Chapter 57: Chapter 56 Pain
The woman wipes the blood off of her seeing red and black forming on her site, smiles mockingly at him knowing for a little time is left for her to live,
"If I perish in the dirt, I will bring you with me," she said
She gets in her stance waiting for him to attack her first, Blake chuckled at this, seeing her shifting and bobbing, pumping herself up trying to get the courage she once had back into her body,
"Look I want to get this over with fast I have to interrogate to conduct," He said
He moves toward her faster than she thought, he brings the surrounding aura capturing her in the dark, she thinks that she blocked his attack only to be held in the aura as it laughs at her taunting her.
"You are that stupid," Blake said
She moves her arms trying to get her hands free,
"Damn I can feel my arms it's draining my energy," She thought
"It's a new thing the master thought of if darling came back," The aura said
She scoffed, grossed out at the thing around her crushing her in its grip, still laughing at her, she felt her hands start to give their last life with Blake watching her interested in her,
"I wonder if the light is all that she can do?"
She felt her energy move to her fingers and make sparks. No longer holding a bright light that she can muster, Blake sees this interest in this development, seeing her get energy the more she fights,
"Aura com..."
The aura screeched and felt the sparks hitting them causing it to burn through its dark shadow, the aura let go of her and started to move towards Blake, but she held on to it making sparks go through it, and it screamed at this whaling for Blake to come to help it.
"Master! Help me,"
Blake stood there, a shadow covering his eyes, the woman noticed the betrayal coming off the aura telling it,
"Why don't you follow me? It seems that he doesn't want anymore, and I could use another power at my disposal,"
The aura flares at this angered by her words and the sting of being ignored by his master, the area was about to tell her to go away and speak her insolent somewhere else, but it stopped hearing a voice call out to it, sweet and compelling it stops fighting against,
"If he's just staring at you being burned at my sparks. Come to me and I will give you more purpose than he ever will, we can take done the mafia… hell the government who helped made me! You can be my second in command," She said
The aura kept silent unwrapping himself from her before disappearing from her site, she cursed at this, knowing that she didn't manipulate it. A hand went around her throat with a tight grip and started to squeeze at it, making it hard to breathe,
"You truly believed that my aura would go with you, Shame that you will die a painful full death under my hands," Blake said
She struggled under him, not having the energy. He smirks at her, seeing her struggle under his grip, he glances at his side. a hand popped out and grabbed her for him, he let go of her, telling her as she tried to scratch at it only to have her hands go through it,
"She tried that... you shouldn't do that if you want your skin to stay on your bones," Blake said
"What do you mean by that?" she let out
He chuckled at her,
"You look so pathetic not understanding what happened before, I took power. That lack of knowledge is on you… You will die as she did in a dark fire hell," Blake said
More hands come out of the dark depth reaching for her, She starts to scream, feeling the hand that's already holding her burning her throat.
"What is this thing!" She screamed in pain.
"This is the darkness that always is me," he answered
The hands start to grab her making her burn where they are, she keeps screaming as the darkness makes her lose sight of Blake, only his eyes remain watching her intently,
"let me....aahhh,"
The hands let go of her letting her fall into the darkness, her screams being heard from the pit making the aura laugh at her agony,
Blake sighed getting out of his aura and scaring his right-hand woman, he looked around to find that his aura moved him to the office. he needs to thank it later,
"The mayor wants to talk to you boss," She said
"It's a good thing I suppose, I was going there anyway," He said
Blake walks to the door that she's holding out for him, closing it behind him and staying at her post, He hummed before telling her to follow him. She stuttered a yes to him and followed him to the room where they were watching the mayor,
"Put in the code for me, I rather get to the point," He said
She moves to the screen and then types the code to open the door, moving out of his way, to show the room,
"Is that all you have? You low-live pieces of junk," Janet said
Blake looks at his minion with a nod of approval seeing the mayor's bloody face, bruised and cut more than it was made him pleased,
"Hello Miss Mayor, how was your interrogation?" He teased
Janet snarled at him before spitting in his face, his minion asked if he wanted her to punish her, but he moved faster than her, the mayor smirked at his lack of expression,
"Rahhhh," Janet yelled
Blake tilts his head at her looking down at his hand and opening it to discover her ear in it, Janet whines in pain not able to hold her wound where her ear used to be, Blake bends down using his other hand to tilt her head to face him, he moves the hand with the ear in it and light moves it into her tied up a hand.
"Don't tempt me by ending your life here... Your life is valued, for now. Minion, get me a chair, so I can stop standing in font of this low," Blake said
She got him the chair, he sat down staring at Janet who is glaring at him,
"If you keep acting like that, I could "investigate" While they get done robbing your capital for all your grandfather's information that you have that we know of," Blake said
Janet grunted at this sitting up straight, trying to make herself look more confident, but he sees right through this moving his chair closer to her, she flinches at this him being near her doesn't give her the "comfort" she once had with the scum gave her,
"Now miss Ronnie," He said
Blake holds out his hand for his minion to give him some papers, as the other places a table in front of them, Blake holds the papers taking a look at them making Janet's nerves spike seeing something that she faintly remembers,
It doesn't go unnoticed by Blake, who smirks at this,
"John Ronnie was charged with illegal drug chain followed by corrupting most courts in the city to help cover the "crime of the century," Blake said
He glanced at her, seeing the shock on her face tell it all to him,
"They didn't tell her everything did they?" Blake thought
"He was taken on June 1, 1997, at the age of 70 working in an office filled with papers and evidence of his crime but of the surrounding family," Blake said
"How is this real?" Janet whispered
Blake looks up at her pathetic state, seeing her looking at the floor,
"They didn't tell you everything, did they?" Blake asked
She lifts her gaze to him, showing the mixed feeling she's going through, a mixed of betrayal. Anger, and confusion,
"No, they didn't... all they told me was that he was governor of the state and helped people. How do I know that this is true? What if you fabricated the news," She asked
Blake tosses the papers in front of her, showing her the paper, she looks at the date seeing it to be true before reading the rest of the paper,
"This I…is real," She whispered
"It is the reason you're here is cause of him and what he left for you," Blake said
The room went quiet with Janet glancing at him wondering what he wants.
"And you're going to help me find it,"