Mafia Deadline

Chapter 110: Chapter 109 Mocha

Jacob moved closer to Ally, pulling Luke with him, Jacob looked at Liz, observing the blood falling from her head. Jacob turned his gaze to the woman, she hissed holding onto her hand it is torn apart but is healing thought the smoke covering her hand, she turned to them and saw Ally, she felt an exiting chill go down her spine, the cyborg of the old mafia. Ally Scian, gaze, went to Jacob, and he looked angry. He was a part of them as well working for Shepard. The word was true. She faced having her hand healed from the knife, Ally observed her. it was the same as Blakes. But she didn't work that close with him, 

"Your Ally Scian?"

She turned to Ally her hand healed by the smoke coming off it, Ally stared at her hand and then looked at her eyes, there black. Ally kept her knife pointed at the woman as she walked closer to them. She glanced at Jacob, noticing his eyes were on Liz. She grin so slightly at him, 

"She's important..." 

Ally threw the knife at her head, She moved her head, missing the knife, and grabbed. She looked at Ally jarringly. She threw it back at her. Ally moved from the knife hearing a gun shot, she fell with the bullet went thought her arm landing on the sement, Luke yelled out for her and Jacob shot at her, She felt the bullet went past her and she held her hand up, 

"You shouldn't shoot that gun near the car,"

She pointed her gun at Liz, Jacob felt his breath hitch and watched her trigger. The woman moved closer to the car with Jacob moving his gun to her, She let out a huff, 

"It shouldn't have gone like this. It should have been easy," 

She went to open the door but a gun shot rang throught the air and a bullet landed in her shoulder, She dropped the gun and let out a frustrated cry, she didn't hear them run at her. She saw them take her gun but stepped on the hand before they could, Luke latched onto the gun, pulling it from out of her boot. The woman let out an angered shriek, 

"You fucker," 

She went to grab his arm. She's tackled to the ground, her shoulder taking the brunt of the impacted, she felt the bullet move deeper into her muscle. She won't be able to heal it. She took hold onto Jacob, she glared at him but stopped having his gun pressed against her head, she grabbed onto Jacob's arms, pulling at him, she saw the his dark brown eyes, Jacob tighted his grip on the gun glaring down at her,

"Don't you think of harming her again,"

Luke went to stop him but Ally grabbed him, Luke glanced at her and saw her expression, he felt her blood dripping through his hand but he didn't acknowledge it. 

She scratched his arms, staring at him frantically, Jacob pulled the tigger. She let go of him, her arms onto the ground, dead. Jacob stared at her, watching if she could regenerate. The blood flowed onto the ground, she couldn't regenerate. Jacob got off of her and looked to Liz, Ally stood beside Luke, glancing at him, 

"That is what had to be done, these kind of people don't see you as a human to see you as a commodity." 

Ally walked past him walking to Jacob but she stopped, she heard a gun shot from behide her, they turned to see Luke holding his gun at the woman, she's up holding her gun at them, she fell onto the ground her eyes changed back to a deep brown, Luke walked to the woman giving her leg a light kick, she didn't move. Luke put back her gun and stared at Ally, 

"Let get them to the hospital, yeah?"

Ally nods and says, "Yeah, we should," 

Jacob opened the drivers door and moved Liz out of the seat. He looked at her, and she was breathing well. He moved her face, she wasn't pale but her ear was shot. he touched it and thought, 

"She put you through this Liz,"

He gently touched her face smiling at her, Liz opened her eyes, not seeing Jacob at first. She tried to lift her hand to push him away, but she heard his voice, 

"Liz, it's ok,"

She stopped dropping her arm, Liz could see Jacob and noticed him gentely caressing her face. He opened the door, setting her in the seat,

"We will get you to the doctor, rest while you can,"

Liz nodded, closeing her eyes, and Jacob looked at Luke, saying, 

"You drive. I will stay in the back with them," 

"I don't know if the car works," Luke let out

Luke went to the drivers seat trying to start the car, Ally looked back at the house hearing Luke trying to start the car,

"They have something like them,"

Ally glanced at the woman, she layed still with her eyes in a daze, Ally noticed that her chest moved up and a somthing dark came from it, Ally startled took a step back watched it rush past her.

"It's getting more weird," Ally let out,

Ally heard the car start running, Ally looked to them, hearing Luke yell for her, 

"Ally, get in. We have to head to the base,"

Ally confused until she realized what he meant, She went to the passenger seat and got in, She looked to Luke,

"Go, we need to get there before they take Chulain back,"

Luke drove past the womans body, moving past the house, Ally looked at the monitor, seeing that they had a connection to shepherd but not Avalon. 

"You stop him?"

