Chapter 17: Chapter 17: U.S.J

Chapter 17: U.S.J

(The next day)

Class 1-A was currently in their foundational Heroics class after a short break during the midday.

Currently Aizawa was beginning to explain what they were going to do today.

"For the class today you will be supervised by a three man team consisting of All Might, Me and someone else."

"Sensei what'll we be doing?"

Sero raised his hand and asked.

"We're going to train on one of the core skills of a hero, So be prepared for the trial of rescue!" Aizawa announced to the class.

As the class started to speak and comment on the trial, a certain orange haired boy was in deep thought.

'So this is it huh, I thought I'd be more calm but I still can't rid my self of nervousness'

He clenched his fists under the desk as he began to calm his nerves down.

"Hey Mina to Harue! Why are you zoning out?" Asked Mina waving her pink palm over his face.

"Huh?, oh sorry Mina I was just thinking about the class and the trial, I guess this'll be our first hero skill well will learn!"

"Yeah this is gonna be so cool!!" Mina seeing Harue try to change the subject acted oblivious and answered.

While inside she thought having seen the boy's strange expression as he zoned out.

'What's wrong Harue?'


After the class changed into their hero costumes they went to the designated area Aizawa had told them the bus, their mode of transportation was.

" Everyone! please form a line so that we can get seated smoothly" Said Harue to the class.

As the class entered the bus and sat down conversation started flowing during the waiting time to arrive at the destination.

"Hey Midoriya your quirk kinda reminds me of All Might's!" Suddenly spoke Tsuyu.

"Ah!" Exclaimed the startled boy.

"I-Is Tha-that so!? But mine isn't like—"

"Nah I don't think so All might doesn't hurt himself and his is way stronger!" Said Kirishima as he continued.

"But man I'm kinda jealous of the simple strength enhancement quirks like yours, they're so flashy while my hardening is so boring".

"Don't put your self down EI yours is quite strong" Harue pointed out as he opened his closed eyes and stared at the group.

As Kirishima nodded in thanks, Aoyama interrupted.

"My navel laser is both flashy and strong for the pro-level!"

"But I'd be bad if your stomach collapsed"

Teased Mina who then chuckled seeing his pained expression.

"If we are talking about flashy and strong you can't not mention the trio of Dai, Todoroki and Bakugo." Kaminari joined the conversation.

"Bakugo is not gonna be popular as he is always fuming" Tsu added.

"You bitch!! I will be popular!" The man in question exploded in anger.


And so the conversation continues until Asui drops a bomb on Harue.

"Dai-Kun your quirk is so strong it reminds me a lot of Endeavors, Are you one of his secret children perhaps?"

"Huh?!!!" Exclaimed the boy in surprise and turned to see the rest of the class staring at him with a certain Shouto gazing quite intensely.

"Haha I don't think so, last time I checked i was my parents son, but we could probably be related". He than turned to the icey-hot boy and said.

"Maybe I'm a distant relative of yours Todoroki."

The boy nodded slightly but still remained silent.

And so the time passed by as they finally reached their destination.

(AN: The first draft of this fic was going to have the mc be endeavors son and Shouto's twin but I thought it would be too cliche so I didn't do it )


"Amazing is this universal studios Japan or something!!!"

Shouted the students in awe after entering the massive facility.

Suddenly a figure dressed in an Astronaut suit walked to them with Aizawa sensei following them behind.

"This is a practical training area that I have created to stimulate all kinds of disasters and accidents, its name is—" The astronaut explained to the class with a muffled like voice.

"The ultimate space for Jams!!!"

"It's the space hero: No 13!" Exclaimed Midoriya with excitement.

"They are the gentleman hero who always helps with disasters." Ochaco continued.

As the class stared in awe, Harue saw Aizawa ask 13 something in which the hero responded by raising three fingers.

'All might isn't here so things are following the canon, good' he thought in relief.

13 turned to the class after finishing her talk with Aizawa and began explaining the class and what they will be learning.

"Alright first things first—"

After she was done Aizawa took over, but just as he started he was interrupted.

At the corner of his eyes a massive dark spot was being formed in the center of U.SJ and a hand shot out of it as it grabbed its edge.

A lanky man with hands hanging on his face and body walked out of the dark portal, following him was a crowd of people.


Shouted Aizawa and turned to 13.


The class looked on in confusion as Kirishima said.

"Is this like a test or something"

"No I tried contacting the outside but couldn't, So these must be real Villains and they must have planned this" Harue said calmly and then turned to Aizawa who was preparing his gear.

