Mafia Deadline

Chapter 117: Chapter 116 He spreads

The fire twirled around them, and they noticed that her fire was all over, on the roof near the people but close to the gate. there eyes widen while they tried to free themselves of the fire, it grew around them making them fall onto there knees, Formoir triled to pull out his hand from the fire making strings, but it burned away he shouts out Sandels name almost intrigued, 

"She's impeckabal, splitting herself apart,"

Formoir saw through a hole in the fire, and Sandel went around the gate to Band. She was swipping the fire away with her sword with compacted air bound through the air, cutting the bulding around the people

"Not now,"

The fire around the gates cover them in a orb of fire protecting them from the fallen debris, it fell onto the fire burning away falling back on the ground burning the stone, Band glared at the ball of fire tighting her grip on the sword,

"She was able to protect them,"

Band watched the flames flicker around them when a bright glow came from the roof top, where Formoir was supposed to be, Band saw a hand try to reach out of it with burning strings, then another popped out with sword went through the flames, it is Ains.

"She has them in her hand,"

"More than you think,"

Band heard that from the behind her, Band tosed her sword then getting a better hold and moved her body, swings the sword through the fire, it went under the sword and reached for her hand, the fire took it burning Band hand.


Band yelled dropping the sword, the fire grew into Sandels angelic form staring at Band remebering how they fought, her teachings, fight growing in power with Tuatha not far off watching, then walking to Ain letting out a well done in a confident tone. But Sandel witnessed her cradling her her hand, Band shot her gaze at Sandel glaring at her, Sandel heared the cries from the fire she had made, and they were frightened. Sandel rasied her hand towards her fire, and it dissapates around them, falling to the ground. Sandel saw them stare around them when one of them saw the fire that surrounded the other angels, 

"What is this," 

A woman yelled, holding onto her small son,

"Isn't this of the angels?" 

"It could be,"

"Don't talk about that old tale they dont exist," 

A man said backing away from the fire ontop of the roof, They all started to shout and scream, Sandel felt her soul shake, there fear is growing at the site of them, she need to get them to the castle before they use them to kill her, they tried to get out of the fire when a path way appaer to the castel, they stopped frighten when a voice from the gates told them, 

"Head to the castel that is where you will be protected,"

They turned their heads to her and what they saw stunned most of them, but fear of knowing not what she is vastly grew, Sandels body got cut and Band glanced down at them with a menacing gleam in her eyes, Band opened her hand making swords appear above them, Sandel released her fire over them having the pathway to the castle in front of them,

"Go now,"

The turned to her voice and saw her melting the sword above them, they all cried rushing thought the path crashing into each other, some of them fell onto the ground covering there head, when a hand grabbed onto them picking them up, they young man looked up at the man and said,

"Thank you. i thought i would have been trampled to death,"

He smiled at the man, when he saw that his face was covered with a shadow, he lean down, trying to look at the man face, the young man stopped seeing red glowing eyes staring into his, 

"What are you!" 

The young man tried to pull away while the angel let out an amused laugh, grabbing onto his face with his grip on the young man excruciating. He let out a pained cry as the angel leaned closer to him and asked 

"You wouldn't mind helping me with something, would you?"

The young man cried out for Sandel but she couldnt hear him, she's buring away from Band, holding her sword in her body, Sandel metled it away when a trobing pain went to her head and the voice again appeared,

"He has taken one of them Sandel, please help the young man,"

Sandel shot her head to the crowd and saw the young man in the mist of the rushing crowd covered with his eyes red. He stared at her with so much malice that she knew that it was him. Sandel felt her body get sliced into, Band glared at her holding two swords, slashing through her form over and over, again. Sandel grabbed both of her swords, keeping it from cutting into her.

"I have no time dealing with you, Band,"

Band snarled at her pulling at her sword trying to tear them away from her, Sandel let go of them, making her fall back and Sandel lifts her fire kicking her in the head, a crake came from her as she's throwen into the home next to the gate Sandel looked to the young man, he waved at her pointing at the woman who ran past him, he reached out for her and touched her arm, she stopped holding her arm glancing at him, she took a couple step when she fell on the ground onto her knees, her skin grew pale, almost grey, then fell on her face dead, she couldn't hear her heart beat. The young man grined at Sandel, motioning his hand to the woman when a child ran past him, saying,

"Why dont you help the poor woman, boy,"

The boy glanced at him seeing what he looked like, red eyes, pale skin and a mist that covered him, he flinched away from him then turned to the woman, he noticed how pale she was, nor her breathing was nothing, the boy stared a her with compassion, Sandel moved closer could have fallen of the gate, she watched the boy touch the woman, shaking her trying to see if she's still alive, he turned the same color as the woman falling to the ground dead.

