Chapter 20: Chapter 20: The Aftermath

Chapter 20: The Aftermath


In the mountain zone of U.S.J. A villain was currently standing infront of two girls while holding a boy their age by his neck.

The boy had a dumb look on his face, seemingly not knowing what's going on.

Surrounding them a crowd of bodies laying on the ground, static electricity sometimes appearing and disappearing 

But just as the villain tries to take them down after one of them failed a sneak attack on him.

Gunshots rang out, as four bullets made their way to him.


The villain holding Kaminari hostage after the teen had failed to defeat him, grunted in pain as the bullets hit his limbs.

Momo and Jirou looked on in shock as the villain fell to the ground and releasing their fellow classmates.

As the Villain started screaming and flailing his limbs around causing himself even more pain, A loud shout broke them out of their shock.


They both turned to the place the voice came from and what they saw brought immense relief.

"IDA!!" Jirou exclaimed in happiness seeing him surrounded by the U.A staff and teachers.

"We're saved!"

Momo seeing this quickly got out of her shock and ran towards the villain that was screaming.

After handcuffing him, she also helped out Kaminari seeing as the teen had short circuited his brain and now was laughing weirdly.


"Fuck!! They got away!!" Muttered an angry Bakugo seeing the villains gone.

Kirishima seeing this clenched his teeth but then relaxed his muscles from hardening as he went to check on All Might.

"Are you alright All Might?" He asked the hero in concern.

"Kirishima, my boy!! I'm alright, just a couple of bruises that's all!!"

Replies the hero confidently to the worried teen after patting his back, as he still got some time left on his muscular form.

He then turned to the flameing teen in front who was standing still and in silence.

All Might gaze turns serious as he looked worryingly at the boy who had fought the villain that took so much out of him to beat.

"Young Dai, were you injured anywhere? You had to fight the villains before I got here" He then walks in front of the boy covered in fire.

Harue seeing the hero infront of him canceled the transformation as the flames began to extinguish.

"I'm fine….. It's just, why didn't you let me help you?" He looked up at the Hero in front of him in confusion.

All Mights gaze softened a bit as he started chuckling.

He then stopped as he explained.

"Dai-Shonen, it's not that I don't want you to help, but…." 

All Might pats the orange haired teen shoulder as he continued.

"What would become of Japan if students like you were made to fight villains."

"And it's my duty as a hero but also your senior to protect you from danger until you're ready."

"So until this generation grows up i will still shoulder this weight." He pauses a bit and continues.

"What happened today is certainly a freak accident, that I will make sure will never be repeated!" He said with conviction.

All Might then brightly smiled as he also turned to the other two.

"Something that hasn't happened in all of UA and Japans history, you all have experienced it and came out on top!!"

"So take this as an opportunity to learn and improve beyond your limits"

He then spoke with an even bigger enthusiasm.

"And show me what fine Pro's you all will become!!!"

"Yeahh!!!" As Kirishima exclaimed in a pumped up voice and Harue nodded with a determined look on his face.

A certain explosive boy though was looking at him with his fist clenched so tightly his hand was becoming white.

'How…how are you so ahead!!?' He then looked down at his feet as he tried his best not to cry out.

'The attack that i couldn't react to, you already had a counter ready.'

'You saved almost everyone from that shadow bastard while I got taken out so easily!'

'Aizawa senseo would have died of not for you beating the villains back!'

'First Deku than that icy bastard, Now you!!' A few tears almost fall out of his face but he quickly washed them away.

'Why, why, why am I falling so far behind!!?'

"Damn it… damn it" he mutteres quietly as he begins to walk away.

"Young Bakugo" Muttered All might seeing this, confused about what had happened.

All while Harue looks at the back of the blond teen with a serious expression.


( Harue's POV )

"Harue!!!" A bundle of energy and excitement hugs me as I catch Mina on my arms.

As she clings to me like a koala, I couldn't help but break my serious expression as I asked her while looking into her eyes.

"Are you alright Mina?" She broke her gaze while looking away shyly.

"I'm fine...." she turned back and looked at me with a worried gaze.

"What about you….?"

'Cute' I think to myself seeing her puppy eyes and then responded.

"I'm also good, you can't expect me to go down that easily can you!!?" I say jokingly as my smile couldn't be suppressed.