"Sensei permission to engage in combat."

"Permission denied, stay together and listen to 13" He replied quickly as he finished preparing.

"But sensei your quirk is not combat focused and there are a lot of them!!."

Exclaimed a worried Mina.

Aizawa turned to her and saw her and the others worried and nervous expression and replied.

"No pro hero is a one trick pony, now stay safe" With that he jumped down and ran towards the villans.

As he approached them he dodged an attack from a man with a dark mask and counterattacked with a knee to his gut.

He was then attacked by two people one with a mutant quirk the other with sharp nails who tried to ambush him.

He redirected the mutants punch and elbows him in the eye when someone attempts to attack him from behind.

When the woman with knife like nails attempts to attack him her feet are suddenly swept under by a white tape as she falls to the ground with Aizawa kicking her in the stomach.

As he was making quick work of the grunts he heard a deep voice say.

"…. Eraserhead and No.13….. according to the curriculum that man should have also been here…" Kurogiri questioned.

"I knew it so you were the bastards that caused yesterday incident…" said an angry Aizawa while nearly getting hit by a projectile quirk.

"Where is he!!! We went through all that trouble and he is not here!!?" Shigaraki's

Dried out voice rang out.

"Will he come if we killed the students!?"

"No-" Screams Aizawa as Kurogiri dissipates into thin air, in his anger he dodges the grunts and leaps out to Shigaraki.


"Why are you standing there run, we must evacuate the facility!!!" Shouts 13 to the kids who were frozen.

But just as they started they were blocked by a dark figure who appeared infront of them.

"Greetings we are the league of villai—"

When suddenly he was attacked by a flaming fist.

As he barely managed to make a portal to redirect the attack, Harue who had attacked him sighed in annoyance and quickly pulled his fist out of the portal so that Kurogiri couldn't cut it off.

"That was quite rude of you" Muttered the Intelligent Nomu.

"Kid move back!!!" Shouts 13 while opening her finger and using her quirk BLACK HOLE.

But just as she used it her attack was blocked by a dark portal and reflected back to her.

"Ughh" Screamed 13 in pain as a chunk of her suit was ripped off. 

"That was quite rude of you too 13" Said the shadowy bartender as he tried to reach out to Harue.

His attempt failed as the teen propelled himself back with his fire acting as the propulsion.

Kirishima and Bakugo breaking out of their daze also charged to attack.

"Die you shadow fuck!!"

"Red gauntlet!!!"

Seeing this Kurogiri stopped playing and spread his warp gate to the students intendeing to teleport them.

Harue dove into the air to dodge as flaming tendrils appeared from his hand and torso to pull the closest people away.

When the warp gate dissolved, more than half of the students had been taken away.

"Damn it I couldn't get all of them!!"Cursed Harue as he turned to the ones he managed to save. 

Mina, Ida, Ochako, Toru, Shouji, Sero and Ojiro these were the one he managed to pull.

They were in shock still not processing what had happened.

"Ida start running to the entrance and call for backup!!" Harue says to the engine legged teen.

"Dai I—" Replied Ida still in a daze.

"Now!!!, we don't got time!!" With that Ida nodded solemnly, activated his quirk and started sprinting to the exit.

Kurogiri seeing this tried to teleport over to try

and stop him but he was stopped as a massive wall of fire appeared before him.

As he blocked the attack with his portal and tried to use it to counterattack the escaping student he was suddenly startled as a flaming figure appeared in the corner of his eye.

"Night night" the figure muttered as it striked at his neck covered in steel plates with a flaming fist.

"Ho-How!!?" Said the villain in shock as he began to lose consciousness but before he did he teleported himself away.

"Shit he got away!"

Harue stared at the place Kurogiri was, when he was suddenly called out by someone.

"Harue!!!" Shouts a worried Mina.

"Are you alright!?"

"I'm fine, check on 13, she was hurt pretty badly."

He than turned to the entrance and saw that it had been opened by Ida who had already escaped.

'Good, now for the final boss' he turned again to the massive figure behind Shigaraki who was beginning to move.

"Shouji, Sero, Ojiro come with me, let's help out Aizawa sensei!".

"Mina and Uraraka please take care and protect 13!" With that he flew away in fiery streak towards Aizawa.


"Ugh!" Aizawa grunts in pain while holding his arm which had been affected by decay.

An amused Shigaraki looked at him and commented.

"This farce has gone on for to long,

Nomu attack him."

He ordered the massive creature behind him.


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