Chapter 34: PURPOSE
3rd Person POV -
There was a large land surrounded by nature. There were trees tall enough like they were touching the sky. And don't ask about the variety. There were so many type that no one can remember them. There was a fresh stream of water. All the peoples looked around. They were seeing there new home for the very first time. Then Morgana spoke,'' My peoples this is our new home. Go and explore. Don't fear no one will ever harm you here.''
After getting her permission they all looked at us. I nod my head in acceptance. After they left Morgana, Frejya, Anna, Zoe and Selina gathered around me.
Frejya said,''So what do we do now? ''
Anna answered, '' We have to built a settlement here. It will take time. We do not have enough people to do it quickly. We have to do it slowly.''
Perseus said,'' Don't be hasty Anna. These things will take time and we all have it. In these times peoples were killed outside. But that will not be a problem here so our population will spike soon. So don't worry.
Morgana remember when our population reached enough you will issue a strict ways to control it, understood.''
Morgana nods her head and said,'' I want to propose a suggestion if you allow it.''
Perseus said,'' If it is something related to the kingdom then you don't need our permission. You are the queen here. You can take any decision you want, however you want. ''
Morgana said,'' So I wanted to build a palace in the middle of our country. A palace so big that it can even be seen from moon. A palace majestic enough for a God. I want it to be situated on a mountain full of devine trees and herbs. What do you think.''
Perseus said,''I told you to do whatever you want.''
Suddenly twin islands took form. Krakoa and Arakko also bowed there head in respect.. Anna said,'' I thought you can not take physical form for a while. ''
Krakoa said,'' Yes we can't. This form is the last time you will see us in a long time. Today we came to see if we can be of some help.''
Morgana said,''I do have a favour to ask. If you could then Please can you shift all the trees into the border area so we can use the middlle for us to build. But don't worry when we have decided to how to build and where to build then we will find places all over the country for new trees to grow.''
Arakko said,''It is not a problem. We can do that and we are not worried about not having enough place. Since your Patron God is Perseus. And Perseus is the God of Nature and Agriculture. He will never allow the nature to be diminished. ''
And then all the trees suddenly started uprooting themselves. They started walking literary using the roots as legs. Then they all moved towards the shoreline. Then Okkara said, '' Lord Perseus we have devided the land on both side equally keeping our twin Islands as center. We just heard Queen Morgana want to build a Palace for you in the middle of the country. So we want you to build this palace on this very place. Just above the heart of the country.''
Morgana said,'' Your suggestion is good. No it's excellent. When we have build the land then you can create a big mountain just at the base of that palace. It will be far easy this way then to build a palace on the top of the mountain. Thank you for your help.''
Perseus and others also showed there support. Then the twin islands bid there farewell and went back to there sleep.
Morgana and Anna went back to planning. I called Selina to talk to me.
I said,'' What do you think? Is this place good?''
She said,'' It is a good place. The people will be safe and happy. The outside world is not that safe. Its just.... '' she want to say something but was hesitating. So Perseus said,
'' A king whose peoples can not speak before him is not a good king. I assure you Selina I will not be like that. I will always hear your suggestions and also your question. I want you to understand that if you are desatisfied with any of my decision then ask questions. If you want to know something then ask. Don't hold up.''
She said,'' I just don't know what i am doing here? What will I offer to this place. Every person here is doing something but I do not have anything to do. I don't understand my purpose here. ''
Perseus smiled and said,'' I told you before that I do have a task for you. Well I was going to tell you after we have laid the foundation of this country but since you are so eager then listen -
I want you to protect the people like yourself. The evolved people. The peoples with gift. ''
Selina frowned and said,'' Protect the peoples like me. Peoples like me are often powerful so why do they need protection? Peoples should need protection from them not the other way around. ''
Perseus said ,'' Don't underestimate the power of humans. They are capable of doing things that you can't even imagine.
Just trust me there will come a day when the People like you will be hunted, tortured, experimented and murdered for just being different, just for something they have no control over. I want you to protect them. Be there leader.
So get ready. Go out search for your kind and bring them here to live. But remember every member that you will bring must have my Symbiote in them. That is the way I can make sure thay they will not betray us.''
Selina said,''I do not understand what to say? I do not doubt your word but it is difficult to believe that people as powerful as me will become so weak that they will be hunted amd killed.''
Then she bowed her head amd said,'' Even though I do not understand but don't worry. I will do as you command Your Grace. I will help them. ''
Then we talk for sometime. Then all the other girls came to my side and then Frejya said,''Every kingdom needs a name. So what will the name of our kingdom.''
Perseus and all the other members looked towards Anna and She said,''I had already think about the name of the country. Perseus since you possess the holy power and we both know which spices this power belongs. So I was thinking to name the place -