Chapter 7: Chapter 7. A Fated System.
It was the night of the attack in the studio. Gavin just made sure that Erza was safe before he collapsed. Darkness filled his vision as exhaustion overtook his body. He felt his consciousness leave his body as if pulled by some unseen strings like a puppet.
Suddenly, a bright light filled his vision as an opulent room manifested in front of him. He found himself sitting on a white marble chair. Across the room was a young-looking man with dark gray eyes and long golden blonde hair down his back. He wore black jeans and a simple red-colored t-shirt that fit snug against his chest.
Okay. What in the crap is going on now, Gavin wondered. This was a whole other kind of strange.
"I'm sure you have a lot of questions, young Gavin Johnson. I will try answering a few of them in our short time here. My name is Koray. I am one of the gods of your world." The man spoke, a softness and almost tranquil feeling washed over Gavin as he listened.
Gavin sat still on his chair. He looked around and to say he was stunned was like saying the earth was round. "What are you saying, the gods actually exist?" Gavin asked incredulously. There is no way that gods could actually exist, and one of them was speaking to him right now.
Koray nodded. "Some of us do. Others were a way for humans to try explaining the unexplainable in the early stages of human development," Koray replied, his soft voice filled Gavin with peace and comfort as he spoke, a sign of his divinity.
"There are beings across the universe that have what humans would consider godlike powers and abilities. Some of us have tried to guide and develop humanity on a chosen path. Occasionally, we find agents, messengers if you will, to act on our behalf to help attain the results we seek. You are one such individual that I mean to ask for assistance in this matter," Koray continued.
Gavin was stunned. He attempted to follow what Koray was suggesting and couldn't wrap his head around it. "What is it you want from me? Why have you chosen me?" He asked several questions back to back.
Koray leaned forward on his throne-like chair, and clasped his hands together in front of him. "What I want is to offer you a deal, young Gavin. I offer you a path to extraordinary power. In return, I task you with finding other shifters like yourself. You will be asked to learn about, and find, the other alpha species shifter clans. Once you find them, you will be expected to protect them and right the tragedies of the past," Koray continued, his voice grim and foreboding. He knew this would be no easy task he gave the young man, but he had faith that Gain could accomplish this with some time and help.
Gavin didn't understand. "What do you mean by alpha shifter?" Gavin asked the older being. He had never heard of that term before.
"They are certain species of shifters: wolf, lion, tiger, and others. They represent animals that were at the top of their environmental food chains. The top predators. When mankind first began mixing science with magic and created the first shifters, they desired the power and traits of these alpha apex predators. They did not, however, expect certain traits to still be so strong. The end result was the government's of your world purging most of the alpha shifters from history. There are small bands and groups across the planet, surviving in secret. Your mission will be to find them, protect them, and bring to light the injustice of the past. They deserve every right to a bright future that anyone else has," Koray explained.
"How will I find them?" Gavin asked, interested in this bit of historical knowledge he'd never heard about.
"That will be for you to find out. I can not give you all the answers. If I do, what is the point of acquiring an agent to serve our needs?" Koray informed him.
"How will I have the strength to do such a momentous task?" Gavin asked as he readjusted his position on the chair.
"I will give you a system. Think of it as artificial intelligence. It will bind itself to your soul and offer you paths of progression and abilities you would never dream of having. You will also gain the power you seek to protect your loved ones," Koray finished the last part quietly.
Gavin stiffened in response. "How will I gain this power?" he asked again. .
Koray laughed nonchalantly. "I am offering you a path to said strength, if you choose to accept it."
Gavin didn't hesitate. If this god-like being had offered him a path to acquire the power he sought, he didn't care what price he had to pay to do so. "Done. I agree to the terms," he said instantly.
Koray smiled in spite of himself. At the mention of protecting the females in his life, there was a fire that ignited in the young boy's eyes. "Then I will grant you the AI system Veronica. Veronica is almost a fully sentient system that will guide you and aid you as needed. Some features will be locked for your safety until you reach certain thresholds of power. The rest I will leave to you to figure out and explore. Remember our deal young Gavin. Find the shifter clans. Protect them. Avenge the wrongs of the past," Koray said formally as he waved his hand and Gavin's mental consciousness was whisked away once more. He felt himself falling, as if dropped off a massive cliff into the darkness below.
He felt the motion come to a stop. He looked around and all he saw was a vast empty abyss.
Gavin felt a searing pain piercing his skull. It felt as if a hot poker was jammed through his brains and twisting every few seconds. Gavin dropped to his knees as both his hands rose to cup both sides of his head as he screamed out in agony.
