Chapter 102: Invitation from the Second Elder
The fight between the two was spectacular; both sides seemed to be very talented with their spears, and their strength was well above average.
They fought for many long minutes, exchanging different spear techniques and leaving the spectators in awe. Leon was honestly surprised as he didn't expect these two to be so strong, he might need to use…some special means to win quickly if he was to go up against any of them.
Of course, that was before he entered the 4th level, things would be very different if he faced them with his current strength; even the two of them together would have to defend if they faced him.
That aside, the fight between the two spear users was blood-boiling for the other disciples, especially those who also used spears. Their attacks were deadly and swift, and their footwork allowed them to move like the wind and dodge the strikes from their opponents.
The brown-haired disciple who had snatched Leon back then was even more scary in the aspect of footwork. Her footwork was very strange; it was as if she was about to move in four directions whenever she took a step, and it was difficult to tell where she was about to go; this made it harder to guess where she would attack from.
The tall beauty was only able to stand her ground because of her superior spear art. Whenever she stabbed out or slashed her spear, it would feel like tens of spear shadows covered the air above the platform and fell to the ground like a rain of knives.
These shadows dealt real damage when they touched the ground, leaving tiny holes all over the ground.
She would then dash through the falling spear shadows and engage her opponent in close combat. Their spear clashed, and they danced around each other inside the rain of spears.
It was a very dangerous-looking situation, but both sides remained unharmed by the time the last spear shadow descended.
This made the other disciples cheer in cold breaths, they felt that these two were dancing with death; a single mistake would result in a grave injury.
The elders and prime disciples watching from the sitting area nodded their heads, these two had impressed them with their strength.
Leon wasn't any different, he believed that these two were bound to go far on their martial arts journey as long as they didn't die untimely.
After many hours of fighting, however, the tall beauty showed everyone had been named a black horse in the competition. When her opponent displayed her weird movement technique again, she suddenly tossed her spear into the air and punched the end of the spear with a twisted wrist at the same time releasing a burst of Shi.
Instantly, the spear shot out at a crazy speed while spiraling through the air.
It whistled loudly as it shuttled toward her opponent like a lightning bolt. Her opponent was caught off guard by the sudden attack and tried to knock the spear away while moving away with her technique but the power of the spiraling spear was greater than she had expected.
It knocked away her spear before shooting toward her and stabbing her left shoulder; blood immediately gushed out as the brown-haired girl was sent flying back. She crashed into the platform and bounced off. Some disciples immediately rushed to help her up.
She had already lost by getting thrown off the platform so it was safe to assist her now.
The winner was announced and the disciples cheered while her injured opponent was taken away to get treated.
Although the brown-haired disciple had lost, no one blamed her or mocked her.
They had all been convinced by her strength during the fight and knew that she would not have lost if not for that sudden spear throw.
Leon thought the same; that the spiraling spear technique was completely unexpected.
"Looks like I'm not the only one with a secret technique," Leon mumbled to himself while thinking of his Three Worlds slash; this spiraling spear art would leave their targets little time to respond, which would be very dangerous.
After the fight between the two, more disciples came up to fight and even core disciples faced off against each other.
While there were other spectacular fights, none were as intense as the fight between the two spear users. Leon soon lost interest in watching and focused on Linxu, the two of them played around during the remaining period that the competition lasted; well, it was mostly Leon playing with and teasing Linxu's body.
It was already getting let by the time the duels for the day ended; the sky was already gold, and the sun was already retreating in the distance.
An elder announced the end of the day's competition and sent all the disciples back. Leon also cleaned up and got ready to leave, people would soon start coming here.
Just when he got outside and was about to head in the direction of Quin Xuxu's mountain, a disciple walked up to him.
It was a young woman with freckles and long blonde hair, she seemed to be in her early twenties and was acting shy as she approached Leon.
"S-senior brother, the second elder asked me to invite you to her mountain." She said softly while looking down and rubbing her hands together.
Leon stared at her with a strange expression on his face, deep confusion settled in his mind.
The second elder? What connection did he have with her?
Leon tried to recall who the second elder was and an image immediately appeared in his mind, his eyes narrow.
The second elder was a woman with a mature charm; she had very large breasts and beautiful green hair that matched her eyes.
Leon's impression of her when he saw her back at the grand hall was that she was the sexiest-looking milf he had ever seen.
'But why would she be looking for me?' Leon racked his brain to know if he had done anything that related to the second elder but he could not think of anything.
Giving up on trying to guess, Leon asked the disciple to lead him to the second elder's mountain.
They walked for a few minutes before arriving, Leon didn't know around and Still needed the disciple to guide him to her house.
They soon reached a house that was as big as Quin Xuxu's at the top of the mountain, surrounded by trees and lush bushes.
Leon had encountered some other disciples along the way, they were doing various tasks like collecting wood, picking fruits, trimming bushes, and other chores that could be done on a mountain.
"She's waiting for you inside," the disciple said softly before quickly running away and leaving Leon in front of the large door.
Leon stared at her retreating back and butt with a blank face before shaking his head and pushing the door open, he entered a large empty courtyard with houses surrounding it.
"You've come," a gentle voice drifted through the air and entered Leon's ears.
Leon immediately flinched and looked around with cautious eyes, afraid of being ambushed.
'What got into me? Why did I come here alone? The second elder must be as strong as Senior sister. I would be in trouble if she has bad intentions.' Leon scolded himself, he regretted not telling Quin Xuxu first before coming.
'At least I still have the system, I can use it to escape.'
"Fufufu, you don't have to be so cautious; I have no intentions of hurting you, at least not too badly."