Chapter 121: Homecoming 1
-A Day Before The Present-
He's back, he's really back at his own original world, he has a lot of things that he wanted to say, but right now the only thing in his mind was.
"It's true..I'm really home." With a small, but genuine smile appeared on his lips.
"S-so this is your home world, teacher?" He almost forgot that he went back with his protègè, so he didn't really forget her.
He looked at her with a nod, different from her first appearance when he first met her, she was healthier and mentally unstable.
Her body has more fat and her face, especially her eyes, has more light compared to the dead ones, he knew at their first meeting.
Although, she didn't change that much as she's shy and very timid, maybe that's just her core personality but he really doesn't mind, in fact he finds it refreshing because most girls he knew, sans Sakura herself, have a strong personality.
Taiga, Rin, Arturia and even Luvia, they all have a headstrong kind of personality that doesn't really bend to anyone, except few.
He was surrounded by strong women, which skewered his perspective of women in general.
To him women were capable of throwing hands with their opposite gender, and won't be losing to them.
That's why being with someone like Ymir is a refreshing change.
Either way, for now he has to know what year it is, there's no point knowing where he is right now because he's very familiar with this very location.
It might not have the same platform anymore, however this place has a special corner deep inside his mind despite forgetting a lot of things in his original life due to the countless amount of years being Alaya's hunting dog.
This place is, after all, the very spot where he was hanged to death and branded as a traitor by the very people he saved.
The very location was the place of his supposed death and the beginning of his ultimate regret.
Being in this place once more leaves a bitter taste in his mouth, he can't stand this place.
"Yeah, this is my world. Although, let's leave this place first." He didn't want to stay in this cursed place any longer, as this would remind him of how foolish he was before.
Ymir looked confused at her teacher's distaste, but regardless she followed him. It wasn't her problem to deal with and besides she isn't the type to pry into someone's problem.
"Woah…!" The undisguised awe in the girl's voice was quite obvious, and Emiya couldn't help but be amused.
Right now, they are riding a plane to Japan. Ymir's reaction wasn't surprising at all, in her eyes to be able to fly is nothing but a magical experience.
After all she lived in a world where it's similar to the middle ages, for her to be in a modern civilization was something beyond her wildest dreams.
Either way, making a fake identification and passport is frankly easy thanks to his magecraft, tracing was extremely convenient.
Normally he wouldn't resort to this kind of thing, but since he's dead on paper (probably), he has to resort to his specialized craft, which is extremely convenient.
Besides, he also needed to make an identification for Ymir because she literally doesn't exist in any official records in this world, she's equivalent to a ghost.
Pretty much non-existent.
There's also the issue of money and clothes, so he created some counterfeit money for their use.
It's going to take some time for them to arrive at their destination, for now he's going to take a small nap.
But unfortunately, there's a bit of a problem.
"T-teacher…I feel weird.."
Emiya frowned as he stared at his protègè's face, her face was pale and was holding back something from coming out.
It didn't take him long to realize the problem. "Oh, right this is your first time on air, you're having an air sickness."
Quickly, he took the emergency vomit bag that the plane provided and gave it to Ymir, who looked confused.
"Use that bag if you puke. Don't worry, it's natural to feel air sickness." Though, he never had that problem.
Nodding at him, she then started puking her breakfast this morning.
It's going to take a while, he let out a sigh and gently patted the girl's back for comfort.
After that incident, Ymir couldn't enjoy the scenario anymore as she constantly felt faint, due to her air sickness.
And once they were done with their flight, she couldn't be more happy that she's back on the ground. It was easy to say that the girl won't be riding any plane anytime soon.
He found out that it's been a couple of years since his death, which was honestly very surprising that it's only been a mere year that has passed.
But then again, time was irrelevant to the Counter Force. It may have been eons have passed in his perspective but it was only a mere few years that have gone by in his world.
He was quite grateful for it, because he would be able to meet the people he knew back when he was still alive. It was such a relief for the former Guardian.
The reason why he's back is to resolve some regrets that he had after passing.
It didn't take long for them to arrive at the city of their destination. Emiya couldn't help but feel nostalgic, it's been eons since he's back from his Fuyuki.
