Mafia Deadline

Chapter 97: Chapter 96 Letters

 "This is their letters?"

Blake was given the letters from Lugh and Bal, who had their crest on the letters with their initials on top, Blake's gaze went to Maxine, who gave it to him,

"Yes, it is just coming from their soilders," Maxine answered

Blake hummed and looked over Lugh's crest, seeing it was a sun rising in the east with the wax gold with silver specks, Blake huffed, opening the letter, and started to read, 

I hope this comes to you quickly Blake, for your sake, that is what I want. That light you call Avalon Clover. I want to know of her and what she could do. She is more than an enemy to us. She can take what we have done and turn it around on us. That is why I ask of her, I will be expecting something of a call from you Blake, I can't wait to know of our enemy, for they have already conspired against us. Only will I start transferring my power to you this week when you call me,

Blake turned the page, seeing that it was a small letter and was to the point, Blake tossed the letter to the side and then taking Bal's letter, Blake saw that there on the wax stamp were eyes, the wax is green and copper making it look like Bal's eyes were staring at him, watching him. 

"These guys are different from what I used to deal with. It seemed that it was easier before, not that it would matter," Blake thought 

Blake opened the letter and read it. He didn't notice that Maxine had grabbed Lugh's letter, reading it. Blake saw there was an old language on the top of the letter and found it familiar. 

"That looks like a language from the Celts. I will look into it later," 

I hope you get this on time, fresh blood. This will only be the beginning of what you have done before but more difficult. You see, there are some of the dons that won't bow to your demands as i or Lugh have done. The twins will be more of a problem than you think, Blake. they have held a grudge against you for a long time and won't let that fire burn out so easily. However, you have my support in helping them get in line if need be. I don't want to fight with you. It would be a waste of time now. I do want the transfer of powers done before next week, young blood. It won't be too hard for you, and your soilders can get that done before then, and Dagda does remember what the deal was. Fifty. 

Blake tossed the letter to the side and looked at Maxien. She was reading the letter from Lugh, not noticing Blake was watching her, and she glared at it before placing it back on the desk, muttering, 

"It's not as bad as i thought," 

Maxine grabbed the end of Bals letter about to read it, but she couldn't, Blake held the other end staring at her, she let go of the paper and took a step back, she went to apologize but Blake raised his hand stopping her, 

"No, it's good you will need to see this as well Maxine, you are my left hand, i will want what Bal says in this letter done before next week, I will deal with Lugh before you can deal with his transfer," Blake told her, 

Blake passed her the letter with Maxien's gaze shifting to him and the letter, Blake gave her a nod and looked back at the letter Lugh sent, Blake went to his desk opening it to show him the map of the city as a hologram, he stared at his territory and pressed on it watching as it started to grow within a week, the red mixed with the green circling what street he used to know dearly. He looked at it with disgust. 

"Starting from the beginning... well," 

Blake thought back to the takeover. He smirked, remembering the look on Mórrígan face, and he leaned back, letting out a chuckle. he took it over just by the power that was given to him... the shadow helped him. Blake felt the shadow twirl on his shoulder going up to his face, 

"Master, did you call?" 

"No, i haven't, but you may stay," Blake said 

The shadow looked at the map, watching Blake's plan unfold in front of him, he smiled inward, knowing that his master plan was coming to fruition, it swirled again making Blake glance at it, Blake knew without the shadow that day, he wouldn't have taking Mórrígan to hell. Where she belonged. But his mother has said before, That their family was connected in a way to the shadow. Has he learned to hold this power on his own? Yes, and that is why he needs to take advantage of the hold he has now. 

"You want me to watch over the transfer, boss?"

Blake's gaze went to Maxine, who finished reading Bal's letter, She set it on his desk and Blake turned to her with the shadow watching from his shoulder,

"Yes, I want you to watch over it for me and the twin's letter. Have they come in yet?" Blake asked 

"No, they have not, i will send out someone to look for their soilders," Maixen told him, 

"Good, that is what I want," Blake mutters 

Maxine went to the door and was about to open it, but someone opened it for her, Maxine saw that it was one of the guards who stood at the door, he had two letters in his hand and gave it to Maxien,

"The messenger just arrived. Give this to the boss," 

He told her, Maxien read the name on one of the letters, Lenn Aliot. Maxine gave him a nod before turning to Blake, She held the letters up and walked to his desk, Blake sat up with Maxien, giving him the letters, 

"From the twin's sir,"

Blake took one of them, seeing that it was Ceths Aliot Prowess. The wax had her crest. A silhouette of a woman with gems under her, the wax is yellow and white. Blake opened the letter and almost made him laugh.