"Sandel, stop them," 

Sandel glanced at where Tuatha, Ain, Formoir should be, they are still in the raging failing to escape it, there hand reaching out but came to no resault, there voice combined together asserting there hatred for her, Sandel got off the gate hurtled to the young man, he held out his arm to Sandel saying,

"Finally come into my arm, Sandel, but for only a short time," 

A streak of fire burn to him, it circled around the three, he felt the burn around him attempting to pull him out of the young man, he let out a chuckle feeling the fire wrapped around him, 

 "Your embrace has only gotten warmer to me, Sandel,"

Sandel fire burned away at him, with Sandel telling him,

"Get out of them, Peter,"


The fire covered over the woman and boy, including Peter controlling his body, Peter heard something else with her voice. He found it unsettling. His arms fell to his side as he watched her fire scorch the environment around him, but not the woman and boy, and not the body he has. Peter tilted his head at her and said,

"Odd, is that him in your voice?"

"I can't lie. It is him, for that we will end what you have started,"

Peter held in a laugh, staring amused at her, feeling her fire buring at him,

"I started it? That is odd. It wasn't just me, Sandel it was them as well,"

"I know, but who was the one to lead them,"

"You are right, Sandel. I did lead them and that effort,"

Peter let out a cough feeling the burn of her fire move thought the young mans body, Peter has only a short time to get out of this man, before she burned him out, Peter saw a form appearing before him in the tunnel of fire, her appearance emerges, the curves of her figure and her arm holding her sword next to her, with her sharp gaze staring thought the mans body at him. It could make him shiver from how harsh her gaze is, Peter leaked out of the young man from his eyes to his mouth, the mist grew next to the young man into his form, he stared at Sandel scornfully, his eyes glowed like they have done, before but they looked deceitful to anyone who saw into them, his stature was the same thin muscular build he had in heaven, 

"You still do that Sandel, burn me out to see me," 

"I burned you out to heal him," 

Sandel pointed at the young man laid on the ground, twitching frequently, still a gray, but the fire that covered him returned his color, his breathing shallow but growing with each breath. Peter scoffed, kicking the man, but it scorched his foot burning his thought his shoe, Peter snarled at this, then looked at Sandel, 

"Never lost it, havent you?" 

"Stop with the irrelevant comments, Peter. You're here to kill me, aren't you?" 

"Quick to the point as always, Sandel,"

Peter walked past the young mans body towards Sandel. He lifted his hand to her with a smarmy grin,

"You have been stopping my growth in this world Sandel, you've been stopping there's as well. It's a mutual agreement, really,"

Sandel pointed her sword at his neck right at his adams apple. His grin grew with a heavy sigh, taking her sword with in his hand, ignoring the pain.

"You have always been a thorn in my side,"

He placed a kiss on the end of her sword with a little chuckle,

"I rather enjoyed it,"

Peter eyes soften at her remembering the young and gracious angle that followed him around, watching him fight from the corner of her eyes, her soft hands helping him heal from his wounds, Sandel noticed how he stared at her,

"That won't work on me any longer, Peter,"

Sandel seethed bitterly, she swings her sword through his neck and the spreading mist behind her. She cut through them both, making a line of fire around her. Peter stared at her agitated. She didn't fall for it as she used to. What a shame it must be this way then, He stopped his head from falling and placed it back on his neck, glancing at the mist behind her having been scotched by the fire,

"That didn't work as it thought it would," Peter let out

"It won't,"

Sandel ran at him, holding her sword to her side to stricking him, Peter raised his hand, expecting to stop it. It shouldn't be too strenuous. She had gotten stronger because of him. Peter stopped feeling the sword move throught him, he felt the exsapnthion of the heat throught his body, its a raging fire with enough fuel and its fuel was him, Peter tried to come back together his gaze hasn't left Sandel as his body falls back together, He let out some gasps of air having the scorching pain throught him, it was unimaginable pain, it could make him mad. Sandel turned around to him, her gaze at his back, and lifted her sword above his head when his voice stopped this telling her,

"There in the castel you have the other three," 

"Yes, i do,"

Sandel moved her sword, cutting Peter in the middle. He split into parts fleeing from where he stood. He went to the end of the fire tunnel, recollecting himself. Sandel took a step toward him when he spoke again,

"The other three should be there as well. i will help with that,"

A bright light came from behind her, and she looked to it, seeing that the three were gone. Sandel thanked him internally,

"He still has his hand on your matters,"

Sandel turned her gaze to Peter. He was pulled together with the mist linking his body flowing around his limbs, 

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