Chapter 31: A crumbling tower (3)
This was harder than I thought.
Biting my lip, the blood which threatened to well up from within my chest rose up regardless as I spat it out.
I was no stranger to pain, but I definitely was a stranger to being impaled by a freaking sword.
Hell, I even think that the radiation poisoning I experienced that one time wasn't as bad as this.
A glob of something I hoped wasn't important flew out of my mouth as two blades were embedded into my stomach and chest missing my heart by a mere inch.
'Revenge is a bitter sweet.'
Bleeding I ripped out the two weapons roughly, letting a fountain of red blood to flow outwards.
Watching those wounds heal in real time, I applied the tonic to enhance my newfound regeneration.
"So will you two stop trying to kill each other now?"
An unknown amount of time before the present.
The midday sun shone in the sky for what seemed like the hundredth time, the clouds peacefully floated in the air, preparing to unleash a downpour to sate the thirsty lands below.
Winds blowing into and out of the sea, in a world unable to change past a month, a fight was occurring.
Facing off against an army of terribly skilled peasants with incredible strength, three knights wielded blades with skill and sliced through the undying bodies.
Corrupted black blood splattering onto the stone, the walls which had once stood proud against the hordes which endlessly grew were now the bastion of power that the undead used.
Answering the call of their leader, from within the walls, more and more continued to climb out of the darkness and into the light.
Spoiled bodies dragging themselves forwards, two women and one man continued to fight like a one person army.
And what happened when two armies met each other?
Well that's what a war is for isn't it?
Who cares if the weather was the nicest day out in the universe and who cares if the world had been destroyed.
If there is reason and gain alongside people with selfish enough morals...
There is War.
And in war...
You go for the head.
Eyes locked onto the position of the Captain, I continued to note his position down as I finally noticed the Elites that Cherry had been talking about.
'Well that makes sense.'
Seeing the white robed magic bastards from earlier flitting in and out of space itself, grey robed orange eyed abnormal arm and shortie built men ran towards us.
Sparsely distributed amongst the rest of the horde that didn't make them any less intimidating.
Thankfully, it seemed that even an army of literal undead that could continue to accumulate as long as their are bodies to infect had their limits.
Skeletons and shieldbearers intertwining with their zombie counterparts, it gave off the illusion that there was more to the rushing zombies.
'Those archers are still annoying as all hell though.'
Bearing no actual skill in their shots, the fact of the matter was that their was many of them.
And even if there was only a one percent chance of it happening, with a thousand tries, there were at the least ten instances.
Ten instances to much for my liking,
Taking the time to parry the arrow with the ice shield a burst of cold suddenly burst outwards in an arc, briefly freezing all of the zombies right up in my face.
Blaze covering my blade, the balanced blade thrust into their skulls and effortlessly separated their heads from their bodies as easily as cracking a soda can.
Twisting my body back, the flames which consumed the balanced blade disappeared and was replaced by the very acidic blood sword.
Blood spurting upwards like a fountain with every movement of the blade lightning crackled at my back.
'God damnit!'
Shock permutating my system I stiffly tried to meet the eyes of the horned bastard trying to get me killed, aiming to dispatch this man in the white robes to the afterlife.
Turning around while trying to keep my backside relatively clear of undead to ambush me, I only was able to see that the Inquisitor had been bisected in the waist, half of their body flying through the air.
And seeing that, my mind went blank.
'How and why is it in half?'
"I got you!"
Laughing loudly Cherry hoisted the broadsword back onto her shoulders while spinning around like a top, the edge of the blade cleaving through any undead fortunate enough to be within its reach.
Because even if the blade didn't kill them, the following upwind definitely would.
Widening my eyes I watched as the undead just out of reach of the blade were pulverized, a visible wave of wind turned them into a groaning mess of flesh where they were trampled and killed by their fellow brethren.
'Bloody hell.'
Admiring her form as she effortlessly spun a chunk of metal her size as if it were a stick, I turned my attention back to my forwards march.
Shield parrying the zombie, a blast of ice covered their already lifeless forms as I stepped forwards, step by step, nearing the undead entity called the captain as I did so.
