Marvel's Black Steel

Chapter 232: Chapter 230: Jean & Sara

Watching the racist guard from before as he took Cage back to wherever they were holding him, I gave him a quick wave before standing up and leaving the visiting room as I exited the prison soon after. Hopping in my truck, I wasted nearly ten minutes just getting it to start before I drove out of the parking lot and onto the road; the prison Cage was being held at was at the edge of Harlem, far away from pretty much everything, so it took some time driving, which gave some peace to enjoy myself while listening to Tupac.

However, by the time I reached Harlem about twenty minutes later, I was already needed somewhere on the other side of the world because of an earthquake, causing me to sigh as I pulled into a random parking lot.

"Man, being a symbol of hope is tiresome." Muttered Tut softly as he parked the car before exiting it and entering a desolate alley, only for his figure to vanish a second later.



"So this is our final design." "What do you think, Pete?" Asked Gwen and Tut, respectively, as they glanced at each other before handing Peter a detailed drawing of a red and blue suit.

"It looks incredible; I've got no complaints. But I've just one question… Was my original suit that bad?" Asked Peter with a smile as he held the paper while looking at the drawing before raising his head and looking at Tut and Gwen.

"Atrocious." "You looked like a child playing hero… Then again, women love children, so maybe you were on to something." Said Gwen and Tut, respectively, as the former firmly nodded before glancing at his original suit, while the latter thoughtfully rubbed his chin with a faint smirk.

Before I could delve further into Pete's hidden agenda, I was elbowed in the stomach by Gwen, who gave me a stern look, causing me to cough as I placed my hands on my hips and nodded in agreement with her.

"Yep. I agree with Gwen. Atrocious. When I saw you in the newspaper last week, I knew we had to fix your suit as soon as possible." Stated Tut lightly as he narrowed his eyes at Peter before gesturing to the newspaper to his right.

The picture was of Pete stopping a speeding car from ramming into a bus, and while he made catching nearly three-thousand pounds going about fifty mph easy, that suit of his always took my attention, and not in a good way.

"I thought it looked fine." Muttered Pete weakly as he looked at the newspaper, causing Gwen to roll her eyes while stuffing the drawing into his face.

"Well, too bad, but this is your new suit. Now, all we need is the materials to create it; I suggest carbon fiber, that way it will be durable and offer some protection… It's also the only good material we can acquire in decently large quantities without becoming targets of the FBI." Remarked Gwen blandly as she eyed Pete, who lightly nodded while Tut sat down.

"What about kevlar? Mr. Stacy is the police chieftain, so acquiring kevlar should be possible, right?" Asked Tut curiously as he spun a pen atop his finger while glancing at Gwen, who shook her head.

"I thought about it, but it is not possible. kevlar is properly disposed of, so I couldn't even get my hands on old kevlar vests, let alone new ones in perfect condition. Of course, unless I want to risk my dad getting fired." Replied Gwen lightly as she shook her head while glancing at Tut, who raised an eyebrow before nodding.

"Anyways, seeing how you've given this more thought than anyone, what's the price?" Asked Tut lightly as he looked at Gwen, who was already measuring Peter's physique.

"Um, if it's anything expensive, I'll have to wait until I get a job; I don't really get much money." Said Peter softly as he glanced at Gwen, who forced his head back before measuring his neck, causing her to faintly blush.

"D-Don't worry. I-I've got it covered." Muttered Gwen softly as she stared at Pete's lips, only to shake her head while forcing him to turn around.

"Once you've got the materials, just call me. I think I can craft it quickly in the Kryptonian ship." Said Tut lightly with a faint smirk as he glanced at the blushing Gwen while standing and stretching before dropping the pen atop her head.

"I'm going to head out, and Pete… Take a few days off from being; what do you call yourself again?" Asked Tut with a yawn as he walked towards the exit, only to stop and glance at Peter.

"Spider-Man. It was my underground wrestler name; not like my wrestling career lasted more than a week." Replied Pete in slight embarrassment as he cringed while looking at Tut, who chuckled in amusement.

"Heh, you'll get used to it, Pete; after all, you've got a much better name than me. Tsk, Blacksteel, ugh, I'll never get used to it." Remarked Tut with a faint smirk as he glanced at Pete while exiting the abandoned train car, only to click his tongue before shaking his head.

Closing the door behind me, I walked down the railroad tracks for a little bit before taking to the skies. I didn't need to worry about being seen since we were pretty much at the dump for old and disabled trains, so there was no one here.

While flying through the sky, I spent it thinking about everything since Apocalypse, which surprised me when I realized about four months had passed since then despite it not feeling like it.

'Man, four months? It feels like just two weeks ago, I was fighting him.' Muttered Tut softly as he flew across the sky, gazing at the evening sight of New York.

Carol will be leaving in a few days, and I've yet to ask her to take me with her for a month or so, though it wasn't because I haven't been able to because whenever she visits, she and Mom are always hanging out.

"Hm, well, I should talk to her now since she's alone." Muttered Tut softly as he tilted his body to the left, changing his directions South.

However, just as I headed to where Carol was, I heard Sara and Jean call my name simultaneously, which caused me to freeze in place.

'Eh, has it finally happened!?' Thought Tut with an excited smile as he shot off toward Queens, arriving at the Grey's house within seconds.

Landing in the backyard, I gave the Grey's family dog a little belly tickle before entering the house through the sliding glass door, quickly noting that the house was empty except for Jean and Sara, who were both in the same room.

"Oh, is it about to happen? Please tell me it's about to happen! I haven't nutted in nearly five fucking months!" Said Tut eagerly as he clenched his hands in joy and breathed heavily while his pants struggled to contain his growing erection.

As I walked up the stairs, my mind racing with thoughts as I imagined all the nasty things I would get to do with Sara, though before I knew it, I arrived in front of Jean's door, my hard, fully erect cock firmly pressing against the door through my pants.

Taking a few deep breaths, I calmed myself and regained my composure, though my cock remained rock-solid, causing me to bite my lip as there was no hiding that thing; not even using the waistband would work as my cock was too large.

'Fuck, I'm going to look so desperate.' Thought Tut with an unsightly expression as he gazed down at his cock before shaking his head.

With nothing left to do, I knocked on the door, thoroughly preparing to enter despite my erection.

"You can come in, Pharaoh." Said Sara, her soft voice causing Tut to gulp as he grabbed the door's handle before slowly opening it.

As I opened the door, my eyes instantly locked onto Jean and Sara, and although they were simply wearing standard pajamas, nothing that purposefully accentuated their figures, my eyes were glued to Sara like a moth to a flame.

I've been horny, but this, what I was feeling, was next level; I wanted to pounce on her right now and just have my way with her. However, a part of it was that I also really missed her; before, we'd hang out frequently, but in the past four months, we've hardly spoken, save for the time with Mr. Parker's death.

After staring at her, I shook my head and attempted to confidently enter the room, but that failed as I tripped. My mind was too busy thinking of Sara to properly pay attention to my surroundings.

"H-How are you two doing?" Asked Tut lightly as he cleared his throat and swiftly sat down while crossing his legs, failing to hide his erection that strained against his pants.

"Um, we've been better." Replied Sara calmly as she looked at Tut while glancing at his cock with hunger.

As I looked at Jean, hoping to get a response, I found her blushing while staring fixedly at my cock, causing me to wince as I grabbed a pillow to hide it, which actually only ended up with me getting more stimulated.

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