Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

Chapter 180: 00179. Almost caught.

What was supposed to be two weeks of intense combat training under Tao, turned into over a month. She forced him to not only fight physically, but to also incorporate magic into his attacks and defense as she used him as a punching bag. While that was going on, Theo celebrated his eleventh birthday and was finally able to start a new type of training.

Since he was now eleven, his body could now use training seals and not have any adverse effects. The training seals were something the Uzumaki seal masters created and weren't shared with outsiders normally. Sure each village had their own very basic version of training seals, but true training seals were way beyond what any other village ever created.

The first Uzumaki training seal was based around gravity and had different levels. The gravity affected the person's entire body and made physical training more effective. The levels on the seal went from a quarter times gravity up to five times gravity. Theo already tasked a few seal masters to create an improved version that could go up to hundred times gravity, but that would take a while.

The second seal the Uzumaki invented that no one had was a resistance seal. It made your body feel like it was moving through water or mud. It also had different settings and was currently set at level one for Theo's training. The resistance seal itself trained a person's speed, since the goal was to be able to move like normal with the seal on and not be aided by chakra. While it was kind of like the gravity seal in making it harder to move, the experience was completely different and when combined with the gravity seal made workouts more intense.

The last seal was also one that wasn't shared with outsiders and considered a clan secret. It was a seal designed to compress a person's chakra which helped with two things. The first was it helped improve chakra growth and second it helped with overall chakra control. With a person's chakra being suppressed by the seal it caused it to not function normally and made the user struggle to use it properly. Since chakra control is one of the main aspects of fuinjutsu, this seal was used by all Uzumaki seal masters when they were younger. 

Those three seals were applied to Theo about halfway through his 'training' with Tao and caused some issues the first time he used them. With Theo being suppressed by the seals it caused him to be beaten senseless by Tao within a few minutes. When Tao finished she asked, "What happened? Why are you so slow all of the sudden?"

Theo was flat on his back with blood pouring out of his nose and a busted lip as he said, "Ashina and Mito activated my training seals today."

"Training seals… Wait, you actually put on those gravity seals?" Tao asked with interest.

Theo pinched his nose and sat up with his head held back as he said, "Gravity, resistance and the chakra suppression seals."

Tao studied Theo for a few moments before she asked, "How hard are they to take on and off?"

"Just infuse chakra onto a finger tip and rub it over the seal." Theo said as he lifted up his shirt to show her the three seals placed over his stomach.

"And you can adjust them whenever you want?"

Theo nodded as he said, "Pretty much."

Tao walked over to her chair and sat down as she said, "Call Ashina over to give me the same seals… And brew me a pot of tea while we wait."

Within half an hour Tao also had the three seals placed on her stomach and restarted training with Theo. Since then both Tao and Theo haven't removed the seals and basically use them to train twenty four hours a day. About two weeks later and once Tao was completely satisfied with the training, Theo's school year ended and it was time for his summer vacation.

This year for summer vacation the family decided on a trip to Florida. Jacob and Ben still had yet to hire anyone new to help out with the expanded shop and new equipment, but they were in the process of looking. Theo's people were already trained and had a lot of practice so they should be able to get the jobs his dad was looking to fill. But that would only come after his family's vacation was finished.

Since they didn't need to worry about any new employees, they decided to shut down the shop again for a few weeks and take everyone like last time. Unlike last time, they rented an RV instead of a passenger van so everyone would be more comfortable. The price was a little more, but they planned to camp at a few places along the way which saved money over getting motel rooms.

The road trip to Florida and the theme parks were pretty uneventful but fun. Well if you consider being crammed into an RV with over ten people fun. The plan once they arrived was to spend one full week at each of the two main theme parks before heading back home. The first theme park they went to went smoothly and the family had a lot of fun.

The second theme park caused some chaos for Theo when some unexpected visitors showed up and almost caused him to be exposed. Theo was seated in a restaurant near the window with his family about to have breakfast when he spotted a black haired girl he was very familiar with sniffing the air. As soon as he noticed her he stood up from his seat and said, "I'll be right back."

"You gotta poop, Theo?" Milly asked as she glanced up at him.

"Milly! Don't ask a question like that." Daniel said as she frowned slightly.

Milly glanced back at her mom as she asked, "Why not? If he has to poop, he has to poop. What's wrong with asking?"

Theo quickly shook his head as he said, "No, but I do need to use the restroom."

As Theo walked away he heard Daniel as she said, "Just ask if he needs to use the restroom next time."

Once in the restroom Theo created a clone and henged into Ezekiel himself. He then created an invisibility spell around himself before he portaled to the roof of the building. Once there he looked for his target and found her slowly making her way to the restaurant through the crowd of people. Ezekiel jumped down from the roof and canceled his spell as he walked out into the main thoroughfare of traffic.

