Chapter 104: Chapter 103 Arranging
"They have Chulain?"
Lugh held the phone up to his ear listening to Taran on the other side, Taran look over his shoulder seeing the soilders behind him, they where searshing for the case, Taran watched as they communicate on where they thought it was.
"Yes, they took him, boss, but i believe he can wait for the moment,"
Lugh hummed, Taran was right Chulain could handle himself after all he was his hand, however, He had the light with him. She wouldn't get anything out of him through force, maybe with a sedative, yes, but they couldn't go to torture. Lugh sat there staring afar off, feeling a presser over him. He felt a great chill at his side. Lugh glanced, seeing a pair of wings beside him,
"We don't know of where they have hid Chulain, but they have the drive's location through them using it, its faint but traceable."
Lugh heard Taran, he watched the angel before awnsering him,
"They used it before taking the tracker off?"
"Yeah, they did, but they noticed it after using gave you enough to know where they have it,"
"Yes, they have taken it out of their headcorders close to the mayors office."
Lugh felt his body stiffen. They have taken it there of all places? They have the mayor dead to right along with the police. What could they gain from this. The angel moved to him, shifting from a pair of wings to a bird,
"Janet Ronnie,"
Lughs breath hitches. They have all that they need to start taking them down legally if that happens. They might have the mayor ship now. But if they are able to get them throught there evidence. Everything he had work for would be for not,
"Taran, get as much as you can from Janet Ronnie. She will be there catalyst,"
Taran was taken back, a Roinne still lived? They were supposed to be gone.
"Yes, boss,"
"Good, come back to me with that fast. They reach her, then both we and Blake will fall,"
Taran ended the call. Lugh placed his phone on the desk looking at the angel, and it started to chirp, hopping closer to him,
"Aren't you supposed to be inside my soul?"
The angel turned his head and awnsered,
"Did you not need my help?"
Lugh stared at bewildered, he had it undercortroled, it would have figuer it that it would tell him, but the angel showed it self, giving him the information he needed, Lugh kept his gaze on the angel as it persched on his shoulder,
"You know he will be guarded by her,"
The angel turned hiz head to him, his eyes gleaning with awareness. Lugh saw this looking away from the angel uttering,
"I know she will be gaurding them angel. However, i must have this back, for my own sake,"
The angel hummes looking at Lugh, he remeber why he chose to help Lugh, he was stead fast in what he wanted for him self and his legacy but after having an angel on his side it all turned to reality, the angel used this for its own wants. The angel let out a chuckle, making Lugh tuned his gaze to the bird glaring at him.
"Why are you laughing?" Lugh asked
"Because it obvious of what the are to do Lugh. They will watch over Chulain thinking you would want him back more the the drive, but seeing as they are sending it to the formor mayor, there will be less on him,"
"Whats your idea?"
"You let Taran get the drive before getting to Chulain, then they could take it back to you,"
The angel moved to his arm, having a better look at him, Lugh thinking of what the angel suggested, and it was that terrible. Taran could get un easy, especially with some of their agents being knocked out it would still be difficult, but doable.
"You know that they will be looking for us,"
"I know, that's why you, of course, will help Taran get into Shepherd cause a major spectacle of need be,"
"Spectacle? What good would that do?"
"You fighting with the angel that was sent,"
Lugh looked at the angel shocked. The angel let out a chirp, staring at him with an execrable demeanor. Lugh fights her... that would be too soon for Lugh likening. He didn't know all of what she could do, what had her angel given her other what they had known from her fight with Blake. The angel could see what Lugh was already thinking and says,
"You shouldn't think too much on it Lugh, you already know what that angel has helped her with. All you would have to do would be distract them long enough to take the drive and Chuliam back,"
Lugh watched the angel fly around him before dissaping with finale words,
"You have this under control, Lugh. They haven't known of it yet."
Lugh turned away from where the angel dissappear and grabbed his phone, pressing a number in hearing it ring,
Taran turned to the soilders behind him, and they stood there waiting. He walked up to them and looked at one of them, a woman holding a computer,
"Look for a woman called Janet Ronnie. They have been sent to ask her of our work, if you can call it that,"
The woman gave him a nod and did as he asked, Taran stared at the rest, seeing them not move an inch as he glared at them,
"While Macha is doing that, we will be going to the drives last whereabouts of it, go!"
