Magical Girl of Chaos: Magical Rampage

Chapter 81

A Halloween party that’s all about eating.

After it ended, only a Halloween-themed cake sat alone on the table.

I don’t know when Chubby learned to make cakes, but it’s a surprisingly decent, big cake.

“You guys… never mind, let’s eat quickly.”

I wanted to ask if they even had room for cake after eating so much, but I decided not to. The answer was too obvious, so there was no need to hear it. They’d definitely say something like, “There’s always room for dessert.”

By the way, the cake is really delicious. At this rate, Chubby might end up mastering all kinds of baking. How did a lazy, incompetent person become such a skilled cook? Not that I mind—it’s actually quite nice. Life has become much more comfortable, and with Chubby cooking amazing meals, my satisfaction with life has skyrocketed.

…Anyway, when it comes to eating desserts like cake, everyone definitely turns into typical girls. Personality and all that goes out the window—they’re all the same at times like this. So cute… except for the fact that they’re magical girls who fight.

“Chubby. By the way, how many blankets and quilts do we have?”

“Blankets and quilts? Should I get some from the Magical Girl Store if we don’t have enough?”

“Wait, they sell stuff like that at the Magical Girl Store?”

“Yes! Most of it is for kids!”

I had no idea since I never checked… Anyway, if it’s blankets and quilts, it’s probably a done deal that we’ll buy some. Just because we have more money and moved doesn’t mean we suddenly have more blankets and quilts.

“Huh? There’s a lot here.”


“Oh, I bought all of that.”

“Why did you buy so much?”

“I kept buying things I liked or didn’t like… hehe.”

Wasting money like that… Well, at least we won’t have to buy more this time. I mean, we could just buy more, but you can’t just use stuff from the store right away without washing it… or can you? Is it okay to use it right away? Don’t you have to wash the covers first? I really don’t know… I’ve always just used what I had.

“Wow, these are so soft. Where did you get such high-quality bedding?”

“I had too much allowance from my sister, so I just splurged. I asked Meriol to wash them, so it’s fine to use them right away!”

“…Well, it’s good to indulge in luxury sometimes. Thanks, I’ll use them well.”

“Do whatever you want~. I’m not using them anyway.”

The day I’d be helped by Yura’s luxury… what a strange turn of events. So, should we spread these out in the living room? Wait, there are a lot of pillows too. Did she buy them as a set?

“Chubby. Lay out five of these in the living room.”

“Got it!”

So, is that it? Everyone seems to have enjoyed the cake, and no one’s drunk except Yura. The only concerning thing is Crazy Heart. This girl, being a perverted high schooler, is a menace to everyone.

“Ah! By the way, Senior, I heard your chest got bigger! Let me touch it!”

“Get lost.”



Why do they always ignore me when I say no and just go for it? Do I really look like someone who just lets things slide?

“I-It really did get bigger…! It was almost flat before!”

“Yeah, it was. But apparently, this is the normal size. I even got it checked in the Fairy Realm.”

“Ooh… I have more to touch when I’m alone now!”

“Shut up, you crazy girl. There are middle schoolers here.”

“Ah… but they’re at the age where they’re starting to notice that kind of stuff, right? So it’s fine!”


Once the perverted antics start, there’s no stopping them… Anyway, I should change into my pajamas first. Pajamas… I have them, but I’ve never worn them before. Let’s see, where did I put them… Oh, here they are. Huh, these are surprisingly normal pajamas. The texture feels really nice, though, so they must be high-quality.

“Rampage. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing… I’ve always slept in just a T-shirt and underwear, so pajamas feel kind of awkward.”

“You’ll get used to them!”

By the way, wearing pajamas feels awkward but surprisingly comfortable. The texture is so nice that it feels like I’m wrapped in a thin blanket.

“Pretty Heart~.”


“Let me touch those huge breasts~.”

“N-No…! Only Dabin unnie is allowed to touch them!”

“Then I’ll NTR your breasts!”


When I came back after changing into my pajamas, what are these guys doing… And what’s with the NTR talk, you idiot? Stop spouting nonsense and behave.


“Do you need to get hit to snap out of it?”

“But! Pretty Heart’s huge chest is the problem!”

“Should I smash your skull before you shut up?”

“Ah, yes.”

I ended Crazy Heart’s perverted antics by smacking her head. Then Typhoon and Pretty Heart quietly hid behind me. I can roughly guess what they went through while I was changing. I should probably hit her one more time…

“W-Why are you hitting me again?! Someone save me~!”

…Anyway, it’s still early to sleep, so should we play a game? But with six people, it’s over the limit. Even for party games, the maximum is usually four players. Sigh… It’s a shame, but I guess we’ll have to skip the game. The best way to pass time is with games, though…

“By the way, unnie, you look cute in pajamas too!”

“Do I?”

“Yes! I want to keep hugging you!”

“I’m an adult, you know…”

“I know! But you’re so small…”

Darn it, I’m going to end up being Pretty Heart’s stuffed animal again. By the way, what’s Typhoon doing? This girl brought a handheld console and is lying down playing a game. What game is she playing? …Surprisingly, it’s an action game. And she’s really good at it. Isn’t this the kind of skill you’d call a veteran gamer?

