Marvel: Percy Jackson in Marvel(MCU)

Chapter 29: TWIST

3rd Person POV -

Said,'' I want to ask you about the friend you talked about. Is she trustworthy? ''

Morgana said,'' She is difficult. The best word to explain her will be - An Opportunistic. She can't be trusted but can be a controlled and a very valuable ally. If you want to add her its possible. Because the biggest thing she want is power and a place to belong. And you can give her both.''

Perseus was silent for a while then he raised his hand and touched Morgan's shoulder and said,'' I have upgraded your Symbiote to the SUB - HOST level. Go and find her. Then tell her about everything. I mean everything about Symbiote, about new country and other similar things. If she is still ready to take the Symbiote then bring her with you otherwise let her be.''

Morgana nods her head and said,'' Finding her would be easy. I know her magical and energy signature. But how will I go and come back?''

Anna answered her question, '' Mother Box can open a hole in space and connect two places with each other like a portal. You can use it. The mother box is connected to the All three of us. And through Perseus It is connected to the Symbiotes. And you are a sub host so you can use it to travel.''

Morgana understood it then she bowed to me and left. After she was gone I turned to Frejya and Zoe and said,'' Go and tell the peoples good news. That we have found there new home. We will move there in seven days. Tell them to prepare.''

They both nods there head and left to do what I asked. Then I turned to Anna and asked,'' Now tell me What do you want to tell me when I asked you about the Other Gods.''

Anna took a deep breath and said, '' Almost all the Gods have left earth. Except some Gods like Bast and others. All the EGYPTIAN GODS, JAPANESE GODS, CELTIC GODS AND OTHRS.''

Perseus found it odd that she did not mention anything about the GREEKS. But still asked,'' So that was expected. If I am not wrong they all have gone to live on the GODS CITY Under the leadership of Zeus in the protection of CELESTIALS.''

Anna's eyes twinkled like she is sharing a secret. She said,'' That's where things changed. Yes all the Gods left to go live under the protection of Celestials. But the leader is not Zeus. I do not know who the leader is but the Greeks Gods were not involved in them.''

Perseus was bewildered. He said,''I don't understand anything. Please explain clearly.''

Anna said,'' Approx thousand years before there was a big war among humanity. All the Greeks wanted to stop that war except ARES - THE GOD OF WAR. Because in the time of war he is strongest. So there was a big battle among the Greeks Gods. In that war all the BIG THREE fought Against Ares to stop him. But it was futile.

Ares was at his strongest at that time. Firstly there was a war between Hades and Ares. The war was brutal but in the end Ares won. Seeing the result and the growing power of Ares, Zeus ordered Poseidon to protect rest of the Gods and went into Battle.

Poseiden used the time given by Zeus to lock all the gates of MT. Olympus so that it can not be opened from outside and then locked the Olympus in an unknown Dimension. But casting such a big magic on a Goldy domain without any outer help needs a sustainable amount of energy and Sacrifice. Poseidon used his own life as Sacrifice to protect the rest of the Pantheon. And died after that.

Zeus and Ares fought a big battle. But Ares was winning so Zeus in the last moment of his life severly injured Ares and left a weapon to humanity to kill him in the future if he arose and died.''

Perseus eyes were wide after hearing this and he said,'' Doesn't it sound like the neighboring Dimension story.''

Anna nods her head,'' Yes. It is the same story.''

Perseus then asked,''Is it the only thing that change or is there anything else like Darkseid, Krypton.''

Anna said,'' There are no records of them. So mostly they don't exist. ''

Perseus exhaled a deep breath and said,'' That's means long legs of Diana is here. ''

Anna smiled and nodded her head,'' And it will be pity if some soilder has her.''

Perseus nodded with very serious expression and said,'' It will. So Anna I don't think you know where that Island is. Because Zeus hides it with a very powerful magic. Finding it will not be easy.''

Anna said,'' Yes I don't know the exact location. But if you give me sometime I can find it.''

Perseus said,'' So add this in your to do list beside finding the location of Olympus. But not now after we established our realms. We cannot afford to have any distractions at that time..

Anna I have some more task for you. I will tell you after we have created our Realm. And I am stronger. Till then leave all this things to future. ''

Anna looked puzzled but chose to remain silent. Then we went out to help other people in preparing for there departure. We do not have much time left. Outside we saw Frejya and Zoe and we went to her and I said,'' We have to do things here faster. I want to go our realm sooner.''

Frejya very much liked it when he referred VANAHEIM as our realm, not my realm. Because that represent that he considers them his equal. He wants to rule with them and not over them.

She said,''If everything is right we would be ready to leave in less then six days.''

Perseus said,'' Good. We can shorten the time with the help of Bume Tube. So it is a good news.''

Anna said,'' Perseus we have to go there before them. We have to connect all those Islands.''

Perseus nods his head and said, '' You are right. We will go there tomorrow. Anna you, Frejya and I will go to that place and Zoe you will stay here to protect them if anything unexpected happen. Ok.''

They all nods there head and went to their job.


Perseus and the Girls are standing outside the village. They were going to the place where the living Island is situated. Perseus turned towards Zoe and said,'' I know you are very much capable of protecting Yourselves and others but if anything unexpected happen call us. Immediately. ''

Zoe smiled but nods her head in promise. Then Perseus nods towards Anna who opened the Portal. They all went in the portal and then -

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