Chapter 84: Electryfying Vest
"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!!" Ryuma can feel the electricity flowing inside him. Sooner, his whole nerve was paralyzed, causing him to fall on the floor. Ryuma can't get up as his body is still the paralyzed cause of the gadget Rudy just gave him.
"Oh~ Failure huh? Let'see... Only a minor shortage, it'll be fine after I make some changes."
"Ahh... This is worse than bathing inside an 80-degree hot tub." Ryuma, was wearing a vest Rudy had given to him. As soon he wore it, the vest started to electrocute him to 60 volts.
20 minutes ago...
"Huh? You'll help us fight against Ten's group?"
"Not for free. In exchange, I'd like you to be my gui- my test subject."
"You just said guinea pig aren't you?" Rudy diverted the topic and lightly pushed Ryuma to his lab room. As both figures enter the lab, Rudy goes ahead and brings a few of his Creations to Ryuma.
"Now take off your clothes~" Ryuma was grossed out by the word and Rudy's tone.
"Yuck, the way you said it makes me wanna puke, are you sure you're not onto a man or something?"
"Hah~ Watch the words you just said! There's no way I'm interested in 3D! Look at this, Only these people can get me off! Their curves, their beauty, the soft skin you can feel even across the screen... Haah~" Said Rudy showing a huge number of porn mags inside the drawer. But Ryuma noticed the hole in Rudy's words...
"Wait, you only said you're not interested in 3D, does that mean even a man can get you off?" Rudy fell silent for exactly 3 seconds, and then he said...
"As long as he's cute?"
"Now now, change the subject. Here!" Rudy aims a gun at Ryuma's clothes. The gun shoots a blue beam toward Ryuma's clothes, and soon after only leaves Ryuma half naked.
"Hey, my clothes-" From the blind spot, Rudy makes Ryuma wear some kind of vest.
"Now Ryuma, clear your mind. And imagine if you're fighting against 100 people." At first, Ryuma doesn't get it as he's clueless about Rudy's words.
"Huh? Imagine? What are you talking about?"
"Just do it!" Ryuma closed his eyes, inside his mind, there was only darkness.
"Imagine... imagine..." The figure slowly reanimates inside his mind. But there's only one person, who has black hair, wearing a black coat. His hand, holding a machete, and on the other hand was an M9.
("T-That was...") Ryuma could get a clear picture as to who is it. Second later, the figure charges at him at a fast speed. That's when Ryuma opened his eyes.
"AAHHH!!!" Ryuma fell to his back, meanwhile, Rudy was clueless as he asked what happened.
"Oh, you okay there? What happened?" Ryuma can't answer Rudy because he is also clueless. Ryuma looked at Rudy...
"Hey, what is this vest? It just shows Ten inside my mind..."
"What are you talking about? The vest's function hasn't even been activated." At that moment, Ryuma just realized the feeling shackled inside his heart. Rudy also realizes it as his face gets closer to Ryuma.
"Oh... I see it now. Don't tell me... You had a crush on him?~" At that moment, veins popped from Ryuma's head, the crimson color gave a sharp look at Rudy. Ryuma gets up...
"Hah? What are you talking about-" Ryuma hasn't finished his words but at this second, he can feel a tingling inside his body. And then, the tingling feeling changes to uncomfortable feelings. He realizes his body went numb, but still can move.
"Wha- What is this feeling?!" The muscles started to become tense, causing Ryuma to be unable to control his body. As he started to lean forward, the muscle on his gastrocnemius caused him to jump forward, colliding himself against a drawer.
"Hey hey, slow down there! There's a chemical inside there!" Even after hearing Rudy's words, Ryuma can't help it because he can't control his body. Sooner or later, the aura of electricity flows inside the vest, and it's flowing inside his veins.
"I swear I'm gonna bash this guy's head."
"Hahaha! You're lucky that you "only" fall to the floor."
"Fuck you! Anyway, what the hell was that?" Rudy took the vest Ryuma threw on the floor.
"Hihihi, this is a vest that's enchanting your muscle, once it detects the adrenaline inside your body, it will activate in order to ignite it further! Causing your muscles to tense, it can increase your raw strength before you know it! I call it, MUSCY!" Even hearing its name, all Ryuma felt was a disappointment.
"You, couldn't you have come up with a better name? God that name is so cringy..."
"Huh~? Then how about you name it then?" Ryuma is thinking, thinking of a name for the vest, a better name than MUSCY.
"Then, Overlord Of Dullahan-"
"Well, it doesn't have a lower body, no arm, and no head. So why doesn't it can't be Dullahan?"
"We're naming an object, not a pet. Anyway, I still think MUSCY sounds better~"
"No no no, I still Overlord Of Dullahan sound cooler~" As they both argue about the vest's name, somebody opens the lab's door. Ryuma was surprised as soon he saw the three figures.
"You're late boy." Rudy walks to the figure, Rio, Kiyo, and Mika.
"What's the meaning of this?" Ryuma asked, confused.
"Well, I ask them to come here. Couldn't discuss the strategy if you're not grouped up together you know?"
"Ah~ It was tiring~" Ryuma, embraces the soft sensation of the bed he slept on as soon he enters his room.
"Kiyo and Mika were like their usual selves, but Rio still wouldn't talk with me... Think I'm gonna go get some air..." As he said, Ryuma walked out to the balcony to get some fresh air. He stares at the gleaming stars, there's one that shining brightly, and there's also one that isn't shining.
Among the stars, there's one big object that's shaped like C.
"Huh, it's crescent moon tonight. The last time I checked it was a full moon. And that's also the time I had a conversation with that guy." Ryuma looked to his left, at Ten's balcony. Little did he know, as he saw on the balcony's floor, there was Ten, lying on the floor.