"You dummy…." She snuggled into my arms for a bit when she suddenly jumped away.

"I-I…" she was a blushing mess as she turns to the crowd who were watching the whole scene in amusement with a certain grape midget looking at me as if I killed his family.

"Kyaa~" Midnight squeals in excitement as she hugs Mina who tried to make herself as small as possible.

Smiling at them for a bit I then made my way to the principal who was currently talking with All Might while sitting on Vlad Kings shoulder.

"Sorry to bother you sir, I just want to know if Aizawa senesei and No.13 are doing alright." I scratch my cheek as I asked.

"Sensei was quite injured before I arrived and 13 was also hurt to save us"

The principal looked at me from Vlad's shoulder and spoke with a cute high pitched voice.

"Your not bothering us Dai-kun, as for Aizawa and 13 they have been admitted to Recovery girls infirmary and if need be will be quickly transferred to central hospital"

"Thank you" I bowed at them and then turned back to make my way to where all of class 1-A was.

In which I was probably going to be bombarded with questions,But a deep voice suddenly called out to me.

"Kid,the police will arrive in a couple of minutes so be ready to testify when they ask you!"

I turned and nodded seriously to Vlad king.


"He's a good kid" Vlad king said breaking the silence as he saw the tall orange haired teen get surrounded by his classmates.

"Mhm" Nezu hummed on his shoulder as he then turned to all might.

"Certainly would make a great pro Hero, don't you think!?"

"Yes, the boy has got a great quirk and a good personality, will certainly do well when he turns pro" The symbol of peace praises the flameing teen.

They remain silent for a while as they stare at the students, when All Might suddenly speaks.

"Nezu, I wanted to ask this for a while but didn't quite find the time." All Might looks at the principal of U.A and one of the smartest beings on the planet and questions.

"Wasn't Dai Shonen recommended by quite a few Pro Hero's to attend UA as a recommended student?"

"So why did he choose the regular test!?"

Nezu smiled as he suddenly recalled the first conversation he had with Harue Dai.

"He didn't accept, Citing that as the future Symbol of peace he mustn't get special treatment and that he wanted to show the others why he'd be number 1!"

All might and Vlad king stared at him in shock as they then turned to look at the orange haired teen talking happily with his friends.


And so the day passed as the police finally arrived to U.S.J. 

The grunts/minor villains were already tied up and apprehended by the hero's before hand so the police just had to formally

arrest them and transport them to prison where they'd await their trial.

Seeing as they had attacked a school, they'd be facing quite the sentence.

The Nomu also got caught after being found in the forest next to the facility unmoving.

All in all a total of 180 villains were arrested, quite the number and the most in the last five years.

(AN: I know in the manga it was stated that there were just 72 villains counting Shigaraki,Kurogiri and the Nomu but in the anime there were certainly a couple of hundred, and it makes sense to be more than just 70.)


"Ughh-" groan's Shigaraki as he lifts his head to see that he has been transported inside their bar hideout.

"They shot my arm and leg…..we were completely defeated….even Nomu was done in!" He whispers softly as he clutches his injured arm and straightens his leg as he leans on the bar counter 

"Our underlings are certainly imprisoned….."

"Those kids were also strong…." A certain flaming teen flashed inside his mind as he grits his teeth.

"All might… he wasn't weakened at all sensei!!!"

"You were wrong" Shigaraki turns to the bright computer on the counter top in which a voice echoes out in response.

[No, I wasn't] 

[I was simply overly optimistic!]

As the voice hummed in thought it suddenly asked a question.

[Where is the Nomu? Has its body not been retrieved?]

"I'm afraid he was sent flying by all might, seeing as we didn't have the time, I couldn't locate its coordinates." Kurogiri answers.

[Even though I went as far as loading him up with power to rival All might…]

The voice stays silent for a while then continues.

[What a shame…]

"Power like All might…."muttered the injured Shigaraki.

"There was this one kid keeping up with the Nomu quite easily" he says to his sensei who listened.

"He could have probably delt with it on his own"


" If he hadn't intervened we would have probably killed some of them!!"

Shigaraki clenches his fist ignoring the pain entirely.

"That damn kid…."

[Well there's no use crying over it! After all, it's not like this was entirely in vain.]

[Let's gather a new group,hand picked for efficiency.]

[ Remember we can't move freely that's why a symbol like you is needed….]



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