Chapter 120: Chapter 119 A fighting vision
"I had to,"
Sandel watched the ashes of Band flutter away into the wind, her sobs Sandel can still hear, Sandel looked around her, Formoir layed wast barly hanging on to his body, Tuatha layed wasn't gone from the body and Peter, he's missing leaving the body he still with there head resembling a black hair young man, he must have fell for his smooth words. Sandel turned her gaze to the castel, where her shield laid over it and the people rushed through the door, with the shouting of the guard telling them to slow down, Sandel looked behind her, her vision start to turn white,
"You must wake up,"
The illusion blew apart, sending the feathers at them, cutting them. Blake covered his eyes holding Tuatha close to his chest, Tuatha glanced at him stunned, and looked to Lugh, he had Peter close to him hiding under his arm, the feathers stopped dissipating into dust, Peter got out of under Lugh slinking to Blake and Tuatha,
"That wasn't you, that was Sandle,"
Peter asked his mist swirled around the room particularly Tuatha, he jumped out of Tuatha hold in front of Peter, and he noticed the vexation on Peter, he thought she flew from Avalons corpse to look for another, but it seemed that her body had survived. Tuatha let out an angered sigh and glared at Peter, stopping him from spreading the mist,
"I know, Peter, I was certain. She's dead,"
"Then explain what happened with your illusion!"
"I don't know."
They glared at each other when Blake spoke to them callously, it could cause them to shiver in fright.
"So she might be alive after all?"
Blake's fist curled on the table with a mist that still swirled around him, making a menacing aura around him. That's odd. Peter took the mist back, but he was able to keep it around him. Lugh is surprised. He couldn't do that. Not even Tuatha light can appear around him without that angel close by, Blake glared at the two veins showing on his arm from how tight he clenched his fist. They turned to him. Tuatha fascinated, this one was different, but Peter felt his confidants shake at his master's glare,
"Is she alive? or not,"
Peter went closer to him, his mist reaching Blake, and said,
"She shouldn't be master, but that illusion her angel took it over,"
"She did. It shouldn't be a problem, would it?"
"No, it shouldn't master. Even if she lived, she wouldn't make it,"
"Peter, you were with me on that roof, we fought her, and you're saying she wouldn't make it,"
Peter choked up, seeing the glare Blake gave him, and it shook him.
"Your right master,"
Peter went to Blake's shoulders, Blake glared at him feeling the cold seep into his shoulders, Blake heard Lugh clear his throat and looked at him, Lugh grabbed the contract rolled it up placing it in his jacket, Lugh glanced at hi,m and pulled out a copy of it from the same side giving it to him,
"We're done here and given you more than enough information than you owe us,"
Lugh stood up with Tuatha followed flying onto his shoulder, Lugh turned away from Blake when a sudden overwhelming shift came from him, Lugh moved his head towards him, and he saw Blake staring at him his eyes shifting in the light with the mist from Peter behind him,
"So you know I won't break this oath. If it were broken, it would be by you,"
Blake seethed his eyes glowing, lowering at Lugh. He stopped a scoff walking to the door with Tuatha, the angel on his shoulder representing a dove staring at them, examining them. They are more of a threat than they anticipated,
Lugh walks out the door with Tran near the door. He's cold and calculating when he sees his boss, and he ends the call saying,
"Boss, how did it go,"
Lugh glanced behind him, feeling the eyes of the young blood. He held back a grin and gave him a smile,
"Better than anticipated, I got a history lesson with a deal,"
The door closed behind them, with Taran staring at him confused,
"A lesson who from?"
Tuatha flew to Lugh's other shoulder, landing close to Taran, eyeing him, then turning away from him, looking at the door out,
"I have, Taran. Nice to see you're able to walk again after they ruined you,"
Taran stopped himself from glaring at the dove, Tuatha noticed giving out a quiet chuckle, glancing at the old man,
"They had no clue what the oath means. I had to tell him what it meant,"
"His angel didn't tell him what it was,"
"A sacrificial oath on both sides?"
Taran asked opening the door for them, Lugh glanced at them both feeling the heat from the oath on his chest, Blake knew of what they had gotten into now, it would be a matter of when it will break not if, Lugh grew a smile on his face getting in his limo with Tran walking to the other side not before glancing at the ancient castle,
"That's Antony's old castle, how strange."
They left leaving Blake and Peter to their own reasoning, Blake stared out the window towards the city, the sun setting over the city on his castle casting an orange glow on him, his blue eyes scanned over the modern metropolis contemptibly, Peter behind him glanced at the scenery than his master, he truly has changed, hasn't he. He used to hate his existence, but now he seemed to can't live without it. Peter thought, but he saw himself long ago. He had more confidence with vigor, strength, and intimidation to make whoever stood against them bend at his will, now Blake had taken his role, he didn't know what to think of it other than he was interested in how far it will go.
"Master, why stare out?"
Blake didn't glance at him. he only kept his gaze on the city on her. If she still lived, that is. Blake observed it tune to night before him. He felt the power that could be Sandel over in the city, but he couldn't pinpoint where she was.
"Because that is where Sandel is,"
Peter stopped his mist. He's right. That is where she is, yes. That shouldn't be what he's distressed about. she's defeated. Gone with the wind for only him to find. But he understood why Blake was concerned. Hearing her name being screamed out of the illusion was bothersome.
"You looking for her?"
Blake glanced at him this time before putting his gaze back on the city, feeling his heart drop. He shouldn't worry for her. Not anymore. She has him, doesn't she. Blake's gaze went sharp hearing her say his name,
She sounded so broken, torn even. Blake's eyes widen, feeling the sudden sharp spike off into the city. He turns to Peter, and he floats beside him, close to the window. She's still trying to fight for her life. She should be crushed by what Tuatha left them.
"That wasn't her angel. That was Avalon herself,"
Blake seethed, pushing the window open and looking at where Shepherd resided. There was smoke coming from where it lay he could hear the heavy machinery from there, They were looking for whom survived, how cute. But a light came from there. A bright glow came from the city illuminating the sky for it to become night, Peter felt something shake from within him staring at the glow in the sky, that was Sandel's power but it had more than her in it.
"That's her,"
Blake glared at Peter and continued, "She's still alive,"
Peter looked out the window vexed, that he was right, and that she lived.
"She is master,"
The ground shook under her, leaving her staggered, clenching to the wall beside her. The world around her trembled with a voice that sounded all too similar to hers crying out,
"You're all combined!"
She looked that way, finding the trembling to be worse there. She leaned on the wall, gathering her strength as the shaking continued, and she leaned, touching her head to the wall,
"They have chosen me,"
Her eyes shot open, hearing that voice. It's him. He's here. Fighting someone else, would it be her? She would be able to kill him. She lifts herself off the wall, the voices getting louder as she gets closer.
"They're controlling you!"
She was close to the edge of the wall leaning forward to see a glimpse of who was fighting him.
"I have control!"
She felt the ground shake bellow her as she turned the corner and saw two enities fight against each other with a cloud over them that seemed to be a hand. They clashed, making her fall on her butt. They didn't look at her they fought as if they had done this before. Ignoring her,
"You do, then why is your body fighting against you?" The male stopped fighting her with a swarm of dark mist around him, with his eyes glowing menacingly at her, then a light appeared around him, a white and yellow with his eyes green and blue, he pulled out a weapon.
"They will agree whether they want to or not,"