They scattered to their car, leaving Taran and Macha falling behind them, Taran tapped his arm, making Macha look up at him,
"I'm going to need you in my car, i will need your guidance," Taran said
"Yes, sir," Macha responds
Macha went to the car with Taran, Macha walked behind him, watching her cohort drive off, Taran opened the door for Macha, She wntered the car, and Taran closed the door going to the drivers seat,
"Janet Ronnie a former mayor of ninianne, lived in city central, but after being taken and tortured by the mafia, she moved out of the city into a suburb called Faye, her homd number is 920024,"
Taran started the car, and Macha typed in the coordinates, Taran drove past a coup of his soldiers glancing at Macha, saying,
"Is that all?"
"No, she has increased security given to her by the city. It's mostly former army men and women, but some of them do have connections to Sheperd,"
"It will be hard to get in is what im hearing."
Taran swirved around a car elevating the cars speed, Macha watched over there mape seeing them heading toward the city, Macha looked out the window seeing the big bulding pass by them, but a familiar bulding on the map was to close for her.
"You have to turn right so we dont drive near their bulding,"
Tarna hummed, truing the wheel speeding past some cars, and went down a lane towards the outskirts of the city, Macha saw something shine behind them on the screen, but when she clicked it, it vanished. Macha let out a huff turns to look behind them, nothing again.
"What wrong?" Taran asked
Macha turned to face him and saw that they were out of the city, near the suburbs. She checked the mape and saw the lane they should take,
"Go straight then take a left. There should be the gates of the suburb. Tell them this 412011," Macha explained
Taran did as Macha directed, straight to the left, and there he saw a grey brick gate, with black steel molded into curls, it had steel fairys in the curls. Taran saw the guards Macha told him of,
"Thats them, sir," Macha said
Tarab drove the car up to them, stopping beside them. They knocked on the window, and Taran rolled the window down. The man looked at Taran,
The man glanced inside of the car, seeing Macha staring at them, Taran noticed this and said,
He looked at Taran before turing to his partner, giving him a thumbs up, they open the gate, Taran rolled up the window driving into the suburb,
"Her home she be the second to last," Macha said
They both watched the houses they drove by until they saw the second house on the end. It had cars around the home with some of the people around it,
"They already here." Taran let out
Macha looked at the people around the car scanning around the area, she reach her hand on to Tarans shoulder and Taran glanced at her, Taran moves the car back and away so they couldn't see them, he parked the car on the side of a home that was vacant,
"They already asked her questions," Macha muttered
"That is right it only means we will have to get in..."
Taran pulled his phone out, hearing it ring, he answered the call, putting it on speaker, and Macha saw the contact.
"You have me on speaker?"
"Then i will warn you i have sent my soldiers to help you with this cause, but i will demand the case of good to come back to me,"
Macha froze, that contact wasn't familiar to her it was from the don that had died, but came back. Taran hasn't told her of this. She had to look into it herself,
"You're worried about the case more than what Shepherd might be getting us in prisons?"
"I'm sure that Lugh wouldn't mind. And if you can take one of them to the grave, it would be appropriated," Blake told him
Taran tightened the grip on the wheel and stared ahead at the home there, supposed to break into Macha woundered of Blake. They have said that he was the darkness himself, but after his death, she heard about his shadow,
"You send your soilders but not your shadow. Why is that?" Macha asked
Taran stared at her through a mirror. He was curious himself. Blake went quiet for only a moment before saying,
"Because i have it helping your boss,"
"You do?" Macha inquired
Blake smiled and let out a huff, "Your about to hear from him anyways,"
Blake ends the call, and Lugh number pops up on Tarans phone. He awnsered it with Lugh side sounding bumpy.
"You have had Blake call?"
"Yes, boss," Taran said
"Then wait for his soilders to act first then sweep into the home, take the drive and kill off Janet Ronnie. If anyone heard of the information, end them."
His voice chilled Macha to the bone. She hasn't heard him like this before. It was cold. Full of unwavering confidence, Taran looked down at the phone with he knew what was about to acquire.
"Take it back,"
Lugh ends the call, looking out the window, seeing the building move past him. He closed his eyes, seeing Taran and Macha through his angel. It let out a huff,
"This will be more explosive than you think, Lugh,"
"I know, but i need what is mine back before they get their plan in place angel, it waould be the end if they get people with in the means to take it away... it will be for not, i have my connections, but i won't know if I could change it for us,"
Lugh gold eyes caught a glimpse of the middle of the city. They have moved Chulain, which is for certain. However, what means to be seen what they are trying to plan,
"Split your force and divide. Alway a good tactic, but they don't realize you have enough for both."
The angel let out a song of sort while Lugh hummed along with him, staring at the window where he saw the Shepherd bulding, moving past it.
"That i am the one, that apart of the sun move throught the trees, stricking you with my heat. Like a beating heart, i will set a spark."