Marvel DxD: The New Sorcerer Supreme

Chapter 53: Ch. 53 - Roaming the Human world! [2]

As I bid farewell to Zekram, I went back to the human world and fell into deep thoughts.

No doubt that the devils and perhaps even the fallen angels, are determined to kill God in which I wouldn't obviously allow.

I'm not sure if God can be killed but I'm not taking any chances.

Now, how do I save the old man without risking myself being known as the greatest traitor among the devils?

You see, I have everything planned out already.

There is something in me that the devils doesn't know yet except for Serafall.

My Sacred Gear.

If I could somehow either disguise myself or silently use my sacred gear to assist God, that would be great and would definitely give God a hand.

But still, remembering what God told me of how he knew about the plans, I couldn't help but ponder where God gains his confidence from.

Sure, God is strong but what if his strength has limits?

If he's so strong, why can't he just eradicate the entire devil race before they could grow into a behemoth force in the first place?

Was it sympathy? For his children who were lost in their path?

Or lingering affection that halts him from slaying the Four Satans and be done with the Great War.

I have so many questions for him and yet, would remain unanswered until he shows up again like usual.

Shaking my head from these thoughts, I decided to place it on the back of my head in the meantime.

Anyways, I still have a whole month to contemplate about it and I should focus on establishing my Mystic Society organization and increasing my strength.

Without strength, all my plans and ambitions would fall short.

Staring out the window of the room I rented from a town, I noticed it was already night time, which is the perfect time to leave the town through flight.

My destination is the Great Britain, if my memory serves me right, the Kingdom just experienced famine and the infamous Black Death.

A perfect opportunity to gather followers and gain their loyalty as long as I play my cards right.

I might also do God a favour as the church's influence in the Great Britain is being challenged due to several figures being corrupt.

Not to mention because prayers and such didn't work during the Black Death, causing the people to question the church and why so many of the population died despite being avid followers of the church.

Don't even mention the heavy taxes and the large lands that the church owns without paying a price.

I'm not even surprised why God didn't bother answering to the prayers, with the Great War being at its peak and the countless corrupt people under the church, God might've wanted to punish the country for their corruption.

After all, if God didn't answer prayers, people will doubt the church, and if the church is being doubted, they would lose followers and influence and losing influence means corruption would be unsustained.

All of those would eventually lead to the exposure of the church's weakness and corruption.

Spreading my senses and seeing that no one is watching me as almost everyone in the town is asleep except for a certain few.

I quickly unfurled my two pairs of wings and took off to the sky. Despite the night being so chilly considering this is the current era where air pollution is almost non-existent, I don't feel anything.

'I'm starting to like flying in the sky every night now. No wonder many wanted to have the power to fly.' Chuckling to myself, I braced myself and shot forward in full speed, my surroundings turning blurry as the forest turned into a shade of green and the night sky turning into a mix of white and black shade.


[Diorno Estrada PoV]

Sent by the cardinal church, I roamed around the Great Britain, looking for humans with potential Sacred Gears inside their bodies.

Ever since a month ago when Lord Michael visited us, more specifically me, he assigned me to an exclusive mission.

To find the Sacred Gears that would awaken in humans randomly.

Although Lord Michael didn't give me the specific location of the Sacred Gear users, but at least he told me that most of the users would appear on Great Britain.

Perhaps it is partially because Great Britain is known as one of the places in the world that the church has great influence.

Unfortunately, the Black Death caused many devout believers to lose faith.

Perhaps my mission on this land is more than just to recruit humans with Sacred Gears, but revive the reputation of the church to the people.

These people here only need a miracle and with my my Holy Power that was blessed by Lord Michael himself, I should be capable to healing and performing miracles.

"Please spare me some food, kind sir." My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a small malnourished child sitting on the edge of the streets, his eyes sunken and his tattered shirt as an evidence to the destitution he's experiencing.

I immediately sympathize with the poor child and was about to approach the boy and provide him some of the bread and water that I brought with me when suddenly, I halted my tracks as a man beat me to it, wearing an orange robe with his hood on.

The orange-robed man crouched in front of the child and whispered a few words I was unable to hear before giving the boy a metallic cup containing water and bread that is still warm which is evident to the steam rising from it.