And underneath his watchful eyes I performed a cycle of, an action and a movement.
By now it was just second nature
Parry, stab, cut, slice, block, grenade, tonic, front kick, fire, slash, shield, swipe, bash, charge, dissect, Ice, destroy.
Mechanically moving my limbs I felt my head burn from the numerous actions, a headache I haven't felt in a long time manifesting like a drug you couldn't stop taking.
It's just that a drug usually meant joy and happiness whereas in this case it was mostly just a headache from trying to predict everything happening everywhere and anywhere all at once.
'Please leave me.'
Speaking to the headache as if I wasn't the very cause of said headache in the first place, I focused my mind.
Honestly speaking I was slow.
Not in comparison to the average man but in the speed of which I could retract my weapons to attack the nearby zombie.
The feel of explosions hitting my skin every time I needed space desperately
The smell of death hitting me in the face as undead and perma dead swarmed me.
The sight of zombies, skeletons and dried out corpses moving unceasingly.
The sound of groans, clatters, cracks and splatters against my ears.
The taste of blood and other bodily fluids which were a result of those damned things splattering about.
Heat traveling across my body I was able to feel something I hadn't really paid attention to before.
'Is this the mana Ella was talking about?'
I used it once when trying to get up that wall to enter the Marketplace that's no doubt a monster infested haven right now but ever since then I seemed to have forgotten in the face of undead.
But now in the face of even more undead I remembered the sensation of it moving through my legs.
Functioning similar to a jetpack, a blast of mana propelled itself out of my foot and into the air lifting my body upwards from the blast.
This was how a double jump worked.
But since it involved blasting a burst of it down and out I just had to wonder.
Why can't I just do it more than once? Twice? Hell, can't I theoretically do it infinitely
And when that thought was rooted into my mind I couldn't just shake it off now could I.
'Get out of the way!'
Grunting loudly I brought out a broadsword of my own and spun around myself forming a large open space where I had the breathing space to think a little.
Eyes tracking the figures of Cherry and Ella dancing through the battlefield with ruthless efficiency.
Bodies twisting and turning simply without any exaggerated flinches or movements, their blades struck true before swiftly returning to their previous positions.
Unlike me.
None of that brief window of time where they were in the recovery phase trying to bring their weapon back to the starting point.
And no brief window of time where they weren't vulnerable meant that there was no window of time where the undead advanced impercitably.
That imperceptible movement may not be alot, but again, when paired with thousands it had an effect.
But when I looked at them again, I saw their limbs moving unnaturally quick as small pockets of air made visible echoed out of their joints.
'Why didn't I think of doing this sooner?'
If I could double jump why couldn't I double punch?
'Yeah that sounds hella wrong...'
I punched forwards only to stumble forwards as a blast from my elbow propelled my arm further forwards breaking through the shield and slamming into the head of the Shieldbearer.
'And that also seems hella wrong, noted.'
Making a note to find a way to not turn into a snow angel, I instantly reversed the formula and made it so that instead of propelling me forwards I did the opposite.
Blasting at the face of what little remained of its already ugly face, the Shieldbearers body was now one head lighter as my fist slipped back into place.
And on the bonus side I now had arm guns.
Trying to do the same with the Balanced blade that had found its way into my hands, instead of bouncing backwards like I had expected to skip past the recovery phase it instead shattered.
'Not so cool.'
Turning into a one time green shotgun, a cone shaped area opened up in front of me as bodies tumbled backwards.
Staring eyes wide at the crumbling sword I made a mental note that I should just use my boody for this type of thing.
'Actually is that a good idea?'
Before I could mull some more about the possible dangers that this could bring, the next thing I knew there was an actual end to all of the undead swarming us like flies.
Blinking in surprise, my orange eyes turned to what had caused all of this and noticed one thing.
Abnormal arms and white robes were currently flanked by shield bearers and a retinue of armor wearing skeletons.
All of the zombies?
Well ask the bodies on the ground.
'I guess these are the elites Cherry were talking about before.'