Dear old blood. The transfer of powers will be dealt with this week. Make sure you have the underboss there for it. It will be more than what you are.

Blake let out a chuckle, tossing the letter a side towards Maxine. She grabbed it, reading it, underboss. He hasn't chosen one yet, and if he did, it would be her. Wouldn't? 

"You seem to have a bunch on your hands,"

Maxien gaze went to him with uncertainty, but when she looked up, he was still staring at her, waiting to see what she would say, 

"By the end of the week, it will be done, boss," 

Blake gave her a nod and went to the next letter, Lenn Aliot lay at the top of the letter with the wax stamp on the letter. It was a helmet with a sword under it. Blake opened the letter excepting more than the other sister had done.

I send this to hoping that the transfer would be done quickly to stop any hindrances from happening. We will send some of our soilders to give them to you, I have seen what Ceth have written to you, and i must apologize. She has held that against you for years. She has not been right with it. I must say you have shaken the Mafia of the lake again, but this time it won't be with all this death, 

Blake placed the letter in front of Maxine and leaned back in his chair. He had the mafia crumbling into his hands again. This time he had more than Mórrígan and thought they would put up more of a fight, they might do that at the latter end of their deal, however, he can worrie about that latter, Maxine grabs the letter reading it, she would have to deal with all four of there transfers this week, she placed the letters down on his desk, feeling her heart rate increase. It would be a lot in one week, but if she can do it, maybe she can get more recession. She would have most of her under look at her with fear like they do with Blake.

"Can you get this done on your own, Maxine?" 

She stopped staring at the letter and looked up at Blake. He knew she could do this, but if not, she could be replaced. Was she useful at first and continued to do so? She would stay, but if not, he would have to deal with her, Maxine watched as the shadow on his shoulder going down his arm. Maxine stared at it in concern and looked up to see Blake still staring at her. He had different intent depending on what she would say.

"I already gave you my answer. It will be done, boss," 

Blake had a small smile on his face, before letting out, "Good, what i wanted to hear from you, Maxine?" 

Maxien turned to leave but was stopped by Blake. She turned to him and saw that he held the letter towards her. She took them and heard Blake say, 

"You can look over these notes. I won't be needing them," 

Maxien turned away from him, walking out of the room leaving Blake, He stared at where she went, but the shadow whispered in his ear, 

"The map master," 

Blake gaze went to the map on his desk, showing his influence of the city circling around Shepard, he felt a sense of endearment but something else stopped that, he saw the other dons around them, following him. Blake closed the map. 

"They will not take what is mine," 

The shadow swirled around his shoulder with glee hearing what Blake said, but a pain hit the shadow, making it diassaper from Blake. He looked at his shoulder, 


Nothing. Blake rested back into his chair and thought of the shadow, Blake stopped wounder of the shadow, 

"It will come back if not, then i will be fine," 

"You shouldn't trust that young man Shadow, you know that," 

the shadow was back in the darkness it knew as itself. It turned and twisted around, trying to find a way out of it, Peter watched it with disgust. It followed Blake, waiting for his every commanded, but when he took over him, he had the opposite. The shadow commanded him to do it wants and needs and if not, he would be consumed, nothing but energy in the shadow.

"I trust my master Peter, now let me leave." 

"Why do you thrust him Shadow, what happen to you?" 

The shadow shot up trying to leave, but Peter raised his hand, making the shadow move back down, the shadow seethed twisting to peter, 

"Haven't i warned you enough, Peter? Do you want to be wasted energy like the other," 

"No, i don't, but I'm not sure if you know what that boy is doing or what he's working with," 

The shadow hissed at Peter, "Do not call master a boy." 

"You're not interested in what i said?" 

"I might," 

Peter sighs, feeling frustrated with it. This thing used to be feared across the world with him. Now, it can't remember the book. Peter glared at the shadow. 

"The book, do you recall it?" 

"A book?" 

The shadow woundered what he meant by that. Trying to recall the book only to think of the books Blake had in his office, 

"You mean the books master has? I would think you're too old for that, Peter," 

Peter shook his head and told it, "No, Shadow, that not what i meant. the book of your past. The book of angels," 

The shadow felt a light pain hit him and felt that he was swirling around, Peter watched and thinks that it might have forgeotten and hearing about it, caused it to be in pain. 

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