Caution immediately appeared on my face as the orange-robed man maintained his crouching state as he watches the child eat the bread and drink from the cup with gusto.

Once the boy is finished, I saw the man offering his hand for the boy who quickly took it without hesitation.

Realization immeidiately struck me on the face.

This is a cult recruitment. Taking advantage of the fact that the influence of the church has weakened, other religions or self-created cults would predictably take the opportunity to expand their influence.

Without delay, I quickly marched towards them before they could leave.

"Excuse me, young boy! Do you know who this man is?" Putting my hand over the man's shoulders, I saw him slowly turning around to face me while the young boy following him stared at me.

However, upon seeing my cardinal clothes and the cross necklace I'm wearing, the boy's expression turned into disgust and distrust.

"Is there any problem?" My attention were taken away by the orange-robed man, giving me a good look at his appearance under that hood.

However, surprise filled me upon seeing a familiar face inside the hood.

"You…The Tarnished One?" I called.

"Oh? It's you. That Exorcist back then. Good to see you again." I can tell that the Tarnished One was also shocked as he continued.

"Anyways, I go by a different name now. You can call me the Sorcerer Supreme if the Tarnished One sounds a bit distasteful to you." He recommended.

This may seem out of topic but he's right. I prefer the name Sorcerer Supreme than the Tarnished One.

The latter is quite a mouthful in my opinion.

"Sorcerer Supreme then." I didn't bother asking him the meaning behind this name. Though from what I know, Sorcerer is also known as magician.

Is he a devil who specializes in magic? If so, that would complicate things a bit. Magic is quite troublesome after all.

"Sorcerer Supreme, I hope you have some explanation for this." I continued, gesturing to him trying to lure an innocent child to follow him.

My words also have its own meaning, which means that even if we're acquaintances and he saved the life of my companions back during the expedition, that won't hold myself back for the boy's sake.

"What's it to you?" He responded, forming an unusual cold tension between the both of us with the child's head darting back and forth to us two.


Just as I wanted to reply, it was the boy who broke the awkward silence.

"Teacher, who is he? Do you know him?" He asked while pointing at me.

Teacher? This malnourished boy is his student? Or he took him as a student just now?

"You're his teacher? You took him as your student?" Just the sound of it is enough to drive people insane.

I've never heard of a devil taking humans as their students. Typically, humans only serves as mere entertainment for devils and the center of the devils' anger towards God.

"Yes I am. Is there any problem with that?"

"I…." Well what can I say at this point? It's not like devils are prohibited from taking humans as their students, technically since this is the first time I've seen this kind of thing.

This man is indeed a weird devil. He doesn't act like one, he doesn't smell like one and his actions were also out of place.

"I'm sorry. I'm at fault here." To show my sincerity, I bowed my head. I can't afford making an enemy out of him for something that is wrong on my side.

"…It's fine. Now that you're here, you might as well as come with me." His proposition made me raise an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I said, you should come with me, I have some things that I need your help with." He repeated.

A devil asking an exorcist, a chief one at that, for help?

You might as well as say that God is going to die.

Ehem, I went too far. My apologies, my lord.

"May I ask what you need my help with?" While asking him, he was already walking forward, prompting for me to follow him.

"As you already know by now, this Kingdom is suffering thanks to a certain religion." Hearing his words made me blush not just out of embarrassment but also anger.

I've heard about what happened and how the church relied too much on prayers instead of actually doing something physically.

Church is the home of the people no matter who, and yet when the Black Death plagued the Kingdom, the church dared to close its doors to God's beloved creation.

It's a heresy!

"You seem angry. Did my words offend you?" I was snapped back to reality by his question.

"No, I was angry at this Kingdom's church. I don't know what the Popes and Cardinals are thinking." I sighed and expressed my disappointment.

Normally, what I'm doing is considered heretic but it was Lord Michael himself who told me about the situation and I can sense the underlying anger hidden behind the Seraphim's eyes.

If the Sword of God himself is angered by this, then so am I, who is sometimes known as the Church's Sharpest Blade.





[Next Chapter: Ch. 54 - Roaming the human world! [3]]

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