Damien, let's go of Avalon staring at the flame dancing on the floor, The angel moved closer to Avalon, 

"You must be prepared. They have gathered themselve against you,"

Avalon stepped towards the angel and looked at her bewildered. She knew they would be against her for Chulain, but how many of them are helping Lugh. The angel went to Avalon crawling up her arm, Avalon looked at it, confused, 

"What are you doing?" 

The angel made it to her shoulder and said,

"You knew they would be after you because of Chulain, but the angels that help them," 

"More like control," Damien let out

The angel turned to him and let out a chuckle, Damien stared at it nonchalant,

"You are right. They do control them somewhat,"

The angel turned to Chulain and he flinched at her. He has seen how the angle acted around Lugh. It treated him like a vesel. useing him for better control over their terittories and them as his subortaniats. The angel could see through his composser, She noticed him staring off at her, its worrying what he had done. it wasn't just one anymore. it's five.

"You have seen his angel. you are aware of what he can do?"

Chualin looked at her, out of what had happened before. He glared at her, saying,

"I am, it more than what you're pulling right now,"

"If what im pulling right now is light, then you must be very valuable to him,"

"If that would be the case, you wouldn't be the angel here,"

The angel went to Avalons other shoulder, her flames changed, not red as so they thought but a pink and blue, shes curious of what he meant.

"It's Lugh who wants you back, not his angel,"

"That right, i wouldn't be shocked if it made a deal with him, What would he want,"

Chulain looked at her contempted. He wanted to know what that bastard wanted from his boss. If this angel knew what he would take from Lugh, then he wanted to know it. The angel saw Chulain the care he had for Lugh. She would tell him for something else they would want to know.

"Avalon, i will tell him, if he tells you something of that substantial in return,"

Avalon shocked hearing that from her, but it wasn't a bad idea. Avalon glanced at Damien, and he looked at her with a grin,

"That's a good idea, angel," Damien let out

Damien turned his gaze to Chulain. He's glareing at Damien pissed off. They wanted more from him after that truth serum. Chulain truned his sharp gaze to the angel,

"Haven't i given you enough infermathion?"

"You have, but they want something in return, i would oblige if i were you,"

"Why would that be? If he made the deal with Lugh, then that i would live," 

"I know the angel that works for your boss. He's not the one for those games,"

The angel got off of Avalon's shoulder and went to the bed, on top of Chualin, and he didn't feel the heat from her.

"Your choice, Chulain,"

Chulain stared at angrlie at her, then looked to Avalon. She stared at him calmly. Damien stepped closer to him, holding his machine gun at his side, He gave Chulain a light chuckle, 

"Better tell us now while you can," 

"Why would i?" 

The room shook with the furniture in the room shaking with it, Avalon grabbed onto the bed, stablising it, Chulain looked back at Damien, and he had a smile on his face, 

"Thats why. They have made it past the other gaurds we've placed, he wouldn't be so pleased with you telling us of his secrets," Damien said

"Screw you,"

Chulain looked away from him to the angel. The room shook again. Chulian kept his gaze on the angel. If he wanted to know what would happen to the boss, then he would tell them what they wanted. 

"Fine, what do you want to know?"

The angel looked to Avalon, and she stared at them antintive, The angel went to her, on the bed posts, 

"What do you want to know, Avalon?" 

Avalon turned her gaze to Chulain. He said that he's been in the mafia for years. He knows more than she would from the outside. She wanted to see what happened on the inside. She walked to Chulain side and said, 

"The angel, what are the capable of?" 

Chulain felt his gut twist, she wanted to know more about the angels for her question, He remembered being in that room when the angel had appered on their vessels shoulders. They fought. It was desroctiven that the room was flattened,

"You give me my awnser after, right?" 

"Yes, i will now awnser her," the angel told him 

Chulain stared at Avalon and felt his body toil. If that angel knew he would be dead, not even Lugh could help him then.

The angel don't show themselves unless they had to, He remebered the walking into the room when they were out. It was dark but with gold streaks in the room. He hasn't seen that before, It stopped after a moment there vessels talked with them before.

"I don't have much time," Avalon said

"There was a meeting four years back, they appered on there vessels talking at first, the boss angel talked with Bals when Ceth angel attacked Bal, she missed him for Lugh angel, he was pissed to say the least. He went to her vessel to burn her face but Leth angel stopped him, the argued while Bal started to laugh, Ceth angel stopped him by using one of her knifes cutting him in two, He came back together and pulled his strings making her attack the other angels. They're fighting countined with Lughs angel using their wepons against the sisters. While the tried to cut the sritngs off, Bals was laughing using them as puppets, but they used all of there power and toppled the room, i was able to pull out Lugh but the angels powers where scattered acrose the room. Fire. beams of light. strings and there wepons littered around." 

Chulain stared at the angel, not bothering to look at Avalon and Damien, he's determend.

"Now, what was the deal!"

The angel started to grow dims, which counsered Avalon, Chulain stared at her ergently. 

"The other half of his soul," 

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