The city was the same as he remembered, there wasn't much of a change.
"Is this your hometown teacher?" His protégé said.
"That's right, this is the city where I lived most of my life." He wasn't sure if was born here, since he couldn't remember who he was before he became 'Shirou Emiya'.
Not that it was important anyway.
Then after that, he finally took a step inside his hometown alongside the blonde girl.
The first thing he visited upon arrival, isn't his house or anyone's place for that matter, but in Ryuudou's Temple where his adopted father's grave Kiritsugu Emiya is located.
His feelings for his father are complicated, as everything started with him, he doesn't hate the man, he couldn't after all he was someone important to him, someone he idolized.
But regardless of his admiration, he absolutely loathed his ideals, for it is beautiful that he couldn't see the darkness that it implies and only after achieving what it meant to be a hero of justice.
It broke him, his ideals betrayed it. In the beginning it was impossible to save everyone and make everyone equally happy.
After so many years of being Alaya's dog, only then realize that to be a hero of justice is to be a glorified killer.
Nothing more and nothing less.
Standing at the very grave of his adopted father, he spoke. "Old man, I have done it. I become the very thing that you always dreamed about, to be a hero of justice."
He wasn't happy, nor is it something that is worth celebrating with. In fact, he could only show his disgust for achieving that goal.
"The price for achieving that ideal isn't worth it."
With a sigh, he left as he didn't have anything more to say, he said his piece and it was time for him to leave.
However, as he did he encountered someone familiar on his way back.
To his surprise, this person recognized him despite the difference between his appearance before and after he left Fuyuki.
"Is that you Emiya..?"
With a slight smile, he replied. "I'm surprised you could even recognize me, Issei."
With Issei's eyes widened, he was looking at him with disbelief. "So it is you..I wasn't truly sure, but after you confirmed it…I can't believe it, what the hell happened to you Emiya? You look completely different.."
Emiya shrugged and answered. "A lot of things happened while I was gone, what about you?"
The monk sighs and replies. "That isn't really an answer, but I suppose there's a lot of things that has been going on these past several years, say this isn't an appropriate place to communicate, let's talk inside the temple as I for one, been really curious of what's your story after you suddenly drop-out from highschool."
"I suppose that could be arranged." Then Emiya followed his former friend to his family's template.
Omake -
"Ah, shit another 4-star servant? My luck is shit." I cursed my terrible luck in this game, this is the game that literally shook the moonlit world a while ago.
As it endangered the entire magic society, and it was a game that I'm quite familiar with, I have once played this game back in my previous world.
Fate Grand Order or FGO.
A game about servants and singularities, without a warning this game suddenly appeared from the market that it even took me off guard.
Thanks to this game, my sister was working overnight to find the culprit of this mess, but even after a few months of relentless investigation, there wasn't a single clue who started this mess.
The company, the creators and completely unknown, but frankly it isn't worth the effort. It was increasingly obvious that unless the culprit showed up, no one would be able to find them.
That's why, I'm enjoying the game as anyone should.
"If I wasn't born rich, I would have been broke a long time ago." That's right, my luck is truly shit in this game, it took me exactly 100 rerolls to get one 5 star servant, each time without fail.
At this point I've spent millions in this game, not that it matters as it's literally nothing compared to my assets.
However, compared to my brother-in-law's luck, even I'm forced to admit that his luck in getting a 5 star servant, especially those saber faced ones, is phenomenal.
He even got the original saber, a 5 star servant in the tutorial of all things! Not only that he acquired 5 copies in that roll!
Like how the f*ck is that even possible?!
The worst part is, he couldn't see what's wrong with it and treated it as something normal!
Which is not, because everytime there's a saber face servant in the summoning event, he would always get 5 copies of the same servant in a single x10 roll without fail!
"Oh, I got another 5 star servant…it's good I think?" Shirou said.
"Let me take a look!" I quickly looked at his phone and saw something unbelievable.
"The f*ck?! How did you even get Morgan le Fay from LB6 when act 1 isn't even complete!" This is ridiculous, they weren't even past Okeanos yet!
His luck for saber faces literally broke the concept of time.
A/N - This Omake was fun to write.
Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.
Right now I have 5 chapters in advance.