Mafia Deadline

Chapter 99: Chapter 98 Shining distraction

"No, Lugh doesn't believe that Blake would betray him now," Chulain told her,

Chulain glanced back at the men and jestered to them to put there guns down, they did so lowering there guns, Chulain gaze went back to Maxien who was looked at one of her soilders waiting for them to be done checking the money,

"You didn't answer my question. Why did he pick you?" Chulain asked

Chulain noticed how skittish she was at the meeting, not like the other hands were on guard, watching for what the other bosses would do. But her she stayed by his side fidgeting. Her gaze moveing around the room with uncertainty, It draws him to know what Blake saw in her. Maxien wanted to scoff at him but couldn't, Maxien knew that she was the only choice for him as an underboss, and she despised it... at first.

"I didn't have a choice in that matter,"

"You stayed, didn't you?"

Maxien stared at him, irritated with her fingernails digging into her palm, Chulain noticed this and looked at her posture. She wasn't shaking...

"You were forced and not trusted with the title. That is one i haven't heard before it must have been hard on you, wasn't it." Chulain said

Maxien didn't know what to think of it... she couldn't tell if he was trying to manipulate her. Chulain gaze stared at her softly.

"I have been through something similar," Chulian told her

"Similar? You been through what i have, " Maxien inquired

Chulain stared over her shoulder, seeing that they were done looking at the case. He looked back at Maxien, seeing her hold out the drive to the person next to her,

"Take this and give the information to the boss while i have a talk with Chulain." Maxien told

Maxien glanced at them, and they took it out of her grasp. They walked away from them and plugged the drive into her computer, Maxien turned her gaze back to him intrigue.

"Awnser me this Chulain,"

"To what i have experienced?"


Chulain almost let out a chukle, short and to the point. Good, she's not of the likes the Prowess or of the Bal. Good.

"The life we both live is cut throat, one mistake and we could end. But this is one i didn't want to choose. i was forced by my parents as a young adult to join the mafia."

Chulain could see that day as he talked to her, being pulled out of his own home by Lughs uncle. His mother looked at him with such a blank stare, dead inside. But his father nowhere to be seen. Gone off upstairs after berating him. He is only scared of his own life but not one of his son.

"They sold me off for their debt to the mafia,"

Chulain was staring at the sky before looking back down to Maxien, He noticed her stare, its understanding. Chulain wasn't looking for that. A weak point was what he needed to know what hes dealing with.

"They sold me off for their debt, and then only God knows what happened to them." Chulain told her,

Maxien was staring at him, feeling the same hurt she had felt before. Being stuck in this situation with Blake after he killed Martha broke apart of her. After hearing Chulian, she didn't know he actually told her.

"I'm shocked you gave me an awnser," Maxien said

"You weren't going to let that go unexplained. And i do believe it is you turn, how where you chosen to be his underboss?" Chalian asks

Maxien was about to respond, but she heard Blakes voice through her earpiece. She leaned a bit listening,

"Maxien, we have the data from the drive. It has all we need. Get back,"

"Yes, boss," Maxien replied

Maxien saw that Chulain had one of his soldiers walk to him and whisper something into his ear, Maxien turned away from Chulain, letting out,

"Next time, Chulian,"

Chulain looked at her, " Then you will have to tell me more when we meet agi..."

He stopped hearing one of his soldiers yelling out,

"They are here,"

The van door closed with the man inside, Maxine turned back to them with her hand to her gun, and the other hand held out for command of the soldiers. Chulain walked to the van with a hold on a mechian gun, he stared into the car and saw his men at the wheel with the other at the seat, Chulain knocked on the window expecting them to open the window, nothing happend. The widow didn't even budge, Chulain broke the window.

"They knocked them out,"

Chulain looked at them, seeing their breath was shallow. He glanced at the person beside him,

"Open the side door, see if there still in the car,"

They agreed to walk to the other side of the car, and Chulian noticed a glim of a gun in the back of the car. Chulain looked at the window, seeing that they were about to open the door, Maxien watched as Chulain tried to run twords them yelling,

"Get down, "

Chulain pushed them down, aiming his gun at the car and shot into it, he didnt stop until the magazine was out. He watched the car, waiting for someone to open the door, but it didn't happen.

"Maxien, make sure the drive and case get to me, other than that, help Chulain. If we dont, they will believe we have betrayed him," Blake told her

Maxien turned around telling them to leave, They did so taking the case and drive leaving Maxien with only a hand full of cohorts to help her, the drivers door opened and they feel out onto the floor, blood pouring out of there side.

Chulain gaze went back to the window seeing that same glimer in the car and loaded anothor magazine into his gun, however, it was cut in half with the back door to the car broken in two, the door is kicked off it hinges and flung past Chulain.

