the platforms like a frog. Everyone underestimates the agility of a carapace-covered quadrupedal flesh tank before it hops over 20 meters in a single bound.

Just as we were about to reach the mine section a surprise new obstacle appeared.

"Grrrh, are you kidding me!? Is the spirit of sportsmanship just dead now!?" Of course, my complaint was directed at the iceberg that spontaneously appeared in my path, a quick glance showed the trail of frost extending over a hundred meters back.

"What is this!? Is Hakari's unbeatable lead going to be beaten now!? What a cheap move!" "It's not cheap, this is a competition, they are trying to win, and sometimes you have to play dirty to win." Microphone Head's voice boomed as he gave commentary while Aizawa interjected from the side, it made me a little more pissed off. No way I was losing to that half-assed bastard!

"You two! Hang on tightly!" Toru and Jiro immediately hung on, faster than ever in fear for their lives and I swapped out Frostflare for Phase Shift, Offensive Form before hitting the gas.

"What the hell!? Is he even human!?" "Oi, don't say that about our students."

I could hear the entire audience alongside our teacher gasp thanks to my enhanced senses, although only barely thanks to the wind screeching in my ears as I went from the speed of a car to 5 tons moving at subsonic speeds.

My claws dug into and shattered the iceberg as I effortlessly used the ice as footholds thanks to the sheer grip given to me by my claws and my 30-ton grip strength thanks to my offensive form.


In three moves I effortlessly climbed and vaulted over the building-sized glacier in my way and was now was sailing through the air, headed for the ground, and safe to say, heavy as I was, the fall from over 7 stories was not going to be a pretty one.

That was, however, until I spread my arms wide and transformed them into wings, I was too heavy to fly in this form, but I could glide, especially with Offensive Form.

"He has wings now as well!? Is there anything this man cannot do!?" "Stop screaming, I think they get the point, it's just a rational application of his quirk. As a student of UA, he should be capable of at least this." Aizawa's voice interjected the Microphoner's shouting while I was quickly approaching the finish line thanks to my expert gliding, I could see Toru and Jiro struggling to hold onto me but thankfully we were almost to the exit.

Aaaaand touchdown. I turned my wings back into arms just before we landed to be able to land stably. And when I passed through the finish line I heard cheers erupt.

"And he did it! Kotaro Hakari has claimed first place while maintaining his overwhelming lead while also carrying his friends along! How heroic although a bit cheap!"

That's right, I couldn't help but smile.

A perfect victory.

"Blerghhh!" I ignored Toru leaning from my back over my side and throwing up.

A mostly perfect victory.

A/N: While Mirko and Ryukuyu didn't see it from their angle, Nezu was definitely holding a 1# Dad mug while he was talking to them. Did you guys like the pov switch? I wanted to show how ridiculous Hakari looked from an outside perspective with it. And I like writing Mirko so that's a plus.

Also the race is over, Hakari's behemoth form is an absolute beast, that weight and power shouldn't be combined with that agility and dexterity. What did you guys think about the race? I didn't want to drag it out too much since we all know the festival is mainly for the tournament.


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