Chapter 102: Chapter 101 Captive
"Damien?" Luke asked
He kept his gaze in the road and looked ahead at the Shepherd building, Avalon looked at Marcello and Damien, He had sweet dripping down his face with his hand fidgeting but his breathing has gotten deeper with the help of an oxygen tank from the kit.
"He's breathing" Marcello muttered
Marcello whipped the sweat off of Damiens face, Marcello he watched Damien eyes move in his sleep frantic. He hummed laying a hand on Damien's pulse. It was better then before, it wasn't as fast. Marcello reached up but is stopped, He noticed a somthing shining behind them, his eyes hidden noticing the van.
"Chulain is behind us,"
Avalon looked behind them seeing the beaten up car, She can notice the gleam of Chulains eyes, it's filled with a vengeance. It seems he didn't like Damien kicking Taran around, Avalon looked back and saw that they where close to Shepherd, but Chulain was behind them quickly.
"Avalon what are you.."
Avalon turned to the two with a stare they have seen before on her, that was the one she had before going into the fire, Avalon opened her door and tells them,
"Get Damien to Liz, I will handle Chulain,"
Shouldn't we warn Shepherd?" Luke muttered
Marcello glanced at Avalon on the car now farther away from them, He turned his gaze to Damien who was turning pale and his fidgeting has gotten worse. Marcello and Luke heard the tiers of the car behind them and noticed that Avalon stopped the car,
"Yeah warn them, say that Avalon needs back up,"
Luke started to call shepered and they answered with Liz on the line, Marcello glanced behind them finding the car to far for him to see,
"We have the antidote for Damien how long are you from us?"
"Only two minutes and Avalon will need help with one of the underbosses," Luke told her,
"What do you mean underbo... i will get Jacob and Ally on it,"
"Thank you, Liz, the door is opened?"
"Yes, it is with respondents from the hospital,"
Luke glanced at Marcello and Damien, he noticed that Damien's condition was deteriorating, he stepped on the gas without another thought and made it to the parking lot, Luke stopped the car just in time almost colliding with an ambulance, Marcello opened the door helping them take Damein on the stretcher, Luke got out of the car helping them while Liz looked at Damien, pale, sweating profusely and fidgeting. His breathing was better than she thought but it wasn't enough,
"Take him to the lab and make sure there is air he needs more," Liz told them
The ran him through the door but a large crash came from outside, They didn't stop taking Damien into the building through the lab, but Marcello looked at the door with counser before Luke placed his hand on his shoulder,
"Damein needs us, Avalon can handle this,"
She claimed onto the roof not hearing them try to stop her, Avalon looked to the car behind them noticing there was only Chulain in there. He had one of his hand on the steering wheel while the other had reached down for a weapon, Avalon grabbed hee daggers and threw them at the tiers, Chulain tired to drive back but one of the got the tiers. Avalon pulled the dagger back placing them on her hip, She looked back, Shepherd was close she will have to stop him here. Avalon jumped off the car landing on Chulains car, Chulain shot at Avalon but she caught them then flicked one of them back at Chulian,
He moved away from the bullet glaring at Avalon, Chulain moves the car trying to get ger off balance. Avalon lifts her hand having the dagger thrown at Chulain, it broke the rest of the glass making it cut the both of them, Chulain felt the dagger in his shoulder and glared at Avalon,
"Why wont you get off my car, you ain't my target,"
"For that ypu are wrong,"
Avalon stared at him with vigour, she reached out for the dagger bribging it back to her, Chulain grunted in pain as Avalon puts the dagger away, she placed her hand in the sword,
"When you come after my family... you come after me." Avalon told him.
Avalon went to cut the car in to but Chulain wrapped chains around her sword, Avalon glanced at the sword and him, Chulain let out a chukle,
"I wont let you do..."
The chain starts to melt. Avalon looked at him unimpressed, She swings the sword back then cut the front of the car, Chulain stepped on the brake causing Avalon to hold her sowrd, Avalon slipped lossing her balence. Chulain saw this and stared the car, Avalon lifts herself up swinging her up slashing the car in two. Chulain stared at this stunned. Momentary, He unbuckled and jumped out of the car, Avalon moved on to one of the halfs of the car and saw that Chulain got out, he was rolling away. Avalon jumped off the car and rolls before landing on her feet, Avalon glanced atthe car seeing that it fell apart, she then went to look for Chulain... but she didnt have to.
