Magician Online

Chapter 179: Jenny's Mother

Jenny expects his love so much, how could she not be touched by his response.

This may be a common consolation for playboys, but for Jenny, it's a deadly seduction.

Her heart melted like wax.

Suddenly she leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes in complete serenity.

It was rare that she looked so calm where it was as if she had reached the ultimate bliss.

Her beauty seemed to have increased many times over, enough to make one think of an angel descending from the sky.

Aldric felt like embracing her but it was too early considering they would soon be married. The moment was better after they officially became husband and wife.

He let her lean back, watching her breathing which became more and more calm so that it looked like she was going to sleep.

However, a moment after that she opened her eyes, smiling faintly while fixing her sitting position.

"Let's get out," she said.

She opened the door beside her, taking a step down with her boots high enough that her figure only became taller.

Aldric quickly followed her, they walked to the restaurant beside the courtyard where they had parked the car.

They entered through the side door.

To his surprise, he found that the owner closed the front door before looking at Jenny.

"Welcome, Miss Jenny," he said.

He was a middle-aged man with a thin mustache and curly white hair.

His face gave a gentle impression so that people who looked at him would think that he was a good friend.

It seemed that he knew Jenny well or rather Jenny might have been a long-time customer at his restaurant.

"Mr. Liem, please give me the food as usual but two plates. Right, one plate filled with more," Jenny said in response.

She is very relaxed here and shows her face without having any problems.

And Liem seems to have a personality that matches his appearance.

Just because Jenny came with a man, he didn't show any special expression.

He nodded lightly to Jenny, letting her and Aldric sit down before walking into the kitchen.

It seemed that this restaurant was entirely managed by him alone without the need for any workers.

Actually, the restaurant also only had one table, but it was very long, surrounded by more than 20 chairs.

They sat side-by-side because being across from each other would make them very far apart.

"I've often had breakfast at this restaurant before I was even famous, so Mr. Liem is very familiar with me," Jenny said, explaining about the restaurant.

"He seems very nice, he doesn't even seem to show any reaction to seeing you with me," Aldric replied, quite interested in talking about Mr. Liem.

"He's like that, doesn't mind other people's business no matter who they are. According to him, in this life the important thing is to benefit others and help those in trouble, there is no need to find excuses to do all that. With that way of thinking, of course he wouldn't show any reaction to seeing me with a man. Yeah, his personality is really good. That's why I like having breakfast here. However, it's impossible for me to imitate his way of thinking. Haha, you know, my selfish side is very big." Jenny talks at length, from Mr. Liem to herself.

Shamelessly, she admitted about her selfish side.

Of course, there was no way she would say that to anyone else, only to him.

The wait for breakfast at this restaurant turned out to be a little longer. However, this is not because the chef does a bad job, but because he cooks from raw ingredients. In other words, he would give customers food that was completely freshly cooked.

This is a bit bad considering it can make customers annoyed with the wait, but it seems that this restaurant owner prefers to provide the best-tasting dishes.

When he arrived, he brought a large tray with two plates and two cups of hot tea.

One plate contained more food consisting of toast cut into small pieces, mixed with pieces of sauteed mushrooms coupled with scrambled eggs and a piece of meat that seemed to be specially cooked.

The breakfast menu was naturally simpler compared to the lunch and dinner menus, yet it did not seem inferior due to its fragrant aroma that made one easily feel like eating a lot.

"Please eat, Miss Jenny, and you, sir," the man said after putting down their plates.

He then went into the kitchen.

Since the front door of the restaurant was closed, of course no other customers came in.

Aldric and Jenny could have breakfast in peace.

"Did you pay extra to have him close the restaurant when you came?" Aldric asked Jenny.

"Yeah, that's a must," Jenny replied.

"No matter how nice Mr. Liem is, there's no way he's going to close his restaurant for just one person. He still has a family he needs to provide for..." Jenny chuckled softly when she said that.

Because the bread was cut into small pieces, so she easily stuffed each piece into her mouth.

Even when she increased her eating speed, she still looked so elegant.

Aldric enjoyed the moment with her so much that he forgot that he was about to meet the mother of this woman.

When they finished their meal, Jenny checked her cell phone.

A message seemed to have just come in.

"Huh, she's really impatient," she said.

Aldric instantly remembered who he was going to meet.

"Is that from your mom?" he asked.

"Yeah, she wants us to come right away, even though I told her I might be late because we need time to enjoy the trip for a while," Jenny replied.
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Aldric laughed softly at that.

"Then let's go see your mother now," he said.

Although he did have his concerns, he couldn't be afraid now. He had to act like a man, going forward without fear.

Jenny nodded and stood up as she said, "I've transferred the payment to Mr. Liem, we can go now!"

After that, she and Aldric exited the restaurant, returning through the side door.

Mr. Liem was ultimately just a restaurant owner that Jenny happened to frequent and to Aldric he was just a person he had just met today. They naturally didn't need to chat with him before deciding to leave.


The time they took to Jenny's house was naturally not long.

It only took about 10 minutes.

Aldric had already come there. It had only been a few days so he was still very familiar with the house which had four floors with a futuristic modern design where most of the walls were made of glass facades.

He didn't notice any difference because nothing had changed.

It was just that, when he saw the house this time, he somehow felt like he was looking at a magnificent palace, belonging to a queen who built her own kingdom.

Jenny's car stopped right in front of its terrace.

The woman unlocked both doors first.

She did not get out immediately, but looked at Aldric.

"Dear, my mother may be a fierce woman, but I assure you, she will not show her fierce side to you. At most, she will only appear cold, so please don't be nervous," she told him.

It seemed that she was still worried about his mental state in front of her mother, so she tried to encourage him first.

Aldric didn't say anything in response, just smiled lightly, as if to say that he had nothing to worry about.

Jenny nodded spontaneously because seeing his smile made her feel more confident.

She then opened the car door beside her.

They got out of the car simultaneously, walking to the terrace.

The door had been open since the beginning, probably left by Jenny when she left.

They went inside, arriving at the living room.

Just one step into it, Aldric immediately found a middle-aged woman sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed while playing with her cell phone.

She had fair skin with a pretty face that was slightly reddish, as if she was in a bad mood at all times.

Her hair was a red color similar to Anna's but much redder.

Like Jenny, she also had a tall body, but she was not slim like her. She was a bit chubby.

Even since long ago, she had been like that but at least despite eating a lot of snacks, she got fatter. Her fatness stopped there.

Even though it was still early in the morning, she had actually drunk a fizzy drink.

She quickly sensed his and Jenny's presence so she turned her gaze towards them.

Her eyes narrowed slightly. She just stared at Jenny for a moment and then looked at Aldric who stood beside her with a taller body than her.

For a moment, she looked surprised.

Despite having seen his picture, his real figure was naturally much more impressive.

His face was familiar to her. She often saw this face coming to her home in the village to meet her daughter.

Compared to in the past, he already had a mature face and it had only developed further with better refinement.

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