Lust in Ecstasy: Love, Lies and Revenge

Chapter 15: Mixed Feelings.

If someone told me I'd be able to sleep as much as I did, I'd argue with them a lot. I didn't believe I could sleep in my mental state. I remember walking through the empty sitting room, straight to my room, I remember brushing my teeth and changing into comfortable clothes. I laid on my bed and that's all I remember.

It was almost 2pm when I woke up, and I was clearly having a hangover, 'that's gotta be my first hangover right?' I asked myself.

Swinging my legs over the egde of the bed, I sat down rubbing my eyes, my dick was rock hard. I looked down at it and said.

"It's 2pm buddy, This ain't no morning wood get your shit together."

It felt like my head was going to explode, plus my jaw began to hurt too. I guess I didn't feel the pain all this while because of... Adrenaline? Yeah.

I stood up slowly, trying to minimize the effect of the headache. Walked slowly to the bathroom, took my clothes off and just stood under the running shower.

And so it began, events that happened earlier began to drift and I felt that tightness in my chest again. I hated the feeling to be honest. But there was nothing I could it at this point.

I stopped the shower, got out of the bathroom and cleaned myself, putting on my casual clothes and sat on the egde of my bed, I rubbed some balm on my jaw to ease the pain.

While I was doing this, it dawned on me.


I left my room for the kitchen first, because Joyce told me I had to do the dishes first before anything else. I was almost at the kitchen when I remembered that I had Joyce by the bal... Oh I can't say balls. I had her on the palm of my hand. Yes, on the palm of my hand.

Getting to the kitchen, I saw something that happens only whenever my Uncle's Mum comes to visit.

Someone else was doing the dishes. I couldn't see the person's face yet but my mind kept screaming.

"That's Joyce!, Joyce is doing the dishes?!"

"Good morning Auntie" I said walking in and trying my best to act like I wasn't shocked.

"Morning, Merry christmas". She said as she looked back to check me out.

False alarm.

"She's not the one, you need to take it easy with the conclusions". The eyes said to the mind.

"Ss sa..same to you".

On a second thought, why would the eyes even say anything? Afterall they were half open because of the headache.

"So, I'm an Auntie?" She said with a smile.

"Why's she smiling at me like that?" I thought. And more importantly why was she doing the dishes.

"What are you doing?". I asked. My brows furrowing.

She turned around and my half open eyes widened as I took a quick tour through what she was wearing. she was wearing a bum Short and a shirt that had "I LOVE BJ" written on it.

Weird choice of outfit but it's not my business.

"Just thought I'd do it besides you look like you're having a hangover."

"Uhh, yeah... Thanks?" I responded, really confused.

She was still smiling at me and for a second or two I saw her eyes go below my waist line. My eyes widened when I realized my dick was still hard.

"Ahem, I'll go clean the car then". I turned around trying to hide my erect member. "What the hell is wrong with you?, I told you to get your shit together!". I muttered.

"The car?" Esther tilted her head. "They went to visit one of our uncles who came to celebrate Christmas in the country."


"Yeah! The three of them. Couldn't go because I was ill."

"Oh... okay." The words came out flat. The thought of not seeing Faith that morning left an empty feeling in my chest.

"You will do the sweeping though." Esther fixed me with an expectant look, waiting for my protest.

"As far as I get to sweep your room, I got no problem." I managed a small grin. "Nice shirt, by the way!"

"Go and do your work, dummy." She was smiling as she said it. Not the kind of response I was expecting.

To help you understand better, like I said earlier in the story, Esther was usually always mean to me. She insulted me with every opportunity she got, so her new found kindness towards me was bizarre to be honest.

Whenever I swept, I'd only just sweep the sitting room, my bedroom and the kitchen.

But not this time around christmas day, I started sweeping from the kitchen and I offered to sweep the ladies room... Okay, I just wanted to check Faith's room to be honest.

By the time I started sweeping the sitting room Esther was seated there, she was eating oats and watching a movie on the TV.

While I was in the sitting i looked down and I was still having a hard-on!

"What's the hell is wrong with you?". My mind questioned the dick.

"I swear, I don't know I'm not even in control at this point". My dick answered as I stood at a spot stylishly checking if my boner was visible enough.

"Why do I even need to be sweeping this tiles everyday huh?, Even the footwears used inside the house are cleaner that the plates Joyce washes. I should just go to my main purpose of sweeping". I said in my thoughts.

Esther didn't notice I left because she was so lost in the movie she was watching.

I dropped the broom and left for Faith's room.

On getting to the room in which Abigail and Faith shared, I walked in looking around and tucked away in the corner of the room was a basket. I figured that's where she puts her dirty clothes.

I saw the gown gown she wore to the party and right next to it was her panties then I perceived that wonderful scent that was all over me yesterday.

"C'mon! Go on and smell it. Just like that movie you watched". The mind tried convincing me but I was irritated at the thought. I might be a pervert but I wasn't that down bad.

I just stood in the middle of her room, hands on my hips and looked around. Fighting off the urge to pick up her panties and sniff them like a degenerate.

I felt weird. Really really weird.

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