"Avalon light of ninianne,"
Avalon felt a sting on her face, Chulain was over her and punched her, he went after her pulling out a kife conected to a chain, Avalon moved away but Chulain followed, She looked at him noticing he had more then the knife with him, he still had the gun. Chulain went to stab Avalon but she moved away from it, Avalon watched him keeping her distance until she felt a tug om her wrist. Chulian had tied the chian to her wrist. He pulled her to him having the kife aimed at her throat, Avalon burned her hand twisting it off of her, she grabbed the chain pulling it like he has, Chulain pulled back on the chain, he wanted to seeing her lose her grip but she didnt, Avalon tigiened her grip glaring back at him and started to burn the chain,
"Lugh was right about you,"
Chulain felt the heat of the chain burning his hands, it didn't faze him. the only thing that mattered was getting more information, It had to be from her. if he can get her knocked out and bring her to the boss they wont need Blake anymore. But Chulain could tell that Avalon was thinking of something similar. Avalon pulled the chain seeing that he was distracted. Chulain snarled at her but he has lost his footing, Avalon went to kick him, but he wrapped her foot with the burning chair. Avalon stepped on the chain bending it and causing him to trip, Avalon swiftly punched him making him roll away from her landing on her stomach,
"You are an enigma in this society,"
Chulain moved to his side while Avalon tried to knock him out with the end of her dagger, he moved out of the way and stood back on his feet keeping on his gaze on her,
"You have so many eyes on you,"
Avalon ran at him taking her daggers and went to cut his midsection, Chulain moved to her right, but he didn't think Avalon you stab her dagger into his left thigh, He shouted moving back glancing at the wound, he didn't have time to dread on it. Avalon had stabbed his other leg taking both dagger then kicking his stomach making him fly back into a tree, Chulain let out a chuckle.
"You have all of them having eyes on you,"
Chulain started to get out of the tree while Avalon stared at him, knowing if she can knock him out and bring Chulain in, then they have leverage on Lugh. But this could be risky on her part. If he was about to make her unconscious then they would have an upper hand on Shepard.
"You want to have leverage over Lugh don't you? To have that part of a system that they could need. That is what I'm looking for as well,"
Chulain went at Avalon holding the knife in his hand and the gun in the other, He went for her neck, he could kill her that way but he could live with that but he had a suspicion Lugh wouldn't like that. He moved the blade to the end of the knife and was so close to her neck, but he could see him taking her to Lugh, Avalon ducked from it faster than he could realize. She elbowed his stomach then twist and lands a kick to the back of the head, Avalon looked down and saw that he didn't budge. He stood back up grabbing her neck with a tight grip, Avalon placed her hand on his and Chulain stared at her intrigued,
"Worried of whom you will come after, what you hold both informative but of what you are,"
Avalon felt the air in her lungs give away, Her hand prys at Chulain but it didn't give way. Chulian watched one of her hands drop but the other still on his,
"As soon as your unconscious i can go back giving you to there circle, then take down Shepherd and to have...."
Chulain stopped feeling a sharpe pain inbettwen his ribs, he looked down noticing a woman with blond hair holding Avalon up checking her neck,Chulain touched his side feeling the blood drip from his hand with the end of the blade, Ally looked at Avalon seeing her take deep breaths while staring at Chulain, not taking her eyes off him,
"Avalon can you not get yourself in these situations?"
"You have seen the citys situation right?" Avalon let out
Ally starts to feel a smile creep onto her face but that was sort, Chulain where in fornt of them went to stab Ally however, Avalon moved Ally behind her and lifts her hand, Chulain stabbed Avalons hand. Chulain ripped the knife out and went to attack them agian, before he could Ally went around Avalon taking out the blade, Chulain held his side feeling his breath shorten. She must have got into his lung. He felt his breath get qwicker with his vision starting to blacken, he could still hear there voices but one stood out to him.
"You two ok?"
He felt someone grab him from behind as his world turned to black. The person behind him held Chulain up looking shock as he did so,
"This is Lugh right hand. How did you piss him off that easily?" Jacob asked
Avalon had her arm wrapped around Allys shoulder, she looked over Chulain noticing his rapied breathing. Avalon let go moveing to them,
"I was just doing a favor for Damien, we need to get him in the hospital," Avalon told them
"The knife would only ne an inch close to his lung," Ally let out
Avalon went to Jacob taking Chulains other side before looking at Ally,
"Can you get a car here. Its a bit of a walk to Shepherds hospital," Avalon asked
Ally pulled a car key out and turned on a car not far away from them, Avalon looked ahead and let out a chukle,
"Ahead of me i see."
Avalon looked back at Jacob and said,
"Start moveing, only have a couple minutes before he dies," Avalon let out
"Got it,"
They both got him to the car and Ally went to drive taking them to Shepherd, but they had people watching them take Chulain and they went to report it back to there boss,
"It seems that they have an advantage over Lugh,"
Blake looked at his phone with intrigued, this mean he will have to work with him to get Chulain back or Lugh might leav him for dead. How interesting development that has come from this, yes did they have there information stolen by Shepherd. Yes but know they believe they got the upper hand... and thats all Blake needed.