Marvel: Percy Jackson in Marvel(MCU)

Chapter 37: FUTURE PLANS

Perseus POV -

We were sitting on the dinning table. We were eating when Anna said,'' How is the preparation for Air Planes are going? ''

Morgana answered,''Robots are building them at a very fast pace. Airport and runway is already prepared. Of all things considered and nothing go wrong then we will get our first flight in a month or two. ''

Anna replied ,''That's good. Once we complete this we will move towards our next project. ''

I said,''Anna don't over work yourself. We have plenty of time for all this. You should take it slow.''

Anna said ,''Seaweed Brain we do not have time. After completing all the work here. We have to go Vanaheim. Then there are many things to do there. We have to do a lot.

We are going to have a busy hundred years. We should be ready and prepare for everything. ''

I just smiled. She is always like this. Always try to prepare things for future, always planning, and doing things. I reached out and held her hand and said,''It's alright you are not alone in this. I with you. We are all together in it. So just take it easy.''

She smiled at my words. Suddenly Frejya spoke,'' Perseus are you going to Asgard? ''

I said,'' Yes just after breakfast. I have somethings to do. Why?''

She said,'' No nothing. I am just curious how will you go? With Baifrost, worm hole or with your own power.''

My power she is talking about is the power I got from Mutants. In the last six years Selina has bought more then hundred Mutants back to this country. All of them carry Symbiote. So I have there powers to. Most of the powers I got form them I already have.

Like super strength, healing, speed, talking to animals, among others. But there are some good powers that I got like - TELIPORTATION.

I also got telepathy but that is something I already have. I did not know because I never tried to read someone mind. According to Anna as a God of Life I have control over every aspect of life. It also go towards MIND AND SOUL.

I have control over them. I have all the power related to this like telepathy, telekenesis, soul manipulation, emotion manipulation, change the ideals and loyalty of someone etc.

I said,'' I will go through Baifrost. It is not a good idea to suddenly appeared in front of Father. What if he thought I am an enemy.''

Really it is not a good idea. If he attacked me without seeing then it will be a big problem. His attack won't kill me because of armor but I am not keen on trying.''

She nods her head. Anna asked,''When will you come back?''

I replied, ''I will be back soon. It will not be a long trip. After coming back from there I have some task to fulfill. And they are truly important.

Anna I want you to find some planet with the help of box. Can you do it?''

Anna said,'' I can. It will not be difficult to do that. You have no idea how powerful this thing is. She can do almost anything we want. It is also sentinent means it is alive bit it is not entirely awake. So we have to wait.

Well that is for other times. What do you want me to find?''

I said,''For now I want you to find two things.

First - I want you to find the planet as the same constitution as earth. If I am not wrong there is one such planet. Almost the same with just some higher gravity. And also check if on that planet there is any intelligent life.

Second- I want you to find the planet where the VIBRANIUM came from. It will be better if we have it then some human king.''

Anna said,'' I can do that. It will not take long. But why do you need VIBRANIUM? Did not we have unlimited supply of it?''

I said,'' That will be very important in the future. Just do it. OK.''

She said,''You said for now. That's means you have some more things to find.''

It wasn't a question. But a statement. She was sure I want something. It's not that tough for her to deduce some slip ups. I said, '' There are some time before we have to interfere in those things. Neither I am strong enough to handle those things nor you are smart enough. So just leave those things for future and focus on present.''

She nods her head. After saying everyone good bye and kissing all the girls I went out and looked up to the clear sky and called the guardian of Baifrost. I said,'' Heimdall.''

Suddenly a rainbow color light fell from the sky and enveloped me. When That light was gone I was already in Asgard. I turned towards the guardian of nine realms and God of Sight and greeted him. I said, ''Heimdall old friend. How are you? And how is Asgard.''

The calm voice of Heimdall said,'' Greetings your grace. I am good and Asgard is safe and well under the leadership of your father and help of your brothers.''

I nod my head and then said ,''I have a task for you. If you do it?''

Heimdall said,'' I will do every thing that is allowed by my king. ''

I said,''So am I allowed to give orders to you to do something?''

He said,''You are the King of Vanaheim. So you are not bound by these rules. You and your Finances are in the second in level of power after All- Father King Odin and All - Mother Frigga. So you can give me any work you like.''

I said,'' Ok. So I want you to find me a planet. ''

He was confused with my request but still nods to say that he was listening and said,'' It shall be done my king but what kind of planet do you desires? ''

I then explained, ''I want a barren planet. There must be magic on that planet but in such a low amount that it is almost can not be felt.

Remember barren. That planet must not have any peoples. Ok''

Heimdall said ,''Don't worry your grace. Your job shall be done. I will start searching such planet at once.''

Then I nod my head and said, '' Okk. Thank you. Find it fast. I need it in sometime. Be ready. ''

He nods his head and I moved towards the Place. I am very eager to meet my mother. It's been long six years since I saw her. The moment I step in the palace, I saw -

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