Within a few moments a black haired girl slammed into him as she said, "I knew I smelled you!"

Ezekiel smiled and patted her head as he asked, "What are you doing here Gabby?"

Gabby smiled up at Ezekiel as she said, "Mom took me and my friends out today."

Ezekiel glanced around before he asked, "And where exactly are they at?"

Gabby glanced around for a moment before she said, "I don't know… I thought they were behind me."

Gabby smiled as she looked up at Ezekiel and said, "It doesn't matter, I can just find them later."

Gabby let go of Ezekiel as she asked, "What are you doing here? Did you come to play too?"

Ezekiel shook his head slightly as he smiled and said, "A little bit."

"Did you come with anyone? Where are they?" Gabby asked as she glanced around.

"I'm alone at the moment."

Gabby grabbed Ezekiel's hand and started to pull him along as she said, "Great! Then let's go ride some roller coasters."

"How about we find your mom and friends first?" Ezekiel asked as he cast a quick glance towards the restaurant where he left his clone with his family. Luckily he noticed Gabby before anything happened, but he could only shudder at the thought if she caught him out in the open with his family. He would probably need to have an Anbu detail trail him from now on when out with his family.

Ezekiel filled that thought away for later as Gabby slowly pulled him through the crowded park. Within five minutes Gabby found her mom along with her friends only to get scolded by her mom as she asked, "Gabrielle Kinney, just how many times have I told you not to run off?"

Gabby smiled as she rubbed the back of her head and said, "I don't know… A lot maybe?"

"If I've said it a lot, then why don't you listen to me?" Sarah asked with her arms crossed over her chest.

Gabby pointed at Ezekiel as she said, "But I found Ezekiel."

Sarah let out a tired sigh before she said, "That doesn't justify you not listening to me."

Ezekiel nodded in agreement before he placed a hand on Gabby's shoulder and said, "Your mom's right. You should listen to her and not run off all the time."

Gabby deflated some as she looked at the ground and said, "Sorry, mom."

Sarah pulled Gabby into a hug as she said, "You don't need to apologize, just listen to me next time, please."

Gabby hugged Sarah back as she said, "Okay."

After Sarah released Gabby from their hug, Gabby seemed to bounce back to her normal self and grabbed Ezekiel's hand as she asked, "Where did everyone else go?"

Sarah pointed to the line for one of the attractions as she said, "They went to wait in line."

Gabby pulled Ezekiel by the hand as she said, "Come on, let's go join them."

Ezekiel didn't move this time and said, "How about you go join them and I'll be there in a few minutes after I chat with your mom."

Gabby thought about it for a moment before she said, "Okay."

After Gabby took off to find her friends Ezekiel turned to Sarah and asked, "How many did you bring with you?"

Sarah let out a sigh as she said, "With Gabby and Laura I brought sixteen…"

"No one else wanted to help chaperone?"

Sarah shook her head as she said, "Everyone was busy and this was kind of a spur of the moment thing."

Ezekiel nodded in understanding before he said, "Well I'm here now, so I'll help you out. Go join the kids and tell Gabby I'll join everyone in a little while, I need to go do something really quick."

"Thanks, that will help out a lot." Sarah said before she headed to meet the kids in line.

Ezekiel left the crowded area and once out of sight created a portal to the front of the park near the entrance and went to purchase a VIP tour for Sarah and her group along with one for his family while he was at it. It was expensive and something only rich people would normally do, but he didn't care since it wasn't his money anyways.

With the two VIP tours paid for, he told the first VIP host where they could find his family while he led the second one to go meet up with Sarah, Gabby and the other kids. As they walked through the park Ezekiel dialed his mom's number and gave her a call. While his mom was on vacation, she told him before she left, that she would keep her phone on incase there was some type of emergency.


"Hi Daniel, sorry to interrupt your vacation. But I wanted to let you know I booked a VIP tour for you and your family." Ezekiel said.

"You booked us a VIP tour for us?"

"Yeah. Consider it my way of saying thanks for all the great work you do. Anyways, have fun and I'll talk to you when you get back from vacation." Ezekiel said before he went to hang up the phone.

"Wait…" Daniel glanced at her phone before she let out a sigh and put it away already used to how Ezekiel acted.

Jacob and the rest of the table looked at her for more information so she said, "Apparently my boss booked us a VIP tour of the park… I'm not really sure what that is though."

As his family finished eating breakfast, Ezekiel and his tour guide arrived to find Gabby and the others still in line and they weren't even close to the front yet. Ezekiel waved at them as he said, "I don't like waiting in line so I booked a VIP tour for us, come on let's go have fun."

With the VIP host as their guide, they no longer had to wait and were able to access certain parts of the park that weren't normally open to the general public. They also received a ton of other perks that lasted for their entire vacation at the park, since Ezekiel booked the VIP package for the whole time they were there.

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