"I expected nothing less from you, Chulain,"

Sharp silver eyes glared at him, Avalon has her sowrd pointed at him with the other hand opeing with bullet falling from it, Chulain moved to grab his machine gun but Avalon kicked his stomach, she stood on her feet, moving her sword back and ran at Chulain, Avalon cut the end of the machine gun went behind him and kicked the back of his knees in, however, Chalian grabbed her leg and pulled it out from under her.

"The light of Ninianne... dare go against the immersive shine of the Lugh mafia?"

Chulain turn her leg in trying to make her trip, but Avalon kicked him in the back of the head, Chulain fell to the side as Avalon fliped back on to her feet, she stares down at him with a glint in her eyes.

"Sorry, i didn't know about that mafia until recently. Must have slipped my mind," Avalon said

Chulain got up and went to strick her, but Maxien stopped him. She placed a hand in front of him on his chest,

"You must be vigilant,"

Maxien glanced at Avalon who was staring them, pointing her sword at them waiting for them to attack her, Maxien kept him there and made a hand jester to her soilders to surround her, Avalon rolled her eyes.

"This cliche agian. Doesn't this bore you?" Avalon asked

"Take this as a good riddance..."

Maxien let her hand down, letting them shoot at Avalon. She looked at Maxien and Chulain unimpressed, Avalon moved her arms, taking each bullet into her hand, catching them. They didn't stop until their guns were empty. Avalon stood there with the bullet in her arms. She looked around her and felt the heat in her hands,

"I believe you're right, Maxien," Avalon let out

Avalon delt the heat spread through her arms. Then flings the bullet back at them. They scatter with Chulain landing on top of Maxien, covering her from the bullets. Avalon aimed for the legs and arms of there soliders, not wanting to kill them if she didn't have to. However, one of the bullets went into Chulain's side. He grunted in pain while Maxien heard Blake telling her something in her ear,

"Maxien, there is something wrong with the drive. Get to it. "

Maxien shocked and looked at Chulain. He was truned a bit pale, but Chulain got off of her. He looked up at Avalon irate.

"No wouder, the boss is so interested in you..."

Chulain got up, holding his side glare at her, Avalon placed her hand on her sword, and Chulain looked at his men withering on the ground. Bleeding and crying,

"Get up," Chulain commanded

They stopped to stare at the underboss, they stared to get up, holding the wounds for a moment before taking there gun and reloading it, Avalon watched shocked and pullled out her daggers, she threw the dagger at three of them, before reappering in her hand, Chulain stopped her from throwing it again, he had grabbed her arm and tried to twist it.

"You will have to kill them to stop them."

Avalon twisted her hand out of Chulain hold, and, taking her dagger stricking his side, Chulain backed away, staring down at his bloody side. It was bleeding but nothing bad. The other side had already healed. Avalon turned to them, holding their guns pointed at her,

"I guess they're not talking about this,"

Avalon felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. She heard a gun go off and turned to them, Maxien held the gun glaring at Avalon, and she moved her hand toward telling her soilders,

"Send everything at her,"

They shot at her leaving her back to them, Avalon glared at them before grabbing her sword with the shoulder that was shot, she grunted in pain blocking the bullet coming at her and backed away behind the car, Avalon hid behind the car touching her shoulder, before hearing them reload there magazine.

"You should have had a better plan," Chulain told her

Avalon looked over to him, feeling the pain in her shoulder subside. She saw the blood was dried, and it wasn't bleeding anymore. He had the machine gun aimed at her. Avalon held her sword to him while he shot at her, Avalon kept blocking the bullet before stopping one sending it back to Chulain, He moved away from the bullet and ran to Avalon, She held her sword in front of her holding the machine gun front hitting her,

"You can't stop this mafia, It's different this time. There are more powers in this that can't handle." Chulain said

Avalon stared into his eyes, seeing a light gold glow. This was something of Lugh. However, she heard footsteps behind her, Maxien was behind her again, wanting to end this quickly,

"You don't know who I am..."

Avalons eyes glowed at him and pushed him off, she cut his gun in half, before turning to Maxien swinging her sword at her, a round line of light went at Maxien and Maxien went to move away from it, but it got into her arm. making her drop the gun, Maxien yelled out in pain, cradling her arm. Avalon tuned to Chulain. She went to him, seeing that he had already taken a knife from one of his soldiers,

"You have no idea who I am,"

Chulain watched her stunned, her voice change. She had her eyes engulfed with iridescent shine. He could feel the heat of her sword come close to him. Chulain held the knife in front of him, holding her sword back for a short time,

The sword moved through the knife, melting it. He let go of it, having Avalon sword pointed at his heart,

"This is why they have warned me of you."

"For good reason," Avalon told him

Avalon kicked him away, making him fly back, hitting another vehicle.

Maxien held her arm, muttering in pain. However, Blake voice came through to her earpiece,

"They're trying to take the drive, Maxien,"

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