What the hell is this? Why is there so much pain? Gavin wondered to himself as he fought to keep his sanity from the intensity of it. After what felt like an eternity, it lessened and Gavin felt like he could breathe easier and without discomfort in his skull.
A soft female-sounding voice rang out in his mind. Greetings. User Gavin Johnson identified. Status confirmed. Synchronization rate is optimal. My name is Veronica. I am the artificial intelligence program provided by Koray to assist with the assigned objectives. I have been installed directly into your consciousness. I can monitor a variety of information and statuses.
The voice, referring to itself as Veronica, was a soft cooling sensation in Gavin's mind. As if cool water was brushing against his mental clarity. "Um, hello there Veronica." Gavin responded in greeting. He was uncomfortable and weary of having a voice in his head.
Greetings Master Gavin. I look forward to working with you. If you give me a moment, I will go over all the available and pertinent information. Veronica said softly and clearly in his mind. Gavin didn't respond, still unsure about this new partnership and how she would help enable him to grow strong enough to accomplish such a seemingly impossible task.
Status synchronization is complete. Accessing core status now.
Gavin Johnson. Age 18.
Royal bloodline werewolf shifter.
Level 5.
Hp. 100/100
Mana points. 0/30
Strength 30
Speed 25
Agility 15
Stamina 20
Charm 10
Intimidate 10
Acquired skills.
Hunters howl level 1. When the user activates this skill, a horrifying howl is unleashed. The strength is proportionate to the users' intimidation points. Enemies with a weaker will than users intimidate will flee in panic and fear for 30 seconds. Usable three times a day. Consumes minimal mana.
Shape-shift, werewolf form level 1. The user is capable of shifting partially or fully into a powerful werewolf form. While in a fully shifted state, all stats are doubled during the duration. The more the user shape-shifts, the more proficient and powerful this form will be. Higher levels will grant higher effects.
Elemental manipulation level 1. Due to the unique royal bloodline possessed by the user, Gavin Johnson is capable of resonating and using all six known magical elements. Still requires training to be proficient in the use. As the user grows in strength, it will require less mana to use more advanced spells at higher levels.
Okay, Master Gavin, that is all the information I have available about you at this time. Veronica finished rattling off so much information that Gavin felt dizzy as he tried to keep up with it all.
"Veronica, where are we right now?" He asked her mentally.
After being sent back from the meeting with the deity Koray, we are back in your original body. However, due to the events prior to the meeting, your body suffered the effects of mana depletion and slipped into unconsciousness. I imagine you are being transported to, or are currently at, a medical facility. I am unable to know for sure until you regain consciousness.
Gavin nodded to himself. "So we are in my own consciousness. I was in a fight with those attackers at the studio. That's when I think I shifted for the first time," Gavin thought out loud.
"I believe that is a valid summarization of the likely chain of events", Veronica replied in his head. "Was this the first time you ever shifted?" She asked him curiously.
"I guess so. I didn't even know I was a shifter. All my life I thought I was one hundred percent normal human," Gavin replied. Then realization dawned on him over something Veronica mentioned during the rattling of status and information. "Veronica, what did you mean by royal bloodline detected?" Gavin asked curiously.
"There are certain genetic markers present in the DNA of royal blood among humans. You possess these markers. The genetic markers enable you to be chosen as an agent of the gods and be bonded with an AI system like myself," Veronica replied to Gavin's question.
"What are the limits of the system?" Gavin asked quietly.
"Excellent question. While I am fully self-aware, my existence is tied closely to yourself. Should you die, so will I. While I do contain a vast amount of knowledge and can be considered a massive database, there are limits to my abilities. I can also assist and control certain skills and abilities. I will help the user assign status points as the user levels up in the system. There may also be times when quests will be offered for extra abilities, status points, or level up. Veronica informed him easily.
"So, what you are saying is we are partners?" Gavin asked, getting a better understanding of Veronica's abilities and uses.
Veronica responded, "That is correct. I would advise against revealing my existence to anyone. It could prove problematic if anyone discovers myself or the mission Koray requested us to complete. For now, my advice is to act as if you have no knowledge of this information revealed to you.
"I understand, for now, just try not to speak in my mind suddenly when others are nearby. I don't want to look like an idiot talking to himself," Gavin said.
Understood Master Gavin. Your body should wake up in a hospital room soon enough. I can not stress enough how important it is that you act like all this information about yourself being of royal blood, and a shifter a secret until it is revealed by someone else. Veronica implored Gavin one last time before his consciousness faded to black, and he slowly opened his eyes to find himself in a bed in what appeared to be a hospital.