Chapter 310: Trying to get invited
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the prestigious skyyyy Tournamentttt"
Inside the large colleseum in the middle of Sky city, the voice of an announcer resounded into every corner of the arena.
The battle for the ultimate winner of the sky festival was about to begin and everyone there felt a bountiful feeling of expectation and thrill. They had followed the tournament from various levels up until now and all had their favorites.
There was Wayfarer, the son of the third minister of sky city. Despite not being related to an extremely powerful faction, he had been able to qualify for the top 30…even going as far as entering level 4 in the last minute of the qualifying match.
He was the fan favorite to win
Of course, this did not mean he was remotely the strongest person in here, the city lord dorgonodo had his oldest daughter competing in the sky festival too and she had alone dominated the entire playing field.
This was not new of course, the Sky city lords family had been dominating the competition for years, even the Technique god Carlson had once lost to the city lord's offspring.
"Hehehe, someone has her eyes on you"
In a private booth on the west wing of the collesuem a female monk with a shaved head said looking upwards at the city lords booth.
"Hm? I'm not in the mood" Beside the female monk, Arian smirked bitterly refusing to comment or even looking in the direction of the city lords booth.
In the booth a lady dressed similar to Arian with white hair just like hers could be seen staring intently at her with a look of vexation and desire.
In this entire arena there was no one she wanted to fight more than Arian. This no body had not only humiliated her younger brother in one of the many bouts, it seemed like she was trying to take her place.
She was meant to be the most talented person here, but Arian and received more invitation to the halls of sky palace than her. She was meant to be a cold distant beauty, but Arian seemed more cold and more distant than her.
It was frustrating
The worst part was that Arian here seemed to have to intention to fight in the tournament. And who would blame her? She already got the invitations, being the overall winner was only a constellation prize.
It might mean something outside of sky palace, but on the inside it did not matter at all.
(If I can get her in a one on one, her invitations will become worthless before me)
She clenched her fists under her ropes to the extent where her palm became red.
"Zysera!" A sharp voice resounded next to her causing her to temporarily snap out of her rage and look over to her father.
"You look shameful" the city lord dorgonodo commented looking at his daughters anger. Cold and distant was meant to be her 'attitude' but he knew all too well how jealous she could be.
It was her greatest weakness.
"Hmp!!" Hearing the words from her father, She threw her face to the center of the Arena landing at the figure of a slender young girl with purple hair.
Arian had decided not to compete, but not ember, ember still wanted to fight for some reason.
All she needed to do was to get in the same ring as ember demolish her so bad that Arian would have no choice but to step up to get revenge.
This was her only chance to get back at the bitch!!
"Saint Firestone!!! Are you ready??!!" An announcer on the stage below said erratically trying to drum up excitement from the crowd.
The final tournament was to the audience the climax of the sky festival event. Unlike the participants who already had their way to sky palace paved, theses guys truly cared about the outcome of the match.
"Yaaaa cut him up!!"
"Use your special flame and give me some moneyyy"
"Jaden….you got this little b*tch"
The crowd went Wild, Ember was currently fighting a young man named Garner the brutal. He was a well known adventurer in the reaches of sky palace territory. He wasn't what one would call a good person, he had engaged in protection of cruel businessmen and evil organizations but that was part of the business of being a sword for hire.
One thing was sure though, he was a very good fighter.
His biggest feat was in fact a fight against a squad of elite assassins sent to kill his employer. He single handedly took all them down without external assistance.
He was truly strong.
"Hmmm, I'll end this quick and with blades" Ember muttered looking at the heavily amoured individual before her. She wasn't participating in the final match because she wanted to…
No, she just hated the fact that Arian had more invitations than her. Maybe it was her curse speaking but she didnt like being outshone by anyone, especially Arian.
"I'll overwhelm him with my daggers, a fight of pure battle prowess…."
The hall of blades had not yet sent her an invitation, if she would show her aptitude in using blades and completely overwhelm this garner then maybe she would get an invitation from them.
"3.....2....1...begin!!" The announcer raising his had up in the air said the abruptly jumped off the arena giving space for the battle to commence.
Just as he did, Embers figure disappeared from her original spot and she threw herself in the air, dagger unsheathed and pointing directly at her opponents head.
Garner feeling her presence looming over him stepped back quickly removing himself from the line of her dagger.
Dispite her speed, his reaction was effecient and precise.
The wind that followed embers attack picked up dust from the ground sending a shockwave through the arena and causing the announcer to sweat.
It was a good thing he leapt out immediately, the top thirty were monsterously powerful , he could not afford to get in between their bout.