“Typhoon. You’re really good at games.”

“…This is my 37th playthrough.”


“37th playthrough.”

“Ah… I see…”

This isn’t about being good at games—she’s just crazy. Who in the world plays a game 37 times? It’s not like she’s speedrunning it officially or anything. I’d get bored after a while.

“A game? What game?”

“Wow… the effects are so flashy…”

Crazy Heart and Pretty Heart also slowly approached to watch Typhoon play. Soon, everyone gathered around Typhoon to watch her game.

“Ah~ I should’ve brought my console too~…”

“What, you play games too?”

“Of course! Though I only play healing games!”

“That’s unexpected…”

I thought Crazy Heart only played perverted games, but she plays healing games…? Hmm… Maybe I’ve been too harsh on Crazy Heart. I should reevaluate her a bit.

“Ah, right. Unnie.”


“Can I get some juice from the fridge?”

“Juice? Sure, go ahead.”

Typhoon suddenly wanted juice and asked if she could have some. Now that I think about it, we bought orange juice and grape juice for the Halloween party. Those two are the classic juice flavors. They’re everywhere.

“Ah, can I have some snacks too?”

“Snacks? Sure, eat as much as you want.”

“Ah, snacks?! How many do we have?!”

“Huh? Then I want some too!”

This is bad… They didn’t care about the juice, but the mention of snacks got everyone excited. At this rate, it’s definitely turning into a snack party. They should eat at the living room table so they don’t make a mess. Thank goodness the living room is huge. Even with all these blankets laid out, there’s still room for a table.

“Fairy snacks are always on my mind, but they’re so delicious I can’t resist~…”

“Right~… I’m worried I’ll gain weight because of them…”

“Huh? Really? Just exercise regularly, no?”

“That’s because you’re too active, unnie…”


“…Why are you tilting your head?”

“I’ve never gained weight even without exercising…”

“Me neither.”

“That’s because you have a weird metabolism! And Ayun unnie is like that too, so she doesn’t gain weight! Sigh~… I’m jealous…”

It’s fun just sitting here listening to the kids chat. By the way, is Typhoon the only one sensitive about gaining weight? Diamond Dust and I are maintaining our weight, Pretty Heart has good genetics, Crazy Heart is naturally active… Compared to them, Typhoon is just a regular middle school girl aside from her training. It’s no wonder she’s the only one worried about her weight.

“By the way, it’s been a while since we’ve had a snack party like this.”

“This is my first time…”

“I had one in elementary school.”

“I don’t know!”

A snack party… Now that I think about it, I had one in elementary school too. We formed groups like usual, and then they threw a snack party for us. Elementary schools do a lot of weird things. Not that it’s a bad thing—there’s no reason to stop it.

“…I won’t gain weight from just one day, right?”

“Why? Are you that worried?”

“I’m super worried! You guys don’t have to worry about gaining weight, but… I never want to gain weight again!”

“O-Oh… Should I increase your training time to two hours then?”

“No, I’ll pass on that.”

Typhoon must have had an experience where she gained weight and got teased… But she doesn’t want to increase her training time. I don’t think I’ve been that harsh on them, but maybe it’s tough for kids.

“Sigh~… I want to eat as much as I want without gaining weight too…”

“Then you’ll have to increase your activity level. Let’s increase your training time.”

“Absolutely not! And stop suggesting it twice!”

Is it really that bad…? I guess I should review the training schedule. Anyway, we’ve finished the snacks… It’s almost time to sleep. After eating, playing, and having a snack party, it’s already 11 PM. I can stay up until dawn, but these kids are still young, so they should sleep early. And without mentioning it, Max has been getting manhandled by the kids, so I should send him back to Yura’s room soon.

“Kids, we’ve finished the snacks, so go brush your teeth and wash up.”


“I’ll go first!”

“Ah, I was going to go first!”

“There are two bathrooms, and they’re big, so just go together.”

They can handle the rest later, and there are two sinks, so they can brush their teeth and wash up on their own. Since we suddenly had a lot of money, we splurged on a really nice apartment… so the bathrooms are amazing too. …But why is such a nice apartment in this neighborhood? Usually, these are built in the most expensive areas, right? Sometimes, they build unnecessarily nice things in weird places. Not that my neighborhood is particularly bad or anything.

Anyway, everyone washed up properly and came back. Then Pretty Heart hugged me and lay down. We laid out five blankets, so why is this happening…? Ah, and seeing this, Crazy Heart hugged Typhoon too. Well, more like she clung to her to touch her chest.

But she let go quickly, and the kids chatted about this and that before falling asleep. Since it was just the kids talking, I couldn’t join in, and Diamond Dust… well, she doesn’t have much to say, so she just listened quietly before falling asleep.


By the way… Crazy Heart has bad sleeping habits. She’s already flipped over and is pointing her feet toward my face… Move your stinky feet away…

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